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双语新闻播报(June 27)

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双语新闻播报(June 27)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-06-27 16:48

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> Vacation consumption soars端午消费“热浪”助推经济复苏

People watch a performance at Longtan Park in Beijing, June 22, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]


Consumption boomed in China on Thursday — the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday — benefiting the tourism, entertainment, transportation and catering sectors in particular, which experts said will help facilitate the country's economic recovery and growth.端午节假期首日掀起的消费热浪给旅游、娱乐、交通和餐饮行业都带来了利好,专家指出这将有助于推动我国的经济复苏和增长。

Tourist destinations across the country were flooded with millions of visitors taking advantage of the three-day holiday, according to data released by various localities.各地数据显示,端午三天小长假期间,全国各地旅游景点人潮涌动。

Shanghai, for instance, tallied more than 2.76 million visits on Thursday; while Zhejiang's provincial capital Hangzhou, home to the West Lake, registered 882,000 visits, data from local tourism departments showed.地方旅游部门数据显示,6月22日上海接待游客超276万人次,而拥有西湖美景的浙江省会杭州接待游客88.2万人次。

Tourists also flocked to places such as Zibo, Shandong province, to enjoy its famed barbecue; Chengdu, Sichuan province, to see giant pandas; and Changbai Mountain, Jilin province, to escape the summer heat.还有许多游客到山东淄博去吃当地著名烧烤,到四川成都去看大熊猫,到吉林长白山去避暑。

Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the economic policy committee at the China Association of Policy Sciences, said that the holiday travel spending spree is further evidence that the tourism sector is recovering after the country fine-tuned its COVID-19 response measures in January.中国政策科学研究会经济政策委员会副主任徐洪才指出,假期旅游消费热潮进一步证明,自从今年1月份我国优化新冠防控措施以后,旅游行业正在复苏。

More importantly, the holiday tourist boom has shed light on the resilience and strength of the world's second-largest economy and will factor in the nation's overall economic recovery efforts this year, Xu said.他表示,更重要的是,假期旅游热展示出我国作为世界第二大经济体的韧性和力量,并将助推我国经济的全面复苏。

According to movie data platform Maoyan, China's box office receipts from Thursday to Friday morning topped 400 million yuan ($55.7 million).电影数据平台猫眼电影称,从6月22日至23日晨,国内的票房收入突破了4亿元人民币。

Furthermore, people have shown a stronger willingness to dine out for gatherings during the holiday as evidenced by data released by the Ministry of Commerce.此外,据商务部发布的数据显示,端午小长假期间,人们外出聚餐的意愿也增强了。

According to China UnionPay Merchant Services, food and beverage spending increased by more than 20 percent year-on-year in the past seven days.中国银联商户服务平台的数据显示,过去一周食品饮料消费同比上涨超20%。

Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, said that the government should roll out more policy measures, such as issuing discount coupons, to sustain robust consumption momentum after the holiday.中国光大银行分析师周茂华表示,政府应推出更多政策措施,比如发放折扣券,来保持假期后消费的良好势头。

In the face of weakening external demand and sluggishness in the global economy, China needs to fully tap the potential of its domestic consumption to shore up its economic growth this year, he added.他指出,面对外部需求疲软和全球经济低迷的现实,中国需要充分挖掘国内消费潜力来支撑今年的经济增长。

> Four detained for deadly barbecue restaurant explosion in NW China宁夏银川烧烤店燃气爆炸事故4名犯罪嫌疑人被刑拘

A blast occurs at around 8:40 pm on Wednesday in a barbecue restaurant in Xingqing district of Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia. [Photo/Xinhua]


Four people have been put under criminal detention for allegedly "negligently causing a serious accident," after a fatal explosion at a barbecue restaurant in Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region, local authorities shared on Saturday.记者周六(6月24日)从有关部门获悉,宁夏银川烧烤店燃气爆炸事故4名犯罪嫌疑人已被以涉嫌重大责任事故罪采取刑事拘留强制措施。

The explosion occurred at approximately 8:40 pm on Wednesday at Fuyang Barbecue Restaurant on a busy street in Xingqing district of Yinchuan, the regional capital, when liquefied petroleum gas leaked from the restaurant.21日20时40分许,宁夏回族自治区银川市兴庆区民族南街富洋烧烤店操作间液化石油气(液化气罐)泄漏引发爆炸。

The explosion has killed 31 people and left seven injured.事故造成31人死亡、7人受伤。

All the injured are now in stable condition after receiving medical treatment.全部伤者经治疗,目前情况稳定。

The restaurant operator surnamed Ma, two shareholders surnamed Zhang and Liu, and the restaurant manager surnamed Suo have been detained.采取刑事拘留强制措施的4人分别为:涉事烧烤店经营者马某某、股东张某某、股东刘某、店长索某某。

The four are from the nine people previously put under control by public security authorities.此前,公安部门已依法对涉事烧烤店经营者、股东、店长和工作人员等9人进行控制。

Others involved in the tragedy are still under investigation.其余同此次事故有关的人员仍在接受调查。

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