不可否认的是英语句型(37)个 您所在的位置:网站首页 不可否认英语词组 不可否认的是英语句型(37)个


2023-12-28 09:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”不可否认的是句型“的英语句子37个,句子主体:There is no denying the sentence pattern。以下是关于不可否认的是句型的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:There is no denying the sentence pattern

1、Taboo or not these people are part of our society and their contributions over the years cannot be denied. 无论禁忌与否,这些人都是我们这个社会的一部分,在过去的这些年里,他们的贡献是不可否认的。

2、The mistakes are not indelible. 这些错误是不可否认的。

3、There’s no denying it. 在片头,他咆哮道:“这是不可否认的黑暗时期。”

4、There is no denying that + S + V。(不可否认的。

5、As Levy observes, "This nonrepudiation feature is the electronic equivalent of a notary public seal." 正如列维认为:“这种不可否认性特徵是公证人印章的电子等价物。”

6、Michael doesn’t respond, not quite ready to believe a man who has no proof other than his word. Michael没有回答,没有其它证据,只凭Westmorland的几句话,他还不能确认是否该相信他。

7、It should not be denied that being footloose has always exhilarated us. 不可否认,无疆行走总是让人振奋。

8、It tis undeniable that … has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. 不可否认的是,…已成了当 今世界最令人关注的问题。

9、Yet there was something undeniably riveting and enlightening about watching the artist at work. 但不可否认的是,观看工作中的艺术家是引人入胜的、给人启发的。

10、Can't deny what I say a trifle and disgusting, but wear is all my heartfelt words. 不可否认我说的有点肉麻,但着都是我的肺腑之言。

11、The distance between the product and the impediment to be not less than 80mm. 第三句是否可以如下? 3。产品与周围障碍物的距离不小于80mm。

12、A mannequin Do or die, no reply, don't deny that you're synthetic. 一个人体模型生存还是死亡, 没有回应, 不要否认了你是人工合成的。

13、Admittedly, there are still good reasons to remain in China. 无可否认,留在中国还是有很多不错的理由。

14、The proposed protocol provides strong non-forgeability and strong non- deniability . 协议具有强不可伪造性和强不可否认性。

15、There’s no denying, though, that a good air conditioner can beat the heat. 可是,不可否认的是,好的空调设备可以抵御炎热。

16、Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year round, they are the same. 不可否认,有许多每位的菜肴,但是一整年都是一样的饭菜。

17、The tax code makes provisions for such practices, though, admittedly, they can be tough to enforce. 不可否认的是他们可以按照税法条文针对这种做法强硬执行。

18、Do you think I am trusty and faithful? 你是否认为我是一个忠实可靠的人?

19、To be sure, the challenges facing the children in both groups were still insurmountable to many. 但是,不能否认。孩子所面临的挑战仍旧很多,而且不可逾越。

20、There is no denying that + S + V。(不可否认的…

21、Whatever his sources may have been, the immense popularity of Geoffrey's Historia Regum Britanniae cannot be denied. 不管杰弗里的原始资料是什么,他的《不列颠历史》的盛行(普及)是不可否认的。

22、Fairness and non-repudiation are two necessary properties of secure E-payment protocol, and non-repudiation is the precondition of fairness. 公平性和不可否认性是安全电子支付协议必备的两个性质,其中不可否认性是公平性的前提。

23、There was no denying that she had compromised herself irretrievably . 她已经无可挽救地跟他妥协,那是不能否认的了。

24、It cannot be denied that Van Gogh was a great artist. 不可否认,梵谷是位伟大的艺术家。

25、How troubling though -- this seems undeniable -- and how strange that Woolf really at her most radical is echoing the very words of the power that she's opposing! 多么让人不解--但这又是不可否认的--多么奇怪,伍尔夫在她最激进的言论中附和弥尔顿的字字句句,而弥尔顿的力量正是她所反对的!


26、there is no denying that + s + v … ( 不可否认的 …

27、But there is no denying this is a risky strategy. 但不可否认这是个具有风险的策略。

28、No one denies the fact that Spenser is among the greatest English poets. 不可否认, 斯宾塞是英国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一。

29、No one can deny that these changes are the result of all the Beijingers' efforts. 不可否认,这些变化是所有北京人同努力的结果。

30、"In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology was not right, it was not working, " asked Waxman. 换句话说,你是否发现你的世界观,你的理念是否不对头,是否行不通呢?

31、Theinfluence of Persian miniature painting and Rococo art are undeniable in Laurencin'sworks. 影响波斯语的缩影绘画及洛可可艺术是不可否认的在洛朗桑的作品。

32、But the influence of their thought on Confucians can not be denied. 但孟子和荀子的思想对汉儒的影响是不可否认的。

33、The popularity of the Short Message Service is undeniable. 短消息服务的普及是不可否认的。

34、Admittedly, the risks involved in LASIK surgery are minimal. 不可否认,LASIK手术的风险是微乎其微的。

35、HIIT is what it says – high-intensity – and the results are undeniable. 我们称HIIT 是高强度的,他的结果不可否认。

36、A denial of God seems so much more intelligible than a denial of the world. 大家总是觉得否认上帝远较否认世界为更可以理解。

37、But there is no denying it. 但是却是无可否认的。

38、There's no denying Fann Wong's star power. 范文芳的明星影响力不可否认。

39、There is no gainsaying her ability. 她的能力是无可否认的。

40、There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone. 无可否认,咖啡不一定适合每个人。

