Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – 高级自定义字段 – WordPress 插件 您所在的位置:网站首页 东岛鲫圣参数 Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – 高级自定义字段 – WordPress 插件

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – 高级自定义字段 – WordPress 插件

2024-01-26 22:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


高级自定义字段 (ACF) 为您提供所有工具来对您的数据进行更多处理,从而将 WordPress 网站转变为成熟的内容管理系统。

使用 ACF 插件完全控制您的 WordPress 编辑屏幕、自定义字段数据等。

按需添加字段。 ACF 字段生成器使您只需单击几个按钮即可快速轻松地将字段添加到 WP 编辑屏幕!无论是简单的事情(例如向书评文章添加“作者”字段),还是更复杂的事情(例如电子商务网站或市场的结构化数据需求),ACF 都可以轻松地将字段添加到内容模型中。

将它们添加到任何地方。 可以在整个 WordPress 中添加字段,包括文章、页面、用户、分类术语、媒体、评论甚至自定义选项页面!为 WordPress 内容创建体验带来结构再简单不过了。

到处展示它们。 使用我们无忧、开发人员友好的功能在任何主题模板文件中加载并显示您的自定义字段值!无论您需要显示单个值还是基于更复杂的查询生成内容,ACF 的开箱即用功能都使模板成为各种经验水平的开发人员的梦想。

任何内容,快速。 将 WordPress 转变为真正的内容管理系统不仅仅是自定义字段。创建新的自定义帖子类型和分类法是构建自定义 WordPress 网站的重要组成部分。现在可以在 ACF UI 中注册帖子类型和分类法,从而加快内容建模工作流程,而无需触摸代码或使用其他插件。

简单美丽且有意为之。 对于内容创建者和负责数据输入的人员来说,现场用户体验非常直观,同时又完美地融入了本机 WordPress 体验。定期审查和应用无障碍标准,确保 ACF 能够为尽可能接近的任何人提供帮助。

文档和开发人员指南。 十多年充满活力的社区贡献以及对清晰文档的持续承诺意味着您将能够找到构建您想要的内容所需的指导。

插件特色 使用方式简单直觉 功能强大 超过 30 种自定义字段类型 完整的在线说明文档 超过百万的爱用者 相关链接 网站 文档 支持 ACF PRO 付费 PRO 版

高级自定义字段插件还提供专业版本,其中包括更多字段、更多功能和更大灵活性。 ACF PRO 插件特点:

循环字段允许您创建一组可以一次又一次重复的子字段。 ACF Blocks,一个强大的 PHP-用于为 WordPress 块编辑器(又名古腾堡)开发自定义块类型的框架。 使用 定义、创建和管理内容灵活的内容字段,提供多种布局和子字段选项。 使用选项页面功能添加自定义管理页面来编辑 ACF 字段。 使用图库字段。 通过使用 克隆字段按需重用现有字段和字段组,解锁更高效的管理字段设置的工作流程。









从 WordPress 网站管理后台进行安装

访问 [插件] > [安装插件] 页面。 搜索「Advanced Custom Fields」或者 “ACF”。 在 [插件] 页面中安装并启用 Advanced Custom Fields。 点击新菜单项“ACF”并创建您的第一个自定义字段组,或注册自定义文章类型或分类法。 阅读开始使用 常见问题 插件开发者能为用户提供的技术支持有哪些?


评价 Great plugin, Great support mlsatya 2024年1月15日 I've been utilizing ACF Pro to develop some exciting projects, but I encountered a major error within WordPress. Thanks to the assistance of the WP Engine team, we identified the core issue and successfully resolved it. What's particularly noteworthy is that they provided support without initially pinpointing whether ACF Pro was the culprit or if it was caused by another plugin. As it turns out, the issue was indeed caused by another plugin. Era bueno pero ahora es aun mejor Guaity 2024年1月9日 Ya me parecía maravilloso cuando podías añadir tus campos personalizados pero es que ahora también puedes crear y gestionar custom post types y taxonomías y tenerlo todo en un mismo lugar simplificando todo el ecosistema, como debería ser. Es un plugin que debería ser nativo de Wordpress. Best plugin in the WP ecosystem Maarten 2023年12月29日 Hands down the most useful plugin in the WP ecosystem. Fantastic work! Love it! ACF is really a gem for WordPress! Mahmudul Hasan 2023年12月20日 ACF is really a gem for WordPress. With ACF we can do much more thing in WordPress! Very nice plugin pstidsen 2023年11月20日 ACF is a super helpful plugin! Both the free and paid version is awesome! And the support is very helpful. A suggestion: Better and more detailed control on where the custom fields is placed in the back end screen. Awesome! Adrià Forcada 2023年11月15日 Best Wordpress plugin so far! Perfect for custom themes. 阅读所有1,204条评价 贡献者及开发者

“Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – 高级自定义字段” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。

贡献者 Delicious Brains WP Engine Elliot Condon Matt Shaw Liam Gladdy Anthony Burchell Botz Dale Williams Iain Poulson

“Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – 高级自定义字段”插件已被翻译至30种本地话语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

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更新日志 6.2.5

发布日期 2024 年 1 月 16 日

Security Fix – The ACF shortcode will now run all output through wp_kses, escaping unsafe HTML. This may be a breaking change to your site but is required for security, a message will be shown in WordPress admin if you are affected. Please see the blog post for this release for more information. Thanks to Francesco Carlucci via Wordfence for the responsible disclosure Security – ACF now warns via an admin message, when upcoming changes to the_field and the_sub_field may require theme changes to your site to avoid stripping unsafe HTML. Please see the blog post for this release for more information Security – Users may opt in to automatically escaping unsafe HTML via a new filter acf/the_field/escape_html_optin when using the_field and the_sub_field before this becomes default in an upcoming ACF release. 6.2.4


Fix – Custom Post Types labels now match the WordPress 6.4 behavior for “Add New” labels Fix – When exporting both post types and taxonomies as PHP, taxonomies will now appear before post types, matching the order ACF registers them. This resolves issues where taxonomy slugs will not work in post type permalinks Fix – Advanced Settings for Taxonomies, Post Types or Options Pages now display with the correct top padding when toggled on Fix – When a parent option page is set to “Redirect to Child Page”, the child page will now correctly show it’s parent setting Fix – When activated as a must-use plugin, the ACF PRO “Updates” page is now visible. Use the existing show_updates setting to hide Fix – When activated as a must-use plugin, ACF PRO licenses defined in code will now correctly activate sites Fix – When show_updates is set or filtered to false, ACF PRO will now automatically still activate defined licenses i18n – Maintenance and internal upstream messages from the ACF PRO activation server are now translatable 6.2.3

Release Date 15th November 2023

View Release Post New – An ACF Blocks specific JSON schema for block.json is now available on GitHub New – Flexible Content fields now show the layout name in the layout’s header bar and supports click-to-copy New – Duplicating Flexible Content layouts now appends “Copy” to their name and label, matching the behavior of field group duplication Enhancement – ACF PRO will now automatically attempt license reactivation when the site URL changes, e.g. after a site migration. This resolves issues where updates may fail Enhancement – Presentation setting for “High” placement of the Field Group made clear that it’s not supported in the block editor Fix – acf_format_date now ensures the date parameter is valid to prevent fatal errors if other data types are passed in Fix – CPTs with a custom icon URL now display the posts icon in the location column of the field groups screen Fix – The ACF JSON import form will now disable on first submit resolving an issue where you could submit the form twice Fix – The “Add Row” button in the Flexible Content field now displays correctly when using nested layouts Fix – Warning and Error notices no longer flicker on ACF admin pages load i18n – ACF PRO license activation success and error messages are now translatable 6.2.2

Release Date 25th October 2023

Enhancement – ACF Blocks which have not been initialized by the editor will now render correctly Enhancement – Added a new acf/filesize filter to allow third party media plugins to bypass ACF calling filesize() on attachments with uncached file sizes, which may result in a remote download if offloaded Enhancement – ACF PRO license status and subscription expiry dates are now displayed on the “Updates” page Fix – Product pages for WooCommerce version 8.2 or newer now correctly support field group location rules Fix – Relationship field items can now be removed on mobile devices Fix – Color picker fields no longer autocomplete immediately after typing 3 valid hex characters Fix – Field settings no longer appear misaligned when the viewport is something other than 100% Fix – Select fields without an aria-label no longer throw a warning Fix – CPTs and Taxonomies with a custom text domain now export correctly when using PHP export

Release Date 8th September 2023

Fix – Editing a field group no longer generates an error when UI options pages are disabled 6.2.1

