托福TPO46听力Lecture真题解析 您所在的位置:网站首页 tpo56听力lecture 托福TPO46听力Lecture真题解析


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托福TPO46听力Lecture真题解析 关键字  TPO46听力 托福听力 TPO46 托福考试 新通外语 2016-09-23 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者: 阅读量: 人喜欢 手机阅读 导读


TPO,即toefl Practice Online的首写字母,就是托福在线练习的意思,TPO可以为考生提供全真的模拟考试环境和过往真题,而TPO题库也是有着不断的更新。在托福听力备考中,想要快速提升自己的托福听力能力,选择好适合的练习材料是个非常重要的环节。而对于很多备考托福的学生来说,TPO往往就是一个首先的备考材料。今天,小编就为大家带来托福TPO46听力Lecture真题解析。

托福TPO46听力Lecture1  【在线咨询】

1. What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题 A Various methods that ants use to locate food B A collective behavior common to humans and animals C A type of animal behavior and its application by humans D Strategies that flocks of birds use to stay in formation 答案:C 破题关键词汇:what

解析:(从第3“开始,原文重现:I’d like to continue our discussion of animal behavior and … concept we haven’t yet touch upon: swarm intelligence. 1’53”And swarm intelligence offers several… can be applied to other fields. ) C选项的animal behavior就是原文所说的swarm intelligence. 选项中的application对应原文的applied.

2. According to the professor, what behavior plays an important role in the way ants obtain food? 【题型】细节题 A Ants usually take a different path when they return to their nest. B Ants leave chemical trails when they are outside the nest. C Small groups of ants search in different locations. D Ants leave pieces of food along the path as markers. 答案:B 破题关键词汇:behavior, obtain food

解析:(从第55“开始,原文重现:The strongest pheromone path is advantageous to ants seeking food.) Seeking food与题干的obtain food对应。故B选项正确。

3. What are two principles of swarm intelligence based on the ant example? (Click on 2 answers.) 【题型】细节题 A Individuals are aware of the group goal. B Individuals act on information in their local environment. C Individuals follow a leader’s guidance. D Individuals instinctively follow a set of rules. 答案:BD 破题关键词汇:principle

解析:(从第39“开始,原文重现:Each individual, each individual ant operates by instinctively following a simple set of rules when foraging for food. 1’29”And each ant acts on information it finds in its immediate local environment.) B选项对应 1’29”的内容。 D选项对应39“的内容。

4. According to the professor, what path is followed by both telephone calls on a network and ants seeking food? 【题型】细节题 A The path with the least amount of activity B The most crowded path C The path that is most reinforced D The path that has intermediate stopping points 答案:C 破题关键词汇:what path, telephone calls

解析:(从第2‘53“开始,原文重现:The rule the telephone network follows is to always select the path that is most reinforced. So similar to the ant’s behavior, at each intermediate node, the call follows the path that is most reinforced.) 上文中出现了关键词telephone及path。故C选项正确。

5. Why does the professor mention movies? 【题型】组织结构题 A To identify movie scenes with computer-simulated flocks of birds B To identify a good source of information about swarm intelligence C To emphasize how difficult it still is to simulate bird flight D To explain that some special effects in movies are based on swarm intelligence 答案:D 破题关键词汇:movies

解析:(从第3‘43“开始,原文重现:and by the way, if you’re wondering how this approach can be of practical use for humans, the movie industry’s been trying create computer-generated flocks of birds in movie scenes….There have also been … using this bird flocking model of swarm intelligence.) 以上原文中出现了关键词movies, 根据上文描述可知,D选项正确。

6. What is the professor’s attitude about attempts to create computer-generated crowds of people? 【题型】态度题 A She believes that the rules of birds’ flocking behavior do not apply to group behavior in humans. B She thinks that crowd scenes could be improved by using the behavior of ant colonies as a model. C She is surprised by how realistic the computer-generated crowds are. D She is impressed that computer graphics can create such a wide range of emotions. 答案:A 破题关键词汇:computer-generated crowds of people

解析:(从第4‘13“开始,原文重现:The three rules I mentioned might be great for bird simulations, but they don’t take into account the complexity and unpredictability of human behavior.) 原文but之后的内容说明了教授认为用birds’ flocking behavior来尝试制作computer-generated crowds of people是很复杂的,不现实的。故A选项正确。


托福TPO46听力Lecture2     【在线咨询】

1. What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题 A Techniques for creating lifelike portraits B Theories about a preference in portrait painting C Reasons for a decline in the popularity of portrait painting D Ways researchers determine whether a painting is authentic 答案:B 破题关键词汇:what

解析:(从第17”开始,原文重现:And for some reason, western European artists have historically tended to show the left-side of the subject’s face, more than the right.) 讲座开始部分教授说由于某些原因,西欧的艺术家在作画时倾向于展示物体左边的脸。故B选项正确。

