中国人民大学财政金融学院 您所在的位置:网站首页 中国人民大学国学研究生王新宇教授 中国人民大学财政金融学院


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2. 英文论文发表

Can Public Medical Insurance Promote Rural Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China(with Xiaojun Shi and Teng Zhong), Applied Economics, DOI: 

10.1080/00036846.2021.1899118, 2021. 

The Agency Cost of Political Connections: Evidence from China's File 18 (with Yi Hu, Gang Xiao, Jianyu Zeng), Pacific Basin Finance Journal 56,64: 0-101426, 2020.

The Role of Investment Bankers in Mundefinedamp;As: New Evidence on Acquirers’ Financial Conditions (with Jie Guo, Xiaofei Xing), Journal of Banking and Finance 119, 2020,1-19.

Parasites and Paragons: Ownership Reform and Concentrated Interest among Minority Shareholders (with Nan Jia, Jing Shi, Yongxiang Wang), Journal of Management Studies 57, 129-162,2020.

The Value of Political Connections in Opaque Firms: Evidence from China's File 18 (with Yi Hu, Gang Xiao, Jianyu Zeng), Pacific Basin Finance Journal 55, 329-351, 2019.

Liquidity, Liquidity Risk and Stock Returns: Evidence from Japan, European Financial Management, 2014, Vol. 20, 126-151,

Are Chinese Warrants Derivatives? Evidence from Connections to Their Underlying Stocks (with Tang Ke), Quantitative Finance,2013.

Corporate Governance and Firm Liquidity: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market (with Tang Ke), Journal of Emerging Markets Financeundefinedamp;Trade, 2012, Vol.47. 47-60

Understanding Seasoned Equity Offerings of Chinese Firms (with Bo Hong, Huang Zhangnan), Journal of Bankingundefinedamp;Finance, 2010, Vol.35. 1143-1157.

Information Diffusion and Overreaction:Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market (with Xie Lei),Emerging MarketsFinance undefinedamp; Trade, 2010, Vol.46. No.2. 80-100.

American Futures Options Arbitrage: Evidence from the Nikkei 225 Options Market (with Zhang Wei, Weng Tan Kit),Quantitative Finance,2008 Vol.8. No.3. 313-320.

Ownership and Operating Performance of Chinese IPOs,Journal of Banking undefinedamp; Finance, 2005,  Vol.29. No.7. 1835-1856.

Profitability of Return and Volume-based Investment Strategies in China’s Stock Market (with S.T. Chin). Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2004, Vol. 12, 541-564.

Extreme Volumes and Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from the China’s Stock Market (with N. S. Cheng). Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2004, Vol. 12, 577-597.

Trading Activity and Futures Price Reversals (with M. Yu). Journal of Banking and Finance, 2004, Vol.28, 1337-1361.

Futures Trading Activity and Predictable Foreign Exchange Market Movements. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2004, Vol. 28, 1023-1041.

The Behavior and Performance of Major Types of Futures Traders, Journal of Futures Markets, 2003, Vol. 23, 1-23.

Net Position by Type of Trader and Volatility in Foreign Currency Futures Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, 2002, Vol.22, 427-450.

Investor Sentiment and Return Predictability in Agricultural Futures Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, 2001, Vol.21,925-952.


地方政府人才引进政策促进了区域创新吗?- 来自准自然实验的证据 (与钟腾和罗吉罡合著),《金融研究》,2021,第5期,135-152。

中国投资者处置效应研究:一个非理性信念的视角(与武佳薇、陈紫琳、Michale Guo合著),《金融研究》,2020,第2期,147-166。


中国股市是宏观经济的晴雨表吗?——基于马氏域变模型的研究(与孟庆斌, 张永冀合著). 《中国管理科学》, 2020, 第28(2)期,13-24.

股权结构、隧道效应与创新产出 —来自制造业上市公司的证据(与钟腾,李宗龙合著),厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版),第262(6)期,119-130.

商业银行最优资本配置、 股利分配策略与操作风险(孟庆斌、张永冀),《系统工程理论与实践》, 2018,2,329-336.


媒体监督与控股股东侵占:一个理论框架(与孟庆斌、张永冀合著),《系统工程理论与实践》, 2015,8,1905-1917.

媒体语气、投资者情绪与IPO定价(与武佳薇合著), 《金融研究》, 2015,  第9期。

公司媒体信息管理行为与IPO定价(与孙艳梅、武佳薇合作),《管理世界》,2015.第1期, 118-128。

金融市场化提高了农户的信贷获得吗?(与钟腾、郑华懋合作),《经济研究》, 2014, 第10期.

历史价量信息 在价格发现中更有效吗?基于中国证券市场的数据分析,《中国管理科学》,2013,第11期。


代理冲突、公司治理和上市公司财务欺诈的研究(与孙艳梅合著),《管理世界》, 2011, 第7期。

股权分置改革是否改善了上市公司治理机制的有效性?(与郑志刚、孙艳梅合著), 《金融研究》, 2010, 第12期

基于二维跳扩散模型的股市相关性研究(与李楠合著),《经济理论与经济管理》, 2010 第7期

资产定价理论:一个探索股权溢价之谜的视角(与汪勇祥合著,《管理世界》2007, 第7期

期货市场是否存在过度反应,《金融学季刊》, 2005, 第3期

股权分裂与国有股流动性溢价:基于流动性的经济学分析 (与汪勇祥合著),《中国人民大学学报》,2004, 第6期。

流动性:文献综述(与吴卫星、汪勇祥合著),《中国金融学》, 2004, 第9期

现代西方汇率理论与实证研究综述,《国际金融研究》, 2003, 第11期







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