Release Date 7th September 2023

New – Options Pages created in the admin UI can now be assigned as child pages for any top-level menu item New – Added a “Title Placeholder” setting to ACF Post Types which filters the “Add title” text when editing posts Enhancement – ACF PRO will now warn when it can’t update due to PHP version incompatibilities Enhancement – ACF PRO will now work correctly with WordPress automatic updates Enhancement – The internal ACF Blocks template attribute parser function parseNodeAttr can now be shortcut with the new acf_blocks_parse_node_attr filter. Enhancement – Removed legacy code for supporting WordPress versions under 5.8 Fix – The “Menu Position” setting is no longer hidden for child options pages Fix – The tabs for the “Advanced” settings in Post Types and Taxonomies are now rendered inside a wrapper div Fix – Options pages will no longer display as a child page in the list view when set to a top level page after previously being a child Fix – Conflict with Elementor CSS breaking the ACF PRO banner Fix – Errors generated during the block editor’s savePost function will no longer be caught and ignored by ACF 6.2.0

Release Date 9th August 2023

View Release Post New – ACF now requires WordPress version 5.8 or newer, and PHP 7.0 or newer. View the release post for more information New – Bidirectional Relationships now supported for Relationship, Post Object, User and Taxonomy fields. View the release post for more information New – Options Pages can now be registered and managed by the admin UI in ACF PRO New – Link to the product feedback board added to the plugin footer Enhancement – ACF JSON now supports multiple save locations (props Freddy Leitner) Enhancement – ACF Post Types and Taxonomies can now be duplicated Enhancement – The filename for JSON files can now be customized with the acf/json/save_file_name filter Fix – REST updates of fields with choices containing integer or mixed keys now behave correctly Fix – Using the block_type_metadata_settings PHP filter to add usesContext values no longer breaks ACF blocks Fix – Notice to import post types/taxonomies from CPTUI no longer flashes on page load Fix – Various buttons for fields in blocks now display correctly Fix – The settings for the DateTime field are no longer cut off when nested in several fields in the field group editor Fix – The newline added to the end of JSON files will now use PHP_EOL to detect the correct newline character with a filter acf/json/eof_newline to alter it. i18n – Updated French and Portuguese translations (Thanks to pedro-mendonca and maximebj) 6.1.8

Release Date 3rd August 2023

Security Fix – This release resolves a stored XSS vulnerability in admin screens with ACF post type and taxonomy labels (Thanks to Satoo Nakano and Ryotaro Imamura) 6.1.7

Release Date 27th June 2023

New – Added new capability settings for ACF taxonomies Enhancement – Added a new acf/field_group/auto_add_first_field filter which can be used to prevent new field groups from automatically adding a field Enhancement – Field setting labels now have standard capitalization in the field group editor Enhancement – Clone field now has a tutorial link Enhancement – “Exclude From Search” CPT setting now has an improved description Enhancement – The acf_get_posts() function now has acf/acf_get_posts/args and acf/acf_get_posts/results filters Enhancement – Added a new acf/options_page/save action hook that gets fired during save of ACF Options Pages Fix – Taxonomies are now initialized before post types, preventing some permalink issues Fix – Increased the taxonomy slug maximum length to 32 characters Fix – Extra tabs are no longer added to PHP exports with field settings containing multiple lines Fix – ACF admin assets now load when editing profile and users for a multisite network Fix – Blocks with recursive render_callback functions will no longer crash the editor Fix – JSON files now end in a new line for better compatibility with code editors i18n – layout(s) strings in Flexible Content fields are now translatable i18n – Updated Polish translations 6.1.6

Release Date 4th May 2023

Security Fix – This release resolves an XSS vulnerability in ACF’s admin pages (Thanks to Rafie Muhammad for the responsible disclosure) Fix – Duplicating fields in a new field group with field setting tabs disabled now behaves correctly 6.1.5

