专题02 完形填空(原卷版+解析版) 您所在的位置:网站首页 中考完形填空真题原版 专题02 完形填空(原卷版+解析版)

专题02 完形填空(原卷版+解析版)

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台中考英语6年(2017-2022)真题加6套模拟题分项汇编(河北专用)专题02 完形填空(原卷版)一、2022年二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Kevin is a special swimmer. He took risks to ___11___ in very cold places because he wanted people to pay attention to environmental problems.As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and he learned the Earth is in ___12___ condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water near North Pole(北极)to draw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川). Kevin said that the swim was so painful that it would be his ___14___ time swimming in cold water. In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉). It was formed by melting glaciers. He ___15___ to swim in cold water again. It was difficult to swim in the lake. The air was so ___16___ that it was hard to breathe. He told people about his experiences on TV. He wanted people to know that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing ___17___ global(全球的)warming and that there’s less water for people in nearby ___18___ like China, India, and Pakistan.From Kevin’s story, we learn two ___19___ . We learn that people can do a lot of harm to the Earth without realizing it. Also, we learn that if we ___20___ the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment. With the new way of thinking in our minds, we can enjoy a bright future.11.A.fly B.swim C.run D.skate12.A.right B.safe C.poor D.natural13.A.protect B.leave C.find D.share14.A.last B.great C.free D.long15.A.hated B.agreed C.learned D.decided16.A.fresh B.thin C.clear D.cool17.A.because of B.opposite to C.according to D.instead of18.A.cities B.countries C.towns D.villages19.A.choices B.reports C.reasons D.lessons20.A.ask B.show C.change D.record二、2021年二、完型填空Every school has rules for students to follow. However, some students may see the 11 as a way which teachers control them. Sometimes, they’re unhappy and even feel 12 . Well, if you think your life is hard, you might think about the 13 in ancient times. For some of them, life was really hard.In the old days, people believed that teachers had to be very 14 and had the right to punish the students. Parents didn’t mind if teachers punished their children when their children didn’t do what they were 15 to do. Often, the stricter a teacher was, the more parents thought he or she was a good teacher.In fact, following school rules can be very important. For example, running in the hallways could cause a student to 16 . It may hurt himself or another person. Following the rules can also help the students in the classroom to learn 17 difficulty. In class, a teacher may ask students to raise their hands 18 they speak. If someone speaks out of turn, other students might not be able to hear the teacher 19 . School rules can help students prepare for their own futures as well. When they 20 and go out on their own, they’ll soon find that they still need to follow rules.Rules make the world much better. If there are no rules, life will be meaningless and in disorder.11.A.rules B.excuses C.facts D.examples12.A.tired B.angry C.excited D.good13.A.doctors B.parents C.teachers D.students14.A.kind B.clever C.strict D.careful15.A.told B.heard C.invited D.watched16.A.come out B.fall down C.move on D.pass by17.A.about B.from C.except D.without18.A.because B.though C.before D.unless19.A.clearly B.luckily C.quickly D.politely20.A.hurry up B.look up C.grow up D.dress up三、2020年Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along. Here are some 11 that helped me and my friends through this season.When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow m neighbor's dog and 12 for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some 13 drives away your stress easily most of the time.And 14 you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you 15 . The best thing about this is that you don’t have to go 16But if you are a book lover just like me, 17 a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you've 18 been putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.For sure, there's nothing better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep 19 off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we 20 our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.11.A.way B.reasons C.habits D.results12.A.walk B.jump C.stand D.sit13.A.jokes B.sports C.tasks D.lessons14.A.before B.until C.since D.if15.A.lovely B.friendly C.happy D.sleepy16.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.nowhere17.A.copy B.write C.print D.read18.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.always19.A.worry B.pity C.surprise D.pain20.A.think about B.talk about C.care about D.hear about四、2019年VI.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began___36___I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.One day in fourth grade, our___37___gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. ___38___I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his ___39___! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.My dad noticed my interest in inventing and___40___me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad___41___a model plane I made. Later, we found a___42___model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas___43___. Failure is a common part of the inventing.As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always___44___a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my___45___ in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero.36. A. before B. after C. when D. until37. A. parent B. teacher C. inventor D. engineer38. A. Easily B. Finally C. Safely D. Quickly39. A. lights B. projects C. suggestions D. inventions40. A. mistook B. refused C. chose D. encouraged41. A. with B. about C. into D. from42. A. different B. similar C. large D. small43. A. work B. fail C. come D. end44. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through45. A. habit B. story C. interest D. plan五、2018年VI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Once there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter how much she loved him. She said that she loved him as much as the loved 36 . Her answer made the king very happy. Salt is simple thing, 37 it is very important. So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him.Salt has many 38 . Bodies need salt. If we don’t have enough, our bodies can’t work properly. We put salt on icy roads to make them 39 . We also use salt to produce other products, like paper and glass. But for many years, salt’s most important job was to 40 food. Like other living things, most bacteria(细菌) need water to live. Salt takes in plenty of water, so most bacteria(细菌) can not live 41 a salty environment. As a result, salt protects food and many other things. For much of humans history, this ability has made salt 42 . Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt. Even today, the hard working useful people are 43 as “the salt of the earth”.For centuries, salt was also hard to 44 . It’s usefulness, together with rarity(稀有) made it very expensive. Salt could even be used like 45 . In fact, the word salary (薪水) comes from the word salt.Today, salt is used more widely and it still plays an important role in our life.36. A. salt B. air C. gold D. sugar37. A. or B. so C. and D. but38. A. forms B. secrets C. uses D. skills39. A. wide B. safe C. smooth D. thick40. A. protect B. provide C. produce D. prepare41. A. in B. outside C. for D. without42. A. hopeful B. comfortable C. valuable D. successful43. A. saved B. dreamed C. invited D. described44. A. sell B. get C. take D. keep45. A. money B. medicine C. earth D. food六、2017年完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.36.One thorn(刺) of experience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old.In most things he was a fine boy,but he would cry from time to time.When he could not have what he wanted,he would (36) B  for it.If he was told that it would hurt him,and he could not (37) C  it,he would also cry.One day,he went with his mother into the (38) B .The sun shone.The grass was cut.The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was,for once,a good boy.A (39) A  was on his face.He wished to do as he was told.Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy."Now you must be tired and (40) C ,"said his mother."Have a good rest here and eat some cookies.I will get a beautiful red rose for you."So his mother brought the red flower to him.When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand,Ralph (41) B  it."No,my dear."said his mother."See how many thorns it has.You must not touch it,or you would be sure to hurt your (42) C ."When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose,he began to cry,and (43) D  took it away.But he was soon very sorry.The thorns hurt his hand.It was so(44) D  that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never (45) C  this.From then on,when he wanted what he should not have,his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before.He at last learned to do as he was told.36.A.run B.cry C.plan D.call37.A.save B.hide C.have D.lose38.A.park B.garden C.forest D.field39.A.smile B.sign C.fear D.mark40.A.lazy B.noisy C.hungry D.sleepy41.A.waited for B.asked for C.cared for D.thanked for42.A.arm B.leg C.hand D.foot43.A.quietly B.proudly C.politely D.suddenly44.A.helpful B.harmful C.peaceful D.painful45.A.accept B.refuse C.forget D.remember.七、2022承德市一模九、完形填空阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。My best friend, Linda is a kind girl. She likes fashion clothes very much, ____41____ she often visits clothing stores.One day, Linda was enjoying a nice sweater in a clothing store when a nice girl came up ____42____ her. “Excuse me,” she said, “could you give me a ____43____ ” she continued. “I find a nice T-shirt and I’m sure my sister must look ____44____ on it. But she isn’t here and can’t try it on. You and she have almost the same ____45____. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to try it on.” Linda was ____46____, but the girl didn’t seem suspicious (可疑的), so Linda agreed.That was a really nice T-shirt and it ____47____ Linda very well. “How nice you look on it!” the girl said, “Why don’t you buy it, too ”Linda loved the T-shirt, but the ____48____ of it was a little high. She thought for a while and then decided to buy it. Then she ____49____ the store with the T-shirt happily.Later, Linda knew that the girl just helped sell clothes, but she didn’t _____50_____. After all, she got a nice T-shirt.41.A.if B.but C.so D.because42.A.to B.with C.on D.of43.A.sweater B.hand C.photo D.number44.A.interesting B.boring C.attractive D.ugly45.A.face B.hair C.weight D.shape46.A.confident B.surprised C.proud D.shy47.A.fitted B.looked C.listed D.supported48.A.size B.price C.color D.space49.A.left B.reached C.found D.called50.A.pay B.want C.regret D.spend八、2022九地市一模二、完形填空Our junior high school life is coming to an end. So my classmates and I decided to make a special ____11____ for our own favorite teacher in the ceramics(陶艺)class.After being dried for a long time in the fire, our gifts for teachers were ____12____. Chen Hui took them out of the kiln(窑).CRASH (碎裂声)! His cup, Xiao Yao’s ____13____, and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor.“My elephant lost her trunk (象鼻)!” Xiao Yao shouted. “My heart is broken!” I ____14____ almost at the same time.“I’m so sorry!” Chen Hui said.“Bring ____15____to the repair station,” said Xiao Yao, “Let’s see what we can do with some magic glue.” We tried many times, ____16____ the magic glue worked only on Chen Hui’s cup. The trunk and the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together.“Now my elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk,” said Xiao Yao, “It ____17____ like a little dog with big ears. And it’s ____18____ lovely! Let’s call it doglephant!”“A cute doglephant! Cool! You just turned the accident into a happy one!” I said. And right then, I knew ____19____to do. Maybe I could make a mosaic (镶嵌画)by using the pieces of my broken heart.When it was all done, everyone thought it was pretty cool. Yes, my present didn’t turn out the way I’d planned, but it turned out even _____20_____ !11.A.gift B.hat C.bag D.coat12.A.safe B.broken C.ready D.wet13.A.dog B.elephant C.cat D.panda14.A.smiled B.read C.wrote D.cried15.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything16.A.as B.but C.so D.though17.A.looks B.sounds C.smells D.tastes18.A.still B.even C.almost D.hardly19.A.when B.how C.which D.what20.A.worse B.better C.heavier D.cheaper九、2022廊坊市广阳区一模二、完形填空Today the bicycle is a perfect way of reducing air pollution. Cycling to work is a healthier choice than driving or taking public ____11____. Of course, it depends on how far you live from your workplace. Another benefit of cycling is making you feel more creative and full of ____12____. That will improve your work. What’s more, cycling is much kinder on your pocket.Bicycles were ____13____ in the 19th century and haven’t changed much since then. ____14____ bicycles now have better parts, generally speaking, the shapes are the same as before.Nowadays, bicycles developed ____15____. Electronic bicycles, the most common form of transport in the world appeared. But bicycles are ____16____ with some people, too. This makes it the most popular invention ever. When we think of some ____17____, like China, we imagine hundreds of people cycling ____18____. Even in Japan, it is possible to see businessmen, farmers, mothers, or workers in the streets on their bikes.More and more people ____19____ the idea of riding bikes to and from work. People use bicycles today _____20_____ fun, health, Olympic competitions and lots more. Without the bicycle, much of the world might stop working.11.A.service B.care C.transport D.wealth12.A.energy B.anger C.difficulty D.development13.A.finished B.invented C.reused D.booked14.A.Before B.After C.Although D.Since15.A.carefully B.clearly C.suddenly D.quickly16.A.different B.surprised C.popular D.bad17.A.countries B.passengers C.cars D.cities18.