【shell】sed:对文本查找后进行:替换、删除、插入、更改文本 您所在的位置:网站首页 shell替换行 【shell】sed:对文本查找后进行:替换、删除、插入、更改文本


2023-12-29 00:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 一. 基本认识二. 常见用法1. 多编辑:e2. 删除:d3. 查找替换:s4. 字符转换:y5. 插入文本:i、a6. 按需打印:p 三. sed脚本四. 使用变量进行匹配替换

一. 基本认识


sed处理文本时是以行为单位的,处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时缓冲区中,接着用sed 命令处理缓冲区中的内容,处理完成后,把缓冲区的内容送往屏幕。然后再处理下一行,直至全文处理结束。

sed可以:删除、查找替换、添加、插入、从其他文件中读入数据等。 常用场景是:




-n:不输出模式空间内容到屏幕,即不自动打印,只打印匹配到的行 -e:多点编辑,对每行处理时,可以有多个Script -f:把Script写到文件当中,在执行sed时-f 指定文件路径,如果是多个Script,换行写 -r:支持扩展的正则表达式 -i:直接将处理的结果写入文件 -i.bak:在将处理的结果写入文件之前备份一份


二. 常见用法 1. 多编辑:e


#两个编辑命令前都要使用-e参数,如果有更多的编辑需求,以此类推即可 [root@localhost ~]# sed -e 's/this/That/g' -e 's/line/LINE/g' Sed.txt That is LINE 1,That is First LINE That is LINE 2,the Second LINE,Empty LINE followed That is LINE 4,That is Third LINE That is LINE 5,That is Fifth LINE #上面的命令可以用分号改写为: [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/this/That/g ; s/line/LINE/g' Sed.txt


2. 删除:d


#将file的第一行删除后输出到屏幕 [root@localhost ~]# sed '1d' Sed.txt this is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line


#删除指定范围的行(第1行到第3行) [root@localhost ~]# sed '1,3d' Sed.txt this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line #删除指定范围的行(第一行到最后行) [root@localhost ~]# sed '1,$d' Sed.txt [root@localhost ~]# #清空了Sed.txt文件


#删除最后一行 [root@localhost ~]# sed '$d' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line this is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third line #删除除指定范围以外的行(只保留第5行) #要删除其他的行请举一反三 [root@localhost ~]# sed '5!d' Sed.txt this is line 5,this is Fifth line #删除所有包含Empty的行 [root@localhost ~]# sed '/Empty/d' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line #删除空行 [root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/d' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line this is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line


3. 查找替换:s



#只替换开头的this为that [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/^this/that/' Sed.txt that is line 1,this is First line that is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed that is line 4,this is Third line that is line 5,this is Fifth line


#s命令用于替换文本,本例中使用LINE替换line #请注意每一行只有第一个line被替换了,默认情况下只替换第一次匹配到的内容 [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/line/LINE/' Sed.txt this is LINE 1,this is First line this is LINE 2,the Second line,Empty line followed this is LINE 4,this is Third line this is LINE 5,this is Fifth line #要想每行最多匹配2个line,并改为LINE,可用如下方式 #注意到第2行中有3个line,前两个被替换了,第三个没有变化 [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/line/LINE/2' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First LINE this is line 2,the Second LINE,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third LINE this is line 5,this is Fifth LINE


#s命令利用g选项,可以完成所有匹配值的替换 [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/line/LINE/g' Sed.txt this is LINE 1,this is First LINE this is LINE 2,the Second LINE,Empty LINE followed this is LINE 4,this is Third LINE this is LINE 5,this is Fifth LINE


4. 字符转换:y


#该命令会将file中的O转换为N、L转换为E、D转换为W #注意转换字符和被转换字符的长度要相等,否则sed无法执行 sed 'y/OLD/NEW/' file [root@localhost ~]# sed 'y/1245/ABCD/' Sed.txt this is line A,this is First line this is line B,the Second line,Empty line followed this is line C,this is Third line this is line D,this is Fifth line 5. 插入文本:i、a




#使用i在第二行前插入文本 [root@localhost ~]# sed '2 i Insert' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line Insert this is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line #使用a在第二行后插入文本 [root@localhost ~]# sed '2 a Insert' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line this is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed Insert this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line


#在匹配行的上一行插入问题 [root@localhost ~]# sed '/Second/i\Insert' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line Insert this is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line


6. 按需打印:p




#将the替换成THE #sed实际处理了第二行,其他几行由于没有匹配所以并未真正处理 #但是sed的工作原理是基于流的,所以所有流过的行都打印出来了 [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/the/THE/' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line this is line 2,THE Second line,Empty line followed this is line 4,this is Third line this is line 5,this is Fifth line


#打印出文件中指定的行 [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1p' Sed.txt this is line 1,this is First line #使用p命令,则只打印实际处理过的行,简化了输出(使用-n参数) [root@localhost ~]# sed -n 's/the/THE/p' Sed.txt this is line 2,THE Second line,Empty line followed


三. sed脚本


#该sed脚本的作用是将全文的this改为THAT,并删除所有空行 [root@localhost ~]# cat Sed.rules s/this/THAT/g /^$/d [root@localhost ~]# sed -f Sed.rules Sed.txt THAT is line 1,THAT is First line THAT is line 2,the Second line,Empty line followed THAT is line 4,THAT is Third line THAT is line 5,THAT is Fifth line


四. 使用变量进行匹配替换 export new=good echo "hello old frank" |sed "s/old/${new}/g"






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