Release Date 2nd May 2023

Enhancement – Creating a new field group from the post-save actions for a post type or taxonomy will automatically populate the field group title Enhancement – Empty values in list tables now display as a dash, rather than blank Enhancement – The Generate PHP export tool for field groups now displays the code wrapped in the acf/include_fields action hook to match the recommended way of using acf_add_local_field_group, and the code is formatted correctly Enhancement – Post count and Term count values in list tables now link through to the matching posts or terms Enhancement – Added post-save actions to post type and taxonomies to create another Enhancement – Selecting existing taxonomies when registering a Custom Post Type is now available in the Basic settings section rather than Advanced Fix – Exclude From Search setting for custom post types now behaves correctly Fix – Duplicating fields with sub fields no longer results in JS errors Fix – Select2 field settings now render correctly when duplicating fields Fix – Checkbox fields allowing custom values which use integer keys can now be updated over the REST API Fix – Using the No Permalink rewrite setting for post type will no longer generate PHP warnings Fix – The minimum rows not met validation message for the Repeater field type now correctly states the minimum rows are not met Fix – The Range field type no longer cuts off three digit values Fix – Created on and Delete Field Group now correctly only appear on the Group Settings tab of a field group Fix – Padding for field settings tabs is now correct i18n – Updated all PRO translation files, removing legacy free strings which are now handled through i18n – Updated PRO translations with the latest contributions from GitHub (Thanks to @MilenDalchev, @Xilonz and @wiliamjk) 6.1.4

Release Date 12th April 2023

Fix – ACF now detects when another plugin or theme is loading an incompatible version of Select2, and will fallback to a basic select field for the field type selection Fix – Post Object, Page Link and Relationship field types now use a default post_status filter of any, matching the behavior prior to ACF 6.1. This can be edited per field in the field group admin or via the acf/fields/$field_type/query filters Fix – Post Type and Taxonomy key generation now uses dashes rather than underscores Fix – The “add first” text no longer appears when no search results are found for ACF field groups, post types or taxonomies 6.1.3

Release Date 5th April 2023

Fix – ‘Create Terms’ button for taxonomy fields now displays correctly Fix – ACF JSON field group files which have unsupported keys (not beginning with group_) will now load as field groups Fix – Renaming capabilities for post types will now set map_meta_cap to true solving an issue with assigning permissions to roles for that post type 6.1.2

Release Date 4th April 2023

View Release Post Fix – Calls to acf_add_options_page after acf_add_local_field_group before acf/init will now behave correctly i18n – All new ACF 6.1 strings are now correctly English (United States) by default 6.1.1

Release Date 3rd April 2023

Fix – Calls to acf_add_local_field_group before acf/init now behave correctly 6.1.0

Release Date 3rd April 2023

View Release Post New – Register Custom Post Types and Taxonomies using ACF. View the release post for full information New – A new field type selection browser providing details on each type of field. View the release post for full information New – PHP 8.1 and 8.2 support Security Fix – ACF’s data serialization system will now prevent classes being unserialized. This prevents a potential security issue should an attacker know a vulnerable class is available, and can write malicious data to the database. Enhancement – Post Object, Page Link and Relationship fields now support filtering by post status Enhancement – Checkbox fields which allow custom entries can now be filtered to set custom text for the “Add New Choice” button using the custom_choice_button_text property Fix – ACF Block field edit view buttons now work correctly inside reusable blocks Fix – An empty callback function in now passed to scripts to prevent JS warnings when using Google Map fields Fix – Checkbox field values now support keys indexed as 0 Fix – Automatic deactivation of the free or PRO plugin when activating the other now displays the correct message in the admin notice Fix – Empty Flexible Content fields will no longer cause an error when used in the block editor on save Fix – Admin notices now behave correctly and are closable in RTL languages 6.0.7

Release Date 18th January 2023

Improvement – Removed unnecessary “Layout” prefix for Flexible Content field layouts Fix – Dragging and dropping fields containing settings rendered as radio button groups no longer removes the selected value Fix – Using the WordPress default_page_template_title filter with two parameters no longer causes a fatal error Fix – Select2 inputs in the content editor are no longer receiving styles from the ACF 6 admin UI Fix – acf_add_local_field_group() now works with field group titles containing non-ASCII characters Fix – Flexible Content field no longer has a missing icon for the “Duplicate” button Fix – Clicking the “Add Field” button in a Flexible Content layout no longer adds an invalid field if there are other Flexible Content fields in the layout Fix – Edit buttons for ACF blocks now behave correctly inside reusable blocks Fix – Field settings rendered as a select2 field now correctly reinitialize when changing between field types 6.0.6