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere19.A.allow B.support C.exchange D.change20.A.in B.with C.without D.for十、2022石家庄市一模二、完形填空When I was young, I lived in my grandma’s old house right beside a set of railroad tracks. The whole house would ____11____ when the trains roared by. Fortunately, these trains carrying coal were ____12____ and far between, so I was able to spend my summer afternoons walking down the tracks.I can remember the first time I tried to ____13____ myself and walk on a single rail. I tried holding my arms out and watching my feet as walked. The rails were very narrow and quite slippery, so I didn’t have much success but fell off after a few steps. Then I decided to walk ____14____ but still quickly slipped off. It was only when I started looking ____15____, down the length of the tracks that I was able to walk successfully. Keeping my eyes forward, I put one foot in front of ____16____ and step by step. I was soon walking with ease.Looking back on this I now realize that it also gave a wonderful lesson about living. You can’t go through life ____17____ and worrying about every step you take or choice you make. This only leads to second guessing yourself and you soon go off the rails. Looking behind you is ____18____ worse. With your eyes on the ____19____ you can’t see the way ahead. You can only stand still and stay stuck in your regrets. It is only when you look ahead that you can really move forward. It is only when you look ahead that you can see the life you want to ____20____ and the love you want to share. Then each step you take and path you choose is filled with love and you will walk on with a light heart.11.A.roll B.shake C.move D.struggle12.A.many B.more C.few D.less13.A.balance B.achieve C.admit D.direct14.A.upwards B.backwards C.downwards D.forwards15.A.closely B.well C.instead D.ahead16.A.one B.another C.the other D.every17.A.wondering B.watching C.hearing D.waiting18.A.no B.also C.yet D.even19.A.past B.distance C.end D.course20.A.make B.live C.choose D.keep十一、2022唐山市路南区一模九、完形填空Once, there lived a little boy in a village. The boy was very athletic and for him, winning was the most important thing.One day the village ___41___ a running race. The little boy took part in it. In the first race, he competed with other two young boys. He came first and __42__ . The crowd cheered and waved at the boy. The little boy felt __43__ .Later, the second race was called and two young and strong challengers came forward and raced with the boy. Once again, the little boy finished first. The crowd cheered and waved. The boy shouted, “ __44__ race please!”This time, an old man led two new challengers to the race: a weak old lady and a blind man. The boy felt confused, but he still stood at the starting line. Race started ___45___ the boy was the only one to finish that race.The little boy raised his arms in delight. To his surprise, this time no one from the crowd waved. And everyone was just looking at him __46__ .“What happened Why aren’t people cheering ” The boy asked. The old man replied, “Try racing again, but this time finish __47__ .”The little boy thought ___48___ a while and then again went to the starting line and stood between the old lady and the blind man. Then he took ___49___ of them by hand and started to walk slowly, and at last the three crossed that finishing line.This time at the end of the race, the crowd cheered for a long time! The old man said, “Good boy, you have won much more than a race! You have won people’s __50__ .”41.A.held B.began C.happened D.competed42.A.fell B.won C.complained D.ended43.A.exciting B.worried C.upset D.proud44.A.One B.Another C.More D.Other45.A.so B.and C.because D.when46.A.angrily B.happily C.silently D.quickly47.A.early B.together C.alone D.fast48.A.for B.after C.in D.before49.A.all B.both C.either D.none50.A.kindness B.achievement C.respect D.understanding十二、2022河北省一模二、完形填空Vincent Van Gogh’s(梵高) paintings cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and they are in many museums. ____11____ his lifetime, Van Gogh was not famous. He died a poor and ____12____ man.Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. When he was a young man, he went to live with miners(矿工) to try and help them have ____13____. He began to draw and paint pictures of working people. He tried to show ____14____ people really looked.Later Van Gogh went to Paris, France. Many artists lived in Paris. Van Gogh saw their paintings and learned more about drawing and using colors. Van Gogh worked mostly by ____15____. He began to paint very lovely pictures.One famous painting is called “The Starry Night”. It is a painting of the sky at night. The stars ____16____ big balls of light. The light almost seems to flow like water. Some people said, “That’s not how the real sky looks.” Van Gogh didn’t want just a picture of the sky. He loved the ____17____ night and wanted his painting to show how he felt.Van Gogh became sick, but he ____18____ on painting. In the last years of his life, he painted many works. He also wrote many letters ____19____ his brother. Today, these letters are read by many people. When Van Gogh was just 37 years old, he ____20____. People soon began to love his paintings. The paintings made many people feel the way Van Gogh felt when he looked at the world.11.A.In B.On C.At D.From12.A.rich B.angry C.lonely D.sad13.A.a special time B.a better life C.a big fight D.a fierce argument14.A.when B.what C.where D.how15.A.him B.himself C.he D.his16.A.look like B.look at C.come out D.come through17.A.dark B.shiny C.starry D.big18.A.stopped B.practiced C.finished D.kept19.A.from B.on C.to D.with20.A.died B.dead C.dying D.death21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台中考英语6年(2017-2022)真题加6套模拟题分项汇编(河北专用)专题02 完形填空(解析版)一、2022年二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Kevin is a special swimmer. He took risks to ___11___ in very cold places because he wanted people to pay attention to environmental problems.As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and he learned the Earth is in ___12___ condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water near North Pole(北极)to draw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川). Kevin said that the swim was so painful that it would be his ___14___ time swimming in cold water. In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉). It was formed by melting glaciers. He ___15___ to swim in cold water again. It was difficult to swim in the lake. The air was so ___16___ that it was hard to breathe. He told people about his experiences on TV. He wanted people to know that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing ___17___ global(全球的)warming and that there’s less water for people in nearby ___18___ like China, India, and Pakistan.From Kevin’s story, we learn two ___19___ . We learn that people can do a lot of harm to the Earth without realizing it. Also, we learn that if we ___20___ the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment. With the new way of thinking in our minds, we can enjoy a bright future.11.A.fly B.swim C.run D.skate12.A.right B.safe C.poor D.natural13.A.protect B.leave C.find D.share14.A.last B.great C.free D.long15.A.hated B.agreed C.learned D.decided16.A.fresh B.thin C.clear D.cool17.A.because of B.opposite to C.according to D.instead of18.A.cities B.countries C.towns D.villages19.A.choices B.reports C.reasons D.lessons20.A.ask B.show C.change D.record【答案】11.B12.C13.A14.A15.D16.B17.A18.B19.D20.C【解析】【导语】本文介绍凯文是一位特别的游泳者,他希望人们关注环境问题。