加拿大育空地区专业工程师注册 APEY (Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon) 您所在的位置:网站首页 yukon加拿大 加拿大育空地区专业工程师注册 APEY (Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon)

加拿大育空地区专业工程师注册 APEY (Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon)

2024-04-17 09:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

官网: http://apey.yk.ca/

Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon (APEY)


育空工程师协会入会申请 飞出国 基本信息 FLYAbroad




高等教育:公认工程项目的本科学位或同等学位- 工作经验:四年在职工作经验,且在有资格的专家监督下完成,其中至少包含一年加拿大同等相关工作经验。 品质:申请人必须具备良好的品格和声誉,良好的品格意味着道德和伦理力量,包括正直、坦率、诚实和诚信。品质是申请人本身所具备的,而声望是他人所赋予的。所有的APEY会员都应负起责任,严格按照道德准则来执行个人的职业生涯。 法律和道德知识:申请人必须具备法律、敬业和职业道德方面的知识,通过NPPE考试。 英语语言能力:申请人必须具有英语语言能力并能与他人有效沟通。 Application For Membership General Information

The guidelines and requirements for membership are set out in the Engineering Profession Act, Regulations, Bylaws and Code of Ethics. Applications for membership in the Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon (APEY) processed the quickest would be from an applicant who is already registered in good standing as an Engineer with another provincial/territorial association.

The minimum requirements for licensing in Yukon are that applicants have a degree in engineering from an accredited University (or have written assigned technical exams), and that they have at least four years of acceptable experience (minimum one year in Canada) working under a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) who will verify their experience. Applications are processed and presented to the Board of Examiners for their meetings on the second Tuesday of every month.

To become licensed as a Professional Member you must have the following requirements:

Post-secondary education: An undergraduate degree from a recognized accredited engineering program or equivalent is required. Experience: To become a member, you will require four years on-the-job work experience under the supervision of a licensed professional, including at least one year of equivalent Canadian experience. Character: You must be of good character and reputation. Good character connotes moral and ethical strength and includes integrity, candor, honesty and trustworthiness. Character is what a person is, while reputation is what others believe that person to be. All APEY members are held accountable to the Code of Ethics that governs the way an individual practices their profession. Knowledge of Law and Ethics: You must demonstrate knowledge of law, professionalism, and ethics. This may be accomplished by passing the National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE). English Language Competency: You must be competent in the English Language and must be able to effectively communicate at an effective level. 成为会员的好处 飞出国



The Benefits of Membership

Membership in APEY denotes that you have acquired the knowledge, skills, work experience and depth of moral character necessary to be granted professional status. It is a privilege not to be taken lightly. Your professional designation is an exclusive title that allows you to practice engineering in Yukon.

APEY’s strength is in its membership. In adhering to this philosophy, services are designed to enhance professional and personal development. Meetings, workshops, achievement awards, and other programs are provided for this purpose. Members may also participate in sponsored group auto and homeowner insurance, life and liability insurance, registered retirement savings plans, extended health care, travel medical insurance, small business insurance and auto purchase/lease plans.

如何注册 FLYAbroad 飞出国 1. 在加拿大的其他协会注册为会员 FLYAbroad


申请信息 (PDF)

申请表 (PDF)

How to Register 1. Already Registered with Another Canadian Association

Please note the associations/orders you are currently a member in good standing of on your application, this will fast-track your application. Applications are processed and presented to the Board of Examiners for their meetings on the second Tuesday of each month.

Application Information (PDF)

Application Form (PDF)

2. 未在加拿大任何协会注册过会员 FLYAbroad

APEY接受第一次在加拿大注册的申请,由亚伯达专业工程师,地质学家及地球物理学家协会(APEGGA)代表我方审查。 审理周期较长,费用为$350.00(含税)。根据申请人资质不同,有可能会安排考试,考试由我方和APEGGA合作,在怀特霍斯举行。第一次申请者必须通过NPPE考试,考试费用为$140.00(含税)。APEY建议使用APEGGA工作经验的形式。更多信息,请登陆APEGGA网站。

申请信息 (PDF)

申请表 (PDF)

2. Not Registered with Another Canadian Association

APEY accepts applications for first Canadian registration. These are reviewed on our behalf by the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA). This could be a lengthy process and costs an additional $350.00 (includes GST). Depending on your qualifications, exams may be required. These can be administered in Whitehorse with the cooperation of APEGGA and our office. First time applicants must write and pass the National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE) which has a fee of $140.00 (includes GST). APEY recommends use of APEGGA work experience forms. For more information, please visit the APEGGA website.

Application Information (PDF)

Application Form (PDF)

3. 受训工程师申请者 FLYAbroad



申请信息 (PDF)

申请表 (PDF)

3. Engineer-in-Training (E.I.T.) Applicants

Those applicants with an accredited Engineering Degree and less than four years engineering experience may apply as an Engineer-in-Training (E.I.T.) in Yukon. You are not required to write the NPPE at the time of your E.I.T. application, but must write it after you have at least two years of acceptable experience and prior to applying for P. Eng status.

APEY recommends that you use the APEGGA Work Experience Record Sheets to simplify the evaluation process.

