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#kaggle细胞分割往期赛baseline银牌方案分享| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

来源:投稿 作者:摸奖成功编辑:学姐





一种神经细胞(神经母细胞瘤细胞系 SH-SY5Y)在现有的模型中分数表现始终最差,找一种方案来应对该数据并提高成绩。




当前的解决方案对神经元细胞的准确性尤其有限。在开发细胞实例分割模型的内部研究中, 在测试的八种不同癌细胞类型中始终表现出最低的精度分数。这可能是因为神经元细胞具神经母细胞瘤细胞系 SH-SY5Y有非常独特的、不规则的和凹形的形态与之相关,这使得它们很难用常用的面具头进行分割。


数据介绍分割图像中的神经元细胞。掩码图像数量很少,但注释对象的数量相当多。(一图多框)隐藏测试集大约有 240 张图像。


文件train.csv - 所有训练对象的 ID 和掩码。没有为测试集提供这些元数据。id - 对象的唯一标识符annotation - 已识别神经元细胞的运行长度编码像素width - 源图像宽度height - 源图像高度cell_type - 细胞系plate_time - 时间盘已创建sample_date - 创建日期样本sample_id - 样品标识符elapsed_timedelta - 自第一次拍摄样本图像以来的时间sample_submission.csv - 格式正确的示例提交文件train - png图像测试- png图像




train_semi_supervised - 提供未标记的图像,以防您想将其他数据用于半监督方法。


LIVECell_dataset_2021 - LIVECell 数据集数据的镜像。LIVECell是本次比赛的前身数据集。您将找到该SH-SHY5Y细胞系的额外数据,以及竞赛数据集中未涵盖的其他几个可能对迁移学习感兴趣的细胞系。

Baseline银牌方案讲解import torch import torch.nn as nn import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torch.nn.functional as F import sklearn import torchvision from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder import numpy as np import cupy as cp#numpy的加速版本 import gc import pandas as pd import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import PIL import json from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance#进行图像增强。 import albumentations as A#图像数据增强库 最常用 import mmdet import mmcv from albumentations.pytorch import ToTensorV2 #数据增强 import seaborn as sns import glob from pathlib import Path import pycocotools ##CoCo from pycocotools import mask from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector, show_result_pyplot, set_random_seed

add post function,such as rle trick in cell competition

def rle_encoding(x): dots = np.where(x.flatten() == 1)[0] run_lengths = [] prev = -2 for b in dots: if (b>prev+1): run_lengths.extend((b + 1, 0)) run_lengths[-1] += 1 prev = b return ' '.join(map(str, run_lengths)) def get_mask_from_result(result): d = {True : 1, False : 0} u,inv = np.unique(result,return_inverse = True) mk = cp.array([d[x] for x in u])[inv].reshape(result.shape) # print(mk.shape) return mk def does_overlap(mask, other_masks): for other_mask in other_masks: if np.sum(np.logical_and(mask, other_mask)) > 0: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #print("Found overlapping masks!") return True return False def remove_overlapping_pixels(mask, other_masks): for other_mask in other_masks: if np.sum(np.logical_and(mask, other_mask)) > 0: print("Overlap detected") mask[np.logical_and(mask, other_mask)] = 0 return mask def one_hot(y, num_classes, dtype=cp.uint8): # GPU y = cp.array(y, dtype='int') input_shape = y.shape if input_shape and input_shape[-1] == 1 and len(input_shape) > 1: input_shape = tuple(input_shape[:-1]) y = y.ravel() if not num_classes: num_classes = cp.max(y) + 1 n = y.shape[0] categorical = cp.zeros((n, num_classes), dtype=dtype) categorical[cp.arange(n), y] = 1 output_shape = input_shape + (num_classes,) categorical = cp.reshape(categorical, output_shape) return categorical 实例化模型(本地训练上传到kaggle)本地上传的权重文件,云服务器训练model = init_detector(config_file, checkpoint_file, device='cuda:0') masks = [] files = [] #from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector, show_result_pyplot, set_random_seed MIN_PIXELS = {} confidence_thresholds = {} for imgs in tqdm(glob('../input/sartorius-cell-instance-segmentation/test/*')):#测试集合所有的数据说明 result = inference_detector(model, imgs)#api pred_class_ls = [len(result[0][0]), len(result[0][1]), len(result[0][2])] pred_class = pred_class_ls.index(max(len(result[0][0]), len(result[0][1]), len(result[0][2]))) msk = [] for i, classe in enumerate(result[0]): if classe.shape != (0, 5): bbs = classe sgs = result[1][i] for bb, sg in zip(bbs,sgs): box = bb[:4] cnf = bb[4] if cnf >= confidence_thresholds[pred_class]: mask = get_mask_from_result(sg) mask = remove_overlapping_pixels(mask, msk) if mask.sum() >= MIN_PIXELS[pred_class]: msk.append(mask) for mk in msk: rle_mask = rle_encoding(mk) masks.append(rle_mask) files.append(str(imgs.split('/')[4].split('.')[0])) 生成提交文件files = pd.Series(files, name='id') preds = pd.Series(masks, name='predicted') submission_df = pd.concat([files, preds], axis=1) submission_df.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False) submission_df.head()






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