11.句意:他冒险在非常寒冷的地方游泳,因为他希望人们关注环境问题。fly飞;swim游泳;run跑步;skate滑冰。根据“Kevin is a special swimmer.”可知,是游泳,故选B。12.句意:作为一个男孩,凯文参观了国家公园,他了解到地球的状况很差。right正确的;safe安全的;poor贫穷的,差的;natural自然的。根据“He felt worried”可知,地球状况不好,故选C。13.句意:他很担心,他想保护地球。protect保护;leave离开;find发现;share分享。根据“He felt worried, and he wanted to...the Earth.”可知,他为地球担心,所以想保护地球,故选A。14.句意:凯文说这次游泳非常痛苦,这将是他最后一次在冷水中游泳。last最后的;great很棒的;free自由的,免费的;long长的。根据“Kevin said that the swim was so painful”可知,很痛苦,不想再继续了,所以是最后一次,故选A。15.句意:他决定再次在冷水中游泳。hated讨厌;agreed同意;learned学习;decided决定。根据“In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas. It was formed by melting glaciers. He...to swim in cold water again.”可知,由于喜马拉雅山脉的情况,他决定再次游泳,故选D。16.句意:空气稀薄得让人难以呼吸。fresh新鲜的;thin稀薄的;clear清晰的;cool酷的。根据“it was hard to breathe”可知,空气很稀薄,故选B。17.句意:他想让人们知道,由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅山脉的冰川正在消失,而中国、印度和巴基斯坦等邻近国家的居民用水减少。because of因为;opposite to相反;according to根据;instead of而不是。“global warming”是“glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing”的原因,故选A。18.句意:他想让人们知道,由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅山脉的冰川正在消失,而中国、印度和巴基斯坦等邻近国家的居民用水减少。cities城市;countries国家;towns小镇;villages乡村。根据“like China, India, and Pakistan”可知,是几个国家,故选B。19.句意:从凯文的故事中,我们学到了两个教训。choices选择;reports报告;reasons原因;lessons课。根据“From Kevin’s story, we learn two...”和后文内容可知,学到了两个教训,故选D。20.句意:此外,我们知道,如果我们改变我们的思维方式,我们可以做一些事情来保护我们的环境。ask请求;show展示;change改变;record记录。根据“Also, we learn that if we...the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment.”可知,改变自己的思维来保护环境,故选C。二、2021年二、完型填空Every school has rules for students to follow. However, some students may see the 11 as a way which teachers control them. Sometimes, they’re unhappy and even feel 12 . Well, if you think your life is hard, you might think about the 13 in ancient times. For some of them, life was really hard.In the old days, people believed that teachers had to be very 14 and had the right to punish the students. Parents didn’t mind if teachers punished their children when their children didn’t do what they were 15 to do. Often, the stricter a teacher was, the more parents thought he or she was a good teacher.In fact, following school rules can be very important. For example, running in the hallways could cause a student to 16 . It may hurt himself or another person. Following the rules can also help the students in the classroom to learn 17 difficulty. In class, a teacher may ask students to raise their hands 18 they speak. If someone speaks out of turn, other students might not be able to hear the teacher 19 . School rules can help students prepare for their own futures as well. When they 20 and go out on their own, they’ll soon find that they still need to follow rules.Rules make the world much better. If there are no rules, life will be meaningless and in disorder.11.A.rules B.excuses C.facts D.examples12.A.tired B.angry C.excited D.good13.A.doctors B.parents C.teachers D.students14.A.kind B.clever C.strict D.careful15.A.told B.heard C.invited D.watched16.A.come out B.fall down C.move on D.pass by17.A.about B.from C.except D.without18.A.because B.though C.before D.unless19.A.clearly B.luckily C.quickly D.politely20.A.hurry up B.look up C.grow up D.dress up【答案】11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.C【解析】11.句意:然而,一些学生可能认为这些规则是老师控制他们的一种方式。rules规则;excuses借口;facts事实;examples例子。根据“Every school has rules for students to follow.”可知,是校规,故选A。12.句意:有时,他们不开心,甚至感到愤怒。tired劳累的;angry生气的;excited激动的;good好的。根据“they’re unhappy”可知,是不好的情绪,故选B。13.句意:嗯,如果你认为你的生活很艰难,你可以想想古代的学生。doctors医生;parents父母;teachers老师;students学生。根据后文描述可知,是跟古代的学生作对比,故选D。14.句意:在过去,人们认为老师必须非常严格,有权利惩罚学生。kind善良的;clever聪明的;strict严厉的;careful仔细的。根据“had the right to punish the students”可知,老师是很严厉的,故选C。15.句意:当孩子没有按照老师的要求去做时,父母并不介意老师惩罚他们的孩子。told告诉;heard听见;invited邀请;watched观看。根据“when their children didn’t do what they were…to do.”可知,在学生不做被告知的事情时,会受到惩罚,故选A。16.句意:例如,在走廊上跑步可能会导致学生摔倒。come out出版;fall down摔倒;move on前进;pass by路过。根据“running in the hallways”可知,在走廊上跑步可能会摔倒,故选B。17.句意:遵守规则也可以帮助学生在教室学习没有困难。about关于;from从;except除了;without没有。分析“Following the rules can also help the students in the classroom to learn…difficulty.”可知,遵守规则也可以帮助学生在教室学习没有困难,可用without表示“没有”,故选D。18.句意:在课堂上,老师可能会要求学生在发言前举手。because因为;though虽然;before在……之前;unless除非。根据“In class, a teacher may ask students to raise their hands…they speak.”可知,发言前要举手,故选C。19.句意:如果有人乱说话,其他学生可能听不清老师的话。clearly干净地;luckily幸运地;quickly迅速地;politely礼貌地。根据“If someone speaks out of turn”可知,如果有人乱说话,其他学生会听不清,故选A。20.句意:当他们长大了,自己出去时,他们很快就会发现他们仍然需要遵守规则。hurry up快点;look up查阅;grow up长大;dress up打扮。根据“go out on their own”可知,是长大后,故选C。三、2020年Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along. Here are some 11 that helped me and my friends through this season.When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow m neighbor's dog and 12 for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some 13 drives away your stress easily most of the time.And 14 you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you 15 . The best thing about this is that you don’t have to go 16But if you are a book lover just like me, 17 a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you've 18 been putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.For sure, there's nothing better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep 19 off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we 20 our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.11.A.way B.reasons C.habits D.results12.A.walk B.jump C.stand D.sit13.A.jokes B.sports C.tasks D.lessons14.A.before B.until C.since D.if15.A.lovely B.friendly C.happy D.sleepy16.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.nowhere17.A.copy B.write C.print D.read18.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.always19.A.worry B.pity C.surprise D.pain20.A.think about B.talk about C.care about D.hear about【答案】11.A 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.B【解析】11.句意:这里有一些方法可以帮助我和我的朋友度过这个季节。way方法;reasons原因;habits习惯;results结果;根据句意理解及后句that helped me and my friends through this season可知,这里表达的是“方法”,故选A。12.句意:我通常借邻居家的狗去散步15分钟左右。walk走路;jump跳;stand站;sit坐;根据句意理解及前文I stop and take a walk.可知,这里表达的是“借狗去散步”,故选A。13.句意:大多数时候,做些运动可以轻松地消除你的压力。jokes玩笑;sports运动;tasks任务;lessons课程;根据句意理解及前句Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games.可知,这里表达的是“运动”,故选B。14.句意:如果你发现音乐对你有帮助,随便听听。before在……之前;until直到……才;since自从;if如果;根据句意理解及后句give it a go可知,这里表达的是一种假设,表示“如果”,故选D。15.句意:听你最喜欢的歌一定会让你快乐。