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2024-03-25 17:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

TikTalk is developing the next generation speech therapy platform, combining speech recognition technology, clinical research and a gaming platform. This medical innovation will present an auxiliary virtual set of tools for the Speech pathologists, to guide children and adults through proven and widely accepted training protocols.


This product will assist children with speech development disorders and adults with neurological brain problems in improving speech communication skills through a fun, user friendly interface making the repetitive training process exciting and rewarding. The product includes a multilingual speech recognition engine, specially designed video and audio games, and a noninvasive device for imaging of the human speech motor control system.


TikTalk will drastically reduce therapy costs to individual users and to HMOs. TikTalk’s platform will enable speech pathologists to simultaneously supervise numerous patients and monitor their progress. The supervision will be conducted remotely, allowing therapists to intervene in real-time and fine-tune the training session.






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