Taking afternoon tea 英式下午茶 您所在的位置:网站首页 下午茶时间英文翻译 Taking afternoon tea 英式下午茶

Taking afternoon tea 英式下午茶

2024-01-09 15:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



he British have many traditions but there is nothing more quintessential than 'taking' afternoon tea. We know the Brits have a love affair with drinking tea, with more than 160m cups drunk every day, but it was the invention of afternoon tea that turned sipping tea into a popular pastime. 英国人有很多传统,但喝下午茶是其中最典型的。我们都知道英国人爱喝茶,他们每天要喝掉1.6亿多杯茶。不过,下午茶的发明才真正将品茶变成了一项休闲活动。

This sociable feast involves drinking good quality tea whilst nibbling on dainty sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and a selection of small cakes. And, of course, it can only happen in the afternoon! It is a ritual dating back to the 1840s, designed as a light snack to bridge the gap between lunch and dinner. It went on to become a fashionable social occasion for the upper classes. 这种社交活动包括:饮用质量上好的茶,同时小口品尝精致小巧的三明治、司康饼配奶油果酱以及精选的小蛋糕。当然,这些都只能在下午享用!这个习惯可以追溯到19世纪40年代,是为了填补午餐和晚餐之间的空档而出现的轻便小食。之后,下午茶的习惯便逐渐成为上流社会时髦的社交活动。

Now there is a resurgence in its popularity in the UK and it's available to anyone who can afford it. Although it can be enjoyed at home, the best way to experience it is at a smart hotel or cafe. Some of the most famous places to indulge are Claridges, The Savoy or at The Ritz in London. But if you're thinking of visiting such a place to tuck into a plate of sweet and savoury treats washed down with a steaming hot brew, remember the rules you must adhere to, to avoid being asked to leave. 如今,下午茶的风潮又在英国兴起,而且,只要有经济能力,人人都能享用。虽说家中也能享用下午茶,不过,体验下午茶的最佳方式是去豪华酒店或者咖啡馆。能够让你尽情享用下午茶的几个最知名的地方是位于伦敦的凯莱奇酒店、萨伏依酒店或者丽兹酒店。如果你想去这样的地方品尝甜品和美味小食,再饮一壶刚泡好的热茶,有些规矩是必须遵守的,否则人家可能会请你离开。

1.Make sure you order the correct thing – it is afternoon tea not high tea, or a cream tea. These are something different.确定你点的是下午茶,不是傍晚茶或者奶油茶点。这些都是有区别的。

2.Dress smartly – it's an important occasion. Certain places demand a man wear a jacket and tie and ladies should wear a hat.着装要讲究——这是个重要的场合。有些地方要求男士穿外套、打领带,女士要戴帽子。

3.When you sit down, place a napkin on your lap. It will keep your clothes clean and can be used to wipe small crumbs from your face.入座时,把餐巾平铺在大腿上。这样,餐巾可以保持你的衣服不被食物沾染,同时也可以用来擦拭脸上残余的食物碎屑。

4.Stir your tea correctly – do not 'clink' your spoon against the cup and do not leave it in the cup! Stir back and forth not around in circles.搅动茶水的姿势要正确——茶匙不要碰到茶杯,搅完以后也不要把茶匙留在茶杯里。搅动的动作是前后搅动,而不是在杯子里转圈。

5.Hold the tea cup by its handle with your thumb and forefinger together, and then use your middle finger to support and balance the cup underneath. Do not allow your little finger to stick out.端茶杯时要用拇指和食指抓住杯把,然后用中指在杯子底部做支撑并保持杯底平衡。千万不要把小指翘起来。

6.Start by eating the sandwiches first before moving onto the sweet things.先吃三明治,再吃甜点。

7.The sandwiches are called 'finger sandwiches' and therefore eaten by hand not with a knife and fork. They should have their crusts cut off.下午茶中的三明治叫做“手指三明治”,所以吃的时候不用刀叉,而是直接用手拿起来吃。三明治面包的硬边应该会提前被切掉。

8.Don't 'saw' your scone in half. Ideally it should be pulled apart, creating 2 equal halves.不要用刀把司康饼“锯”成两半。最好是用手掰成相同大小的两半。

9.When eating take small delicate bites. This will allow you to join in conversation without always having a full mouth.


10.Although you can ask for more sandwiches and cakes, don't stuff them in your pockets to eat later!你可以要求额外加三明治和蛋糕,但是,千万不要把这些茶点装口袋里留着以后吃!

Writer Henry James once noted that "there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." I'm sure once you've tried it, you will agree.作家亨利•詹姆斯曾经说过“这世上没有比享受下午茶更惬意的时候了。”我相信,试过之后,你也会这么认为的。


quintessential 典型的

sipping 啜饮

pastime 休闲

nibbling 小口吃

dainty 精致的

ritual 习惯

to bridge the gap 填补空档

resurgence 复兴,复苏

indulge 纵情享受

to tuck into 大饱口福

brew 茶

napkin 餐巾

delicate 小心的






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