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solver是什么意思 solver的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-03-14 13:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  solver是什么意思 solver的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  Solver可以指求解器(solver)或者解算器(solving algorithm)。从以下四个方面展开说明:

  1. 定义:Solver是指通过数学模型来解决问题的程序或算法。它能够自动寻找、计算出最优解或者接近最优解的解法。在数学、工程、计算机等领域应用广泛,例如线性规划、整数规划、非线性规划、图论、最短路径等。

  2. 应用:Solver可以用于各种求解问题,例如:

  - 线性规划:求解最大化或最小化目标函数的变量值的最优解。

  - 整数规划:限制变量只能取整数值的线性规划。

  - 非线性规划:目标函数或约束条件含有非线性的情况。

  - 图论:求解图中最短路径、最小生成树、最大流、最小割等问题。

  - 最短路径:在图中找到两个节点之间的最短路径。

  3. 使用场景:Solver适用于需要求解最优解或者优化问题的场景,例如:

  - 企业决策:对于企业来说,Solver可以帮助优化决策制定,比如生产调度、物流配送等。

  - 金融投资:Solver可以帮助分析金融市场和投资回报,辅助金融机构制定投资策略。

  - 工业制造:Solver可以帮助制造业优化生产调度、资源分配等,提高生产效率和降低成本。

  - 学术研究:Solver可以用于解决一些数学难题,例如旅行商问题、背包问题等。

  4. 示例:下面是五个中英文例句,展示Solver的应用场景:

  - Linear programming solver is used for production scheng in manufacturing industry.(线性规划求解器在制造业中用于生产调度。)

  - The solver found the optimal solution in 5 seconds.(求解器在5秒钟内找到了最优解。)

  - A graph theory solver is used to find the shortest path between two nodes in a network.(图论求解器被用于寻找网络中两个节点之间的最短路径。)

  - The solver helped the financial institution to reduce the investment risk and increase the profit.(求解器帮助金融机构降低了投资风险,增加了收益。)

  - The integer programming solver is used to optimize the resource allocation in a supply chain.(整数规划求解器被用于优化供应链中的资源分配。)




  1. This math solver can help you solve complex equations in seconds.(这个数学求解器可以帮助你在几秒钟内解决复杂的方程。)

  2. The puzzle solver figured out the solution in no time.(这个拼图解谜者很快就找到了解决方案。)

  3. The solver was able to find the optimal solution to the problem.(这个求解器能够找到问题的最优解。)



  例句:A man is a lunch-chaser and problem solver – this had to be his priority for survival. (男人是猎取食物和解决问题的人——这一定是他生存的头等大事。)


  例句:And this tool was actually built on a solver that’s deployed routinely around the world for conventional software verification. (这个工具实际上是建立在 经常被部署在世界各地 用于传统的软件验证 的解算器上的。)


  例句:My constant need to adapt has made me a great ideator and problem solver. (我持续适应环境的需要 让我成为足智多谋的人 和解决问题的专家。)


  例句:I’m very smart and am a great hunter and problem solver. (翻译:我非常聪明,是个好猎手和解决问题的能手。)

  solver一般作为名词使用,如在equation solver([计] 方程解算机)、mode solver(模态求解器)、problem solver([计] 问题求解程序)等常见短语中出现较多。

  equation solver[计] 方程解算机mode solver模态求解器problem solver[计] 问题求解程序Riemann solver黎曼解算子root solver求根器differential equation solver[计] 微分议程解算机

  [经] 微分方程解算机enemy movement solver敌舰运动参数测定仪expert problem solver[计] 专家问题求解程序, 专家问题求解器general problem solver通用问题解算机1. My constant need to adapt has made me a great ideator and problem solver. (翻译:我持续适应环境的需要 让我成为足智多谋的人 和解决问题的专家。)

  2. I’m very smart and am a great hunter and problem solver. (翻译:我非常聪明,是个好猎手和解决问题的能手。)

  3. And you can join me in being a problem-solver too. (翻译:而且你可以和我一起 在成为一个问题解决者也。)

  4. She’s a good problem solver. (翻译:她是解决问题的高手。)

  5. To rapidly, radically reshape society, we need every solution and every solver, every mind, every bit of heart, every set of hands. (翻译:为了迅速地从根本上重塑社会, 我们需要群策群力, 需要每一个大脑, 每一颗心灵, 每一双手的参与。)

  6. And when you’re happy — what we call positive valence — you squirt dopamine into the prefrontal lobes, which makes you a breadth-first problem solver: you’re more susceptible to interruption; you do out-of-the-box thinking. (翻译:当你感到快乐的时候 你就会把更多的多巴胺输送到大脑前额 这时你就转入宽式为先的思考 你会更容易被外界干扰打乱情绪 并且你在进行框外思考 )

  7. Now I don’t want to say I’m an ace problem solver, but if good old King Solomon ever needed advice, I’m definitely the dog to call. (翻译:我不敢说自己是一流的问题处理专家 但如果善良的老国王所罗门需要建议 我是他最佳的选择)

  8. These two models are formulated as zero-one integer programs, which are solved using the mathematical programming solver, CPLEX. (翻译:此二模式可定式为零壹整数规划问题,本研究并利用数学规划软体CPLEX求解问题。)

  9. An expert problem-solver must be endowed with two incompatiblequalities – a restless imagination and a patient pertinacity. (翻译:一个解决问题的专家必须要具备两项矛盾的品质——天马行空的想象力以及不撞南墙不回头的顽固精神。)

  10. Now again, the military is necessary, but the military is no problem-solver. (翻译:需要再一次的军事干预, 但是军事并不能解决问题。)

  11. All decision models are formulated as an integer multiple problem and is solved using a mathematical programming solver. (翻译:所有模式均为一整数规划问题,本研究配合CPLEX数学规划软体求解模式。)

  12. You’re the same breed. You’re the same kind of involved, problem-solver woman. (翻译:你们是同种人,那种特别上心,喜欢解决问题的女人)

  13. You can think of a bubble as a mathematical problem-solver. (翻译:可以把一个气泡想成 一个数学问题解决者, )

  14. And when you’re happy — what we call positive valence — you squirt dopamine into the prefrontal lobes, which makes you a breadth-first problem solver: you’re more susceptible to interruption; you do out-of-the-box thinking. (翻译:当你感到快乐的时候 你就会把更多的多巴胺输送到大脑前额 这时你就转入宽式为先的思考 你会更容易被外界干扰打乱情绪 并且你在进行框外思考)

  15. Crossword and anagram solver. (翻译:纵横和字谜求解。)


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