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2024-07-09 15:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

国际期刊 International Journal of Robotics Research Advanced Robotics Autonomous Robots IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine IEEE Transactions on Robotics Journal of Field Robotics Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems Robotica Robotics and Autonomous Systems 国际会议 第一阵容 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) 第二阵容 International Conference on Advanced Robotics International Symposium of Robotics Research International Symposium on Experimental Robotics Robotics: Science and Systems

CLAWAR: International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots,攀爬和行走机器人国际会议,主要由欧洲的一个CLAWAR Association举办。显然,这也是一个很专的会议,主要关注移动机器人方面。

IFToMM旗下的会议,例如IFToMM World Congresses in Mechanism and Machine Science(四年一次)等。IFToMM,the International Federation for the Theory of Mechanisms and Machines,即国际机构学和机器科学联合会 http://www.iftomm.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=31:conferences&catid=13&Itemid=141

ICIA:IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation,即IEEE信息与自动化国际会议,IEEE RAS主办,应该是2004年发源于合肥,到2012年第九届。相比ROBIO和ICMA,ICIA更加中国化。

IEEE WCICA:The World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation.WCICA 2018 is technically sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Association of Automation, and the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. WCICA 2018 features plenary lectures and panel discussion sessions by the world leading researchers as well as awards to honor outstanding papers presented at this Congress. The awards include Best Paper on Theory, Best Paper on Applications, Best Student Paper, Best Poster Paper, Best Paper on Biomedical & Biosystem Related Areas, and AIAG Best Paper on Supply Chain Related Topics.

IEEE RCAR:International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics.The objective of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers in robotics and real-time computing to share the latest results and explore the opportunity of research collaboration. With wide applications of robots in industry and services sectors, real-time computing plays one of the major roles in various topics in robotics including real-time control, human-robot interactions, sensor perception and fusion, robot intelligence, etc. The scope of RCAR 2018 covers research, development and applications in the dynamic and exciting areas of real-time computing and robotics. Kandima is located on the largest island in the Dhaalu Atoll about 45 minutes South-West of capital Male, blessed with a 3 kilometer long white sand beach along the lagoon and thousands of palm trees. RCAR 2018 promises to be a great event for all participants, with excellent technical and social programs.

(12)IEEE ICWAPR&ICMLC:International Conferenceon Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition。 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics .ICMLC and ICWAPR 2018 will also offer an international platform for researchers who are actively planning to organize focus group discussion on topics such as fuzzy rough sets and applications, big data and machine learning, cyber security and biometrics. Depending on the outcome of these focus group discussions, a number of special SCI journal issues will be published.

Science robotics; International Journal of Humanoid Robotics; International Journal of Social Robotics; Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing; Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics; Industrial Robot: An International Journal; 国际会议论文评审的几个关键点 Originality of concepts (points 1-5) Technical soundness (1-5) Thoroughness of results (1-5) Importance of results (1-5)/ Relevance of Application (1-5) Clarity of representation (1-5) Final Recommedation (Grade 1-5) Comments to Authors 机器人与自动化领域SCI期刊最新影响因子

在这里插入图片描述**【投稿难易程度】 (1)ICRA和IROS作为第一阵容的顶级会议,投稿难易程度跟国内《机械工程学报》、《机器人》等几乎相当。大家千万不要被它30%~50%的录用率所迷惑了。在欧美国家举行时,甚至会比后者要求还高,对创新点和贡献等指标卡得相当严。 (2)ROBIO>AIM=ICMA>ICIA。论文有些创新、理论和实验想验证,写得通顺流畅,都很有希望。 (3)CLAWAR和Humanoid的没投过,估计也不容易。 (4)IFToMM的完全无发言权,求补充。

【国际会议论文评审的几个关键点】 Originality of concepts (points 1-5) Technical soundness (1-5) Thoroughness of results (1-5) Importance of results (1-5)/ Relevance of Application (1-5) Clarity of representation (1-5) Final Recommedation (Grade 1-5) Comments to Authors 也就是说,评审一般关注的:论文是否原创(或者创新性如何)、技术是否可靠、结论是否彻底、结果是否重要或者有应用价值、表述是否清晰等几个主要方面,最后形成一个总评分(大概就是以上各项的加权平均和)。这个评级一般:4.5-5分可提名最佳论文奖,4-4.5绝对录用,3-4可以录用,3分左右可能分到POSTER区(即以海报形式展示),3分以下基本就没戏了。(一些烂会议2分以上的就要,只要长得像篇文章,它就录了==!完全是制造垃圾,搞坏名声。)**

参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/luohuiwu/article/details/80748123 https://blog.csdn.net/lx_ros/article/details/75286095






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