speak, talk, tell和say的用法與差異 您所在的位置:网站首页 talk和talking怎么用 speak, talk, tell和say的用法與差異

speak, talk, tell和say的用法與差異

2024-06-29 05:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

讓人混淆的speak talk say 與tell


say 和tell


A says, “…..” A says that S V. A says to B, “…..” A says to B that SV.

tell的意思是「告訴」,他的受詞主要是聆聽者。後面可以再加上被說的話,可以是直接引述或間接引述。或者,也可以在聆聽者後加上to V,意思是主詞叫聆聽者去做一件事。其常用句型為:

A tells B, “…..” A tells B that SV. A tells B to V.

發現say 跟tell的用法差別了嗎?tell後面直接接上聆聽者,而say要先加上to,才能接上聆聽者,並且say後面一定要有被說出的話。

You have to say something to Mary about her lousy plan. She said, “John is leaving tomorrow.” She said to me John was leaving the next day.=She told me, “John is leaving tomorrow.”=She told me John was leaving the next day. My teacher told me to clean the classroom. I told him the truth. Say Tell Speak Talk的用法差異 speak和talk



A talks with B about something.(A跟B聊著一個主題,不是正式嚴肅的場合) A talks to B.(A要跟B說一些事)


A speaks to B about something.(很正式,老師叫學生去聊聊的那種) A and B speaks about something. A speaks with B.(A找B聊天是為了尋求B的意見) She talked with her friends about her trip. I need to talk to John. My boss told me he wanted to speak to me about my project. “Mom, I need to speak with you,” Mary said. say tell speak和talk的其他用法與常用片語 say


據說:因為別人說,你聽到了 表達意見:說出來的話就是自己的意見 認為:說出的話就是自己認為的事 表現出來:一個人的神情跟肢體也可以說話 指示:招牌或東西上的字 She is said to be a famous scientist. What do you say we take a bus to school instead of walking? They all say 2020 is the worst year. The look on my mother’s face said something was wrong. The sign says, “No swimming.”


can say for sure (certain)說話者確定自己所說為真can’t say for sure (certain)說話者不太確定 say a few words about …說幾句話 How can you say something about someone?你怎麼可以這麼說這個人 dare say..敢說 — 說話者認為自己說說的狀況會發生daren’t say…不敢說 — 說話者怕聆聽者不高興 say no more 不會再說第二次 tell


知道:自己要先知道,才能告訴別人 分辨:知道了,就能分辨不同 說故事、實話、謊話、算命、告狀:都是在告訴別人 顯露:給予資訊,但不是用說的 I can tell you are in trouble.我看得出來你有麻煩 You can never tell what will happen tomorrow.你永遠不知道明天會怎樣 No one can tell the difference.沒有人能看出不同來 I can’t tell the twins apart.我分辨不出這對雙胞胎誰是誰 Most children tell tales.大部份的孩子都會告狀 The survey tells us about the lives of the elder.


tell the truth tell a lie tell a story tell somebody about something There is no telling +名詞子句 — 無法知道… something tells on somebody 某事對某人產生不良的影響或損害了健康 somebody tells on A to B某人對B告發了A A tells B off for Ving  A責備B,因為B做了… talk


開口說話:聊天就是開口說話 談論:聊著某個主題的是,就是談論 說服:跟人聊著聊著,就讓人去做某件事,就是說服 My little sister started to talk.開始學會說話 I hate talking politics.討厭談論政治 She talked me into going to France with her.說服我跟他一起去法國


talk somebody into Ving說服某人做… talk somebody out of Ving說服某人不要做… talk back to somebody回嘴、頂嘴 talk over somebody搶話 talk around a topic因為話題敏感,繞著圈說 talk on a subject就某個主題說話 talk down to somebody用居高臨下的態度對人說話 talk down something貶低某事 speak


說話:開口就能說話,說任何語言,就用speak 責備、告誡:當聊天的內容是指責一方的錯誤時 演說:對著一堆人說話 表明、顯露:沒有用語言,用眼神或肢體 She can speak English, French and Chinese fluently. Students often speak in a whisper in class.小聲說話 The teacher decided to speak to the student when she found out he cheated.老師發現學生作弊,決定告誡他 Professor Brown will speak tonight.演講 His eyes spoke his real feeling for her.他的眼神流露出他對他的真實情感


speak up說大聲點 speak up for somebody為某人說好話或辯護 speak for 支持 speak against 反對 speak ill of somebody說某人壞話 speak well of somebody說某人好話 speak one’s min說出心裡的話 Speak for yourself! 那是你的想法,我可不是這樣 so to speak可以這麼說 generally speaking一般來說







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