与than搭配的42个常见短语(附词典例句) 您所在的位置:网站首页 与meeting有关的短语 与than搭配的42个常见短语(附词典例句)


2024-05-23 07:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





1.more than 超过;在…以上(尤用于强调实际数多么大);超出需要;超乎寻常

2.no more than只不过/仅仅;至多/不到(相当于little more than)(用于强调并不重要)

3.little more than 仅仅;只不过是

4.nothing more than 不比…复杂;仅仅;只不过是

5.not more than 在…以下,不超过,不到(尤用于强调实际数目多么小)

no/not more than sth不超过/至多

6.more…than 与更像(前者)地;与其说(是)…,倒不如说(是)…

7.no more…than 根本不…;完全不…

8.more often than not (相当于as often as not, most of the time)


9.more than a little (正式)相当;非常;十分

10.more than happy, welcome, likely, glad, ready etc. 十分;很;非常,极其(相当于very)

11.more than sb can/could 无法

12.be more of sth than 与其说…不如说…

13.less than (用在数字或数量前)少于/低于/比…少;好不/完全不/一点都不;缺少/缺乏

14.be less a…than a…(= be not no so much like one thing as another) 不是…更像…

15.no less than 不少于/不低于;多至/多达(表示数目的惊人之多)

16.nothing less than


17.be nothing short of/less than sth简直是某事物,无异于某事物(用于强调程度)

18.less…than 不像…(更像…);与其说…(倒不如说…)

19.in less than no time极快地;很快地;迅速地;一眨眼功夫

20.other than

除了…外(还)(相当于in addition to);除了…外(相当于except, except for)

(通常用于否定句,正式)不/不同/不同于(相当于not, different(ly) from)

21.no other than 除…外没有;只有;正是;就是;不是别的而正是

22.none other than 正是;就是

none other than sb

23.nothing other than 除…外没有;只有

24.rather than 而不是/而非(相当于instead of)

25.would rather…than或would sooner …than宁愿…而不愿

26.rather you, him, her, them than me


27.than ever 比以往任何时候

28.than before比以前

29.than usual 比平时/平常

30.no sooner …than刚…就…;一…就…

no sooner had/did…than一…就…,刚…就…

31.there’s nothing better/worse/more exciting etc than

32.know better (than…) 晓得不该做(…),不至于笨到(…)

33.better than nothing (有)比没有好;比没有强

34.no better than 和…几乎一样;比…好不到哪儿去

35.otherwise than (法律)除非

36.different than 与…不同(相当于different from)

37.no sooner said than done说到做到;立刻

38.better late than never(口)晚做总比不做好;迟到总比不到好

39.better safe than sorry有备无患

40.sooner rather than later赶早不赶晚;及早

41.go one better (than sb) (非正式)(比某人)做得更好

42.easier said than done (也作more easily said than done)说起来容易,做起来难


1.more than 超过;在…以上(尤用于强调实际数多么大);超出需要;超乎寻常


more than超出需要;超乎寻常

Lithuania produces more than enough food to feed itself.


…accommodation which is roomy and offers more than generous stowage.


2.no more than只不过/仅仅;至多/不到(相当于little more than)(用于强调并不重要)


no more than or not more than不超过;不到;至多

Each box requires no more than a few hours of labor to build.


He was a kid really, not more than eighteen or nineteen.


nothing more than只不过;仅仅

The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang’s personal journal.


3.little more than 仅仅;只不过是


no more than又作little more than只不过;仅仅

He’s no more than a glorified accountant.


He left school with little more than a basic education.



no/nothing/little more than仅仅;只不过是

The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch.


4.nothing more than 不比…复杂;仅仅;只不过是


Poor Clarissa wanted nothing more than to have someone to talk to.


The Captain is suffering from nothing more serious than a cold.



The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang’s personal journal.


5.not more than 在…以下,不超过,不到(尤用于强调实际数目多么小)

no/not more than sth不超过/至多


It’s a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.


Opinion polls show that no more than 30% of people trust the government.


6.more…than 与更像(前者)地;与其说(是)…,倒不如说(是)…


He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father.


There were more amused than concerned.



