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资深社会党人安德烈·亚历山德罗维奇·日丹诺夫(Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov)是科米共产党的二把手,一个行走在刀尖上的人。他目前是一个改革派自由意志社会主义派系的领导人,他的现状与他向前的威权作风截然不同,他不断支持一些进步的理念,如大众文化和科学管理。但最重要的是,日丹诺夫同志对一种新型社会主义,一种超越列宁和布哈林的社会主义,一种科学技术的社会主义,一个星空之间的社会,似乎有着真挚的信仰——极富远见的社会主义。


















































































o SCP基金会的文档也被应用,其中一些甚至包括[删除的数据]和[修订的]注释。{如果有超自然现象的话,说不定日丹诺夫凭借自己的“远视”会成为O5中的一员呢}




•狼子野心:在OTL中,日丹诺夫是一个斯大林主义者,强调意识形态的纯洁性而不是实用主义的技术官僚(最终因为日丹诺夫,整个苏联知识分子被迫遵循党的路线不然就要冒着被迫害的风险),这使他与他在OTL的技术官僚对手乔治·马林科夫(Georgy Malenkov)发生了冲突。他对技术官僚式远视主义的发展似乎是魔幻历史。直到人们意识到,远视主义只是表面上的技术官僚,实际上是高度意识形态化的,政治挂帅挂到了科学院。心理学革命和社会主义社会计划中那些玄学但有意识形态动机的项目,是日丹诺夫政治挂帅的产物。









Andrei Zhdanov 

Party: Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Komi (Reformist), Reformirovannaja Kommunisticheskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza (Dal'novidnaja) (regional)

Ideology: Socialism

The veteran socialist Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov is the second in command of the Communist Party of Komi, and a man surrounded with both love and suspicion. Currently the Leader of a reformist libertarian socialist faction in Syktyvkar, his present state is a far cry from his previous authoritarian days, and he continuously champions several unorthodox initiatives such as universal culture and scientific management. But above all of his suspicions and oddities, Comrade Zhdanov seems to have a genuine belief in a new type of Socialism, a type Socialism beyond Lenin and Bukharin, one of science, technology, and a society between the stars... an Ultravisionary Socialism.

·         Allohistorical Allusion: Most of Zhdanov's projects did exist in reality in some manner, though some are only loosely based on real projects.

o    Some of the "Psychological revolution" experiments bear resemblance to those conducted by the CIA in OTL during Project MKUltra.

o    The Human Utopia Project is human version of the Mouse Utopia Project. The Human Utopia Project's results fortunately are not a complete 1:1 reproduction of the nightmarish results of the mouse experiments, but are not good by any means and did replicate some of the bad results in the mouse experiments, like parental neglect.

o    Almost all of Zhdanov's Experimental Weaponry projects have real counterparts:

§  Project TREZUBETS: German Korobov's TKB-059.

§  Project AEROFLOT: Caspian Sea Monster

§  Project SOTKA: Sukhoi T-4

§  Project SZHATIE: 1K17 Szhatie

§  Project CHEREPAKHA: Object 279

·         Always a Bigger Fish: Zhdanov’s Ultravisionaries are this to Magnitogorsk, having potentially much more reach and power than Lysenko could only dream of.

·         Brain–Computer Interface: The Human Cybernetics Initiative under Zhdanov attempts to develop an implanted and functional brain-computer interface. It fails, because the technology just isn't there yet, and the scientists' attempts to replace sections of the brain with mechanical interfaces leads to several horrific deaths. The bit of technology that does work in the partial success scenario works purely through physical motion rather than brain activity.

·         Call a Rabbit a "Smeerp": Since Zhdanov was the USSR's foreign minister during the Winter War (instead of Vyacheslav Molotov like in real life), the weapon known in real life as molotov cocktails are instead called zhdanovs in TNO.

·         Cool, but Inefficient: Zhdanov's experiments can be summed up both as this and Awesome, but Impractical. On paper, they look like technological wonders that would be incredibly impressive even in present day OTL. When put into practice, however, it becomes clear why these technologies aren't available for us either: the tech available for the experiments just isn't advanced enough to perform them effectively, and some of the projects are based purely on pseudoscientific theories that never had any chance of working in the first place. For the most part, only his Experimental Armaments researches end up having tuly positive results.

