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2024-07-10 12:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1 托福TPO听力55题目C1

1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. A grant the student wants to apply for

B. The students proposed plan for a class as signment

C. A project presented in a DVD the class watched

D.The student's part-time job at a hotel

2. What does the student ask the professor to allow her to do?

A. Take extra time on her project

B. Write a grant rather than a paper

C. Work with a partner on an assignment

D. Use her job as the focus of her project

3. Why does the professor mention a science conference?

A. To suggest that the student attend it

B. To indicate that he is familiar with the hotel

C. To state where he got information about a new discovery

D. To state where he got the video that he showed in class

4. According to the conversation, why might the campus hotel managers beslow to adopt environmentally friendly policies?

A They are concerned that their customers may not be happy with thechanges.

B. They are not knowledgeable about the potential benefits.

C. No financial help is available for reducing the initial cost of making thechanges.

D. They have tried to adopt such policies and found them of litl use.

5. What concern does the professor express?

A That the hotel manager might not allow the research to take place at thehotel

B. That Jessica Smith might be too busy with her job to do the project

C. That the student's idea for the project is overly ambitious

D. That the student might not focus on filling all the requirements of theproject


6. What is the lecture mainly talk about?

A The influence of private art galleries on public museums

B. The role of art museums as teaching institutions for artist

C. The debate about the Louver's opening to public

D. The early history of the public museum

7. Why does the professor mention that artists were allowed to visit the Louvreevery day?

 (Click on 2 answers)

A. To point out that the public museum was conceived as a place for studying

B. To indicate that all citizens were able to visit the museum whenever theywanted

C. To question why certain artists did not spend time at the Louvre

D. To contrast the accessibility of art in the Louvre with that of art in privatemuseums

8. Why does the professor mention the French Revolution?

A. To name an event depicted in Alexandre Lenoir's artwork

B. To identify the theme of an exhibit room in the L ouvre

C. To explain why art storehouses were created

D. To help explain some peopled atitude toward public museums

9. According to the professor, what major contribution did Alexandre Lenoirmake to the art community?

A. He donated many original paintings to public museums.

B. He developed a systematic way of exhibiting art in museums.

C. He invented a unique way to restore damaged artwork.

D. He designed a national monument in post-Revolution France.

10. The professor gives an example of a painting made in an Italian seasidevillage. According to the professor, what would some skeptics say about thatpainting?

A. It should not be exhibited unless it appeals to people from a variety ofcultures.

B. It should not be moved out of the geographic area in which it was created.

C. It should be exhibited in the Louvre before traveling to any other museum.

D. It should always be grouped with similar paintings in a museum.

11. What opinion about public art museums does the professor express?

A. They focus too much on entertainment and not enough on education.

B. They are more important to artists than to the general public.

C. Their way of exhibiting artwork needs to be modernized.

D. They succeed in allowing varied works of art to be appreciated in acentralized location.



3 托福TPO听力55题目C1和L1的答案及解析:



学生在开篇提到一个DVD.并且学生在后面提及了Project. 可能有同学会因此误选择C选项.C选项说的是DVD呈现的project.关于B选项原句说Thedvd got me think about the project you assgned.....w. of think we have areally good idea所以目的是propose一个plan

2. 答案:C


学生说Look I know we are not supposed to work with anyone else in thisassignment. But two of us .... .The student I want to work with.


3. 答案:B



4. 答案:A


教授说negatively affect the comfont of hotel guests

5. 答案:D


教授说I will still need you to submit the paper in the fomnat we discussed in class,not whatever the format the hotel manager might want.表明他觉得按照宾馆经理的要求可能没法满足这个project本身的要求

6. 答案:D


本题很简单。- - 直都在讲public museun

7. 答案:A、D


教授说The public museum was first seen as a teaching institution所以对艺术家们是每天都开放的,A正确

So you see the first step was taken from muems that were just private institutionowned by royalty to the Louver, a museum opened to the public, with somerestrictions.可以看出卢浮言和其他的private museum 是不一样的.对大众是开放的。而这也正是教授要指出的。D正确

8. 答案:C


Consequently a couple of large building in Paris were dedicated as storehouses forrescued atworks上文也提到,很多艺术品因为大革命而被摧毁。所以可以判断教授是在解释为什么storehouse出现了

9. 答案:B


What's even more notable is that the L's system of classification and displaybecame a model for other public at museuns.可以看出L开始使用的分类和陈列的方法被别的公共博物馆所采纳。



Artworks removed from their original context were incomplete. Artworks ought toremain in places, the m ountains towns in the locations where they were originallycreated所以可以判断出那些怀疑者们不想艺术品被移出地理区域.



We know and appreciate the fact that we can go to the museums and see m anyatworks from different time period, atist......题干中的centralized location实际上是这句话的概括,由此可见教授认为这是值得我们感谢的一件事。所以D选项正确



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