41、So, like it or not, he says he thought the beef deal was unavoidable. 因此不论喜欢与否,他认为这项自由贸易协议是不可避免的。

42、It asks, in other words, whether all values are commensurable. 换句话说,是否所有价值都可以计价。

43、I was wondering if I can have a roommate who is not a Chinese. 这样说更好些

44、The protocol not only guarantees the non repudiation and anonymity of the bidder, but also ensures the non repudiation of the bid received. 协议不仅保证了投标者对所投价位的不可否认性和匿名性,而且保证了拍卖对接收标书的不可否认性。

45、Undoubtedly, the emergence of such a craze is the manifestation of our growing overall national strength. 不可否认,汉语热的出现是我国综合国力不断增强的表现。

46、Undeniably this scandal made her better known, but Zhai had to taste the bitterness of fame. 不可否认的是这个丑闻使她被更多人所认识,但是她也要品尝到成名的辛酸。

47、Do you deny it? - No, I don't deny it. 你想否认吗? - 不,我不否认。

48、Yes, there have been differences between America and Europe. 不可否认,欧美之间已存在分歧。

49、Non-repudiation and accountability fore-banking transactions. 电子银行交易的不可否认与可追查责任特性。

50、'Yes - moral enough; I don't deny that. 是的—一很道德;我不否认这一点。


51、But didn't disown the bird. 但不否认这鸟是自己的。

52、HIIT is what it says high-intensity and the results are undeniable. 我们称HIIT是高强度的,他的结果不可否认。

53、But the evidence is undeniable. 但证据是不可否认的。

54、Do you think the lesion could be an abscess? 你是否认为那损伤有可能是脓肿?

55、Yet there is no denying that Will has a point: The old man is a blowhard. 不可否认,儿子威尔认为:老爸是个吹牛大王。

56、I don't know whether you like flowers. 我不知道你是否喜欢花 希望能帮到您

57、Beyond gainsay it is a genuine Rembrandt. 无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。

58、But there's no denying how world-changing those inventions were. 但是不可否认,世界因为这些创新而改变。

59、As Levy observes, "This nonrepudiation feature is the electronic equivalent of a notary public seal." 正如列维认为:“这种不可否认性特征是公证人印章的电子等价物。”

60、Does self-love mean the same as selfishness on my view? Oh, no no no. That was the ambiguity. Ok. 我是否认为自爱等同于自私?,不不不,这就是其模棱两可之处,好的。

61、Whether you agree with Liu Shinan or not, he broaches a compelling topic. 不管你是否同意刘石南的意见, 不可否认的是, 他提出了一个值得大家关注的话题.

62、Now Lycidas, and this is undeniable, is ostensibly, and maybe more than ostensibly, an elegy. 利西达斯》,不可否认,显而易见,或许不止是显而易见,是一首悼亡诗。

63、Although Mom had never bothered with books, our physical similarities, apart from my tallness, were undeniable. 虽然妈妈从不读书,但是我们的身高和外形的相似,是不可否认的。

64、The Rembrandt painting was the museum's major acquisition. 无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。

65、It denies that contradiction is the unity of opposites and thinks negative is absolute. 认为否定是不包含任何肯定因素的绝对否定,是否定一切的全盘否定。

66、Of course, what goes up must come down. 当然,不可否认的是,跳上去就必定得落下来。

67、To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with. 否认,不承认否认熟悉;拒绝对…承担责任;否认与…有关系。

68、E-commerce security needs six factors : confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation, and access controlled irresistible. 认证性、不可否认性、不可抗拒性和访问控制性。

69、So we make two types of errors: a type I error, or false positive, is believing a pattern is real when it is not; a type II error, or false negative, is not believing a pattern is real when it is. 因此我们常犯两类错误:第一类,是虚假的肯定,当原型并不存在时它认为原型是真的;第二类,是虚假的否定,当原型存在时它却认为原型是虚假的。

70、How troubling though -- this seems undeniable -- and how strange that Woolf really at her most radical is echoing the very words of the power that she's opposing! 多么让人不解--但这又是不可否认的--多么奇怪,伍尔夫在她最激进的言论中附和弥尔顿的字字句句,而弥尔顿的力量正是她所反对的!

71、That the Ryugyong Hotel's silhouette is unusual is undeniable. 这个很不寻常的柳京饭店的轮廓是不可否认的。

72、Tests are available to s CYP2C19 genotype to determine if a patient is a poor metabolizer. 有试验可以用于评定CYP2C19基因型用于确认其是否为代谢功能不全患者。

73、There’s no denying that the iPad has been a mega-hit. 不可否认,ipad已经是一个百万级的成功产品了。

74、The other cavemen dod not want stanley to act this way. 这句是否可以翻译成“其他的山顶洞人不想像史丹利的行为这样”?

75、Yet the charms of tropical China are undeniable, and plenty of visitors succumb. 不过,“中国热带天堂”的魅力是不可否认的,很多游客都深深地陶醉其中。

英文句子模板76:There is no denying the sentence pattern

76、A new RSAbased undeniable signature scheme was proposed which is more efficient because of its 3move confirmation and disavowal protocols. 提出了一个新的基于RSA的不可否认签名方案,该方案的确认协议和否认协议是三次传递的,因而提高了效率。

77、Admittedly, some implementations are quite complex -- more so than they need be. 不可否认,一些执行是相当复杂的——超过他们所要求的。







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