初中高中生英语必须掌握的英语名词单复数练习题含答案解析 您所在的位置:网站首页 sock单数复数的区别 初中高中生英语必须掌握的英语名词单复数练习题含答案解析


#初中高中生英语必须掌握的英语名词单复数练习题含答案解析| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

people CD ox___________deer____________ fish___________

二、单项选择 (1'*10=10') ( )1. The __ in our yard are very beautiful. A. cloth B. water C. flowers

( )2. Tom is one of the Chinese _____ in our school. A. boy B. boys C. boies

( )3. A cat has four ____ , doesn't it? A. foots B. feet C. feets

( )4. There are three ____ and five _____ in the room. A. American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C. American, Japanese ( )5. Can you see nine ____ in the picture? A. fish B. book C. horse

( )6. The _____ has two______. A. boy; watch B. boy; watches C. boys; watch

( )7. The _____ are flying back to their country. A. Germany B. Germanys C. Germans

( )8. The girl brushes her _____ every day before she goes to bed. A. tooths B. teeth C. teeths

( )9.I saw many _____ in the street.

A. peoples B.people C.people's

( )10.The green sweater is his _________.

A.brother B.brothers C.brother's

三、选择填空 (1'*10=10')

( )1. They come from different ______

A. country B. countries C. a country D. countrys

( )2. How many ______ do you see in the picture?

A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tomato D. the tomato

( )3. They are______.

A . woman teachers B. women teachers

C. women teacher D. woman teacher

( )4. Would you like _______ ,please?

A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water

C. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters

( )5. Most of ______ live in _______.

A. Germans, German B. German, Germen

C. Germen, Germany D. Germans, Germany

( )6. There are some ______ in these _______.

A. knifes pencil-boxes B. knives pencils-box

C. knives pencil-box D. knives pencils-boxes

( )7. ______ like ______ by air.

A. Greens, travelling B. The Green, traveling

C. The Greens, travel D. The Greens, traveling

( )8. I wonder why ______ are interested in action films(武打片).

A. the people B. people C. peoples D. the peoples

( )9. There is no ______ in the plate.

A. apples B. oranges C. rice D. eggs

( )10.My uncle has three _______.

A.child B.childs C.children D.childrens


1. I have two____________ (knife)

2. There are many ___________ here. (box)

3. There are many ___________ on the road. (bus)

4. A few ___________ are drawing on the wall. (boy)

5. The ______________ are playing football now. (child)

6. Please take two _______________ for me. (photo)

7. I like the red ________________.(tomato)

8. Would you please clean your _____________ now? (tooth)

9. Do you want some _________? (milk)

10. There are ten __________ _________in our school. (woman teacher)



I _____ him ______ this ______ her _____ watch ____ child _______ photo _______ diary _____ day_____ foot____ book______ dress________ tooth_______ sheep ______ box______ strawberry _______ thief _____ yo-yo ________ peach______ sandwich _____ man______ woman______ paper______ juice_______ milk_____ rice_____ tea_____ people_______ CD______

二. 请把下列各词变成复数形式,没做完不许看答案哦。

1、hero 2、potato 3、match 4、boy

5、city 6、kangaroo 7、radio 8、zoo

9、photo 10、leaf 11、knife 12、scarf

13、mouth 14、man 15、foot 16、tooth

17、child 18、mouse 19、woman 20、Chinese

21、sheep 22、fish 23、glass


1.I________(have got )many new ________(friend).

2.She______(have got )four ________(photo).

3.They________(have got )a_______(teacher).

4.It________(have got )four______(leg).

5.Two birds_____(be)black.One bird_____(be)yellow.



Thriller_________ documentary ________ comedy________ action_________ movie ______ life_______ knife _______ fry________ leaf________ photo_______ radio ________ piano_______ zoo________ tomato _______ potato______ bus_______ watch ________ box_______ book_______ map______ cat ______ film ________ door_______ month_______ horse______ picture_______ class______ boy_______ tooth_______ woman ________ eye_______ tooth _______ German________ Chinese______ man _______ football________ child_______ classroom _______ monkey_______ tree________ egg_______ coat________ Frenchman_________


[1]三杯牛奶 [2] 一袋大米 [3]三篮子苹果

[4]一碗面条 [5]四盒子书 [6]七套英语书

[7]五袋子大米 [8]三听橘汁 [9]八条新闻


六. 选择填空:

( )[1].They are________

A: man doctor B: men doctors C: men doctor D: man doctors

( )[2]There are five____ in the hill.

A: sheep B: sheeps C: goose D: deers

( )[3] Those white socks ____ small.

A: are B: is C: am D: do

( )[4]We have many_____in our school.

A: woman teacher B: women teachers C: woman teachers D: women teacher

( )[5]Do you like _____?

A: vegetable B: vegetables C: an vegetable

( )[6]How many _____do they have?

A: picture B: pictures C: a picture

( )[7]There are six ____in the room.

