产品更新邮件模板(复制粘贴) 您所在的位置:网站首页 产品升级的句子怎么写啊 产品更新邮件模板(复制粘贴)


2024-06-14 10:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




邮件模板自定义 自定义邮件模板并直接保存到LiveAgent 产品更新邮件5个最佳实践 将观众分类: 可以考虑将订阅者分为几组(按照不同的年龄、性别和喜好),并根据每个组用户的情况发送内容、语言和风格各异的邮件。 决定哪些产品更新值得发邮件: 小产品更新和故障修理邮件会让用户感到很烦。发邮件时,应考虑哪些更新、变化或改善能给顾客带来实际的价值,值得发邮件通知他们。 注重展示产品优势: 不要再关注产品的功能,而是把产品的优势放在第一位,向用户展示产品的用途,以及产品改善之后如何满足顾客的需要并解决他们的难题。 使用视觉图片吸引顾客: 如果信息的提供有配图,则65%的人对信息的记忆会更加全面,所以添加吸引眼球的配图的产品更新邮件更容易脱颖而出,吸引用户,获取他们的兴趣。 形成规律: 如果您希望对产品更新邮件保持一定的阅读量,形成规律很重要。设置邮件发送的频率,并按照这个频率保持不变,让用户知道什么时候能够收到您的信息。 产品更新邮件主题 最新推出【产品】!新的功能已面世!【新的功能】终于与大家见面了!推出全新的功能新功能抢先看官方发布:新功能已上市需求最大的功能现已面世试试新功能向新【产品】问好新的【产品】智能、时尚、强大【产品】更新已面世迎接大变化!【产品】发展越来越好!发布最新【产品】不要错过最新【产品/功能】欢迎使用最新【产品】全新的【产品】体验最新【产品】【企业】是什么?【产品】新版本已面世!点击了解【产品】重要升级【产品】夏季更新【最新】产品更新 10种产品更新邮件模板


新功能发布邮件 Hi [Name]!

We’re excited to announce the launch of one of our most requested features – [feature name]! It’s now easy to [do whatever the feature allows users to do]. Here’s a quick overview of how you can use it:

[Benefit #1] [Benefit #2] [Benefit #3]

To learn more about this feature, check out this support article.

As always, let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your experience better. Your feedback is always appreciated.

Thanks for using [Product name]! [YOUR SIGNATURE]

功能升级邮件 Hey [Name],

We just released a fully revamped version of our [Name] feature. If you’re interested in what’s new, check out our latest blog post that covers it all.

Here’s a quick overview:

[Improvement #1] [Improvement #2] [Improvement #3]

If you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! [YOUR SIGNATURE]

多功能运用升级邮件 Hi [Name],

We’ve added a bunch of cool new features and made some major improvements. Here are our top 5 recent updates that we’re especially excited about:

[Update #1: From now on you can …] [Update #2: It became even easier to …] [Update #3: You’ll finally be able to …]

You can read more about the updates in our most recent blog post. And as always, if you have any questions or feedback – don’t hesitate to contact us!


故障修理升级邮件 Hi [Name],

We’re back to share a couple of major bug fixes that will make your experience with [Product] better than ever. Here’s a shortlist of what we’ve done:

[Fixed: bug 1] [Fixed: bug 2] [Fixed: bug 3]

Want to see *your* favorite bug featured in this list? We would too. Send your suggestions to [email] and we’ll see what we can do.


新的连接公布邮件 Hey [Name],

If you – like us – use [Tool] for your […], then we’ve got some news you’re going to love.

We’ve just launched a new integration with [Tool]. Here are just a few of the things the new integration allows you to do:

[Benefit 1] [Benefit 2] [Benefit 3]

For more details, including how the integration works, why it’s a huge win for [Brand] users, and how to set it up (it’s really easy), click here.


每月/每季度产品更新邮件 Hey [Name],

We’ve been hard at work these past few weeks/ months [adding/ improving features] to help make [Product] even more valuable for you. We’re super excited to tell you all about these new features/ improvements and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

[Update #1] [Update #2] [Update #3] [Update #4] [Update #5]

In the meantime, we’d love to hear any feedback you have on [Product] and what we can do to make it even better.


新版本发布邮件 Hi [Name],

We’re excited to announce [Product name] 2.0. It has more functionality than ever before to ensure it helps businesses like yours to [accomplish specific goals].

[Product name] 2.0 provides:

[Feature #1: benefit] [Feature #2: benefit] [Feature #3: benefit] [Feature #4: benefit] [Feature #5: benefit]

You can read all about it on our completely revamped website at www.companyname.com. And don’t forget to check our new video!

[embedded video]

If you have any questions or feedback – we’d love to hear your thoughts!


功能邀请邮件 Hi [Name],

[Feature name] is a new beta feature for [Product] Pro plan, and allows you to [details on what the feature allows users to do].

We’re excited to give you a limited-time offer to take [Feature name] for a test run: from now until [date] you can [use the feature for …].

Ready to get started? You can read more about [Feature name] here.

If you have any questions or feedback, simply respond to this email.

One last thing: [Feature name] is still a private beta feature, so please keep it a secret until it’s ready for its debut ☺


新应用发布邮件 Hi friends,

We are proud to announce the launch of the [Product name] Android app! Our small team at [Company name] worked extremely hard to get this app out as soon as possible following the release of our iOS app. Thank you to all our Android users for your patience!

[Product name] app gives you [a short description of what the app allows users to do].

[Benefit #1] [Benefit #2] [Benefit #3] DOWNLOAD IT NOW

P.S. A note for Android users: While we rigorously tested the app internally and with our Beta users, there can still be a few undiscovered bugs. If you come across anything, please email us at [email address]!

Created with love, [Company Team]

新产品发布邮件 Hi [Name],

It’s never been more important to […].

The good news is we’ve built a new [app/ service] that makes it easy to […]. We call it [Product Name].

As a [Company] customer, we thought you might want to be one of the first to try [Product Name] while it’s still in Beta mode.


[Product Name] will be a free service while in Beta. You can read more about it here [link].

What will [Product Name] do for me?

[Benefit #1] [Benefit #2] [Benefit #3]

Any questions or feedback? As always, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email].


产品更新邮件-常见问题 如何创作最优产品更新邮件?






Ready to use our product update email templates?

Save them directly into LiveAgent to save yourself over 15 hours of manual clicking per week!

Free Trial 安排演示 { “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How to create the best product update email?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Your product update email should contain new information to make your clients feel that they are in the loop and keep them informed. It is important to always start with an introduction and let the customer know who is behind the product update email. In most cases, you should explain how the product helps customers.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why should you send product update emails?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Product update emails help you: – Get new testimonials – Increase conversions from trials to paid accounts – Enhance your credibility – Increase your customer retention – Improve your product’s reputation – Get more traffic to your website – Attract new customers by making you look more professional – Get more shares and retweets and thus more traffic from social networks – Get more sales. ” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What’s the ideal length of a product update email?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “An update email should not exceed 2 paragraphs but should include a clear reason for the update, like a new feature, release, or bug fix.” } }] } 返回模版 免费创建账户 相关文章 Dianzi Youjian Muban - Pre Sale

















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