Release Date 13th December 2022

View Release Post New – Flexible Content field now has a new admin user experience when editing layouts New – Tabs for field settings in the field group editor can now be disabled via a new “Field Settings Tabs” screen option or with the new acf/field_group/disable_field_settings_tabs filter Improvement – General field settings tab now selected by default when a field is opened Fix – Sub fields are no longer initialized by their parent, resolving performance issues when field groups contain many nested sub fields Fix – Frontend forms now disable the submit button after click to prevent multiple submissions Fix – Unknown field types no longer display broken HTML in the field group editor Fix – Returning an empty string via the acf/blocks/no_fields_assigned_message filter will no longer result in blocks without fields assigned having an extra wrapping div Fix – Sites with WPML enabled no longer experience failed ACF updates due to license errors Fix – Buttons featuring icons no longer have display issues when using RTL languages 6.0.5

Release Date 18th November 2022

Fix – Uploading multiple files nested in a subfield no longer causes a fatal error when using basic uploader (props @JoKolov) 6.0.4

Release Date 8th November 2022

Improvement – JavaScript initialization performance while editing large field groups has been improved, especially in Safari Improvement – Tooltips for field settings are now shown as inline instructions Improvement – Saving a field group is now disabled until a field group title has been entered Improvement – Additional sanitization across various internal parts of the plugin Fix – Dragging and dropping a field in no longer opens the field settings in Firefox Fix – Copying the field name or key to the clipboard now works as expected for new or reordered fields, and subfields Fix – Saving a field group will now temporarily disable the “Save Changes” button while saving Fix – Block templates that include html comments as the first DOM element no longer crash the block editor on edit Fix – Block templates that include InnerBlocks on the DOM’s first level no longer trigger JS warnings Fix – Block templates that render other blocks now correctly render their InnerBlocks Fix – Legacy block attribute values are no longer overwritten by blank defaults of new versions Fix – Paginated Repeater fields now work with non-paginated Repeaters as subfields Fix – Repeater pagination is now properly disabled while inside blocks Fix – REST API no longer causes a PHP warning if $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] is not defined Fix – REST API now supports integer keys for the Select field Fix – REST API now supports passing null to Image and File fields Fix – Invalid ACF meta keys no longer cause a fatal error when retrieved with get_fields() a11y – The Relationship field is now fully accessible for keyboard navigation i18n – Select dropdown arrow is now aligned correctly in RTL languages i18n – Radio buttons are now aligned correctly in RTL languages 6.0.3

Release Date 18th October 2022

Security Fix – ACF shortcode security fixes detailed here Improvement – Field names and keys now copy to clipboard on click, and do not open a field Fix – The field type input now has default focus when adding a new field Fix – ACF no longer publishes h1, h2 or h3 CSS classes outside of the ACF admin screens Fix – Conditional field settings now work correctly across different tabs Fix – The field list for sub fields are now full width Fix – ACF admin notices now display with correct margin Fix – Admin CSS improvements when using ACF in an RTL language Fix – Clone fields now have the presentation tab for setting wrapper properties when in group display mode Fix – Appended labels on field settings will now be displayed in the correct place Accessibility – The move field modal is now keyboard and screen reader accessible 6.0.2

Release Date 29th September 2022

Improvement – Field group and field rows no longer animate on hover to reveal the action links Fix – Field order is now saved correctly when fields are reordered Fix – WordPress notice styles outside of ACF’s admin screens are no longer affected by the plugin’s CSS 6.0.1

Release Date 28th September 2022

Improvement – ACF’s header bar inside our admin pages is no longer sticky Improvement – ACF’s admin pages no longer use a custom font Fix – Duplicating flexible content layouts now works correctly Fix – ACF CSS classes no longer target translated class names for sub pages, resolving issues when using ACF in a language other than English Fix – ACF no longer reactivates when using WPML with different domains per language Fix – i18n – Labels for some field settings no longer break onto multiple lines in languages other than English Fix – Radio field types no longer generate a warning in logs due to invalid parameter counts Fix – True/False field focus states no longer apply outside ACF admin screens Fix – Focus states for many field types no longer show when interacting with a mouse input Fix – ACF 6’s new Tab background colors no longer apply outside ACF admin screens, increasing readability Fix – User fields named “name” no longer have a different label presentation view Fix – Changing field types with subfields no longer removes those fields when switching field type and back Fix – Resolved a potential fatal error if a third party plugin sets the global $post_type something other than a string Fix – Tooltip alignment is no longer incorrect inside subfields Fix – Resolved a potential JS error when third party plugins modify the metabox sort order 6.0.0