·         Dirty Communists: Zhdanov outright fabricates a façade of libertarianism and makes promises of "revolutionary Decrees" that he never intends to deliver on, all in order to propel his political career. His actual Ultravisionary Socialist rule is a big case of Utopia Justifies the Means, with many totalitarian and even immoral acts done in order to create a technologically advanced socialist utopia.

·         Emperor Scientist: Zhdanov's ideology is known as "Ultravisionary Socialism", and advocates for using scientific knowledge and technology to achieve Socialism. Though superficially technocratic, Zhdanov is actually highly ideological, and promotes only scientists and engineers that suit his ideology to power, and engages in many pseudoscientific pursuits in the name of ideology.

·         Evil All Along: Zhdanov pretends to be a libertarian socialist before he takes power, and drops the façade immediately after, revealing his true colors as an ambitious, ideological and technocratic, if not outright Stalinist Leader.

·         Everyone Has Standards:

o    When given plans for a type of biological weapon that would specifically target Germans, paving the way for genocide, Zhdanov shuts it down on the basis that it's unethical.

o    For all the excesses done in the name of Ultravisionary Socialism, even Zhdanov is genuinely shocked at how insane Lysenko's misadventures in Magnitogorsk truly are. While some of the "research" is salvaged, much of it's either destroyed or dismissed as worthless.

·         Failure Is the Only Option: Some of Zhdanov's more outlandish projects cannot succeed at all, with their possible outcomes being a case of bad outcome vs. worse outcome.

·         Galactic Superpower: Zhdanov's long term goals are to spread Ultravisionary Socialism beyond the petty confines of Earth, and create an Intersolar Soviet Federation, whose Intersolar Red Armada would liberate alien planets from feudalism, capitalism, and fascism, and eventually create a final Universal Soviet Federation of eternal peace, tranquility, and liberty.

·         Glorious Leader: Zhdanov, after revealing his true colors, fuses the positions of General Secretary and Premier into one Paramount Leader position, with him being the Paramount Leader.

·         Government Agency of Fiction: The People's Commissariat of Science is a ministry that Zhdanov creates after unifying Western Russia, dedicated entirely to the cause of unfettered scientific development.

·         Historical In-Joke:

o    One of Zhdanov's late-game focuses is "Poyekhali", which historically was Yuri Gagarin's farewell to Sergey Korolev as Vostok 1 launched into space.

o    In our world, Zhdanov led a faction of the Soviet Leadership that emphasized ideological purity above all, being opposed to Malenkov's faction, which sought to promote to top government positions scientists and the heavily educated. In TNO, ironically, it is Zhdanov who leads those obsessed with science.

·         Hive Mind: The Collective Consciousness Initiative attempts to create a shared consciousness and possibly revolutionize human existence. The Initiative is a failure; in the failure scenario, the uplink simply electrocutes all test subjects to death, while in the inconclusive scenario, several dozens of test subjects were electrocuted to death, and a final group of survivors report that they did have some hive mind experience, but the scientists feel like they might be reporting good results so they can leave, so they can't make any conclusions.

·         Hollywood Science: Zhdanov's Psychological revolution and Socialist Society projects delve heavily into fringe science, pseudoscience, and bizarre theoretical science projects that are often highly unrealistic but fits into his vision of a far-future Socialism. They often end predictably poorly.

·         Internal Reformist: Zhdanov leads a faction of reformists in the Communist Party, and desires to reform the socialist Orthodoxy with libertarianism and Zhdanov's own visionariness. The trope is eventually subverted after Zhdanov unites Western Russia, as Zhdanov reveals that he hated libertarianism all along and was just playing along as a reformist to boost his political influence. The visionariness part is still true however, and Zhdanov's actual political position is an ideological authoritarian socialist.

·         Manchurian Agent: The Subliminal Trigger Project is an MK-Ultra-like project aimed at brainwashing individuals so they will respond to implanted subliminal triggers. The project is a failure, as none of the subliminal triggers works, and a couple of subjects (and guards, if on the failure scenario) die during the intense brainwashing.

·         Newspeak: The Optimized Language Initiative attempts to create a variant of the Russian language that is harder to express anti-socialist ideas, making its speakers more receptive of Socialism. This project appears to have produced some positive results in the children that they tested the language on, but the conclusion is later changed to inconclusive due to the limited positive effects, which are attributed to proper orphanage guidance more than using the new language.

