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每日新闻播报(December 20)

#每日新闻播报(December 20)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

每日新闻播报(December 20)

chinadaily.com.cn 2021-12-20 15:48

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>New Zealand to ban smoking for next generation新西兰:14岁以下将终身禁烟


New Zealand has announced it will outlaw smoking for the next generation, so that those who are aged 14 and under today will never be legally able to buy tobacco. New legislation means the legal smoking age will increase every year, to create a smoke-free generation of New Zealanders, associate health minister Dr Ayesha Verrall said on Thursday. 新西兰宣布,将禁止下一代人吸烟,因此14岁以下人群将终身无法合法购买烟草。新西兰卫生部副部长阿伊莎•韦拉尔博士12月9日表示,新法案意味着合法吸烟年龄将逐年提高,以实现新西兰的无烟一代。

"This is a historic day for the health of our people," she said. "We want to make sure young people never start smoking, so we will make it an offense to sell or supply smoked tobacco products to new cohorts of youth. People aged 14 when the law comes into effect will never be able to legally purchase tobacco," Verrall said.韦拉尔说:"这对新西兰人民的健康来说是具有历史意义的一天。我们希望确保年轻人永远不会吸烟,因此我们将把向新生代年轻人出售或提供烟草制品定为犯罪行为。法律生效后,14岁以下人群将终身无法合法购买烟草。"


>World population set to peak in 2064全球人口将在2064年达到顶峰

Photo provided to China Daily

According to a new study published in the Lancet journal, the world population will decline for the first time in the next century. 发表在《柳叶刀》杂志上的一项新研究称,下个世纪全球人口将首次下降。

The world's population is currently estimated to be at 7.8 billion people. 目前,全球人口预计为78亿。

According to the estimate, the global population would peak at around 9.7 billion in 2064. 据估计,全球人口将在2064年达到峰值,约为97亿。

Then it will fall to 8.79 billion in 2100. 然后在2100年下降到87.9亿。

Due to low birth rates and aging populations, up to 23 countries, including Japan, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Portugal, South Korea, and others, might see their populations fall by more than 50%. 由于低出生率和人口老龄化,包括日本、泰国、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、韩国等在内的多达23个国家的人口可能会下降50%以上。

China is the world's most populated country. But it will see its population drop from 1.4 billion in 2017 to 732 million in 2100.中国是目前世界上人口最多的国家,但到2100年,中国的人口将从2017年的14亿下降到7.32亿。


>Camels disqualified over the use of Botox沙特整容骆驼无法参加选美


Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz Camel Festival is one of several annual events that features a camel beauty pageant. 阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹国王骆驼节是沙特阿拉伯几个一年一度的骆驼选美活动之一。

These sorts of competitions is such a big deal that some breeders reportedly resort to Botox injections and other cosmetic touch-ups to make their animals prettier. 这类比赛在沙特阿拉伯是大事,据报道,一些饲养者为了让骆驼更漂亮,会给它们注射肉毒杆菌和使用其他医美手段。

The Saudi Press Agency recently reported that over 40 camels were disqualified from this year’s King Abdulaziz Camel Festival pageant because of Botox injections and other cosmetic procedures. 沙特新闻社近日报道称,超过40头骆驼因注射肉毒杆菌和其他医美手段而被取消今年阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹国王骆驼节的参赛资格。

To ensure that the natural beauty of the camel is preserved, the animals are checked both physically and clinically before the pageant, using X-ray machines and sonar devices. 为了确保骆驼的自然美得以保存,在比赛前,组织者会用X光机和声纳设备对骆驼进行身体检查和临床检查。

Offenders risk fines as high as 100,000 riyals per camel for procedures like Botox or hormone injections.给骆驼注射肉毒杆菌素或激素的违法者可能被处以每头骆驼高达10万沙特里亚尔(约合人民币17万元)的罚款。

This year breeders at the festival are competing for about $66 million.今年,阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹国王骆驼节的饲养员们将共同竞争约6600万美元的奖金。


>US passes 800,000 COVID-19 deaths美国新冠死亡人数突破80万

Test tubes labelled "COVID-19 Test Positive" are seen in front of displayed words "OMICRON SARS-COV-2" in this illustration taken December 11, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

The US death toll from COVID-19 has passed 800,000, a once-unimaginable figure seen as doubly tragic given that more than 200,000 of those lives were lost after vaccines became available last spring. 美国新冠死亡人数日前突破80万,考虑到其中超20万人是在今春疫苗上市后丧生的,这个一度难以想象的数字看起来格外可悲。

The figure represents the highest reported toll of any country in the world, and is likely even higher. 这一数字代表着美国成为全世界新冠死亡人数最多的国家,而且真实死亡人数可能更多。

The US accounts for approximately 4% of the world’s population but about 15% of the 5.3 million known deaths from the coronavirus since the outbreak began two years ago. 美国人口只占世界人口的4%左右,但是自从两年前暴发疫情以来,美国因此死亡的人数却占据了全球新冠死亡总人数(530万人)的15%。

A closely watched forecasting model from the University of Washington projects a total of over 880,000 reported deaths in the US by March 1. 华盛顿大学一个密切关注疫情的预测模型显示,到明年3月1日,美国报告的新冠死亡人数将会超过88万。

About 200 million Americans are fully vaccinated, or just over 60% of the population. 目前约有2亿美国人完成疫苗接种,刚刚超过美国人口的60%。

That is well short of what scientists say is needed to keep the virus in check.这一接种率远远低于科学家认为遏制病毒传播所需的水平。


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