The exhibition at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts is ore a production than it is a museum display.


He’s more like a film star than a life-guard, really.


7.no more…than 根本不…;完全不…


He’s no more fit to be a priest than I am! 他和我一样根本就不适合当牧师!

8.more often than not (相当于as often as not, most of the time)



More often than not the train is late. 这趟火车常常晚点。


More often than not the patient recovers. 病人多半能恢复健康。


More often than not, a student will come up with the right answer.


9.more than a little (正式)相当;非常;十分


I was more than a little(= I was very) curious about the whole business.


We will be more than glad/happy/willing to help you in any way we can.



more than a little: fairly(正式)相当

The lectures were more than a little disappointing. 讲座相当令人失望。


She was more than a little embarrassed by her friend’s remarks.


10.more than happy, welcome, likely, glad, ready etc. 十分;很;非常,极其(相当于very)


more than happy/welcome/likelyetc非常乐意/欢迎/可能等(用于强调所说的话)

The store is more than happy to deliver goods to your home.


The public are more than likely to ban the match. 警方很可能会禁止这场比赛。


It’s more than likely that they will change the rules again next year.


I’d be more than happy to show you round our factory.


11.more than sb can/could 无法


The noise was more than I could hear. 我实在无法忍受那种噪音了。

12.be more of sth than 与其说…不如说…


She’s more of a poet than a novelist.


13.less than (用在数字或数量前)少于/低于/比…少;好不/完全不/一点都不;缺少/缺乏


less than(置于形容词或副词前以表示否定)不

It would have been less than fair. 那会是很不公平的。

…a good deal less than perfect…很不完善…

…the one thing that I was less than totally happy about.



Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.


Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs. 不到半个小时,他又跑上楼来。


Her greeting was less than enthusiastic. 她的问候一点都不热情。

Her advice has frequently been less than wholly helpful. 她的建议往往毫无帮助。

14.be less a…than a…(= be not no so much like one thing as another) 不是…更像…


‘Will you please come with me?’ It was less a request than a command.


15.no less than 不少于/不低于;多至/多达(表示数目的惊人之多)


By 1880, there were no less than fifty-six coal mines. 到1880年煤矿多达56座。

no less than 40 per cent of the material多达百分之四十的材料


The guide contains details of no less than 115 hiking routes.



no less than(对某一数目之大表示惊奇)多达

No less than 35 per cent of the country is protected in the form of parks and nature sanctuaries.


He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews.


16.nothing less than



nothing less than(用以加强后面的词语,常表示某事物显得惊人或重要)简直;全然

What was needed was nothing less than a new industrial revolution.


His life has been ruined, utterly destroyed by nothing less than education.


This was nothing less than tragic. 这完全是场悲剧。


What he had in mind amounted to nothing less than a total reversal of the traditional role of the executive. 他头脑中所想的简直就是对管理人员的传统角色的彻底颠覆。

You’re nothing less than a murderer! 你简直就是凶手!

17.be nothing short of/less than sth简直是某事物,无异于某事物(用于强调程度)


The state of our health service is nothing short of a scandal.


Her victory was nothing less than remarkable. 她的胜利确实引人注目。

18.less…than 不像…(更像…);与其说…(倒不如说…)


At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.


Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.


19.in less than no time极快地;很快地;迅速地;一眨眼功夫


We called the fire brigade, which arrived in less than no time.


20.other than

除了…外(还)(相当于in addition to);除了…外(相当于except, except for)

(通常用于否定句,正式)不/不同/不同于(相当于not, different(ly) from)


other than(正式)different from or except不同于;除了

Holidays other than those in this brochure do not have free places for children.


The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. (高考考查过本句)


other than(正式)(用于否定句)除了

There’s nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish. 今晚的电视除了垃圾,再没别的了。

21.no other than 除…外没有;只有;正是;就是;不是别的而正是

22.none other than 正是;就是

none other than sb



He called together all his employees and announced that he manager was none other than his son.


23.nothing other than 除…外没有;只有


Nothing other than an immediate custodial sentence could be justified.


They have left us with no other choice than to take formal action.


