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foreign是什么意思/翻译_foreign读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 5天前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 5



英 [ˈfɒrən] 美 [ˈfɔːrən]

adj.  外国的; 涉外的; 外交的; 非典型的; 陌生的


Oxford 3000 / Collins.2 / BNC.621 / COCA.689



外国的in or from a country that is not your own a foreign accent/language/student外国口音 / 语言 / 学生 a foreign-owned company外资公司 foreign holidays外国假日 You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed.从她的穿着就可以看出她是外国人。 涉外的;外交的dealing with or involving other countries foreign affairs/news/policy/trade 外交事务;外国新闻;对外政策 / 贸易 foreign aid 外援 a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in newspapers or on television) 驻外记者 非典型的;陌生的not typical of sb/sth; not known to sb/sth and therefore seeming strange Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.弄虚作假并非他的本性。 异物;异体an object that has entered sth by accident and should not be there Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies.眼泪有助于保护眼睛去除可能有害的异物。 柯林斯词典 ADJ 外国的;来自国外的Something or someone that is foreign comes from or relates to a country that is not your own. …in Frankfurt, where a quarter of the population is foreign…在有四分之一的人口是外来移民的法兰克福 She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.她第一次在没有父母陪伴的情况下自己去国外度假。 …a foreign language…一门外语 It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector.这是玻利维亚矿业史上最大的一次来自国外的私人投资。 ADJ 外交的;外国的;对外的In politics and journalism, foreign is used to describe people, jobs, and activities relating to countries that are not the country of the person or government concerned. …the German foreign minister…德国外交部长 I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.我是洪都拉斯《论坛报》驻华盛顿的记者。 …the effects of US foreign policy in the ‘free world’.美国对外政策在“自由世界”的影响 ADJ 异质的;外来的A foreign object is something that has got into something else, usually by accident, and should not be there. The patient’s immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.病人的免疫系统会对移植器官产生异质排斥反应。 ADJ-GRADED 陌生的;不熟悉的;非典型的Something that is foreign to a particular person or thing is not typical of them or is unknown to them. The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools…价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。 The whole thing is foreign to us.我们对整件事不了解。 双语例句 Most foreign nationals have now left the country on the advice of their governments. 大多数外国人听从本国政府的建议离开了该国。 Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems 外交部官员帮助解决运输和经费问题。 I visited Japan in 1987 at the invitation of the Foreign Minister. 应日本外相的邀请,我于1987年访问了日本。 Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。 The Russian foreign minister yesterday cancelled his visit to Washington 俄罗斯外交部长昨天取消了对华盛顿的访问。 Countries may also find their currency is depreciating in foreign markets. 一些国家也可能会发现自己的货币正在国外市场上贬值。 These factories have displaced tourism as the country’s largest source of foreign exchange 这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源。 The foreign ministers of the two countries signed the documents today. 两国的外交大臣今天签署了文件。 To earn foreign exchange we must export. 要想获得外汇,我们必须出口。 She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents. 她第一次在没有父母陪伴的情况下自己去国外度假。 It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector. 这是玻利维亚矿业史上最大的一次来自国外的私人投资。 I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras. 我是洪都拉斯《论坛报》驻华盛顿的记者。 The patient’s immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object. 病人的免疫系统会对移植器官产生异质排斥反应。 The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools 价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。 The whole thing is foreign to us. 我们对整件事不了解。 They have a good grasp of foreign languages. 他们外语掌握得很好。 He limited payments on the country’s foreign debt 他对该国外债的偿还作出了限制。 The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid 该国得不到任何外国贷款或经济援助。 The foreign market was increasingly crucial. 国外市场越来越重要了。 It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international prestige. 他在负责处理外交事务的过程中赢得了国际声望。 He has senatorial experience in defence and foreign policy. 他在参议院期间有过国防和外交政策方面的经验。 The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment. 外交大臣附和了这一看法。 Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese. 且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少。 He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour. 他会见了外国朋友,并设宴招待了他们。 She has mastered a foreign language by aid of a grammar and dictionary. 她借助语法书和词典掌握了一门外语。 He is on loan to the Foreign Languages Press. 他借调到外文出版社工作去了。 Foreign countries have a different way of life from ours. 外国的生活方式和我们的不同。 He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests. 他绕桌子走了一圈,和所有的外宾都碰了杯。 He can speak tee foreign languages. 他能够说3种外国语。 同义词辨析

  alien exotic foreign overseas【导航词义:外国的】

  alien adj. 外国的,异域的

〔辨析〕指属于另一个国家的,比 foreign 更正式,但没有 foreign 使用普遍,且常含贬义。

〔例证〕 They were opposed to the presence of alien forces in the region. 他们反对外国军队驻扎在该地区。 He was interested in alien cultures. 他曾对异域文化感兴趣。

  exotic adj. 〈褒〉来自异国的,外国情调的


〔例证〕 I like brightly-coloured exotic flowers. 我喜欢色彩鲜艳的异国花卉。 She prefers to travel to exotic places. 她更愿去有异国风情的地方旅行。

  foreign adj. 外国的,国外的


〔例证〕 After living in foreign countries for many years, he returned home. 在国外居住多年之后,他回到了家。 All foreign troops must be withdrawn immediately and unconditionally. 所有外国军队必须立即无条件地撤出。

  overseas adj. 海外的,国外来的


〔例证〕 There are many overseas students now coming to China to study Chinese. 现在有很多外国留学生来中国学习汉语。 The company has invested more money into its overseas market. 该公司已经将更多的资金投入了海外市场。



relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world foreign nations a foreign accent on business in a foreign city

Synonym:    strange

of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own) foreign trade a foreign office not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper jealousy is foreign to her nature

Synonym:    alien

not belonging to that in which it is contained water free of extraneous matter foreign particles in milk

Synonym:    extraneous



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