Application Information (PDF)

Application Form (PDF)

有限许可申请者 飞出国


(a) 拥有考试委员会认可的大学课程的理学学位; - (b) 注册为应用技师,且拥有由考试委员会认可的工程技术学位或学历; - (c) 考试委员会可接受的其他学历 (d) 具有八年的工程工作经验,其中至少两年工作经验属于有限许可领域, (e) 通过考试委员会组织的一门或多门考试,证明自己拥有法案,专业实践相关知识,这些规章制度包括道德准则等。

申请信息 (PDF)

申请表 (PDF)

Limited Licence Applicant

As a Limited License holder (L.L. Eng.) you are licensed to independently practice engineering in Yukon within a clearly defined scope of practice. To become Limited Licensee holder you must:

(a) a science degree in a discipline and from a university program approved by the Board of Examiners; or

(b) registration as an applied science technologist with a degree or diploma in engineering technology from an institution approved by the Board of Examiners; or

(c) other academic qualifications acceptable to the Board of Examiners and

(d) eight years of experience carrying out engineering work satisfactory to the Board of Examiners at least two of which shall have been in the area to which the limited licence is to apply and

(e) knowledge of the Act, practise of the profession and these Regulations including the Code of Ethics in Schedule A demonstrated by passing one or more examinations set by the Board of Examiners.

Application Information (PDF)

Application Form (PDF)

申请信息 飞出国



a) 被录取为加拿大任意一家工程协会的受训工程师,并具备至少24个月的研究生工程工作经验




4.NPPE考试由APEGA举办,费用为 $ 147.00 ,每年四次考试-可在怀特霍斯参加。申请、日程安排和其他信息可从我们的办公室获得。考生需要自己购买教科书,只可携带钢笔,铅笔和橡皮进入考场,不允许携带课本、词典和其他辅助资料。试卷及相关纸张由考场提供(所有的答题纸、试卷在考试结束后必须上交)



Application Information

Please study this information carefully before completing the application form.

Prior to registering for the professional practice examination, a candidate must: - a) be enrolled as an Engineer-in-training with one of the Canadian Engineering Associations and have completed at least 24 months of post graduate

engineering work experience or

- b) be a professional engineer, not registered in any other Canadian Professional Engineering Association, seeking registration in the Yukon. New Engineers-In-Training and all other first time applicants will be required to write the National Professional Practice Exam. Engineers-in-Training must have completed at least 24 months of post graduate engineering work before they can apply to write the NPPE. The National Professional Practice Exam is administered by APEGA, costs $147.00 and is held four times a year – it can be written in Whitehorse. An application,schedule and other information is available from our office. Candidates will be required to purchase their own textbooks. Candidates may bring only pens, pencils and eraser into the examination room. No texts, dictionaries or other aids are permitted. Paper will be provided for entering answers (all answer booklets and exam sheets or papers MUST be turned in at the end of the exam.) The minimum passing mark is 70% Please refer to the NPPE Application to Write form as well as the NPPE Study Materials information sheet, located on the APEY website at www.apey.yk.ca under the Member Information section, for information on application deadlines, dates to write, and relevant study materials. 审批流程 飞出国


Approval Process (P.Eng. or L.L. Eng.)

Once accepted as a member you are required to pay annual membership dues, stamp fees and National Secondary Liability Insurance Program. In addition you must complete the Stamp Order Form.

国家二级责任保险项目 FLYAbroad


National Secondary Professional Liability Insurance Program

APEY members have the extra protection of the National Secondary Professional Liability Insurance Program. This program is mandatory for all members, unless proof of registration by another Canadian Association can be produced.

费用 FLYAbroad 第一次申请费用 (所有申请人) $78.75 E.I.T. 学术评估费用 $175.00 国家专业实践考试费 (NPPE) (如适用) $147.00 考核证书 (如适用) $350.00 专业工程师和有限许可工程师 每年会员费 $252.00 实习工程师每年会员费 $76.13 专业工程师邮费 必须呈递 [stamp order form](http://apey.yk.ca/documents/Member-Stamp-Order-Form.pdf)) $45.00 国家二级职业责任保险 (如适用) $10.50

APEY可以通过visa和万事达信用卡支付。所有这些款项将需要2.75%评估手续费。若用信用卡支付,则需要填写Credit Card Authorization Form (PDF)。表格可以用传真或扫描和发送标记为机密的电子邮件的方式,或邮寄或扫描并通过电子邮件告知APEY办公室。

Fees (including GST) One-time Application Fee (all applicants) $78.75 E.I.T. Academic Assessment Fee $175.00 National Professional Practice Examination Fee (NPPE) (if required) $147.00 Examination of Credentials (if required) $350.00 Professional Engineer and L.L. Eng. Annual Membership Dues $252.00 Engineer-in-Training Annual Membership Dues $76.13 Professional Engineer Stamp Fee (must submit a [stamp order form](http://apey.yk.ca/documents/Member-Stamp-Order-Form.pdf)) $45.00 National Secondary Professional Liability insurance (if required) $10.50

APEY accepts Visa and Mastercard Credit Card payments. Please note all such payments will be assessed a 2.75% processing fee. To pay by credit card, please fill in the Credit Card Authorization Form (PDF). This form can be either be faxed or scanned and emailed with a cover letter marked confidential, or mailed or scanned and emailed to the APEY office.







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