lovely可爱的;friendly友好的;happy快乐的;sleepy困倦的;根据句意理解及句中的Listening to your favorite songs可知,这里指的是“快乐”,故选C。16.句意:最好的是你不用去任何地方。somewhere某处;everywhere到处;anywhere某个地方,任何地方;nowhere无处;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“某个地方”,而本句是否定句,所以这里应该用anywhere表示,故选C。17.句意:读一本你喜欢的书半个小时。copy复制;write写;print打印;read读;根据句意理解及前句But if you are a book lover just like me可知,这里表达的的是“读书”,故选D。18.句意:阅读可以把你带到你从未去过的地方。ever曾经;never从不;seldom很少,不常;always总是;根据句意理解及后句putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.可知,这里表达的是“从未去过的地方”,故选B。19.句意:它真的可以让你不再忧虑!worry担心;pity可惜;surprise惊讶;pain痛苦;根据句意理解及前文Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along及后文our good times or something funny, and I’m feeling better before I know it.可知,这里表达的是“忘掉忧虑”,故选A。20.句意:我们谈论我们的美好时光或一些有趣的事情。think about考虑;talk about谈论;care about关心;hear about听说;根据句意理解及空格后的部分our good times or something funny可知,这里表达的是“谈论”,故选B。四、2019年VI.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began___36___I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.One day in fourth grade, our___37___gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. ___38___I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his ___39___! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.My dad noticed my interest in inventing and___40___me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad___41___a model plane I made. Later, we found a___42___model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas___43___. Failure is a common part of the inventing.As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always___44___a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my___45___ in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero.36. A. before B. after C. when D. until37. A. parent B. teacher C. inventor D. engineer38. A. Easily B. Finally C. Safely D. Quickly39. A. lights B. projects C. suggestions D. inventions40. A. mistook B. refused C. chose D. encouraged41. A. with B. about C. into D. from42. A. different B. similar C. large D. small43. A. work B. fail C. come D. end44. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through45. A. habit B. story C. interest D. plan【答案】36. C 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. C【解析】36.句意:当我是个孩子时,我开始喜欢发明东西。考查连词。根据My love of making things began和I was a kid.之间的关系,可知是当我是个孩子时;before在……之前; after在……之后,when 当……时候,until直到;故选C。37.句意:我们的老师在课堂上给我们一个话题。考查名词辨析和语境。根据One day in fourth grade,和in class.可知是老师;parent 父母,teacher老师,inventor发明家,engineer工程师;故选B。38.句意:最后我选择了爱迪生的公司。考查副词和语境。根据I thought and thought.可知是最后,选择了爱迪生的公司;Easily容易地,Finally最后,Safely安全地,Quickly快地;故选B。39.句意:反复读他的发明。考查名词辨析和语境。根据I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.可知是反复读他的发明;lights灯,projects主题,suggestions 建议,inventions发明;故选D。40.句意:我爸爸注意到我对发明感兴趣,就鼓励我。考查动词辨析和语境。根据He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things.和语境,可知是鼓励我;mistook错误,refused拒绝,chose选择,encouraged鼓励;故选D。41.句意:我做的一个飞机模型使我爸爸感到惊讶。根据surprise sb with sth 用……让某人吃惊;with用,about关于,into到里面,from从;故选A。42.句意:我们在一家商店发现了一个类似的飞机模型。考查形容词辨析和语境。different 不同的,similar 相似的,large大的, small小的;根据I learned that different inventors often invent similar things.可知是相似的飞机模型;故选B。43.句意:我也了解到不是所有伟大的想法都成为现实。考查动词辨析和语境。根据Failure is a common part of the inventing.和语境,可知是不是所有伟大的想法都成为现实;work产生效果,fail失败,come来,end结束;故选A。44.句意:他总是寻找一个更好的方法来做简单的工作。考查动词短语和语境。根据I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself.和a better way to do a simple job可知是寻找一个更好的方法;looking at看,looking for寻找,looking after照顾,looking through浏览;故选B。45.句意:在他的引领下以及我对发明的兴趣,让我成为了一名工程师和发明家。考查名词辨析和语境。根据My love of making things和one’s interest in某人在……上的兴趣;habit习惯,story故事,interest兴趣,plan计划;故选C。五、2018年VI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Once there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter how much she loved him. She said that she loved him as much as the loved 36 . Her answer made the king very happy. Salt is simple thing, 37 it is very important. So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him.Salt has many 38 . Bodies need salt. If we don’t have enough, our bodies can’t work properly. We put salt on icy roads to make them 39 . We also use salt to produce other products, like paper and glass. But for many years, salt’s most important job was to 40 food. Like other living things, most bacteria(细菌) need water to live. Salt takes in plenty of water, so most bacteria(细菌) can not live 41 a salty environment. As a result, salt protects food and many other things. For much of humans history, this ability has made salt 42 . Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt. Even today, the hard working useful people are 43 as “the salt of the earth”.For centuries, salt was also hard to 44 . It’s usefulness, together with rarity(稀有) made it very expensive. Salt could even be used like 45 . In fact, the word salary (薪水) comes from the word salt.Today, salt is used more widely and it still plays an important role in our life.36. A. salt B. air C. gold D. sugar37. A. or B. so C. and D. but38. A. forms B. secrets C. uses D. skills39. A. wide B. safe C. smooth D. thick40. A. protect B. provide C. produce D. prepare41. A. in B. outside C. for D. without42. A. hopeful B. comfortable C. valuable D. successful43. A. saved B. dreamed C. invited D. described44. A. sell B. get C. take D. keep45. A. money B. medicine C. earth D. food【答案】36. A 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. A 41. A 42. C 43. D 44. B 45. A【解析】36.考查名词辨析,从下面一句话能看出来应该是“像爱盐一样爱他的爸爸”故选A。37.考查连词,从“simple”和“important”可以看出来是相反关系,所以选D38.考查名词辨析。根据下文“We also use salt to produce other products”可知:在讲它有很多用途。故选C。39.考查形容词辨析。根据句意“把盐放在结冰的路上”可推知:是为了使路面不那么光滑而保持安全。故选B。40.考查动词辨析。根据下文“As a result, salt protects food and many other things.”可知:选A。41.考查介词辨析。根据句意,可知:在有盐的环境里,大部分细菌不能存活。故选A。42.考查形容词辨析。根据下文“Its usefulness, together with rarity (稀有)made it very expensive.”可知:使得盐是有价值的。故选C。43.考查动词辨析。句意:即使在今天,努力的,有价值的人们被认为是“地球之盐”。故选D。44.考查名词辨析。根据下文:“Its usefulness, together with rarity (稀有)made it very expensive.”说明很稀有,很难得到,故选B。45.考查名词辨析。根据下文:“In fact, the word salary(薪水)comes from the word salt.”被当成薪水,也就是钱的意思。故选A。六、2017年完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.36.One thorn(刺) of experience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old.In most things he was a fine boy,but he would cry from time to time.When he could not have what he wanted,he would (36) B  for it.If he was told that it would hurt him,and he could not (37) C  it,he would also cry.One day,he went with his mother into the (38) B .The sun shone.The grass was cut.The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was,for once,a good boy.A (39) A  was on his face.He wished to do as he was told.Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy."Now you must be tired and (40) C ,"said his mother."Have a good rest here and eat some cookies.I will get a beautiful red rose for you."So his mother brought the red flower to him.When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand,Ralph (41) B  it."No,my dear."said his mother."See how many thorns it has.You must not touch it,or you would be sure to hurt your (42) C ."When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose,he began to cry,and (43) D  took it away.But he was soon very sorry.The thorns hurt his hand.It was so(44) D  that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never (45) C  this.From then on,when he wanted what he should not have,his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before.He at last learned to do as he was told.36.A.run B.cry C.plan D.call37.A.save B.hide C.have D.lose38.A.park B.garden C.forest D.field39.A.smile B.sign C.fear D.mark40.A.lazy B.noisy C.hungry D.sleepy41.A.waited for B.asked for C.cared for D.thanked for42.A.arm B.leg C.hand D.foot43.A.quietly B.proudly C.politely D.suddenly44.A.helpful B.harmful C.peaceful D.painful45.A.accept B.refuse C.forget D.remember.【考点】N1:记叙文.【分析】文章讲述了Ralph是一个爱哭的孩子,无论他想要什么,都会哭着要,如果告诉他他想要的东西会伤害他,他不能得到,他也会哭,一天他想要一朵白玫瑰,妈妈告诉他有刺会伤害他,但他又哭了,并突然抢了过去,带刺的玫瑰伤到了他的手,痛了很久,从此以后,妈妈再告诉他有些东西不能拥有的时候,就会指他伤过的手给他看,最后他学会了要听话.【解答】36.B 考查动词.A表示跑;B表示哭;C表示计划;D表示打电话.由he would also cry可知此处表示他会哭着要它,选B.37.C 考查动词.A表示救;B表示藏;C表示有;D表示失去.由he was told that it would hurt him可知此处表示他不能拥有它,选C.38.B 考查名词.A表示公园;B表示花园;C表示森林;D表示田野.由The grass was cut.The flowers were starting to come out可推测地点是花园里,选B.39.A 考查名词.A表示微笑;B表示标志;C表示害怕;D表示分数.由He wished to do as he was told可知此处表示他的脸上有一个微笑,选A.40.C 考查形容词.A表示懒的;B表示吵闹的;C表示饿的;D表示困倦的.由Have a good rest here and eat some cookies可知此处表示现在你一定又累又饿了,选C.41 B 考查短语.A表示等待;B表示向…要;C表示照顾;D表示为…而感谢.由下文的"When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose,he began to cry可知此处表示Ralph想要它,选B.42.C 考查名词.A表示手臂;B表示腿;C表示手;D表示脚.由The thorns hurt his hand可知此处表示你会伤到你的手,选C.43.D 考查副词.A表示安静地;B表示自豪地;C表示礼貌地;D表示突然.由But he was soon very sorry.The thorns hurt his hand可知此处表示突然把它拿走了,选D.44.D 考查形容词.A表示有帮助的;B表示有害的;C表示和平的;D表示痛苦的.由he could not use it for some time可知此处表示如此的痛,选D.45.C 考查动词.A表示接受;B表示拒绝;C表示忘记;D表示记得.由From then on,when he wanted what he should not have,his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before.He at last learned to do as he was told可知此处表示Ralph永远不会忘记这个经历,选C.七、2022承德市一模九、完形填空阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。My best friend, Linda is a kind girl. She likes fashion clothes very much, ____41____ she often visits clothing stores.One day, Linda was enjoying a nice sweater in a clothing store when a nice girl came up ____42____ her. “Excuse me,” she said, “could you give me a ____43____ ” she continued. “I find a nice T-shirt and I’m sure my sister must look ____44____ on it. But she isn’t here and can’t try it on. You and she have almost the same ____45____. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to try it on.” Linda was ____46____, but the girl didn’t seem suspicious (可疑的), so Linda agreed.That was a really nice T-shirt and it ____47____ Linda very well. “How nice you look on it!” the girl said, “Why don’t you buy it, too ”Linda loved the T-shirt, but the ____48____ of it was a little high. She thought for a while and then decided to buy it. Then she ____49____ the store with the T-shirt happily.Later, Linda knew that the girl just helped sell clothes, but she didn’t _____50_____. After all, she got a nice T-shirt.41.A.if B.but C.so D.because42.A.to B.with C.on D.of43.A.sweater B.hand C.photo D.number44.A.interesting B.boring C.attractive D.ugly45.A.face B.hair C.weight D.shape46.A.confident B.surprised C.proud D.shy47.A.fitted B.looked C.listed D.supported48.A.size B.price C.color D.space49.A.left B.reached C.found D.called50.A.pay B.want C.regret D.spend【答案】41.C42.A43.B44.C45.D46.B47.A48.B49.A50.C【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了琳达买一件漂亮T恤的经过。41.句意:她非常喜欢时装,因此她经常逛服装店。if如果;but但是;so所以;because因为。根据“She likes fashion clothes very much, …she often visits clothing stores.”可知,她喜欢时尚的衣服,所以她经常逛服装店,前后句表示的是因果关系,需用连词so。故选C。42.句意:一天,琳达正在一家服装店欣赏一件漂亮的毛衣,这时一个漂亮的女孩向她走来。to给;with和;on在……上;of的。根据“Linda was enjoying a nice sweater in a clothing store when a nice girl came up…her.”可知,本句考查短语“come up to sb”走到某人的身旁。故选A。43.句意:“对不起,”她说,“你能帮我一下吗?”她继续说道。sweater毛衣;hand手;photo照片;number数字。根据“could you give me a…”可知,本句考查短语“帮助某人”give sb a hand。故选B。44.句意:我找到了一件漂亮的T恤,我相信我妹妹穿上它一定很迷人。interesting令人感兴趣的;boring令人无聊的;attractive吸引人的;ugly丑陋的。根据“I find a nice T-shirt and I’m sure my sister must look…on it”可知,找到了一件漂亮的T恤,可见妹妹穿上的效果是吸引人的。故选C。45.句意:你和她的身材差不多。face脸;hair头发;weight体重;shape体形。根据“If you don’t mind, I’d like you to try it on.”可知,想让琳达试穿一下,看看衣服的效果,可见是她的妹妹和琳达有着相似的身材。故选D。46.句意:琳达很惊讶,但是这个女孩似乎并不可疑,所以琳达同意了。confident自信的;surprised吃惊的;proud自豪的;shy害羞的。根据“but the girl didn’t seem suspicious (可疑的), so Linda agreed”可知,这个女孩似乎并不可疑,琳达最终也同意了,可见刚开始的时候,琳达应是吃惊的。故选B。47.句意:那件T恤真的很漂亮,并且它非常适合琳达。fitted适合;looked看起来;listed列清单;supported支持。根据“How nice you look on it”可知,你穿着它多好看啊,可见衣服对于琳达来说很适合。故选A。48.句意:琳达喜欢那件T恤,但它的价格有点高。size尺码;price价格;color颜色;space空间。根据“it was a little high.”可知,有点高,结合常识可知,价钱用高低来形容。故选B。49.句意:然后她高兴地拿着 T恤离开了商店。left离开;reached到达;found发现;called打电话。根据“She thought for a while and then decided to buy it. Then she…the store with the T-shirt happily.”可知,她想了一会儿,决定买下来,最后应是高兴地拿着T恤离开了商店。故选A。50.句意:后来,琳达知道这个女孩只是帮忙卖衣服,但她没有后悔。pay支付; want想要;regret后悔;spend花费。根据“Linda knew that the girl just helped sell clothes, but she didn’t…, After all, she got a nice T-shirt.”可知,最终琳达知道这个女孩是卖衣服的,但是自己也得到了一件漂亮的T恤,可见琳达并没有后悔。故选C。八、2022九地市一模二、完形填空Our junior high school life is coming to an end. So my classmates and I decided to make a special ____11____ for our own favorite teacher in the ceramics(陶艺)class.After being dried for a long time in the fire, our gifts for teachers were ____12____. Chen Hui took them out of the kiln(窑).CRASH (碎裂声)! His cup, Xiao Yao’s ____13____, and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor.“My elephant lost her trunk (象鼻)!” Xiao Yao shouted. “My heart is broken!” I ____14____ almost at the same time.“I’m so sorry!” Chen Hui said.“Bring ____15____to the repair station,” said Xiao Yao, “Let’s see what we can do with some magic glue.” We tried many times, ____16____ the magic glue worked only on Chen Hui’s cup. The trunk and the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together.“Now my elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk,” said Xiao Yao, “It ____17____ like a little dog with big ears. And it’s ____18____ lovely! Let’s call it doglephant!”“A cute doglephant! Cool! You just turned the accident into a happy one!” I said. And right then, I knew ____19____to do. Maybe I could make a mosaic (镶嵌画)by using the pieces of my broken heart.When it was all done, everyone thought it was pretty cool. Yes, my present didn’t turn out the way I’d planned, but it turned out even _____20_____ !11.A.gift B.hat C.bag D.coat12.A.safe B.broken C.ready D.wet13.A.dog B.elephant C.cat D.panda14.A.smiled B.read C.wrote D.cried15.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything16.A.as B.but C.so D.though17.A.looks B.sounds C.smells D.tastes18.A.still B.even C.almost D.hardly19.A.when B.how C.which D.what20.A.worse B.better C.heavier D.cheaper【答案】11.A12.C13.B14.D15.C16.B17.A18.A19.D20.B【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是在初中毕业时,作者和同学准备为自己喜欢的老师用陶艺制作一份礼物,但是,中途出现了点意外——作品碎了。