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sloths是什么意思 sloths的中文翻译、读音、例句

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sloths是什么意思 sloths的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:包租喵 • 2023-11-11 00:50:22 • 阅读 127


1. Definition: Sloths are slow-moving arboreal mammals found in Central and South America. They belong to the order Pilosa, which also includes anteaters.

2. Physical characteristics: Sloths have a short and thick tail, long claws that help them cling to trees, and a slow metabolism that allows them to conserve energy. They are covered in thick fur that grows in the opposite direction from other mammals, them appear greenish-brown in color.

3. Behavior: Sloths are known for their slow movements and low energy levels. They spend most of their time hanging upside down in trees, sleeping for up to 20 hours a day. They are herbivores and feed mainly on leaves, fruits, and flowers.

4. Cultural significance: Sloths have become popular in recent years as a symbol of relaxation and taking things slow. They have been featured in movies, television shows, and merchandise.


1. The sloth is one of the slowest animals in the world, moving only a few feet per minute. (definition)

2. Sloths have a unique digestive system that takes up to a month to process their food. (physical characteristics)

3. Sloths are so slow-moving that algae grows on their fur, providing them with camouflage in the trees. (behavior)

4. The internet is full of videos and memes featuring sloths, highlighting their status as a cultural icon. (cultural significance)

5. "I wish I could be a sloth and sleep all day," said Emily, exhausted from a long week of work. (cultural significance)




1. Sloths are known for their slow movement and their long claws which they use to hang onto tree branches.


2. Sloths spend most of their time sleeping and eating, and they only come down from the trees once a week to defecate.





例句:Prehistoric ground sloths first appeared around 35 million years ago. (大约3500万年前, 史前陆地树懒开始出现。)


例句:Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. (地懒是已经灭绝的树懒的一个子类,属哺乳纲贫齿目。)


例句:Sloths can bob along in water three times faster than they can move on land, kept afloat by ... (树懒能在水中快速移动, 其速度比陆地移动速度倍, 因胃胀气 )


例句:But sloths, especially three-toed sloths, rely on leaves almost exclusively. (翻译:但树懒,特别是三趾树懒, 几乎只吃叶子。)


sloths一般作为名词使用,如在ground sloths([网络] 大地獭)、tree sloths(树獭;树懒)等常见短语中出现较多。

ground sloths[网络] 大地獭tree sloths树獭;树懒例句

1. Sloths can bob along in water three times faster than they can move on land, kept afloat by ... (翻译:树懒能在水中快速移动, 其速度比陆地移动速度倍, 因胃胀气 )

2. But sloths, especially three-toed sloths, rely on leaves almost exclusively. (翻译:但树懒,特别是三趾树懒, 几乎只吃叶子。)

3. North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts, like mammoth and mastodons, both elephant-like creatures with big tusks, and camels, giant sloths, the list goes on. (翻译:在北美洲生活着各种各样的巨兽,如猛犸象和乳齿象,都是长着巨大象牙的象状动物,还有骆驼和巨大的树懒,名单待续。)

4. Sex, by the way, is the only thing that sloths do swiftly. (翻译:顺便说一句,是树懒唯一 能迅速完成的事情。)

5. Sloths may not be giant anymore, but that doesn't make them any less remarkable. (翻译:树懒可能不再是巨型猛兽, 但那并不代表它们不够酷。)

6. Sloths and their relatives branched off from all other placental mammals about 100 million years ago. (翻译:树懒及其亲缘大约在一亿年前与其它的胎盘哺乳动物分道扬。)

7. Because, you see, sloths are generally silent, solitary creatures, except for when the female is in heat. (翻译:因为,试想一下,树懒通常是 沉默又孤独的生物, 只有在雌性的时候才是例外。)

8. There was a survey that was done in the 1970s in a Panamanian tropical forest that found that sloths were the most numerically abundant large animal. (翻译:曾经有项针对1970年代 巴拿马热带森林的研究, 发现树懒是数量最多的大型动物。)

9. This unhurried approach to life means that sloths don't need very much muscle. (翻译:这种不慌不忙的生活方式意味着 树懒并不需要很多肌肉。)

10. Sloths also use less energy to keep themselves warm because their body temperature can fluctuate by about five degrees Celsius, less than a cold-blooded reptile, but more than most mammals. (翻译:树懒使用更少的能量 也是为了保持体温, 因为它们的体温 可以上下波动约五摄氏度, 这个波动值低于冷血的爬行动物, 但比大多数哺乳动物要高。)

11. Some of the smaller sloths did survive and migrated to the treetops. (翻译:一些较小的树懒确实存活了下来, 并迁移到树梢。)

12. I bet the mini sloths could help you make presents every year! Right, guys? (翻译:我敢打赌小树懒每年都愿意帮你做礼物对不对)

13. But it's also made the sloths themselves a great habitat for other organisms, including algae, which provides a little extra camouflage, and maybe even a snack. (翻译:但也使它们自己的身体 成了其它生物的生活场所, 比如藻类,藻类让树懒的外形 显得更隐蔽,也可以被当作零食享用。)

14. Sloths reduce this cost by maintaining a lower average body temperature than other mammals. (翻译:树獭的平均体温比其他哺乳动要低,这样就减少了能量消耗。)

15. Moving slowly has allowed sloths to thrive in their treetop habitat. (翻译:行动缓慢的生活方式 让树懒们在树梢的生活得意逍遥, )




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