suppose的用法和搭配 您所在的位置:网站首页 suppose虚拟语气吗 suppose的用法和搭配


2023-05-28 04:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



  1.表示“猜想;认为”时,后面接宾语从句,如果从句是表示否定意义的句子,否定词not可转移到主句中,这种用法与think相同。常构成be supposed to短语,意思是“被期望或被要求……;应该”,相当于should。

suppose的用法和搭配   2.suppose的基本意思是指在证据不全、情况未确定时所作的猜想。可指缺乏确切的事实但可根据一些现象来推测; 也可指提出合乎逻辑推理的假设来论证某事; 还可指委婉地提出建议。   3.suppose是及物动词,可接名词、代词或that/wh-从句(可用于虚拟式)作宾语。还可接以“(to be+) n./adj. / prep. -phrase”或动词不定式、现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。suppose搭用to be构成的复合宾语,如用于被动结构, to be有时可以省去。   4.suppose作“作为建议来考虑”解时,常用于祈使句,用以提出建议,可译为“…如何〔怎么样〕?”。与“what if”用法相似,动词一般用现在时或过去时。用过去时时,所提建议听起来不十分肯定。   5.suppose作“准许”解时,常用于被动结构或否定结构,后接动词不定式。   6.suppose在主句中用过去时时,如宾语从句中的谓语动词所表示的动作先于suppose,则该动词须用过去完成时。   7.suppose在表示过去未曾实现的意图、打算或愿望时须用过去完成时。   8.suppose引导否定意义的宾语从句时,须使用转移否定结构。


  1. I get a bit uptight these days. Hormones, I suppose.这些天我有点焦躁。我看是荷尔蒙在作怪。 2. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show?你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出?3. In a way, I suppose I'm frightened of failing.我想我有点惧怕失败。 4. There's nothing to keep us here, is there? ― I suppose not.这里没有什么让我们留恋的,对吧?――我想没有。 5. I refused her a divorce, out of spite I suppose.我拒绝和她离婚,就是为了出口恶气。 6. He glanced at his wristwatch. "I suppose we'd better make a move."他看一眼手表说:“我想我们最好动身吧。” 7. I suppose that's one way of looking at it.我想那是其中的一种看法。 8. I suppose no one has any idea who originated the story?我想没有人知道是谁编了这个故事?9. It's his idea of a joke, I suppose, the scallywag.我想开玩笑是他的主意,真是个淘气鬼。 10. Some, I suppose, might even be in positions to influence opinion.有的人,我认为,甚至有可能影响舆论。 11. Is that the right way up? ― Yeah. I suppose so.这是上去的路吗?――是的,我想是。 12. I don't suppose you thought to turn over the tape, did you?我认为你并没想过要把磁带换一面,是吗?13. I was twenty-three, I suppose, and young for my age.我当时23岁,我想,看上去比实际年龄小。 14. I don't suppose it occurred to you to notify the police.我看你没想过要去通知警察。 15. You don't suppose they'd start the trip without us, do you?你认为他们是不会抛下我们就上路的,对吧?







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