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2023-08-11 16:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


import tensorflow as tf import IPython.display as display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import PIL.Image import time import functools



定义一个加载图像的函数,并将其最大尺寸限制为 512 像素。


def tensor_to_image(tensor): tensor = tensor*255 tensor = np.array(tensor, dtype=np.uint8) if np.ndim(tensor)>3: assert tensor.shape[0] == 1 tensor = tensor[0] return PIL.Image.fromarray(tensor) def load_img(path_to_img): max_dim = 512 img = img = tf.image.decode_image(img, channels=3) img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32) shape = tf.cast(tf.shape(img)[:-1], tf.float32) long_dim = max(shape) scale = max_dim / long_dim new_shape = tf.cast(shape * scale, tf.int32) img = tf.image.resize(img, new_shape) img = img[tf.newaxis, :] return img def imshow(image, title=None): if len(image.shape) > 3: image = tf.squeeze(image, axis=0) plt.imshow(image) if title: plt.title(title) content_image = load_img('1.jpg') style_image = load_img('2.jpg') plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow(content_image, 'Content Image') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow(style_image, 'Style Image')


从网络的输入层开始,前几个层的激励响应表示边缘和纹理等低级 feature (特征)。

随着层数加深,最后几层代表更高级的 feature (特征)——实体的部分,如轮子或眼睛。

我们使用的是 VGG19 网络结构,这是一个已经预训练好的图像分类网络。



x = tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input(content_image*255) x = tf.image.resize(x, (224, 224)) vgg = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(include_top=True, weights='imagenet') prediction_probabilities = vgg(x) prediction_probabilities.shape predicted_top_5 = tf.keras.applications.vgg19.decode_predictions(prediction_probabilities.numpy())[0] [(class_name, prob) for (number, class_name, prob) in predicted_top_5] # 现在,加载没有分类部分的 VGG19 ,并列出各层的名称: vgg = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(include_top=False, weights='imagenet') print() for layer in vgg.layers: print( ------------------------------ input_2 block1_conv1 block1_conv2 block1_pool block2_conv1 block2_conv2 block2_pool block3_conv1 block3_conv2 block3_conv3 block3_conv4 block3_pool block4_conv1 block4_conv2 block4_conv3 block4_conv4 block4_pool block5_conv1 block5_conv2 block5_conv3 block5_conv4 block5_pool


# 内容层将提取出我们的 feature maps (特征图) content_layers = ['block5_conv2'] # 我们感兴趣的风格层 style_layers = ['block1_conv1', 'block2_conv1', 'block3_conv1', 'block4_conv1', 'block5_conv1'] num_content_layers = len(content_layers) num_style_layers = len(style_layers)




这需要将原始图像作为输入像素并构建内部表示,这个内部表示将原始图像像素转换为对图像中存在的 feature (特征)的复杂理解。

这也是卷积神经网络能够很好地推广的一个原因:它们能够捕获不变性并定义类别(例如猫与狗)之间的 feature (特征),这些 feature (特征)与背景噪声和其他干扰无关。

因此,将原始图像传递到模型输入和分类标签输出之间的某处的这一过程,可以视作复杂的 feature (特征)提取器。通过这些模型的中间层,我们就可以描述输入图像的内容和风格。


使用tf.keras.applications中的网络可以让我们非常方便的利用 Keras 的功能接口提取中间层的值。


model = Model(inputs, outputs)

以下函数构建了一个 VGG19 模型,该模型返回一个中间层输出的列表:

def vgg_layers(layer_names): """ Creates a vgg model that returns a list of intermediate output values.""" # 加载我们的模型。 加载已经在 imagenet 数据上预训练的 VGG vgg = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(include_top=False, weights='imagenet') vgg.trainable = False outputs = [vgg.get_layer(name).output for name in layer_names] model = tf.keras.Model([vgg.input], outputs) return model


style_extractor = vgg_layers(style_layers) style_outputs = style_extractor(style_image*255) #查看每层输出的统计信息 for name, output in zip(style_layers, style_outputs): print(name) print(" shape: ", output.numpy().shape) print(" min: ", output.numpy().min()) print(" max: ", output.numpy().max()) print(" mean: ", output.numpy().mean()) print() ------------------------ block1_conv1 shape: (1, 336, 512, 64) min: 0.0 max: 835.5256 mean: 33.97525 block2_conv1 shape: (1, 168, 256, 128) min: 0.0 max: 4625.8857 mean: 199.82687 block3_conv1 shape: (1, 84, 128, 256) min: 0.0 max: 8789.239 mean: 230.78099 block4_conv1 shape: (1, 42, 64, 512) min: 0.0 max: 21566.135 mean: 791.24005 block5_conv1 shape: (1, 21, 32, 512) min: 0.0 max: 3189.2542 mean: 59.179478 风格计算

