鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册 Unit1 SectionA(3a 您所在的位置:网站首页 《学英语》报纸答案八年级上册 鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册 Unit1 SectionA(3a

鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册 Unit1 SectionA(3a

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Unit1 SectionA(3a-4c)导学案1.3预习作业1.3.短语翻译。1.上个月2.放学回到家3.遛狗4.生气地回答5.一个干净又舒适的家答案:1.last month2.came home from school3.take the dog for a walk4.replied angrily5.a clean and comfortable home1.3.2 完成译句。(明确句型,在教材中划出下列句子的英文表达,并完成填空)1.我扔下书包,去了起居室。I my bag and I went to the living room.2.我刚在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over.3.我和你一样累!I’m just you are!4.一个星期以来,她没做任何家务,我也没做。For one week, she did not do any housework and .5.她惊讶地问道:“发生什么事了?”“What happened ’’ she asked .答案:1.threw down 2.The minute 3. as tired as 4.neither did I 5.in surprise2.0 课后作业2.1 基础巩固2.1.1 根据汉语提示和句意,完成句子。1.I cut my_______ last night when I was cooking. (手指)2. He can’t swim. _______ can I. (也不)3. Could you me the salt (递)4. She _______ the smell of smoke. (厌恶)5. Tom _______his traveling photos with us last night. (分享)答案解析:1.finger。“手指”用名词finger表达。所以答案是finger。2.neither。“也不”用连词neither表达。所以答案是neither。3.pass。 “传递”用动词pass表达,could为情态动词,后面用动词原形,所以答案是pass。4.hates。 “厌恶”用动词hate表达,主语she为三人称单数,谓语动词要用三单形式所以答案是hates。5.shared。“分享”用share表达,句子为过去时态,所以答案是shared.2.1.2 单项选择。1. —_____ you please play tennis with me —Sorry, I _____.A. Could; can’t B. Could; couldn’t C. Can; don’t D. Can; couldn’t2. Though he is young, he can _______his bed and ______his clothes.A. make, fold B. fold , make C. make, make D.do, folds3. —Could I ________ your iPad, Alice —Of course. Here you are.A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return4.—Could you get me some tea —________A. That's right. B. You're right.C. That’s all right. D. Sure.5. —I'm not going swimming tomorrow afternoon.—________. I have to clean up my bedroom.A. So am I B. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am答案解析:1.A。could you/can you表请求的句子,不能用couldn’t 回答,所以排除B和D,C用don’t回答显然是错的,所以答案是A。2.A。“整理床”的短语是make one’s bed,“折衣服”的短语是fold one’s clothes, can后用动词原形,所以答案是A。3.C。根据句意,是借iPad, D就错了。B与一段时间连用,表“借”,句子中无表示一段时间的短语,所以B不正确。再根据句意,是表示借进,不是借出,所以A不正确。所以答案是C。4.D。根据句意“你能给我一些茶吗”?所以答案是D。5.B。根据句意,表示“我也不去游泳”,所以A,D是错的,neither引导的句子要用倒装,所以答案是B。2.1.3 完成句子。1. Neither Tom nor his sister played tennis. (改为同义句)Tom didn’t play tennis and his sister.2. The minute I get to Shanghai, I will call you. (改为同义句)I will call you I get to Shanghai.3. My little sister has to dress herself every day. (改为一般疑问句)your little sister to dress herself every day 4.You need to do the dishes after dinner. (改为否定句)You to do the dishes after dinner.5. Could I borrow your bike (作肯定回答),you .答案解析:1.neither did。neither...nor...译为“两者都不”,可以和neither加倒装句结构进行同义句转换,句子为过去时,所以需借助助动词did,故答案为neither, did。2.as soon as。the minute译为“一......就......”,引导时间状语从句,as soon as也有此用法和含义。所以答案是as soon as。3.Does ;have。本题是一般现在时且主语为三单,所以助动词用does且动词用原形,所以答案是does, have。4.don’t need。本题是一般现在时且主语为二人称,所以助动词用don’t且动词用原形,所以答案是don’t need。5.Yes;can。肯定回答用yes, could这里表委婉语气,所以用一般现在时can回答,所以答案是yes, can。2.2 拓展提高2.2.1 知识迁移2.2.1.1 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.---Could you your room, Tom ---Sure, mom. But I it ten minutes later. I want to finish my homework first.(clean)2.Helen (sweep) the floor and did the washes quickly.3.There are five (finger) on one hand.4.As soon as he (finish) his work, he will go back home.5.Doing chores (help) us to develop independence.