Release Date 21st September 2022

New – ACF now has a new refreshed UI with improved UX for editing field groups, including a new tabbed settings layout for fields. Third party ACF extension plugin developers can read more about the optional changes they can make to support the new tabs in our release announcement post New – Repeaters now have an optional “Pagination” setting which can be used to control the number of rows displayed at once. More details can be found on our Repeater field documentation New – ACF Blocks now have a versioning system allowing developers to opt in to new features New – ACF Blocks now support version 2, enabling block.json support, reduced wrapper markup and significant other new features. Full details and examples of this can be found in What’s new with ACF Blocks in ACF 6 New – ACF Blocks no longer use Block IDs saved in the block comment. See What’s new with ACF Blocks in ACF 6 for more information. Enhancement – Bulk actions for field groups now include “Activate” and “Deactivate” options Fix – ACF will no longer perform a multisite database upgrade check on every admin load once each upgrade has been performed Fix – ACF Blocks preloading now works for blocks saved in edit mode Fix – ACF Blocks edit forms now behave correctly if they are not visible when loaded Fix – ACF Blocks now always fire render_block_preview events when a block preview is displayed or redisplayed Fix – ACF Blocks with no fields now display advisory text and are selectable in the block editor. This message is filterable with the acf/blocks/no_fields_assigned_message filter, providing both the message to be displayed and the block name it’s being displayed against Fix – Accordions inside ACF Blocks now match the current native block styling Fix – ACF Blocks which contain no fields now preload correctly Fix – Changes to an ACF Block’s context now trigger a re-render Fix – A rare warning inside wp_post_revision_field will no longer be possible Fix – The field “move” option now no longer displays for fields when only one field group exists Fix – Language for field group activation state now standardized to “active” and “inactive” Fix – SVGs containing foreignObject tags now correctly render in JSX rendered ACF Blocks Fix – Server errors during ACF updates or version checks are now cached for 5 minutes rather than 24 hours Accessibility – The new ACF UI has significantly improved accessibility for screen readers and alternative input options i18n – All strings inside ACF are now translatable i18n – Accented term names in taxonomy fields are no longer corrupted at output i18n – ACF translations are now synced with contributions from at each release, increasing ACF’s supported languages and updating many other translations. PRO strings should still be submitted as pull requests on GitHub (Additional thanks to maximebj, emreerkan and Timothée Moulin for their contributions which are included here) 5.12.6

Release Date 4th May 2023

Security Fix – This release resolves an XSS vulnerability in ACF’s admin pages (Thanks to Rafie Muhammad for the responsible disclosure) 5.12.5

Release Date 3rd April 2023

Security Fix – ACF’s data serialization system will now prevent classes being unserialized. This prevents a potential security issue should an attacker know a vulnerable class is available, and can write malicious data to the database. See the 6.1.0 release post for more information 5.12.4

Release Date 18th October 2022

Security Fix – ACF shortcode security fixes from the ACF 6.0.3 release. See the 6.0.3 release post for more information 5.12.3

Release Date 14th July 2022

Security Fix – Inputs for basic file uploads are now nonced to prevent an issue which could allow arbitrary file uploads to forms with ACF fields (Thanks to James Golovich from Pritect, Inc.) 5.12.2

Release Date 6th April 2022

Fix – Cloned fields in custom named options pages now behave correctly Fix – Default values and the acf/load_value filter are now applied if a field value load fails security validation Fix – The ACF field is no longer present in REST responses if the ACF REST API setting is disabled Fix – Duplicating a flexible content layout or repeater row now also replaces the field ID in for attributes 5.12.1

Release Date 23rd March 2022

New – REST API now supports the comment route for displaying ACF fields. Fix – ACF now validates access to option page field values when accessing via field keys the same way as field names. View More Fix – REST API now correctly validates fields for POST update requests Fix – Fixed an issue where invalid field types caused an error during REST API requests Fix – Fixed a PHP warning when duplicating an empty field group Fix – Fixed a bug preventing block duplication detection changing an ACF Block’s ID if it was nested deeper than one level inside another block Fix – Fixed a bug where the acf-block-preview wrapper might not appear around a block if it was saved in edit mode i18n – Updated several translations from user contributions (Thanks to Dariusz Zielonka, Mikko Kekki and Alberto!) 5.12