2. According to the professor, what change occurred in portrait paintings over time? 【题型】细节题 A Portrait artists became more skilled at painting profiles. B Portrait artists began painting a greater variety of subjects. C The percentage of left profiles decreased. D A left profile became a symbol of the subject’s social status. 答案:C 破题关键词汇:change

解析:(从第43“开始,原文重现:And interestingly enough, this tendency to show the left side has diminished over time, especially in the 20th century.) C选项的decreased与原文的diminished对应。故C选项正确。

3. What point does the professor emphasize by his discussion of the lithograph The Potato Eaters? 【题型】功能题 A Profiles are more difficult to create than head-on portraits. B Some artists consider the direction of the profile a key element in a portrait. C Most group portraits include both left and right profiles. D The direction of a profile is usually determined by the characteristics of the subject. 答案:B 破题关键词汇:The Potato Eaters

解析:(从第1‘00“开始,原文重现:We do know that for many artists, the choice of left side, right side was very important. There is an image by the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh called the Potato Eaters that shows the profiles of a group of farmers.) B选项的a key element与上文中的important对应,上文的后一句是针对前一句举的例子。故B选项正确。

4. According to the professor, what is the problem with the "right-handed" hypothesis? 【题型】细节题 A Left-handed artists are equally comfortable painting left and right profiles. B Right hands tend to cover up facial features when painting left profiles. C Statistics show that right-handed artists tend to paint right profiles. D Left hands are less likely to cast shadows when painting right profiles. 答案:A 破题关键词汇:problem, hypothesis

解析:(从第2‘14“开始,原文重现:But if that hypothesis, let’s call it the right-handed hypothesis, was correct, you’d… find it easier to paint right profiles. But the research suggests that left-handed artists find it just as easy to paint left profiles as right.) But一词对上文的结论给予了否定,所以其后的内容正是"right-handed" hypothesis的problem所在。故A选项正确。

5. What does the professor imply about the "studio organization" hypothesis? 【题型】推断题 A It has been disproved by recent studies. B It accounts for an important change in portrait painting. C It is based on a study of a relatively small number of portraits. D It was first proposed by the owner of a modern-day portrait studio. 答案:B 破题关键词汇:studio organization

解析:(从第3‘29“开始,原文重现:All right, what about the way the artists’studio is organized, specifically the light source…So if you’re a right-handed artists, you’d… And if the light’s coming from your left, you’d want your subject to turn to their right into the light.) 上文的studio is organized对应题干的studio organization,从以上原文的叙述中,可知professor所说的“studio organization" hypothesis 对portrait painting有影响。故B选项正确。

6. Why does the student say this: 【题型】功能题(重听题) A To explain why he prefers to paint left profiles B To point out a difference between adult portraits and baby portraits C To point out a fact that contradicts the "parental imprinting" hypothesis D To provide support for the "parental imprinting” hypothesis 答案:D 破题关键词汇:why

解析:(从第2‘55“开始,原文重现:Well, my sister just had a baby and she keeps talking about how her left arm is getting so much stronger than her right.) 学生说这话之前,教授说“Well, another theory is what’s known as the parental imprinting hypothesis, which proposes that people are more used to seeing….” 所以学生说的这句话是为了support教授的"parental imprinting” hypothesis,故D选项正确。


托福TPO46听力Lecture3  【在线咨询】

1.What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题 A The economic factors that made lapis lazuli expensive B The types of paintings in which the color blue is popular C Early processes for making blue pigments from stones D Difficulties using the color blue in early paintings 答案:D 破题关键词汇:what

解析:(从第16”开始,原文重现:It was believed that blue couldn’t be an important color in a painting because…well…it tends to recede into the background.) 讲座开始部分,教授明确说明了讲座的主题。故D选项正确。

2. What was Gainsborough's goal when he painted The Blue Boy? 【题型】细节题 A To find an acceptable alternative to ultramarine pigment B To demonstrate that blue should be used only in certain paintings C To contradict a common belief about the use of blue in a painting D To protest the high costs of painting with most blue pigments 答案:C 破题关键词汇:The Blue Boy

解析:(从第26“开始,原文重现:So to show otherwise, Gainsborough created the Blue Boy, with the boy featured large in his famous blue clothes…and…well…I guess he proved his point.) C 选项的contradict对应原文的otherwise, 且根据讲座的主题“Difficulties using the color blue in early paintings”可知,C选项正确。

3. What does the professor imply about smalt as a substitute for lapis lazuli? 【题型】推断题 A It eventually became as expensive as lapis lazuli. B It was used frequently throughout the nineteenth century. C It was not of an acceptable quality for many artists. D It was seen as a better substitute for lapis lazuli than azurite was. 答案:C 破题关键词汇:smalt

解析:(从第1‘16“开始,原文重现:There’s evidence that artists would try to get around these difficulties. For example, use pigment from lapis lazuli or azurite very sparingly, and also use something cheaper, like smalt, which was made of ground glass. Thing is , smalt became discolored over time.) 从上文的smalt became discolored over time.可知,C选项正确。

4. What two points does the professor make about the process of turning lapis lazuli into ultramarine?(Click on 2 answers.)【题型】细节题 A It took a lot of time. B It required expensive tools. C It did not produce much pigment. D It was perfected by the French. 答案:AC 破题关键词汇:turning lapis lazuli into ultramarine

解析:(从第2‘32“开始,原文重现:The process was time-consuming, which also contributed to the high cost of producing ultramarine, and it didn’t even yield much usable pigment.) A 选项中的a lot of time对一个原文的time-consuming. C 选项对应原文的didn’t even yield much usable pigment.其中produce对应yield.