通过他们的努力修补,最后将作品改造成了比计划中更好的礼物的经历。11.句意:所以我和我的同学们决定在陶艺课上为自己最喜欢的老师制作一份礼物。gift礼物;hat帽子;bag包;coat外套。根据下文中“our gifts for teachers”可知,此处指的是礼物,故选A。12.句意:在火中烤了很长时间后,我们送给老师的礼物准备好了。safe安全的;broken破碎的;ready准备好;wet湿的。根据常识可知,在火中烤制后,陶艺品就基本完成了,结合选项,故选C。13.句意:他的杯子,肖姚的大象,和我的心都碎的满地都是。dog狗;elephant大象;cat猫;panda熊猫。根据“My elephant lost her trunk (象鼻)”可知,此处指的是肖姚的大象,故选B。14.句意:我几乎同时喊了出来。smiled微笑;read读;wrote写;cried喊叫。根据“Xiao Yao shouted”和“almost at the same time”可知,我和肖姚几乎同时喊了出来,结合选项,故选D。15.句意:把所有的东西带到维修站。something某事;nothing没有什么;everything一切;anything任何东西。由上文可知,这里指的是把所有东西都带到维修站,故选C。16.句意:我们尝试很多次,但是魔法胶水只是对陈辉的杯子上有用。as因为;but但是;so所以;though虽然。根据句意可知,大家都希望魔法胶水有用,但是和预期的不一样,胶水只对杯子起作用,句意上有转折,故选B。17.句意:它看起来像一只长着大耳朵的小狗。looks看起来;sounds听起来;smells闻起来;tastes尝起来。look like看起来像,固定短语且符合句意,故选A。18.句意:它仍然很可爱。still仍然;even甚至;almost几乎;hardly几乎不。根据“ Let’s call it doglephant”可知,这里指的是仍然很可爱,故选A。19.句意:就在那时,我知道该做些什么。when何时;how如何;which哪一个;what什么。根据下文“Maybe I could make a mosaic ( 镶嵌画) by using the pieces of my broken heart.”可知,我受“doglephant”的启发,用碎了的心去制作一幅镶嵌画,所以这里指的是我知道该做些什么了,what作do的宾语,故选D。20.句意:是的,我的礼物没有像我计划的那样,但它甚至更好!worse更糟;better更好;heavier更重;cheaper更便宜。根据“When it was all done, everyone thought it was pretty cool”(当它全部完成时,每个人都认为它很酷)可推断,这个比计划中的成品更好,故选B。九、2022廊坊市广阳区一模二、完形填空Today the bicycle is a perfect way of reducing air pollution. Cycling to work is a healthier choice than driving or taking public ____11____. Of course, it depends on how far you live from your workplace. Another benefit of cycling is making you feel more creative and full of ____12____. That will improve your work. What’s more, cycling is much kinder on your pocket.Bicycles were ____13____ in the 19th century and haven’t changed much since then. ____14____ bicycles now have better parts, generally speaking, the shapes are the same as before.Nowadays, bicycles developed ____15____. Electronic bicycles, the most common form of transport in the world appeared. But bicycles are ____16____ with some people, too. This makes it the most popular invention ever. When we think of some ____17____, like China, we imagine hundreds of people cycling ____18____. Even in Japan, it is possible to see businessmen, farmers, mothers, or workers in the streets on their bikes.More and more people ____19____ the idea of riding bikes to and from work. People use bicycles today _____20_____ fun, health, Olympic competitions and lots more. Without the bicycle, much of the world might stop working.11.A.service B.care C.transport D.wealth12.A.energy B.anger C.difficulty D.development13.A.finished B.invented C.reused D.booked14.A.Before B.After C.Although D.Since15.A.carefully B.clearly C.suddenly D.quickly16.A.different B.surprised C.popular D.bad17.A.countries B.passengers C.cars D.cities18.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere19.A.allow B.support C.exchange D.change20.A.in B.with C.without D.for【答案】11.C12.A13.B14.C15.D16.C17.A18.B19.B20.D【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了骑自行车的好处以及现在人们对自行车的喜爱。11.句意:骑自行车上班比开车或乘坐公共交通工具更健康。service服务;care关心;transport交通工具;wealth财富。根据“Cycling to work is a healthier choice”可知,前面提到自行车这是一种交通工具,此处是与公共交通工具作比较。故选C。12.句意:骑自行车的另一个好处是让你感觉更有创造力和充满活力。energy精力,活力;anger生气;difficulty困难;development发展。根据空前“feel more creative and”可知,此处应该与“感觉更有创造力”并列,表达“充满活力”。故选A。13.句意:自行车是在19世纪发明的,从那时起就没怎么改变过。finished完成;invented发明;reused拒绝;booked预订。根据“in the 19th century”可知,此处是表达自行车是在19世纪发明的。故选B。14.句意:虽然自行车现在有更好的部分,一般来说,形状和以前一样。Before在……之前;After在……之后;Although虽然;Since自从。根据“bicycles now have better parts”与“the shapes are the same as before”两句间存在让步关系,所以此处应该用although。故选C。15.句意:现在,自行车发展很快。carefully仔细地;clearly清楚地;suddenly突然地;quickly快速地。根据后文“Electronic bicycles, the most common form of transport in the world appeared”可知,电动自行车出现了,所以此处是表达“发展迅速”。故选D。16.句意:但是自行车也受到一些人的欢迎。different不同的;surprised吃惊的;popular受欢迎的,流行的;bad坏的。根据空前系动词are及空后的with some people可知,此处是短语be popular with 意为“受某人的欢迎”。故选C。17.句意:当我们想到一些国家,比如中国,我们会想到到处都有数百人骑自行车。countries国家;passengers乘客;cars汽车;cities城市。根据空后的“like China”可知,此处以中国为例,中国是一个国家,所以此处是说“一些国家”。故选A。18.句意:当我们想到一些国家,比如中国,我们会想到到处都有数百人骑自行车。anywhere任何地方;everywhere到处,所有地方;somewhere某个地方;nowhere无处。根据前句“the most popular invention ever”可知,此处是强调到处能看到人们骑自行车。故选B。19.句意:越来越多的人支持骑自行车上下班的想法。allow允许;support支持;exchange交换;change改变。根据前文所说,讲的是骑自行车的好处,所以此处是表达越来越多的人“支持”骑自行车。故选B。20.句意:今天,人们使用自行车来娱乐、健身、参加奥运会比赛等等。in在……里;with和……在一起,带有;without没有;for为了。根据后面“fun, health, Olympic competitions”可知,此处应该用for表达“为了”娱乐、健身、参加奥运会。故选D。十、2022石家庄市一模二、完形填空When I was young, I lived in my grandma’s old house right beside a set of railroad tracks. The whole house would ____11____ when the trains roared by. Fortunately, these trains carrying coal were ____12____ and far between, so I was able to spend my summer afternoons walking down the tracks.I can remember the first time I tried to ____13____ myself and walk on a single rail. I tried holding my arms out and watching my feet as walked. The rails were very narrow and quite slippery, so I didn’t have much success but fell off after a few steps. Then I decided to walk ____14____ but still quickly slipped off. It was only when I started looking ____15____, down the length of the tracks that I was able to walk successfully. Keeping my eyes forward, I put one foot in front of ____16____ and step by step. I was soon walking with ease.Looking back on this I now realize that it also gave a wonderful lesson about living. You can’t go through life ____17____ and worrying about every step you take or choice you make. This only leads to second guessing yourself and you soon go off the rails. Looking behind you is ____18____ worse. With your eyes on the ____19____ you can’t see the way ahead. You can only stand still and stay stuck in your regrets. It is only when you look ahead that you can really move forward. It is only when you look ahead that you can see the life you want to ____20____ and the love you want to share. Then each step you take and path you choose is filled with love and you will walk on with a light heart.11.A.roll B.shake C.move D.struggle12.A.many B.more C.few D.less13.A.balance B.achieve C.admit D.direct14.A.upwards B.backwards C.downwards D.forwards15.A.closely B.well C.instead D.ahead16.A.one B.another C.the other D.every17.A.wondering B.watching C.hearing D.waiting18.A.no B.also C.yet D.even19.A.past B.distance C.end D.course20.A.make B.live C.choose D.keep【答案】11.B12.C13.A14.B15.D16.C17.B18.D19.A20.B【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述作者小时候在铁轨上行走的经历,借此告诉我们一条人生哲理:我们只有看向远方,这样才能保持平衡,继续前行,最终过上自己想过的生活。11.句意:当火车呼啸而过的时候,整个房子都会晃动。roll滚动;shake晃动;move移动;struggle挣扎;。根据“old house right beside a set of railroad tracks”可知,我家的房子就在铁轨旁边,故火车呼啸而过时,会引起房子的晃动。故选B。12.句意:幸运地是,这些运煤的火车比较少,且两车之间相距甚远。Many很多;more更多;few很少;less更少。根据后文“I was able to spend my summer afternoons walking down the tracks”可知,运煤的火车比较少,如此我才能在铁轨上行走。few修饰可数名词复数,强调少。故选C。13.句意:我还能记得我第一次努力让自己保持平衡在铁轨上行走的时刻。balance平衡;achieve完成;admit承认;direct控制。根据“I tried holding my arms out and watching my feet as walked.”可知,我在铁轨上行走需要保持平衡。故选A。14.句意:然后我决定往回走,但是仍然很快滑落。upwards向上;backwards向后、往回;downwards向下;forward向前。