中华豪门 您所在的位置:网站首页 不吉利的植物花卉 中华豪门


2023-03-24 03:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


There are generally two ways for plants to make auspicious patterns: one is to use the symbolic meaning of plants, which often comes from the personified character symbols or myths and legends of plants; One is to use the name of the plant, which is homophonic with some words with auspicious meaning. Common plants are introduced as follows:


The lotus is also called lotus. Zhou Dunyi wrote in "Love Lotus Saying" that "come out of the mud without staining, wash clean water without being evil", which has the meaning of purity and sublimity.


Also because the lotus seed symbolizes love, one stalk of two flowers is made into a "lotus" pattern, which symbolizes the love between husband and wife, and happiness. The plaque on the gate of the Qiao's courtyard is a large lotus leaf.


The peony is the king of flowers. It was praised by later generations for the poem "Tianxiang night dye clothes, and the national color is drunk" by Li Zhengfeng of the Tang Dynasty, which means grace and splendor, prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, the peony is also known as "rich flowers".


The peony and the auspicious bird Phoenix are combined to form the pattern of "Danfeng playing peony"; The peony is inserted in the ancient pot to form "wealth and peace", which symbolizes good luck and common happiness of the country.







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