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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 trick n (prank, joke)SCSimplified Chinese 把戏 bǎ xì TCTraditional Chinese 把戲   SCSimplified Chinese 胡闹 bǎ xì ,hú nào   SCSimplified Chinese 胡闹 bǎ xì ,hú nào  The star was famous for playing tricks on his fellow actors.  这位影星以喜欢捉弄他的搭档而出名。 trick [sb]⇒ vtr (deceive)SCSimplified Chinese 哄骗 hǒng piàn   SCSimplified Chinese 欺骗 hǒng piàn,qī piàn TCTraditional Chinese 欺騙  I didn't want to buy the ticket -- I was tricked!  我本不想买票的,可是被骗了! trick [sb] into [sth] vtr + prep (deceive into [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 骗某人做某事  Julia was tricked into marriage by a man who said he loved her when he was only after her money.  那人说他爱茱莉亚,骗她结了婚,但他看重的只是茱莉亚的钱。 trick [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (deceive into doing)SCSimplified Chinese 骗某人做某事  The scammer tricked Brian into handing over £400.  诈骗者从布莱恩手中骗走了400英镑。 trick [sb] out of [sth]⇒ vtr (cheat out of: money, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 欺诈 qī zhà   SCSimplified Chinese 欺骗 qī zhà,qī piàn TCTraditional Chinese 欺騙   SCSimplified Chinese 哄骗 qī zhà,hǒng piàn  The con man tricked the old lady out of her savings by pretending to work for a charity.  犯罪分子假装成慈善机构员工,骗走了老妇人所有的积蓄。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 trick adj (used or designed for tricks)SCSimplified Chinese 骗人的 piàn rén de TCTraditional Chinese 騙人的   SCSimplified Chinese 捉弄人的 piàn rén de ,zhuō nòng rén de  Is this a trick question?  这是个捉弄人的问题吗? trick n (magic, performance)SCSimplified Chinese 魔术戏法 mó shù xì fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 魔術戲法   SCSimplified Chinese 把戏 mó shù xì fǎ,bǎ xì TCTraditional Chinese 把戲  The kids were delighted by the magician's tricks.  魔术师的魔术戏法逗乐了孩子们。 trick n (swindle, deceit)SCSimplified Chinese 诡计 guǐ jì   SCSimplified Chinese 骗术 guǐ jì,piàn shù   SCSimplified Chinese 骗局 guǐ jì,piàn jú TCTraditional Chinese 騙局  All this for only fifty pounds?! What's the trick?  所有这些只要50英镑?!这是什么骗局吗? trick n (knack)SCSimplified Chinese 窍门 qiào mén   SCSimplified Chinese 技巧 qiào mén,jì qiǎo TCTraditional Chinese 技巧  I can't seem to get the trick of how to cut a tomato.  我似乎掌握不了切番茄的窍门。 trick n (cards) (扑克牌等)SCSimplified Chinese 一墩牌,一圈牌 yì dūn pái,yì quān pái   (扑克牌等)SCSimplified Chinese 分数 fēn shù TCTraditional Chinese 分數  In the game of hearts, you usually want to win as few tricks as possible.  在红心大战中,你通常想要获得尽可能少的分数。 trick n slang (prostitute's customer) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 嫖客 piáo kè  The prostitute collected her money and sent the trick on his way.  妓女收好了钱,送走了嫖客。 trick n (clever feat)SCSimplified Chinese 戏法,把戏 xì fǎ,bǎ xì TCTraditional Chinese 把戲  The juggler is trying to learn a new trick.  杂耍人正在试图学习一种新的把戏。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 trick [sth] out, trick out [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (dress up, deck out) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 打扮,装饰 dǎ bàn,zhuāng shì TCTraditional Chinese 打扮,裝飾  The street racer tricked out his car with a new paint job and florescent lighting. trick up vi phrasal informal (put on special clothes)SCSimplified Chinese 打扮 dǎ bàn TCTraditional Chinese 打扮   SCSimplified Chinese 装扮 dǎ bàn,zhuāng bàn   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 card trick n (trick with playing cards)SCSimplified Chinese 玩纸牌的窍门   SCSimplified Chinese 千术  He knows a lot of card tricks. con n informal (trick, swindle) (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 欺骗, 骗局 qī piàn TCTraditional Chinese 欺騙  Fred lost two hundred dollars in a con.  弗莱德上了骗局的当,损失了两百美金。 con trick n informal (confidence trick, swindle)SCSimplified Chinese 骗局 piàn jú TCTraditional Chinese 騙局 confidence trick, confidence game n (scam, fraudulent act)SCSimplified Chinese 骗局 piàn jú TCTraditional Chinese 騙局 conjuring trick n (making [sth] appear as if by magic)SCSimplified Chinese 戏法 xì fǎ   SCSimplified Chinese 花招 xì fǎ,huā zhāo dirty trick n slang (act: unfair, dishonest) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 卑鄙的行为 bēi bǐ de xíng wéi   SCSimplified Chinese 伎俩 bēi bǐ de xíng wéi,jì liǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 阴谋 bēi bǐ de xíng wéi,yīn móu TCTraditional Chinese 陰謀  He's a con artist, so watch out for his dirty tricks.  他是一位犯罪高手,要小心他的伎俩。 