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2023-08-26 05:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Photo-4 “這比我想像的還要花時間......”該頁面處於修改中頁面上的訊息仍未完整,請協助我們完善。 LotusWhite Specter (Tenno) TopEnemy Specter (Enemy) BallSpawnerCorruptedLancer


目次 1 Tenno魅影 2 集團魅影 3 其他魅影 3.1 震盪恐鳥 3.2 複製人Clem 3.3 Equinox 3.4 墮落轟擊者 4 行動特點 5 附註 6 漏洞 7 影像 8 更新日誌 Tenno魅影[] 主條目: Specter (Tenno) 主條目: Specter (Enemy)



分數 簡單獎勵1-15級 普通獎勵16-25級 困難獎勵25級以上 噩夢獎勵処於任務中 1 無 幻霧魅影藍圖(一星) 相位魅影藍圖(兩星) 原力魅影藍圖(三星) 2 幻霧魅影藍圖(一星) 相位魅影藍圖(兩星) 原力魅影藍圖(三星) 無極魅影藍圖(四星) 3 相位魅影藍圖(兩星) 原力魅影藍圖(三星) 無極魅影藍圖(四星) 無極魅影藍圖(四星) 幻霧相位原力無極



製造需求 現金15,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。7,500 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。5,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。 耗時: 8 hrs 加速: 白金 20 商店 商店售價:N/A 藍圖 藍圖售價:N/A Drop Locations PCPS4XB1

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi refer to Void Relics(V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics(B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic



製造需求 現金30,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。750 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。5,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。5,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1,000 耗時: 8 hrs 加速: 白金 20 商店 商店售價:N/A 藍圖 藍圖售價:N/A Drop Locations PCPS4XB1

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi refer to Void Relics(V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics(B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic



製造需求 現金50,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1,000 耗時: 8 hrs 加速: 白金 20 商店 商店售價:N/A 藍圖 藍圖售價:N/A Drop Locations PCPS4XB1

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi refer to Void Relics(V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics(B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic



製造需求 現金60,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。500 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。5,000 腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。1 耗時: 8 hrs 加速: 白金 20 商店 商店售價:N/A 藍圖 藍圖售價:N/A Drop Locations PCPS4XB1

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Blueprint Rescue 2.0

Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi refer to Void Relics(V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics(B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic




BallSpawnerAncientHealer BallSpawnerCharger BallSpawnerCorruptedLancer BallSpawnerMoa BallSpawnerRoller BallSpawnerShieldDrone Ancient HealerSanguine Eximus Specter(New Loka) ChargerParasitic Eximus Specter(Red Veil) Corrupted LancerLeech Eximus Specter(Arbiters of Hexis) MOABlitz Eximus Specter(The Perrin Sequence) RollerLeech Eximus Specter(Steel Meridian) Weaponized version of

Shield OspreyGuardian Eximus Specter(Cephalon Suda)

其他魅影[] 震盪恐鳥[] 主條目: MOA Cabinet Spawner


複製人Clem[] 主條目: Darvo, Weekly Mission



Equinox[] 主條目: Duality

Equinox's Duality augment for Metamorphosis creates a temporary specter armed with whatever weapon Equinox was using during casting. The specter will take the form of Equinox's opposite half (i.e. swapping to her Night Form results in a Day Form specter and vice versa), and will take into account any mods installed on the weapon it is using. The specter will only last for a set duration (modifiable via Ability Duration) and will instantly die if it walks in range of a Nullifier Crewman's bubble or a Nul Comba's/Scrambus' aura.

Duality's Specter has similar AI to Tenno Specters, and will act like a bodyguard.

墮落轟擊者[] 主條目: Corrupted Bombard 檔案:CorruptedBombardSpecter.png

The Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint was introduced as a Baro Ki'Teer exclusive specter, available for PrimeBucks‍ 100 and 50,000現金‍ 50,000 between February 24 - 26, 2017 on PC. The blueprint is a one time use (providing 5x specters) and includes a Corrupted Bombard specter and an accompanying Orokin Drone. The drone does not and cannot obtain shields, nor does it provide shields to the Bombard itself. It also respawns after about 30 seconds of it being destroyed.