答案解析:clean; will clean。could后接动词原形,第一空就填clean。 it ten minutes later属于将来的时间词,第二空就填动词的将来时态,will clean。所以答案就是clean, will clean。2.swept。根据句意,句子为过去时态,sweep的过去式为swept,所以答案是swept。3. fingers。句意为五只手指,且finger为可数名词,所以答案是fingers。4. finishes。as soon as 引导的时间状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则,所以答案是finishes。5.helps。doing chores为动名词作主语表三单,所以答案是helps。 单项选择。1. Mario thinks washing clothes is as _______ as sweeping the floor.A. boring B. more boring C. most boring D. the most boring2. Don’t worry. I will teach you _______.A. how to fold them B. how to fold C. what to fold D. what to fold them3. I can this book to you, but remember ______ it to others.A. borrow; not borrow B. lend; don’t lendC. lend; not to lend D.borrow, not lend4. Don’ ______rubbish everywhere! Everyone should do his ______ in keeping our classroom clean and tidy! A. threw; job B. throw; part C. throw, work D.throw, jobs5. — Could you please help me carry this box —________A. Thank you. B. No problem. C. It doesn’t matter. D. That’s all right.答案解析:1.A。本题考查as...as中间用形容词或副词原形,所以答案选A。2.A。根据句意应该是怎样折它们,fold为及物动词,后面要加宾语,所以答案选A。3.C。borrow译为“借进”,lend“译为”借出,根据句意为借出,remember (not) to do sth.记得(不)做某事。所以答案为C。4.B。don’t后接动词原形,do one’s part in doing sth.尽某人的职责去做某事,所以答案选B。5.B。根据句意“你能帮我搬一下这盒子吗”?No problem.译为没问题,所以答案选B。 佳句仿写。(根据课文原句结构以及中文提示,完成句子)1. A: I’m just as tired as you are!B: I can run________ ________ ________ you!(一样快)2. A: Neither of his parents knows English.B: ________ ________ ________ ________is right. (两个答案都不)3. A: “What happened” she asked in surprised.. (Tom惊讶地看着她)答案解析:1. as fast/quickly as。“和......一样”用短语as...as,且中间用形容词或副词原级,句中修饰动词run应用副词fast/quickly,所以答案为as fast/quickly as。2.Neither of the answers。两者都不用“neither of”且后面用复数,所以答案为Neither of the answers。3.看着某人用短语look at,惊讶地译为in surprise,并且作状语位于句末,所以答案为Tom looked at her in surprise。2.2.2 能力培养短文填空Should kids do chores In our country, more parents are starting to believe that their children 1 not do chores. Some of them feel that for their kids schoolwork is more important 2 doing chores .And they also think that doing chores is a 3of time. Some parents feel it is just easier 4 do the job themselves because kids usually can’t do chores well. Still other parents would say, “You’re only young once” and feel that children should have more playtime to enjoy 5 .As 6 kids’ development, parents should try to teach them life skills so that they can take 7care of themselves. And because our kids are at home with us all day long, it is very easy to put these real life lessons into our day. For example, parents can 8 them about cooking while you are making dinner, and teach them to clean the house on the clean-up day.1.______________ 2.______________ 3._______________ 4._______________5.______________ 6.______________ 7._______________ 8._______________答案解析:1.should。情态动词用法。空格后有not,该空应填be动词、情态动词或助动词,根据句意得知孩子们不应该做家务,所以答案填should。2.than。介词用法。该句有比较级的词more important,得知这个句子是一个含比较级的句子,所以答案填than。3.waste。名词的固定搭配。本题考查本单元所学的一个短语a waste of time,所以答案填waste。4.to。句子理解。本题考查It’s +adj+to do sth.这一句型,所以答案填to。5.themselves。反身代词。一些家长说孩子们的青春只有一次,他们应该拥有更多的时间去玩得开心。enjoy oneself表示玩得开心,句子主语为三人称复数,所以答案填themselves。6.for。介词用法。本句含义为“关于孩子们的发展”,所以答案填for。7.good。形容词的固定搭配。第二段讲孩子们从做家务中获得的收获,本句是教会孩子们照顾自己,所以答案填good。8.teach。动词用法。根据上下文的意思,父母可以教孩子们烹饪,can后接动词原形,所以答案填teach。








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