《经济学人》双语:韩国音乐公司收购案,剧情发展堪比狗血韩剧 您所在的位置:网站首页 weverse直播翻译 《经济学人》双语:韩国音乐公司收购案,剧情发展堪比狗血韩剧


2023-04-12 13:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

原文标题:Entertainment K-popolyA corporate liaison at the heart of the Korean music business娱乐韩国流行音乐垄断韩国音乐领域核心企业的联姻

A takeover battle sheds light on the industry’s unusual vertical integration一场收购战揭示了音乐领域不同寻常的垂直整合

[Paragraph 1]FANS OF SOUTH KOREA’S wildly successful pop industry are used to the intrigue surrounding new groups, band members’ romances and their misbehaviour.


Now a new source of K-pop drama has emerged from an unexpected quarter.


On February 10th HYBE, an entertainment house which represents the genre’s biggest name, BTS, agreed to buy a 14.8% stake in SM Entertainment, a rival, from its founder and former chief producer, Lee Soo-man.


Mr Lee, who is no longer involved in his firm’s day-to-day business, would be left with roughly 4%, making HYBE its largest shareholder.


In pursuit of an even closer tie-up, HYBE simultaneously launched a tender offer to buy another 25% at a similar premium to the shares’ market price that it is paying Mr Lee.


SM Entertainment says it will resist any attempt at a hostile takeover.


The stage is set for a corporate showdown worthy of any pop feud.


[Paragraph 2]HYBE and SM Entertainment are the two largest listed K-pop companies, with a combined market capitalisation of nearly $9bn.


A full merger would create an industry powerhouse, capturing a large chunk of South Korea’s music-production business.


SM Entertainment is particularly strong in talent-scouting. Three years ago it established its own school in Seoul, which now offers three-year courses in everything from vocals and dance to production.


HYBE, for its part, dominates music distribution through Weverse, a digital platform that hosts exclusive content such as live-streamed concerts and lessons where BTS members teach foreign fans Korean.HYBE擅长通过Weverse数字平台发行音乐,这个平台可以储存独家内容,如现场直播演唱会,防弹少年团成员教外国粉丝的韩语课程。

[Paragraph 3]Vertical integration is not unusual in Korean show business.


JYP Entertainment, another K-pop house, has a TV-production subsidiary. YG Entertainment, another rival, runs a modelling agency.


They take the raw material (an artist) and transform it into the finished products (content), using a finely tuned production process.


As Lee Jang-woo of Kyungpook National University observes, this innovation strategy has a lot in common with South Korea’s high-tech manufacturing industry.


K-pop firms may learn as much from conglomerates like Samsung and Hyundai as from Western labels such as Warner and Universal. 韩国音乐公司从“三星”和“现代”这样的企业集团学到的东西,可能与从“华纳”和“环球”这样的西方企业学到的东西一样多。

[Paragraph 4]For HYBE, combining with SM Entertainment would allow it to diversify away from BTS, notes Douglas Kim, an independent analyst of Korea Inc.


This is especially important now that the supergroup has confirmed it will hit pause until 2025, while its seven members undergo the mandatory 18 months of military service.


SM Entertainment’s managers may worry that an investigation from Korean trustbusters, who must review any transaction involving more than 15% of shares, could be a distraction.


They would rather pursue a partnership with Kakao, a Korean internet giant to which they had just sold 9% of their firm in newly issued shares.SM宁愿与韩国互联网巨头Kakao建立合作关系,他们刚刚将公司9%的新发行股份出售给了Kakao。

[Paragraph 5]That may not be enough to stop HYBE. SM Entertainment’s share price is up by nearly 50% since the sale of Mr Lee’s stake to HYBE was announced, implying that investors quite like the sound of a union. 这可能不足以阻止HYBE的收购行动。李秀满的股份出售给HYBE的消息公布后,SM的股价上涨了近50%,这意味着投资者们非常乐意看到两家公司合并。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量524左右)原文出自:2023年2月18日《The Economist》Business版块。


本文翻译整理: Irene本文编辑校对: Irene


【补充资料】(来自于网络)垂直整合(Vertical Integration)是一种提高或降低公司对于其投入和产出分配控制水平的方法,也即公司对其生产投入、产品或服务的分配的控制程度。直整合意味着公司的价值链与其供应商、经销商价值链之间的整合水平。航空业的垂直整合也许最为典型。

HYBE是一家韩国娱乐公司,前身为2005年方时赫成立的Big Hit Entertainment ,2021年更名为HYBE 。HYBE由韩国本部HYBE、美国本部HYBE AMERICA、日本本部HYBE JAPAN组成。业务上区分为Label、Solution、Platform。旗下各厂牌(Label)独立开展活动,包括SOURCE MUSIC等。Solution开展以音乐为基础的演出、视频内容、IP、教学、游戏等业务,包括HYBE 360、HYBE IPX等 。Platform连接并拓展HYBE所有内容与服务,Platform包括Weverse Company 。旗下艺人有李贤,防弹少年团等。

韩国SM娱乐有限公司(S.M.Entertainment)是韩国一间大型艺人企划和经纪公司,由歌手出身的李秀满于1989年创办。其名称“SM”为英文“Star Museum”的缩写,意为“明星博物馆、名人殿堂”。旗下代表艺人有宝儿、东方神起、Super Junior、少女时代等。

JYP娱乐(JYP Entertainment)是韩国歌手朴振荣创立的经纪公司。YG Entertainment是韩国著名的上市娱乐公司,由已解散的90年代当红团体“徐太志和孩子们”团员之一的梁铉锡于1996年所创立。

Kakao Talk是一款来自韩国的由中国腾讯担任第二大股东的免费聊天软件,类似于QQ微信的聊天软件。2023年2月7日,韩联社消息,韩国互联网巨头Kakao公布,公司收购SM娱乐9.05%的股份,成为其第二大股东。

【重点句子】(3 个)The stage is set for a corporate showdown worthy of any pop feud. 舞台已经准备就绪,迎接娱乐公司最后的胜负战。

A full merger would create an industry powerhouse, capturing a large chunk of South Korea’s music-production business.两家公司完全合并将成为一个行业巨头,会在韩国音乐制作领域占很大比例。

They take the raw material (an artist) and transform it into the finished products (content), using a finely tuned production process.他们以原材料(艺术家)为基础,并通过精心调整的生产流程将其转化为成品(内容)。







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