2022年苏教译林版小学英语六年级下册期末测试卷及答案(附听力MP3) 您所在的位置:网站首页 三年级听力部分答案 2022年苏教译林版小学英语六年级下册期末测试卷及答案(附听力MP3)


2023-08-13 13:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



(  ) 1). A.mouse  B.mouth   C.month

(  ) 2). A.letter  B.little   C.litter

(  ) 3). A.study  B.stay   C.sound

(  ) 4). A.safe    B.safely   C.safety

(  ) 5). A.strong  B.small  C.wrong

(  ) 6). A.come  B.down   C.clown

(  ) 7). A.Australian  B.American  C.Chinese

(  ) 8). A.travel  B.traveller  C.try

(  ) 9). A.look for  B.look out for  C.look at

(  ) 10). A.I’ll go to London.  B.I won’t stay in Beijing.  C.That’s great.



(  ) 1). A.Yes, I am.  B.Yes, I will.  C.Yes, I do.

(  ) 2). A.It was great fun.  B.That was too bad.   C.That’s wonderful.

(  ) 3). A.For two weeks.  B.Two weeks ago. C.Last year.

(  ) 4). A.My sister is.   B.My sister does.    C.Yes, she is.

(  ) 5). A.We will go there by plane.  B.No, we will go by train.

C.We will stay there with Mike.





Lily is an _________ girl. She _________ from the UK. Now, she _________ in Beijing with her parents. Her parents are both _________. They teach English in a middle school. Lily only _________ a _________ Chinese and she couldn’t speak very _________. But she has many __________ at school. She always _________ them English and _________ Chinese from them. She says she likes China very much.


5.I’m ________ ________ this exciting film. ( )

A.excited; about  B.exciting; about  C.excited; to

6.What ________ you do next week? ( )

A.are  B.will  C.do

7.He’s talking ________ me ________ his plans for the weekend. ( )

A.about; to  B.to; about  C.to; with

8.―________ are you going, Mike? (  )

―To the Shanghai Museum.

A.What  B.Which  C.Where

9.There ________ a party tomorrow. ( )

A.is going to have  B.will have  C.is going to be

10.―Are you going to watch TV or play with the toys? ( )


A.Yes, I am  B.Yes, I will  C.Let’s watch TV

11.In China, people drive on the ________ side of the road. ( )

A.right  B.left  C.left and right

12.Be ________. My father is sleeping now. ( )

A.carefully  B.quiet  C.quietly

13.In a healthy diet, there ________ a lot of ________. ( )

A.is; vegetables and fruit  B.are; vegetables and fruit  C.are; fruit and vegetables

14.Tom is worried about his Maths. Can you help ________ with ________ Maths? ( )

A.him; him  B.him; he’s  C.him; his



Sweet food ______ nice, but it is not ______ ______ your ______.


Yang Ling always _________ her room _________ and _________.


―_________ you go to Beijing _________ _________?

―No, I _________. I’m going there by train.


There are _________ beautiful _________ in the world.


He will _________ some _________ and _________ them after the holiday..


Bobby _________ _________ _________ _________ on the Internet.


A: Hello, Tommy! What do you do between classes?

B: ____21____

A: What games do you play?

B: We play many different games. ____22____

A: Beanbags (豆子袋)? How to play with them?

B: We do it in many ways. One way is: Some children stand somewhere. ____23____

A: ____24____ Do you play tag (捉人游戏)?

B: No. Our teacher says, “Don’t run after class.”

A: That’s true. ____25____

A.Many students like to throw beanbags.

B.Another child throws the beanbag and tries to hit one of them.

C.We kick the ball, jump rope and play games.

D.We should play happily and safely.

E.Sounds interesting!


Do you like bats(蝙蝠)? I don’t. But they are interesting.

Birds can fly and bats can 26._______ too. Is the bat a kind of bird? The answer is “No”. Bats are mammals(哺乳动物). Birds and bats are 27._______.

Bats have four legs. 28._______ have only two. Bats have teeth and birds have no teeth. Bats have big 29._______, but birds’ ears are only holes in their heads.

All bats like to eat insects(昆虫). They look for food at night and 30._______ in the day. But most of the birds like looking for food during the day and have a rest 31._______. In the evening, bats are busy. They fly and 32._______ insects. A bat’s two legs 33._______ it fly and a piece of skin joins( 连接) them together. They are just like a bird’s 34._______.

Some people think bats have good eyesight. It is not true. Bats have eyes but can’t see well. They can hear very well, They can feel where a thing is. That is 35.________ bats can fly in the evening.