do the trick expr (be sufficient for)SCSimplified Chinese 达到理想的结果 hat trick, hat-trick n figurative (sport: scoring three goals) (体育比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 帽子戏法 mào zi xì fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 帽子戲法 备注: 指球员在一场比赛中中三球 He made it a hat trick by scoring his third goal just before the final whistle. hat trick, hat-trick n figurative (three successes)SCSimplified Chinese 接连三次取得成功 jiē lián sān cì qǔ dé chéng gōng  I just need one more to get a hat trick. hat trick, hat-trick n (magic: pulling [sth] from a hat) (从帽子里变出东西来的魔术)SCSimplified Chinese 帽子戏法 mào zi xì fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 帽子戲法  The magician's hat trick drew wild applause from the audience. magic trick n (conjuring trick, illusion)SCSimplified Chinese 魔术 mó shù   SCSimplified Chinese 戏法 mó shù ,xì fǎ  The magic trick made the white rabbit seem to disappear. trick or treat, trick-or-treat n (Halloween tradition) (万圣节儿童讨要糖果的用语)SCSimplified Chinese 不给糖果就捣蛋 bù gěi táng guǒ jiù dǎo dàn  Trick or treat's the only thing I like about Hallowe'en.  不给糖果就捣蛋是我唯一喜欢万圣节的理由。 Trick or treat! interj (at Halloween)SCSimplified Chinese 不给糖果就捣蛋 bù gěi táng guǒ jiù dǎo dàn  The kids knocked on the door and shouted: "Trick or treat!"  孩子们敲门并喊道:“不给糖果就捣蛋!” trick photo n (altered picture)SCSimplified Chinese 特技摄影 trick question n ([sth] asked to mislead or incriminate [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 陷阱问题 trick-or-treating n (Halloween custom: going door to door) (万圣节孩子们上门玩的游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 不给糖就捣乱  Last year, I took my brother trick-or-treating.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: trick [trɪk] I n [c] 1 (by conjuror) 戏(戲)法 xìfǎ [个 gè] 2 (=deception) 伎俩(倆) jìliǎng [个 gè] 3 (=skill, knack) 诀(訣)窍(竅) juéqiào 4 (Cards) 一圈牌 yī quān pái II vt (=deceive) 耍花招 shuǎ huāzhāo to play a trick on sb 对(對)某人耍花招 duì mǒurén shuǎ huāzhāo a trick of the light 光引起的幻觉(覺) guāng yǐnqǐ de huànjué that should do the trick (inf)这(這)应(應)该(該)奏效 zhè yīnggāi zòuxiào to trick sb into doing sth用计(計)诱(誘)使某人做某事 yòng jì yòushǐ mǒurén zuò mǒushì 在这些条目还发现'trick': 在英文解释里: bamboozle - blag - bunco - card trick - cheat - chicane - con - con job - con trick - conjuration - conjuring - cozen - curve - decoy - device - disappearing act - dodge - dupe - end run - fake out - frame - get one over - gimmick - goldbrick - hoodwink - hornswoggle - hustle - illude - illusion - lay a trap - magic act - magic trick - party piece - practical joke - pull - pull a fast one - pull on - punk - put-on - ruse - set a trap for - skank - spoof - stunt - trap - trickery - wile 中文: 把戏 - 噱头 - 开玩笑 - 手段 - 花样 - 诓骗 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, April Fool's Day words, Card game terms, 更多……同义词: deceive, fool, sucker, dupe, cheat, 更多……习惯性搭配: trick him into [getting, going, doing, believing, saying], a [magic, card, number, mental, visual] trick, trick photography, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'trick' 的论坛讨论:

trick - a to remember something ''Pregnancy trick'' in American English - English Only forum a hat trick when you haven’t got s*** your entire life - English Only forum A macabre trick, a sleight of hand. - English Only forum a neat little trick - English Only forum a trick for the other side - English Only forum A trick in/of writing - English Only forum A Trick of Saruman's - English Only forum a trick question - English Only forum a trick question - English Only forum a trick the left plays - English Only forum an architectural trick - English Only forum An easy trick 'to save you time'. [name of construction?] - English Only forum an old trick of - English Only forum Bob did a card trick - English Only forum any possible trick must be well within the rules for the writer - English Only forum At last the Greeks could capture the city [with/by/through] a trick. - English Only forum bid / trick - English Only forum Bob a card trick, Samantha a song, and Bill played the guitar - English Only forum But a trick it is - English Only forum by a trick of the atmosphere - English Only forum comma vs semicolon before 'however' [adverb]: a magic trick, however, - English Only forum con / trick - English Only forum Did you go trick-or-treating last night? - English Only forum Did you really think you could trick me into talking about everything I had/have done - English Only forum do the trick - English Only forum Do the trick vs get the job done - English Only forum Do you think this will/would do the trick? - English Only forum Does this trick ? - English Only forum Doesn't miss a trick - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'trick'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "trick" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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