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2024-07-01 04:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

上台的英文:rise to authority

参考例句:His rise to power surprised me.他上台掌权令我感到意外。Besides training, soldiers can enjoy movies and perform onstage in speaking contests.在训练之余,士兵们还可以看电影,参加演讲比赛上台表演。Kate do not like the way the lounge lizard will look at her when she come on stage to sing.当凯特上台唱歌时,她讨厌那些纨绔子弟那样看着她。One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright.在任何一个演讲教师里,学生最主要的担心之一就是怕上台。When did the party come to power?这个政党什么时候上台的?They are allowed to perform onstage next week.他们下周可以上台表演。He often appear as a soloist.他经常作为独奏者上台演出。 He often appears as a soloist .他经常作为独奏者上台演出。The has come to power in difficult and ambiguous circumstances.但他是在艰难而混乱的形势下上台的。People clapped and shouted and made her come on again and again.人们鼓掌欢呼,使她一再上台谢幕。rise是什么意思:n. 上升,升起;出现,兴起;增加;增长;高地v. 上升;增强,增加;起立;起床;高耸;使…飞起;使…浮上水面;复活;发酵to erect; to rise竖立 Prices are on the rise.价格在上涨。To rise with the crow of cocks—assiduity and early rising鸡鸣而起I prefer low rise to high rise.我宁可选择矮房也不要高楼。Rise from the ashes从毁灭中再生authority是什么意思:n. 权力;行政管理机构;当局;当权者;权威;权威人士;威信;许可;授权书The authority is not reasonable.这个判例并不合理。A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly.一个有权威,使用权利的人,说话很慢。Do you have the balls to challenge authority?你有挑战权威的胆量么?On whose authority be the charge bring根据谁给予的权利提出此指责 This article is full of authorities.这篇文章很有说服力。








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