5. Why does the professor mention the French government? 【题型】组织结构题 A To indicate who sponsored the digging of additional lapis lazuli mines B To emphasize the importance of developing an affordable blue pigment C To point out that artists were not permitted to use certain stones to make pigments D To question the government’s use of public funds to support the arts 答案:B 破题关键词汇:French government

解析:(从第2‘41“开始,原文重现:As a result, the French government sponsored a competition in 1824 to find a cheaper way to make ultramarine pigment.) 上文提到了French government, 句中的不定式to find回答了题干所问。B选项的affordable对应原文的cheaper,故B选项正确。

6. What does the professor imply when he says this: 【题型】推断题 A He is not convinced the Egyptians made the first synthetic pigment B He is impressed by the Egyptians’ accomplishment. C The process the Egyptians used is now widely known. D The Egyptian pigment was of lower quality than today's pigments. 答案:B 破题关键词汇:what, imply

解析:(从第1‘57“开始,原文重现:Actually, the ancient Egyptians did manage to make an artificial blue, the first synthetic pigment in fact, if you can believe that.) 原文的did manage使用的是强调结构,说明了Egyptians的贡献。故B选项正确。


托福TPO46听力Lecture4     【在线咨询】

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?(Click on 2 answers.) 【题型】内容主旨题 A Reasons for fluctuations in the price of copper B Some important attributes of copper C The production of coins from copper and zinc D The possible future of the United States penny 答案:B 破题关键词汇:what

解析:(从第3“开始,原文重现:So that’s the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about uses for copper.) 讲座主要讨论了copper的用途,B选项与此吻合,为正确选项。

2. What arguments in favor of keeping the penny in circulation does the professor emphasize?(Click on 2 answers.)【题型】细节题 A Some people are emotionally attached to pennies. B Pennies cost very little to produce. C The price of consumer goods could rise. D The copper industry’s profits depend on the production of pennies. 答案:AC 破题关键词汇:keeping the penny

解析:(从第1‘34“开始,原文重现:Also, some of us are pretty attached to pennies for whatever reason, nostalgia, and then those collectors. 1’46” Another scenario is that, without pennies,… So consumer goods would become slightly more expensive.) A选项对应1‘34“的内容。C选项对应1’46” 的内容。

3. What does the professor say about the negative seigniorage of the nickel? 【题型】细节题 A The United States government is looking for ways to reduce it. B It is significantly greater than that of the penny. C It is less of a problem than some people believe it to be. D Merchants benefit from it more than consumers do. 答案:B 破题关键词汇:negative seigniorage

解析:(从第1‘26“开始,原文重现:But the nickel’s negative seigniorage is even worse than the pennies. Each nickel costs the US mint 10 cents to produce.) B选项的greater 与上文的worse对应。故B选项正确。

4. Why does the professor mention the trumpet and trombone? 【题型】组织结构题 A To compare the sound-generating properties of copper with those of zinc B To exemplify the benefits of mixing copper with other metals C To point out that copper can be shaped into a variety of forms D To point out that objects containing copper can shine like gold 答案:B 破题关键词汇:trumpet and trombone

解析:(从第2‘46“开始,原文重现:Copper also has superior alloying properties, it’s …you know, when it’s combined with other metals. For instance, how many of you play a brass instrument, like a trumpet or a trombone… if…it wouldn’t sound nearly as beautiful as a brass trombone.) 根据原文,trombone如果是由纯copper或zinc制作的话,那么其声音就不会像brass trombone那么好听,所以B选项正确。

5. What does the professor imply about the green patina that sometimes appears on copper? 【题型】推断题 A It is difficult to remove by conventional means. B It adds to the beauty of objects made of copper. C It serves a useful function. D It reduces the conductivity of copper. 答案:C 破题关键词汇:the green patina

解析:(从第3‘29“开始,原文重现:But in time, a green film , called a patina, forms and the patina actually serves to halt any further corrosion. ) 原文中的serves to halt any further corrosion说明了copper表面的的green patina 的作用,故C选项正确。

6. Why does the professor say this: 【题型】功能题(重听题) A He wants the woman to realize her own mistake. B He wants the woman to support her point with precise numbers. C He realizes he neglected to mention an important detail. D He shares the woman’s concern about the copper industry. 答案:A 破题关键词汇:why

解析:(从第2‘10“开始,原文重现: But how much copper do pennies actually contain?)







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