·         Psychic Powers: Several Psychological revolution projects research into the possibility of developing psychic powers like Telepathy or extrasensory perception.

o    The Mental Communication Initiative researches all kinds of psychics, telekinetics, and other paranormal individuals like plant communicators in an attempt to develop technology useful to the state. The inconclusive result scenario shows a story of two emaciated lovers who volunteered for the project managing to "communicate" their love to each other through a bulletproof glass, while the failure result scenario is an Epic Fail as the scientists realize that literally everyone they've gathered up are Phony Psychics, and they've wasted a ton of time and money for nothing.

o    Project RAINBOW BODY researches into extrasensory perception, going into an out of body transcendental state, and possibly affecting the world in this transcendental state. The project is a complete failure, and no ESP is achieved.

·         Reality Ensues:

o    A large amount of Zhdanov's scientific pursuits end predictably poorly, due to human nature, insufficient technology, or just because they're pseudoscientific. In general, the Experimental Armaments projects are likely to produce good results, while the Psychological revolution and Socialist Society projects are likely to end in failure. The failure scenario for the Mental Communication Initiative in particular ends with the scientists realizing that all of the psychics they found are Phony Psychics with no supernatural powers whatsoever.

o    Zhdanov's scientific pursuits are highly expensive, and recklessly funding all of them will result in a massive national debt.

·         Scrapbook Story: Some of the results from Zhdanov's projects are presented as documents reporting the test results to Zhdanov.

·         Shout-Out:

o    The setup of Project RAINBOW BODY is a Whole Plot Reference SCP-2498 to SCP Foundation, where during the Cold War a government tried to create psychic agents who can enter a transcendental state and use extrasensory perception to gather intel. Unlike the SCP world however, the supernatural does not exist in TNO, so Project RAINBOW BODY fails.

o    The SCP Foundation is also referenced more generally in the Scrapbook Story presentations of some of the project results, and some of them even include [DATA EXPUNGED] and [REDACTED] sanitization notes.

o    The Collective Consciousness Initiative is very likely a reference to the Common Consciousness (C-Consciousness) from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, being a Hive Mind research project initiated by the Soviet government.

·         Shown Their Work: Zhdanov in real life was a Stalinist ideologue that emphasized ideological purity over pragmatic technocracy (culminating in the Zhdanovshchina where the entire Soviet intelligentsia is forced to follow the party line or risk persecution), which got him into conflict with his more technocratic rival Georgy Malenkov in OTL. His development of the technocratic Ultravisionary Socialism may seem like an Artistic License – History, until one realizes that Ultravisionary Socialism is only superficially technocratic, and is actually heavily ideological, with socialist ideas forcibly synthesized into intellectual developments. The pseudo-scientific but ideologically-motivated projects in the Psychological revolution and Socialist Society classes are a direct result of Zhdanov's extreme focus on ideology.

·         Significant Wardrobe Shift: When he unifies Western Russia, Zhdanov switches his green uniform for a white one and also puts on a sailor's cap, as he reveals his true colours not as a libertarian reformer, but as the Ultravisionary Socialist who seeks to build a universal-spanning Soviet Federation.

·         Soviet Superscience: Zhdanov aims to create a visionary socialist utopia through the power of science and technology, and creates an entire ministry called People's Commissariat of Science and generously funds their outlandish projects in order to accelerate Soviet science past its fascist and capitalist competitors. Deconstructed and Subverted in most cases, as the resulting technology will often be too impractical, where the resources and technology of the 1960s and 70s just aren't capable enough, or won't work at all by being outright pseudoscience.

·         Utopia Justifies the Means: Zhdanov justifies his public manipulation, totalitarianism, and unfettered (sometimes immoral) scientific development with his vision of a grand socialist utopia that stretches across the stars.

·         Visionary Villain: Zhdanov, the Ultravisionary Socialist, has an insanely ambitious vision for the future of the Soviet Union. He wants to technologically accelerate the nation beyond all other nations on Earth, spread the ultravisionary socialist superculture across the planet, and then go beyond Earth and eventually create a Universal Soviet Federation stretching across all of the universe.






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