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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 alive adj (living)SCSimplified Chinese 活着的 huó zhe de   SCSimplified Chinese 在世的 huó zhe de ,zài shì de  Two of the four Hall sisters are still alive.  霍尔四姐妹中还有两个在世。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 alive adj figurative (active still)SCSimplified Chinese 继续进行的 jì xù jìn xíng de  The volleyball team returned the ball and kept the play alive. alive adj (animated, lively)SCSimplified Chinese 生气勃勃的 shēng qì bó bó de   SCSimplified Chinese 充满活力的 shēng qì bó bó de ,chōng mǎn huó lì de  The room was alive with moving dancers.  跃动的舞者们让房间充满活力。 alive adj (of all, in existence)SCSimplified Chinese 在世的 zài shì de   SCSimplified Chinese 存在的 zài shì de ,cún zài de   SCSimplified Chinese 活着的 zài shì de ,huó zhe de  You've made me the happiest man alive!  你让我成为世上最幸福的人! alive to adj + prep (sensitive to, aware of)SCSimplified Chinese 意识到 yì shí dào TCTraditional Chinese 意識到   SCSimplified Chinese 察觉到 yì shí dào,chá jué dào TCTraditional Chinese 察覺到  A dog's senses are alive to things we humans don't even notice.  狗能察觉到那些我们人类难以注意到的事物。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 alive and kicking adj colloquial, figurative (in good health)SCSimplified Chinese 活蹦乱跳的,生气勃勃的 huó bèng luàn tiào de,shēng qì bó bó de  It's my father's 98th birthday, and he's still alive and kicking. alive and well adj (person: still alive and healthy)SCSimplified Chinese 健在 alive and well adj figurative (industry, program: still active) (指行业等)SCSimplified Chinese 活跃 huó yuè alive with adj (teeming with)SCSimplified Chinese 充满…的 chōng mǎn … de TCTraditional Chinese 充滿…的  The plaza was alive with all sorts of performers and the people who came to watch. burn [sb] alive vtr + adj (kill [sb] with fire)SCSimplified Chinese 活活烧死 burned alive, UK: burnt alive adj (killed by fire)SCSimplified Chinese 被活活烧死的 bury [sb] alive vtr + adj often passive (cruel killing method)SCSimplified Chinese 活埋   SCSimplified Chinese 坑杀 come alive vi + adj figurative (fiction: seem real) (电影等里的虚构人物或场景)SCSimplified Chinese 活过来,像真的一样,显得很逼真  The characters in the film really come alive thanks to the director. come alive vi + adj figurative (become lively)SCSimplified Chinese 热闹起来 rè nào qǐ lái TCTraditional Chinese 熱鬧起來   SCSimplified Chinese 活跃起来 rè nào qǐ lái,huó yuè qǐ lái   SCSimplified Chinese 活跃起来 rè nào qǐ lái,huó yuè qǐ lái  Despite a quiet first half, the match came alive after the break. keep [sth] alive vtr + adj figurative (maintain awareness or popularity of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 使…继续受欢迎   SCSimplified Chinese 使…继续受关注  The local press is doing its best to keep the issue alive. keep [sb] alive vtr + adj figurative (be of great importance)SCSimplified Chinese 对...至关重要  Poetry kept him alive during his incarceration. His interest in the lives of his grandchildren keeps him alive. keep [sb] alive vtr + adj (prolong [sb]'s life artificially)SCSimplified Chinese 维持...的生命  The life support system in the ambulance kept him alive until he reached the hospital. It's only an artificial heart and other machines that are keeping him alive. skin [sb/sth] alive vtr + adj (flay while living)SCSimplified Chinese 活剥…的皮  The Inquisition had prisoners skinned alive to make them confess to supposed sins. skin [sb] alive vtr + adj figurative (punish)SCSimplified Chinese 严厉惩罚 yán lì chéng fá TCTraditional Chinese 嚴厲懲罰   SCSimplified Chinese 严厉责罚  My mum will skin me alive for losing my school bag. stay alive v expr (remain living, not die)SCSimplified Chinese 活着 huó zhe   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: alive [əˈlaɪv] adj 1 (=living) ▶ to be alive 活着(著)的 huózhe de 2 (=lively) [+ place, person]▶ to be/feel alive 充满(滿)活力的 chōngmǎn huólì de 3 (=thriving) ▶ to be alive 活跃(躍)的 huóyuè de to be burned/buried alive 活活烧(燒)死/活埋 huóhuó shāosǐ/huómái to keep sb alive 维(維)持某人的生命 wéichí mǒurén de shēngmìng alive with充满(滿)… chōngmǎn… alive to意识(識)到 yìshi dào to bring sth alive (story, description) 使某物活灵(靈)活现(現) shǐ mǒuwù huó líng huó xiàn (person, place, event) 使某物活跃(躍)起来(來) shǐ mǒuwù huóyuè qǐlái to come alive (story, description) 使某物活灵(靈)活现(現) shǐ mǒuwù huó líng huó xiàn (person, place, event) 使活跃(躍)起来(來) shǐ huóyuè qǐlái alive and kicking 生龙(龍)活虎的 shēng lóng huó hǔ de alive and well安然无(無)恙的 ānrán wúyàng de 在这些条目还发现'alive': 在英文解释里: alive and well - animate - breathe - breathing - commemorator - dead - dead as a doornail - dead person - electric - extinct in the wild - going - life-sustaining - linger - live - live birth - living - on the hoof - on this earth - pulse - still going - survive - survive on - surviving - survivor - walk - wick 中文: 在世 - 活着 - 存 - 活 - 生 - 殉 - 活活 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Opposite adjectives, PET Vocabulary List - A, 更多……同义词: living, live, breathing, not dead, alive and kicking, 更多……习惯性搭配: alive and [kicking, healthy], (wanted) dead or alive, [still, incredibly, miraculously, barely] alive, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'alive' 的论坛讨论:

I hadn't realized he was still alive when everything seems dead and later proved to be alive. - English Only forum ‘would have still been alive today‘ - English Only forum 100,000 were left alive then? - English Only forum A day to prick the appetite fully alive - English Only forum A ridge of lighted heath, alive, glancing, devouring... - English Only forum a way that was more alive - English Only forum A word for making alive our traditions - English Only forum After the earthquake, we felt grateful to be alive. - English Only forum Ain’t a mouse alive’d pass up bologna - English Only forum alive - English Only forum alive (adverbial, compelment) - English Only forum Alive [football / soccer] - English Only forum alive [grenade] - English Only forum alive and not checked by the reason - English Only forum alive and otherwise - English Only forum Alive and well - English Only forum Alive and well/ Safe and sound - English Only forum alive but past recall - English Only forum alive in one piece and short - English Only forum alive or deceased? - English Only forum alive or lively - English Only forum Alive to the situation - English Only forum alive, living, live - English Only forum Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care - English Only forum alive/filled/dripping with the sounds of birds - English Only forum alive/living - English Only forum alive/living - English Only forum all the love he had felt for my mother when she was alive he now lavished upon me. - English Only forum and that I'm alive at all - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'alive'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "alive" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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