A: volleyball B: volleyballs C: a volleyball D: volleyballs

( )[8]Are these ____teachers?

A: woman B: women C: womans

( )[9]It is ____.

A: milk B: a milk C: an molk D: milks

( )[10]It's a ____.It isn't an ____.

A: apple, egg B: cake,egg C: egg,orange, D: egg,cake

( )[11]Tom and Jim are ___.

A: friends B: friend C: brother D: sister

( )[12]Where are his ____?___the dresser.

A: keys ,They are on B: key, They are on C: keys, It is at D:key,It is in

( )[13]Are those your ____?

A: bookes B: boxs C: apples D: apple

( )[14]There is ____in our room.

A: a picture and five maps B: five maps and a picture

C: two pictures and five maps D: two picture and five map


1、All the people at the conference are______。

a.mathematic teachers c.mathematics teacher

b.mathematics teachers d.mathematic's teachers

2、All the______ in the hospital got a rise last month。

a.women doctors c.woman doctors b.women doctor d.woman doctor

3、---Are there any________on the farm? ---Yes,there are some。

A.horse B.duck C.chicken D.sheep

4、---They are thirsty. Will you please give them______? ---Certainly。

A.some bottles of waters B.some bottles ofwater

C.some bottle of water D.some bottle of waters

5、Mike hurt one of his______in the accident yesterday。

A.tooth B.feet C.hand D.ear

6、There is some_______ on the plate。

A.cakes B.meat C.potato D.pears

7、The little baby has two_______ already。

A.tooth B.tooths C.teeth D.teeths

8、We need some more____.Can you go and get some,please?

A.potato B.potatos C.potatoes D.potatoe

9、Please remember to give the horse some tree___。

A.leafs B.leaves C.leaf D.leave

10、He gave us____on how to keep fit。

A.some advices B.some advice C.an advice D.a advice

11、Please pass me_____。

A.two glass of water B.two glasses of waters

C.two glasses of water D.two glass water

12、There are a lot of_______ down there but hardly any _______。

A.sheeps,people B.sheep,people C.sheeps,peoples D.sheep,peoples

13、This table is made of__________。

A.many glass B.glasses C.some glasses D.glass

14、______can get a better view of the game than the participants。

A.Looker-on B.Lookers-on C.Looker-ons D.Lookers-ons

15、Some______ are flying kites near the river。

A.child B.boy C.boys D.childs

16、Mr.Smith always has________ to tell us.

A.some good pieces of news B.some pieces of good news

C.some good piece of news D.some piece of good news

17、Twelve_______were hurt,but no_________were lost in that accident。

A.person;life B.people;lives C.peoples;lives D.persons;life

18、In the view of the foreign experts,there wasn't____oil here。

A.much B.lots of C.a great deal of D.many

19、The police investigated those_____about the accident。

A.stander-by C.standers-by B.stander-bys D.standers-bys

20、Generally there are______television programs for children on Saturday。

A.little B.much C.a large number of D.alarge amount of


1、heroes 2、potatoes 3、matches 4、boys

5、cities 6、kangaroos 7、radios 8、zoos

9、photos 10、leaves 11、knives 12、scarves / scarfs

13、mouths 14、men 15、feet 16、teeth

17、children 18、mice 19、women 20、Chinese

21、sheep 22、fishes / fish 23、glasses


1.have got ,friends 2.has got,mangos\mangoes

3.have got, teacher 4.has got,legs 5.are,is.

七.1 –5 CADBB 6—10 BCCBB 11—15 CBDBC 16—20 BBABC



man-men woman-women tooth-teeth foot-feet child-children goose-geese mouse-mice ox-oxen


Phenomenon-phenomena(现象) Formula-formulae(公式 Thesis-theses(论文) Basis-bases(基础) Analysis-analyses(分析) Criterion-criteria(标准)

Crisis-crises(危机) Appendix-appendices(附录)







但是,也有些合成名词,特别是由man和woman构成的合成名词,里面所含的成分,全都要变为复数,如: Man-servant-men-servants,womandoctor-womendoctors等









a piece of news一则新闻 a piece of meat一块肉 a glass of wine一杯酒 two bowls of rice两碗米 a sum of money一笔钱 five bags of flour一袋面粉a drop of water一滴水 three bottles of milk三瓶牛奶 two pieces of advice两条建议




cities zoos countries teeth

mice boys brooms cars

trees horses buses foxes

branches babies families dishes

radios photos pianos knives

leaves lives thieves men

women children feet these

watches diaries days books

dresses sheep teas boxes

strawberries peaches sandwiches papers

juice water milk rice

people CDs oxen deer fish

二、单项选择 (1'*10=10')1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A

6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C

三、选择填空 (1'*10=10')

1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.D

6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C


1. knives 2.boxes 3.buses 4.boys 5.children

6.photos 7.tomatoes 8.teeth 9.milk 10.women teachers返回搜狐,查看更多






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