根据前文“The rails were very narrow and quite slippery, so I didn’t have much success but fell off after a few steps. ”可知,轨道很窄并且很滑,作者走几步就摔倒,故作者决定往回走。故选B。15.句意:当我开始向前看这条长长的轨道时,我才能顺利地走下去。closely近地;well好地;instead代替;ahead向前。根据后文“Keeping my eyes forward”可知,我开始往前看。故选D。16.句意:我目视前方,把一只脚放在另一只脚的前面。one一个;another三者或三者以上的另一个;the other两者中的另一个;every每一个。根据“one foot”可知,我只有两只脚,故把一只脚放在另一只脚的前面。故选C。17.句意:疑惑和担心你所走的每一步或做的每一个决定,你是无法好好生活的。wondering疑惑;watching观看;hearing听见;waiting等待。根据后文“worrying about every step”可知空处填watching,强调看和担心生活中的每一步行动和做的每一个选择。故选B。18.向你的身后看,那将更糟。no不;also也;yet还;even甚至。worse“更糟糕”,为形容词比较级,修饰形容词比较级用even。故选D。19.句意:把眼光放在过去,你就看不到前方的道路。past过去;distance距离;end末尾;course课程。根据后文“look ahead ”可知,空处填写“过去”,与后文“向前看”相对,表示如果停留于过去,将看不到前方的道路。故选A。20.句意:只有当你向前看的时候,你才能看到你想过的生活和你想分享的爱。make制造;live生活;choose选择;keep保持。live a life“过一个……的生活”,“the life you want to live”为定语从句,life为先行词,省略关系代词that。故选B。十一、2022唐山市路南区一模九、完形填空Once, there lived a little boy in a village. The boy was very athletic and for him, winning was the most important thing.One day the village ___41___ a running race. The little boy took part in it. In the first race, he competed with other two young boys. He came first and __42__ . The crowd cheered and waved at the boy. The little boy felt __43__ .Later, the second race was called and two young and strong challengers came forward and raced with the boy. Once again, the little boy finished first. The crowd cheered and waved. The boy shouted, “ __44__ race please!”This time, an old man led two new challengers to the race: a weak old lady and a blind man. The boy felt confused, but he still stood at the starting line. Race started ___45___ the boy was the only one to finish that race.The little boy raised his arms in delight. To his surprise, this time no one from the crowd waved. And everyone was just looking at him __46__ .“What happened Why aren’t people cheering ” The boy asked. The old man replied, “Try racing again, but this time finish __47__ .”The little boy thought ___48___ a while and then again went to the starting line and stood between the old lady and the blind man. Then he took ___49___ of them by hand and started to walk slowly, and at last the three crossed that finishing line.This time at the end of the race, the crowd cheered for a long time! The old man said, “Good boy, you have won much more than a race! You have won people’s __50__ .”41.A.held B.began C.happened D.competed42.A.fell B.won C.complained D.ended43.A.exciting B.worried C.upset D.proud44.A.One B.Another C.More D.Other45.A.so B.and C.because D.when46.A.angrily B.happily C.silently D.quickly47.A.early B.together C.alone D.fast48.A.for B.after C.in D.before49.A.all B.both C.either D.none50.A.kindness B.achievement C.respect D.understanding【答案】41.A42.B43.D44.B45.B46.C47.B48.A49.B50.C【解析】【分析】短文介绍了小男孩的故事。他很强健,跑得也很快。对于他来说在比赛中获胜最重要。但是一场特殊的比赛改变了他,让他明白了只有通过尊重你的对手,你才能赢得人们的尊重。41.句意:一天,村里举行了一场赛跑。held举行;began开始;happened发生;competed竞争。根据“One day the village...a running race.”可知,是举行一场赛跑,故选A。42.句意:他第一个到并且赢了。fell跌落;won赢得;complained抱怨;ended结束。根据“He came first”可知,第一个到的是赢家,故选B。43.句意:小男孩感到很自豪。exciting令人激动的;worried担心的;upset沮丧的;proud骄傲的。根据“He came first and...The crowd cheered and waved at the boy.”可知,男孩第一个到,人群为他欢呼,所以他很自豪,故选D。44.句意:男孩喊道:“请再来一场比赛!”one一个;another另一个;more更多;other其他的。根据后文内容可知,又来了一场比赛,修饰可数名词单数用another,故选B。45.句意:比赛开始了,男孩是唯一一个完成比赛的人。so因此;and和;because因为;when当……时。前后两句构成并列关系,用and连接,故选B。46.句意:每个人都默默地看着他。angrily生气地;happily开心地;silently安静地;quickly快速地。根据“To his surprise, this time no one from the crowd waved.”可知,没人欢呼,只是安静地看着,故选C。47.句意:再试一次比赛,但这次一起完成。early早地;together一起;alone独自;fast快地。根据“and at last the three crossed that finishing line”可知,三人一起完成比赛,故选B。48.句意:小男孩想了一会儿,然后又走到起跑线,站在老太太和瞎子之间。for为了;after在……之后;in在……中;before在……之前。think for a while“想了一会”,故选A。49.句意:然后他拉着他们俩的手,开始慢慢地走,最后三个人穿过了终点线。all全部;both两者都;either两者之一;none没有。根据“the old lady and the blind man”可知,是拉着两个人的手,故选B。50.句意:你赢得了人们的尊重。kindness善意;achievement成就;respect尊重;understanding理解。根据“This time at the end of the race, the crowd cheered for a long time!”可知,男孩赢得了人们的尊重,故选C。十二、2022河北省一模二、完形填空Vincent Van Gogh’s(梵高) paintings cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and they are in many museums. ____11____ his lifetime, Van Gogh was not famous. He died a poor and ____12____ man.Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. When he was a young man, he went to live with miners(矿工) to try and help them have ____13____. He began to draw and paint pictures of working people. He tried to show ____14____ people really looked.Later Van Gogh went to Paris, France. Many artists lived in Paris. Van Gogh saw their paintings and learned more about drawing and using colors. Van Gogh worked mostly by ____15____. He began to paint very lovely pictures.One famous painting is called “The Starry Night”. It is a painting of the sky at night. The stars ____16____ big balls of light. The light almost seems to flow like water. Some people said, “That’s not how the real sky looks.” Van Gogh didn’t want just a picture of the sky. He loved the ____17____ night and wanted his painting to show how he felt.Van Gogh became sick, but he ____18____ on painting. In the last years of his life, he painted many works. He also wrote many letters ____19____ his brother. Today, these letters are read by many people. When Van Gogh was just 37 years old, he ____20____. People soon began to love his paintings. The paintings made many people feel the way Van Gogh felt when he looked at the world.11.A.In B.On C.At D.From12.A.rich B.angry C.lonely D.sad13.A.a special time B.a better life C.a big fight D.a fierce argument14.A.when B.what C.where D.how15.A.him B.himself C.he D.his16.A.look like B.look at C.come out D.come through17.A.dark B.shiny C.starry D.big18.A.stopped B.practiced C.finished D.kept19.A.from B.on C.to D.with20.A.died B.dead C.dying D.death【答案】11.A12.C13.B14.D15.B16.A17.C18.D19.C20.A【解析】【导语】本文向我们介绍著名的画家梵高的生平。11.句意:梵高在世时并不出名。In在……中;On在……上;At在;From从。in one’s lifetime“在某人的一生中”,固定短语,故选A。12.句意:他死时是一个贫穷而孤独的人。rich富有的;angry生气的;lonely孤独的;sad悲伤的。根据“He died a poor and...man.”可知,梵高去世时不出名,所以贫穷且孤独,故选C。13.句意:当他年轻的时候,他去和矿工一起生活,试图帮助他们过上更好的生活。a special time一个特殊的时期;a better life一个更好的生活;a big fight一场大战;a fierce argument一个激烈的争论。根据“to try and help them have...”可知,是想帮助矿工们过上更好的生活,故选B。14.句意:他试图展示人们真实的样子。when何时;what什么;where哪里;how如何,怎样。根据“He tried to show...people really looked.”可知,梵高想展示人们真实的样子是怎样的,故选D。15.句意:梵高大部分时间都是独自工作。him他;himself他自己;he他;his他的。by oneself“独自,靠自己”,固定用法,故选B。16.句意:星星看起来像大的光球。look like看起来像;look at看;come out出版,出来;come through经历。根据“The stars...big balls of light.”可知,星星看起来像大的光球,故选A。17.句意:他喜欢繁星点点的夜晚,希望通过他的画来表达他的感受。dark黑暗的;shiny闪耀的;starry布满星星的;big大的。根据前文“The Starry Night”可知,他喜欢繁星点点的夜晚,故选C。18.句意:梵高病了,但他坚持画画。stopped停止;practiced练习;finished结束;kept保持,继续。keep on doing sth“坚持/继续做某事”,故选D。19.句意:他也给他的兄弟写了很多信。from来自;on关于;to给;with和。根据“He also wrote many letters...his brother.”可知,此处是write letters to sb短语,意为“给某人写信”,故选C。20.句意:梵高37岁时就去世了。died动词过去式,死亡;dead形容词,死亡的;dying形容词,垂死的;death名词,死亡。此处在句中作谓语,用动词,故选A。21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)








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