行動特點[] All Specters which don't have the "bodyguard" AI type will only follow the player if they do not detect any enemies. If they detect an enemy nearby, they may do the following: Corrupted lancers will sprint for cover and stay in that cover until enemies get near or until the enemy it detected dies (even if it is in another room). Rollers will roll towards the enemies and continue to attack until (easily) being destroyed. MOA specters are one of two Specters that will take the initiative to follow the player, often walking backwards as it fires at enemies. It too, however, can get stuck as it notices many enemies, in which it will decide the enemies are a bigger priority than the player. Charger specters have a slightly smaller detection range and aggression towards enemies, but never attempts to follow the player if enemies are nearby and it's weak attacks often miss enemies who walk backwards to avoid it's attacks. Ancient Healer specters will slowly walk towards enemies until they are in range, and then charge like a normal Healer would do. Clem will stay close to the player most of the time, and sometimes stop to engage the enemy for a while. Shield Ospreys have both the "bodyguard" AI and the normal enemy AI; they will attempt to stay close to other deployed specters, defense objectives, or other high value allies even if they detect enemies. If there are no high value allies nearby (players don't count) it will simply drift into the enemies instead. 附註[] These specters do not teleport to the player and have limited AI capabilities. As such, they generally act like normal enemies such as taking cover or other similar behavior. If they detect enemies, they will take the initiative to engage them regardless of where the player is. Due to lack of armor or shields, the Red Veil's Charger Eximus Specter typically does not survive very long after being summoned. Its energy leech ability also does nothing to allies or enemies. Specters of this type are most useful in game modes where the mission takes place in a fixed location, such as Defense or Interception, as they can easily lag behind players or have difficulty navigating certain tiles/rooms. Shield Osprey Specters behave differently than all the other specters: They may stay near the objective in defense or decide to protect another specter, and will never take the initiative to actually protect the player. The Roller Specter is arguably the weakest of all the specters due to its relatively low health and slow attack speed, despite being able to steal health from enemies. Ancient Healer Specters have a short ~15m aura that reduces damage by 90% for all friendly targets such as other players, allied specters, or Defense objectives. When connected to said targets the Healer itself will gain a damage resistance boost as well. Damage done to you or linked allies with heal the specter as well as its own occasional healing pulses. Oddly enough, a specter's weapon can level up, shown in the media below. It is unknown if it actually affects the weapon or the Specter itself. Upon successful defeat of a certain syndicate's death squad/platoon, you may earn the blueprint to actually build that syndicate's specters. Players are able to choose to either make the specters stay in an area or follow them around by pressing X (default keybinding) when close to it. Doing this to a Shield Osprey specter will cause it to hold position and fire plasma repeater weapons at enemies. The Shield Osprey may also rarely fire its weapons when not told to wait, although this is rare. For clients this is unreliable and the osprey may ignore the commands anyway, and continue to fly into crowds of enemies and not be able to defend itself, being destroyed soon after. Some Specters may rarely disable alarms. Specters will spawn at the current enemy level, plus a few extra. For endless missions, this allows specters to scale to enemy level; placing one at the beginning of the mission will be lower than later on if spawned again. The Corrupted Lancer and Ancient Healer specters become very powerful due to this, becoming massive bullet sponges. If the player kills a Specter affected by Radiation, they will receive affinity identical in amount to an enemy unit of the same type (i.e. Ancient Healer Specters will give affinity matching an Eximus unit of the same level). Specters spawned during Nightmare alerts and missions will attack nearby players and enemies and cannot be commanded to hold position or follow. 漏洞[] Telling a specter to hold position may cause the specter to act strangely, including freezing in an animation or tracking but not firing upon enemies. Telling them to follow you and re-hold position can fix the issue temporarily. The Corrupted Bombard Specter spawns with a small shield count which will recharge slowly as long as its drone is active. However, having this shield drain completely will prevent it from ever coming back until its drone is destroyed and respawned after a period of time. This has been a bug since the Specter existed and may be due to an issue where Heavy Grineer cannot obtain shields. 影像[] Specterlevelup.pngDera leveling upScreenshot (131).pngSpecter command : "Hold Position"Screenshot (129).pngSpecter Command : "Follow"1/3 Discussing Specters And Their Role In WarframeCorrupted Bombard - Warframe Specter ReviewRoller - Warframe Specter ReviewCorrupted Lancer - Warframe Specter ReviewShield Osprey - Warframe Specter ReviewAncient Healer - Warframe Specter ReviewClem - Warframe Specter ReviewMOA - Warframe Specter Review 更新日誌[] Hotfix 22.11.1 (2018-02-06) Followers (Specters, Rescue Target, etc) no longer cancel charging if they switch targets while using a charging weapon.

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

Warframe Specters are now much smarter! We've done a general intelligence pass on their proficiency with Weapons, and we've also updated their power-casting logic. Virtually every power is now castable with only a few exceptions! Specters CANNOT cast the following Abilities: Vauban's Minelayer, Ivara's Zipline, Titania's Razorwing, Nekros’ Desecrate and Shadows of the Dead, Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Valkyr’s Hysteria, Wukong’s Primal Fury, Cloud Walker, and Defy, Atlas’ Petrify and Tectonics, Limbo's entire kit (save for the damage aspect of Banish), and finally Zephyr’s Dive Bomb.






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