Sublime Text 编辑器 插件 之 "Sublime Alignment" 详解 您所在的位置:网站首页 sublime代码对齐快捷键 Sublime Text 编辑器 插件 之 "Sublime Alignment" 详解

Sublime Text 编辑器 插件 之 "Sublime Alignment" 详解

2023-09-12 23:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

作者:shede333主页:版权声明:原创文章,版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名 | [Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0][]

#Sublime Text 编辑器 插件 之

"Sublime Alignment" 详解

Sublime Alignment 主要用于代码对齐,最新版据说已经集成了这个插件。 下载地址:

Sublime Text 2 Sublime Text 3 Sublime Alignment 插件


Sublime Text 2 入门及技巧 | Lucifr

编码神器 Sublime Text 包管理工具及扩展大全 - 开源中国社区

Mac上的设置文件位置:左上角Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings ->Alignment 如果没有最后的"Alignment"选项,说明你还没有安装此插件。


Settings- Default Settings- User Settings- Syntax Specific - User Key Bildings - Default Key Bildings - User



Key Bildings为快捷键设置,默认的快捷键很有可能因为和其他快捷键冲突而无效, 所以及可以在Key Bildings - User里重新设置(格式可以仿照Default里的写法)。此快捷键是用来 实现对齐的。

这个插件的默认设置Settings- Default如下:

{ // If the indent level of a multi-line selection should be aligned "align_indent": true, // If indentation is done via tabs, set this to true to also align // mid-line characters via tabs. This may cause alignment issues when // viewing the file in an editor with different tab width settings. This // will also cause multi-character operators to be left-aligned to the // first character in the operator instead of the character from the // "alignment_chars" setting. "mid_line_tabs": false, // The mid-line characters to align in a multi-line selection, changing // this to an empty array will disable mid-line alignment "alignment_chars": ["="], // If the following character is matched for alignment, insert a space // before it in the final alignment "alignment_space_chars": ["="], // The characters to align along with "alignment_chars" // For instance if the = is to be aligned, there are a number of // symbols that can be combined with the = to make an operator, and all // of those must be kept next to the = for the operator to be parsed "alignment_prefix_chars": [ "+", "-", "&", "|", "", "!", "~", "%", "/", "*", "." ] }



int aa = 1; char bb = 'a'; float fff = 2; unsigned int d = 1;



true,则把选择的多行的 不同缩进级别也变成相同的缩进(最大的缩紧级别),结果如下: int aa = 1; char bb = 'a'; float fff = 2; unsigned int d = 1; flase,只是对齐,不改变缩进级别 int aa = 1; char bb = 'a'; float fff = 2; unsigned int d = 1;


开关量,默认为false。如果你的文本是使用Tab键缩进排版,设置该变量为true时,那么该插件在对齐文本的时候也使用Tab键来对齐缩进。但是这样可能会出现问题,因为Tab键在不同的编辑器上代表的空格数可能不同(Sublime 是代表4个空格), 当你使用别的编辑器打开该文件时,简而言之,就是排版可能就不是对齐的了。



这是一个数组,可以这样设置多个字符:alignment_chars": ["=","*","a"]默认只有“=”字符,即alignment_chars": ["="]数组里面的字符就是放在中线对齐的字符。如下面都把“=”排成一列中线对齐

int aa = 1; char bb = 'a'; float fff = 2; unsigned int d = 1;

例如设置里增加“*”号,即:alignment_chars": ["=","*"]结果如下:


int *aa = 1; char *bb = 'a'; float *fff = 2; unsigned int *d = 1;


int *aa = 1; char *bb = 'a'; float *fff = 2; unsigned int *d = 1;


和**"alignment_chars"**一样,也是数组格式 默认值包含“=”号,即:alignment_space_chars": ["*","="]

就是这个数组包含上面**"alignment_chars"里的字符, 对齐后,在其前面增加一个空格。如果这里不包含"alignment_chars"**里的字符,对齐后,在其前面没有空格。

可以这样说, **"alignment_space_chars"数组是"alignment_chars"**数组的子集。

原文还在文章的起始处,这里设置包含“=”,即alignment_space_chars": ["="],结果如下:

int aa = 1; char bb = 'a'; float fff = 2; unsigned int d = 1;

这里设置不包含任何字符,即alignment_space_chars": [],结果如下:

int aa = 1; char bb = 'a'; float fff = 2; unsigned int d= 1;


即:前缀字符 默认设置:"alignment_prefix_chars": ["+", "-", "&", "|", "", "!", "~", "%", "/", "*", "."]


原文设置如下:(这里的前缀字符有 "!"、"






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