Release Date 23rd February 2022

View Release Post New – ACF blocks now support the new Full Site Editor included in WordPress 5.9 New – ACF blocks now support the WordPress Query Loop block New – Added block caching system to reduce the number of AJAX calls in the block editor Enhancement – Block preloading can now be disabled by using “acf_update_setting( ‘preload_blocks’, false );” in the “acf/init” action hook Enhancement – ACF and ACF PRO will now detect if each other are active and deactivate the other plugin on plugin activation Fix – Fixed an issue with the media library not working correctly in ACF Blocks in WordPress 5.9.1 Fix – Fixed an issue where anchors weren’t working correctly in WordPress 5.9 Fix – Fixed an issue where the “unfiltered_html” capability wasn’t being used by ACF blocks Fix – Fixed an issue where it was impossible to update an ACF block inside the widget block editor Fix – Fixed an issue where ACF fields might not appear in REST API calls made via internal WordPress functions Fix – Warnings and PHP 8.1 deprecation notices in REST API Fix – Better support for double byte characters in “acf_get_truncated()” (props @cabradb) i18n – Broken link in the Croatian translation i18n – Automated building of acf.pot for translators in each release 5.11.4

Release Date – 2nd December 2021

Fix – Fixed several Select2.js conflicts with other plugins Fix – Fixed an issue where block name sanitization could change valid block names containing double hyphens Fix – Fixed an issue where blocks with integer IDs could fail to load example field data 5.11.3

Release Date – 24th November 2021

Fix – Fixed a bug when accessing field values for options pages registered with a custom post_id 5.11.2

Release Date – 24th November 2021

Fix – Previously implemented data access changes for get_field() and the_field() are now limited to the ACF shortcode only. Learn more Fix – get_field() and the_field() functions can once again access meta values regardless of being registered with ACF, restoring functionality that existed before 5.11 Fix – get_field() and the_field() functions now are only able to access site options which are ACF fields Fix – UI issues for select boxes related to Yoast and WooCommerce’s select2 versions by upgrading our select2 version, and updating our CSS to support older versions Fix – User fields failed to load values when using the legacy select2 v3 option Fix – acf_slugify() now correctly supports special characters which solves issues with block names or field group names (during imports) containing those characters Fix – PHP Notice generated while processing a field group’s postbox classes 5.11.1

Release Date – 18 November 2021

Enhancement – Added “acf/admin/license_key_constant_message” filter to allow changing of the “Your license key is defined in wp-config.php” message Fix – Added warning for when get_field() or similar functions are called before ACF has initialized. Learn more Fix – Fixed fields not appearing on user REST API endpoints if their field group location was set to a user form other than “all” Fix – Fixed warning in REST API if a custom field type did not have the “show_in_rest” property Fix – Fixed an error that could occur if value of WYSIWYG field was not a string 5.11

Release Date – 10 November 2021

View Release Post New – Fields can now be viewed and updated with the WordPress REST API (props @mishterk) New – License key can now be defined in code with the “ACF_PRO_LICENSE” constant Enhancement – Improved error handling for expired or deactivated licenses Enhancement – Improved support for various block editor features, such as block styles and padding/spacing Enhancement – Added support for using WordPress “Screen Options” to hide field groups in Classic Editor Enhancement – Support filters adding custom classes on date and time field inputs Enhancement – Support filtering ACF shortcode attributes (with the “shortcode_atts_acf” filter) Fix – Removed usages of PHP “extract()” function Fix – Fixed a security issue with user field Fix – Fixed a security issue with “acf_get_value()” Fix – Correctly set “.acf-block-preview” wrapper when previewing a block in auto mode Fix – Resolved an issue with select2 rendering for nav menu fields Fix – Fixed an issue with file validation that occurred when removing a file that failed validation Fix – Fixed a notice in “acf_prepare_field()” Fix – Prevented an issue where setting an empty string for the return format of date and time fields would cause JS errors Fix – Fix issues with conditional logic for multi-select fields (props @bhujagendra-ishaya) Fix – Added support for Google Maps schema change which prevented Google Maps fields from correctly saving the city for some areas Fix – Fixed an issue where removing the collapsed property of a repeater prevents viewing previously collapsed rows i18n – Updated Polish Translations (props @webnatural) Dev – Formatted JavaScript to WordPress code standards

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