24.rather than 而不是/而非(相当于instead of)


The problem was psychological rather than physiological.


When I’m going out in the evening I use the bike if I can rather than the car.



I think you’d call it a lecture rather than a talk. 我说啊,这是训斥,不是谈话。

Rather than go straight to university why not get some work experience first?


Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules.


25.would rather…than或would sooner …than宁愿…而不愿


I’d rather die than apologize to Helen.



They said they would rather die than abandon their homes.



would sooner do sth (than sth else)宁愿做某事(而不愿做另一件事)

She’s sooner share a house with other students than live at home with her parents.


26.rather you, him, her, them than me



‘I’m going rock climbing this weekend.’—‘Rather you than me!’


27.than ever 比以往任何时候



She looked frailer than ever. 她比以往任何时候都虚弱。

The news is as awful as ever. 消息与以往一样糟。


hotter/colder/better etc than ever比以前任何时候都热/冷/好等

Last night’s show was better than ever. 昨晚的演出比以前任何一场都好看。

28.than before比以前


than(用在ever, before, usual等之前)比…

He came later than usual. 他比平常晚来。

The river has become cleaner than before. 那条河变得比以前干净了。

29.than usual 比平时/平常


longer/higher/worse etcthan usual

It is taking longer than usual for orders to reach our customers.


30.no sooner …than刚…就…;一…就…

no sooner had/did…than一…就…,刚…就…


No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang. 他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。


No sooner had he closed his eyes than he fell asleep. 他刚合上眼就睡着了。

You no sooner pour your aperitif than the bell goes. 刚斟上开胃酒铃声就响了。


No sooner had I got into the house than the phone rang. 我刚进屋,电话铃就响了。

Hardly had they reached Edinburgh than they were ordered to return to London.


31.there’s nothing better/worse/more exciting etc than



There’s nothing more exciting than seeing your name in print.


There’s nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night.


《英语语法大全》((主编约翰 辛克莱)第436页8.17


I had just started back for the house to change my clothes when I heard voices.

He was having his Christmas dinner when the telephone rang.

要说明一件事紧接另一件事发生,一个分句用过去完成时,时间从句用简单过去时,前一个分句的had之后跟no sooner或hardly。

用no sooner时,时间从句以than引出。

I had no sooner checked into the hotel than he arrived with the appropriate documents.


He had hardly got his eyes open before she told him that they were leaving.

No sooner或hardly常置于第一个分句句首,然后接had加主语。

No sooner had he asked the question than the answer came to him.

Hardly had the din laded behind them when they came upon another shouting crowd.

Hardly had Lamin wolfed down his meal before he flopped back onto the soft moss.

32.know better (than…) 晓得不该做(…),不至于笨到(…)


know better (than…)晓得不该做(…),不至于笨到(…)

I know better than to quarrel with my boss. 我不至于笨到去跟老板吵架。

You should (ought to) know better. 你应该知道那是不对的(你真白活了那么大的岁数)。

I should have known better than to trust him. 我本来应当知道不该信任他。


know better有头脑;明事理(而不至于)

She’s old enough to know better than to take sweets from a strange man.


know better比某人高明一些,不再相信,不再上当

He says he was there at the time, but I know better. (= I know he was not).


I suppose you think you know better than your parents!


33.better than nothing (有)比没有好;比没有强


After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.


34.no better than 和…几乎一样;比…好不到哪儿去

People who don’t pay their bus fares are no better than common criminals.


35.otherwise than (法律)除非


A partnership cannot be ended otherwise than by mutual agreement.


36.different than 与…不同(相当于different from)



He took a different attitude toward it than I did.


He saw things differently than I did. 他对事物的看法跟我不同。

37.no sooner said than done说到做到;立刻

38.better late than never(口)晚做总比不做好;迟到总比不到好

39.better safe than sorry有备无患

40.sooner rather than later赶早不赶晚;及早


We urged them to sort out the problem sooner rather than later.


41.go one better (than sb) (非正式)(比某人)做得更好

Of course, they had to go one better and have the whole garden redesigned.


42.easier said than done (也作more easily said than done)说起来容易,做起来难


Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done. 防蚊叮咬好说难做。







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