图像的内容由中间 feature maps (特征图)的值表示。

事实证明,图像的风格可以通过不同 feature maps (特征图)上的平均值和相关性来描述。

通过在每个位置计算 feature (特征)向量的外积,并在所有位置对该外积进行平均,可以计算出包含此信息的 Gram 矩阵。

对于特定层的 Gram 矩阵,具体计算方法如下所示:


def gram_matrix(input_tensor): result = tf.linalg.einsum('bijc,bijd->bcd', input_tensor, input_tensor) input_shape = tf.shape(input_tensor) num_locations = tf.cast(input_shape[1]*input_shape[2], tf.float32) return result/(num_locations)





class StyleContentModel(tf.keras.models.Model): def __init__(self, style_layers, content_layers): super(StyleContentModel, self).__init__() self.vgg = vgg_layers(style_layers + content_layers) self.style_layers = style_layers self.content_layers = content_layers self.num_style_layers = len(style_layers) self.vgg.trainable = False def call(self, inputs): "Expects float input in [0,1]" inputs = inputs*255.0 preprocessed_input = tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input(inputs) outputs = self.vgg(preprocessed_input) style_outputs, content_outputs = (outputs[:self.num_style_layers], outputs[self.num_style_layers:]) style_outputs = [gram_matrix(style_output) for style_output in style_outputs] content_dict = {content_name:value for content_name, value in zip(self.content_layers, content_outputs)} style_dict = {style_name:value for style_name, value in zip(self.style_layers, style_outputs)} return {'content':content_dict, 'style':style_dict}

在图像上调用此模型,可以返回 style_layers 的 gram 矩阵(风格)和 content_layers 的内容:

extractor = StyleContentModel(style_layers, content_layers) results = extractor(tf.constant(content_image)) style_results = results['style'] print('Styles:') for name, output in sorted(results['style'].items()): print(" ", name) print(" shape: ", output.numpy().shape) print(" min: ", output.numpy().min()) print(" max: ", output.numpy().max()) print(" mean: ", output.numpy().mean()) print() print("Contents:") for name, output in sorted(results['content'].items()): print(" ", name) print(" shape: ", output.numpy().shape) print(" min: ", output.numpy().min()) print(" max: ", output.numpy().max()) print(" mean: ", output.numpy().mean()) ---------------------------------- Styles: block1_conv1 shape: (1, 64, 64) min: 0.0055228462 max: 28014.562 mean: 263.79025 block2_conv1 shape: (1, 128, 128) min: 0.0 max: 61479.49 mean: 9100.949 block3_conv1 shape: (1, 256, 256) min: 0.0 max: 545623.44 mean: 7660.976 block4_conv1 shape: (1, 512, 512) min: 0.0 max: 4320502.0 mean: 134288.84 block5_conv1 shape: (1, 512, 512) min: 0.0 max: 110005.34 mean: 1487.0381 Contents: block5_conv2 shape: (1, 26, 32, 512) min: 0.0 max: 2410.8796 mean: 13.764149 梯度下降



style_targets = extractor(style_image)['style'] content_targets = extractor(content_image)['content']

定义一个 tf.Variable 来表示要优化的图像。 为了快速实现这一点,使用内容图像对其进行初始化( tf.Variable 必须与内容图像的形状相同)

image = tf.Variable(content_image)

由于这是一个浮点图像,因此我们定义一个函数来保持像素值在 0 和 1 之间:

def clip_0_1(image): return tf.clip_by_value(image, clip_value_min=0.0, clip_value_max=1.0)

创建一个 optimizer 。 本教程推荐 LBFGS,但 Adam 也可以正常工作:

opt = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.02, beta_1=0.99, epsilon=1e-1)


style_weight=1e-2 content_weight=1e4 def style_content_loss(outputs): style_outputs = outputs['style'] content_outputs = outputs['content'] style_loss = tf.add_n([tf.reduce_mean((style_outputs[name]-style_targets[name])**2) for name in style_outputs.keys()]) style_loss *= style_weight / num_style_layers content_loss = tf.add_n([tf.reduce_mean((content_outputs[name]-content_targets[name])**2) for name in content_outputs.keys()]) content_loss *= content_weight / num_content_layers loss = style_loss + content_loss return loss

使用 tf.GradientTape 来更新图像。

@tf.function() def train_step(image): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: outputs = extractor(image) loss = style_content_loss(outputs) grad = tape.gradient(loss, image) opt.apply_gradients([(grad, image)]) image.assign(clip_0_1(image))


train_step(image) train_step(image) train_step(image) tensor_to_image(image)



import time start = time.time() epochs = 10 steps_per_epoch = 100 step = 0 for n in range(epochs): for m in range(steps_per_epoch): step += 1 train_step(image) print(".", end='') display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(tensor_to_image(image)) print("Train step: {}".format(step)) end = time.time() print("Total time: {:.1f}".format(end-start))






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