英语语法总结5:形容词与副词 您所在的位置:网站首页 steam下载apex太慢了 英语语法总结5:形容词与副词


#英语语法总结5:形容词与副词| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





规则的变化,短的词(单音节及部分双音节的词)一般是在词尾加“er”或“est”(其中重读闭音节要双写最后的辅音字母;e结尾只要加“r”或“st”;“y”加辅音结尾的去“y”加“ier”或“iest”)如:big, bigger, biggest;late, later, latest;early, earlier, earliest等,较长的词(部分双音节及多音节的词)在前面加上more或most,如:careful, more careful, most careful;clearly, more clearly, most clearly等。

不规则变化的词为:good, well, bad, badly, ill, many, much, little, old, far。变化见下表:

原级比较级最高级good, wellbetterbestbad, badly, illworseworstmany, muchmoremostlittlelessleastoldolder, elderoldest, eldestfarfarther, furthestfarther, furthest


A) 用原级形容词、副词的句型:

a) as... as...“和......一样......”

eg. Try to make as few mistakes as you can.

He speaks English as fluently as you.

b) not as/so... as... “不如.......那样......”

eg. People’s brains cannot work as fast as computers.


eg. Tibet is twice as large as Texas. (= Tibet is twice the size of Texas).

My handwriting is not half so good as yours.

B) 用比较级形容词、副词的句型:

a) ...er than... / more ... than... “比......更......”

eg. It’s cheaper to eat at home than in the restaurant.


The weather in Shanghai is warmer than that in Beijing.

在比较级形容词和副词前,还可以用一些副词或短语修饰,如:much, far, even, still, a lot, a little, a bit, rather, slightly, *many等。

eg. Your argument is far more persuasive than his.

这些修饰语中的many只用在more +可数名词之前,表“多得多”之意,如many more students。而要表示“多得多”的不可数的东西,则要用much more。

还可以用“倍数(如three times)”,“数词+量词(如two degrees或five hours等)”来修饰。除此之外,还有by far也能修饰比较级的句型,但by far多用在比较级之后,个别情况下,可用在比较级之前。

eg. He arrived here only 5 minutes earlier than you.

The new method is more complicated by far than the old one.

b) less ... than... “不如......那样......”

eg. In my opinion, the writer’s second book is less interesting than his first one.

c) ...er and ...er/ more and more “越来越......”

eg. With the final examination drawing nearer and nearer, Tim was getting more and more nervous.

d) the ...er, the ...er / the more ..., the more... “越......,就越......”

eg. The faster you solve the problem, the best result you will get.


more than = not only eg. Students have learned more than book knowledge at school.

other than = 1)except eg. There’s nothing in his room other than books.

2)anything but eg. I couldn’t feel other than surprised.

3)different from eg. His tastes are quite other than mine.

rather than = instead of eg. The color seems green rather than blue.

I would sleep rather than see a film tonight.


eg. Bill is the taller of the twin brothers.


a) the ...est/ most ... of/ in...

eg. China is one of the largest countries in the world.


eg. Tom is taller than anyone else/ any other one/ any of the others/ all the others in our class.

No one is taller than Tom in our class.

I have never seen a better film than this one.

请注意在上面第一个例子中的other, else等的用法。试比较:

China is bigger than any other country in Asia.

Chins is bigger than any country in Africa.

c)在最高级形容词或副词前可以用序数词或very, much, by far等。

eg. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

Among the candidates, John is the very youngest.

The Pacific is by far the largest ocean in the world.


eg. Don’t forget to wear the/your best clothes to the job interview.

He runs (the) fastest in our class.


eg. This is a most interesting film.



英语中很多形容词都既可作定语,也可作表语,如kind,可以说She is a kind teacher,或She is kind。但是有些形容词只能作表语,如很多a开头的形容词(afraid, alive, alone, asleep, awake)以及glad, pleased, sorry, tired等。


1)He is ill in bed.

Ill news runs apace(=quickly).

2) What’s your present address?

All the members were present at the conference.


eg. a charming small round old brown French oak writing table



eg. price (high/low); goods (cheap/expensive); population (large/ small); rain (heavy/light)



eg. The little girl went home, cold and hungry.

The captain promised to land the passengers safe.



A) historic与historical


eg. Waterloo is a historic battlefield, where Napoleon’s army was defeated.

Have you seen the historical film about Napoleon?

B) sensible与sensitive


eg. Surely it would be sensible to get a second opinion before taking any further action.

There is a sensible increase in temperature because of the global warmth.

This is such a sensitive issue that we should deal with it carefully.

C) imaginable, imaginary与imaginative


eg. The seven dwarfs tried every imaginable means, but couldn’t wake her up.

All the characters in the story are imaginary.

Jack was an imaginative child though he didn’t do well at school.




eg. David is usually late.

He seldom comes early.

You can never imagine how embarrassed I was at that time!


eg. Though I did the exercise very carefully, I failed again.

Suddenly, a tall man appeared from behind the curtain.



A)有些有ly结尾的副词经常可以有抽象的意义,而与形容词同形的副词表示的是比较具体的意义。如high/highly; deep/deeply; wide/widely

eg. He can jump very high.

The principal speaks highly of your work.

B)有些词的意思完全不同如hard/hardly; near/nearly; late/lately; most/mostly,需要加以注意。


A) very, much, very much与well的用法

very一般修饰形容词、副词和现在分词,如:very good/hard/interesting

much一般修饰比较级和过去分词,如:much faster/ respected

very much一般修饰动词,如:I love it very much.

well一般修饰worth doing与介词短语,如:well worth reading/above the trees

B) fairly与rather

fairly与rather都有“相当”的意思,但一般fairly修饰带有褒义的形容词或副词,含有“正合适”,“恰当”等的意义;而rather含有“过分”的意义,所以修饰带有贬义的形容词和副词更多,如:fairly warm, rather hot; fairly cool, rather cold; fairly easy, rather difficult等。

C) nearly与almost


eg. The work was almost/nearly completed.

Almost/Nearly all the Japanese eat rice.

在any及一些否定词no, none, never, nothing, nobody的前面,必须使用almost。

eg. Almost no one believed what he said.

固定词组not nearly的意思是“远远不(够)。”

eg. There are not nearly enough people here to do the job.

I have 20 dollars, but that isn’t nearly enough for my journey fare.






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