Unit 5 I Love Learning English! Lesson 27 Amazing English课件(共26张PPT)2022 您所在的位置:网站首页 walk造句七年级下册 Unit 5 I Love Learning English! Lesson 27 Amazing English课件(共26张PPT)2022

Unit 5 I Love Learning English! Lesson 27 Amazing English课件(共26张PPT)2022

#Unit 5 I Love Learning English! Lesson 27 Amazing English课件(共26张PPT)2022| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共26张PPT)Unit 5 I Love Learning English!Lesson 27 Amazing EnglishAim1掌握单词:letter, exactly, fact, sentence, quick, lazy, even, dig短语:in fact, in the English language, dig in, etc.2掌握和运用关于英语单词的构成的句型3掌握一般现在时和祈使句结构。4能用本课词汇、短语和句型正确造句,并根据情景正确运用能介绍英语语言的特点。Free talk1. What do you think of English 2. Is it hard or difficult to learn English 3. How do you remember English words 4. What English words do you think areinteresting New wordsletter n. 字母exactly adv. 确切地;精确地fact n. 事实;真实的事物sentence n. 句子quick adj. 快的;迅速的fox n. 狐狸lazy adj.懒惰的forwards adv. 向前backwards adv. 向后;倒therein adv. 在那里;在其中even adv. 甚至;还;其实dig v. 挖;掘PresentationEnglish lettersEnglish wordsEnglish sentencePresentationfoxlazydigPractice1. There are only 26 _________(字母) in English.2. You don't _______(甚至)need to move any letters around.3. ________(事实上),he is good at learning English.4. She is a _______ (懒惰的) girl,so no one likes her.5. Maybe one word can make up a ________(句子).6. Please walk ___________ (迅速地) .lettersevenIn factlazysentencequickly/fastReadThere are only 26 letters in English. So English is an easy language to learn, right?Well, not exactly.Yes, English only has 26 letters, but those 26 letters can make a lot of words. In fact, there are about 800 000 words in the English language.One letter like “a”,can be an English word. And just one word, like “Go” can be a sentence.There is an English word with about 1 900 letters in it. Wow!That’s a long word.ReadThis sentence uses all 26 letters:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Look at this word: level. You can read it forwards or backwards—it’s the same word!The word “therein” has ten words in it. You don’t even need to move any letters around. How many words can you find?Dig in and enjoy!Learning TipThe average English- speaking person only uses about15 000 words. The top ten most often used words in English are:the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that and it.1. Is it easy to learn English No, not exactly.2. How many words in English About 800 000.3. How many words are used by common English-speaking people 15 000.Read the passage and answer the questions.Language points1. Amazing English【辨析】amazing, amazed① amazing用作形容词,意为“令人惊讶的”,指物。This is amazing news. 这是令人惊讶的消息。② amazed用作形容词,意为“感到惊讶的”,指人。He is amazed at the high building.他对这个高大的建筑物感到惊讶。Language points2. Well, not exactly. 嗯,不完全是。exactly意为“精确地;确切地;正好”。not exactly意为“并非如此;不完全是”。He doesn’t exactly know how to work out the problem.他并不确切地知道怎么解决这个问题。【拓展】exact用作形容词,意为“精确的”。This is the exact time. 这是确切的时间。Language points3. In fact, there are about 800 000 words in the English language.事实上,英语语言中大约有800 000个单词。in fact意为“事实上;其实;实际上”,既可以用于句首后用逗号隔开,也可以用于句尾。常用于以下两种语境:① 用于补充信息,尤其是令人惊奇的信息;② 用来表示与人们的看法不太相符的事实。In fact, the earth is nearer to the sun during the winter.实际上在冬天,地球离太阳更近一些。Language points【拓展】fact相关短语:face a fact 面对事实as a matter of fact 实际上find a fact 发现事实【典例】He isn’t an English teacher. _______, he doesn’t know ABC.A. Fact B. In factC. But D. EvenBLanguage points4. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过这只懒惰的狗。1) quick形容词,快的,强调反应敏捷。fast形容词或副词,快(的) ,强调本身速度快。quick的副词是在其后加-ly,quickly。其他还有:slow—slowly exact—exactly loud—loudly2) lazy形容词,懒惰的。比较级和最高级分别为:lazier, laziest。类似的还有:busy—busier, busiest easy—easier, easiestLanguage points5. Dig in and enjoy! 深入了解,享受学习吧!① dig意为“挖;掘”,既是及物动词,也是不及物动词。现在分词形式是_______,其过去式和过去分词均为____。② dig in是口语中经常用到的一个词组,主要有两个意思:一个是“开始认真工作;钻研”,另一个是“开始贪婪地吃;津津有味地吃”。diggingdugLanguage pointsWe dug a hole and planted a tree in the garden.我们在花园里挖了一个坑并栽上了一棵树。The children enjoy digging in the sand. 孩子们喜欢挖沙子玩。Dinner is ready, so dig in! 晚餐准备好了,开始吃吧!【典例】—What’s the boy doing —He is _______ a hole (坑).diggingLet’s Do It!1Listen and write true (T) or false (F).1. English is an easy language to learn. (  )2. The word “therein” has ten words in it. (  )3. There are about 800 000 words in the English language. (  )4. One word can't be a sentence. (  )5. There is an English word with 1 900 letters in it. (  )FTTFTLet’s Do It!2Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.1. My name is Jack. The first ________ in my name is “J”.2. I love football. In ________, it’s my favourite sport.3. Can you make a ________ with the new word 4. Don’t be ________. Practice English every day.5. You eat very fast. You are ________.letterfactsentencelazyquickfact lazy letter quick sentenceLet’s Do It!3Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1. I can (hear/hears/heard) with my ears.2. You can (meeting/meets/meet) us at the restaurant.3. Your cousin can (stayed/stay/staying) at our house.4. Can we (being/am/be) friends 5. I can (find/found/finding) lots of books at the bookstore.Exercise单项选择1. —You are leaving, aren’t you —_______, I’m just going on holiday.A. Exactly B. Not exactly C. Exact D. Not exact2. Someone thinks English is an easy language _______.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning3. Jim is a _______ man; he never cooks food himself.A. lazy B. quick C. happy D. funnyBBAExercise4. Which sign means “Go forwards” _______5. “Need” is a word _______ double “e”.A. have B. has C. in D. withADExercise1. there, letters, only, are, 26, in, English_________________________________________.2. there, in fact, are, a, cat, in, her, home_________________________________________.3. don’t, need to, even, move, around, letters, any, you_________________________________________.There are only 26 letters in EnglishIn fact, there are a cat in her homeYou don’t even need to move any letters around连词成句HomeworkWork in groups. Interview your classmates and collect more interesting facts about English. Then write them down.Interesting English FactsTHANKS








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