31.A.in the morningB.in the afternoonC.at night






  There was once a large crocodile living in a river. He was very selfish. He didn’t want to share his river. So all other animals were afraid of the crocodile. They had to drink water in other rivers or steams. One day, the animals heard a loud sound from somewhere. They finally found out it was the crocodile. The crocodile was in a lot of pain due to (因为) a bad tooth. But no animal tried to help him as they were all scared of him. Suddenly, a little mouse jumped onto the crocodile’s head. He crept (爬行) into the crocodile’s open mouth. He held the bad tooth, and pulled and pulled and pulled. Finally, he pulled out the tooth and jumped out of the crocodile’s mouth. The crocodile said, 'You are very clever and kind. Thanks for helping me get rid of (除去) my toothache.' The mouse said, 'Not just me, all the animals here are kind as well.' After hearing this, the crocodile felt ashamed (羞愧的). The next day, the crocodile welcomed all the animals to join him in the river. And soon, the river was full of happy animals.

36.单词“selfish”在文中的意思是 ________.(   )


37.Why did all other animals drink water in other rivers or steams? (   )

A.Because the crocodile didn’t let them come into the river.

B.Because the water in other rivers or steams was sweet.

C.Because they lived near other rivers or steams.

38.The crocodile had a bad ________. (   )


39.The mouse is ________. (   )

A.clever and kindB.braveC.both A and B

40.Which sentence is wrong? (   )

A.First, all other animals were afraid of the crocodile.

B.Finally, all the animals could drink water in the river.

C.The crocodile helped the mouse pull his bad tooth.


Father’s Day is a holiday for fathers. It’s on the third Sunday of June. The idea of “Father’s Day” was given by Dodd of New York. Dodd wanted a day to honor (对……表示敬意) her father. Dodd has five little brothers. Her mother died very early, her father raised (抚养) his children. Dodd "s father was born in June, so she hold (举行) the first Father’s Day on the 19th of June, in 1910. In 1972 it was celebrated (庆祝) by Americans on the third Sunday in June. On that day, children get up early to cook rich breakfast for their father. People wear roses on that day, too. If his father is dead, he wears white roses. If his father is alive, he wears red roses. Now it is celebrated in the USA, the UK and many other countries.

41.Father’s Day is on the second Sunday of June. (  )

42.Dodd was an Australian. (  )

43.Dodd’s father has five children. (  )

44.On Father’s Day, children cook rich breakfast for their father. (  )

45.He wears red roses on Father’s Day, if his father is alive. (  )


46.同学们,小学生活即将结束,你们班打算在毕业前进行一次班级聚会,请以“A class party”为题写一篇英语小短文,用一般将来时介绍这次班级聚会的计划。

提示词:in the classroom, next Tuesday, sing and dance, play games...


1. 文章不少于六句话,必须包括提示词所提供的所有信息,并作适当的发挥。




A class party



听力下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TK0_2IvFnku_2L4ojHv12g?pwd=qvj5提取码:qvj5 (链接永久有效) 

参考答案1. C   B   C   C   A   C   A   A   B   C

1). I will go to London next month.

2). Eat a little sweet food at a time.

3). Your plans sound nice!

4). He is reading about road safety on the Internet.

5). A strong lion caught a weak mouse.

6). Look, a clown appears.

7). Many sport-lovers love Australian football games.

8). My sister wants to travel around the world.

9). To cross a busy road safely, we should look out for cars and bikes.

10). M: I will go to Beijing for the summer holiday.W: That’s great.

2. A   B   A   A   B

1). Are you going to cook fish for me?

2). I lost my favourite book yesterday.

3). How long will you stay in Sydney?

4). Who is going to bring snacks and drinks for the party?

5). Will you go to Shanghai by plane?

3. T   T   F   T   T

1). You can find kangaroos in Australia.

2). We mustn’t play football on the road.

3). The boy does badly at school.

4). We must put our things in order at home.

5). Su Hai is going to buy some snacks from the supermarket.

4. English   comes   lives   teachers   knows   little   well   friends   teaches   learns

Lily is an English girl. She comes from the UK. Now, she lives in Beijing with her parents. Her parents are both teachers. They teach English in a middle school. Lily only knows a little Chinese and she couldn’t speak very well. But she has many    friends at school. She always teaches them English and learns Chinese from them. She says she likes China very much.











15. is   good   for   teeth

16. keeps   clean   tidy

17. Will   by   plane   won’t

18. many   countries

19. take   photos   show

20. is   reading   about   writing



























A class partyWe are going to have a class party in the classroom. It is going to begin at one and end at five in the afternoon next Tuesday. Before the party, we are going to do some preparation. Linda is going to bring some snacks and drinks. Tom is going to bring some balloons and flowers. At the party, we are going to sing and dance together. We are going to play some games. We are going to have a good time.注:需打印的家长,请自行将内容复制到word里进行打印!(试卷来源:https://www.szxuexiao.com/Examination/html/6214.html)






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