Version 2 Migration 您所在的位置:网站首页 sharpsports淘宝 Version 2 Migration

Version 2 Migration

2024-04-25 22:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Version 2 of of the sharpsports-mobile NPM package was released on Feb 3, 2023. While we will continue to support V1, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest major version for the best performance.

Major Updates in V2:

Initialization of the SharpSports object no longer requires your private API key. This parameter is replaced by a bettor specific authentication token for enhanced security. The SharpSports package now uses the latest Pusher React-Native SDK in favor of the deprecated pusher-js/react-native Websocket improvements help to eliminate timeouts in BookLink UI during extended active sessions in an application

Migration Steps:

Replace the privateKey parameter in the SharpSports object initialization with a Mobile Authentication Token Follow steps (5) and (6) in the Installation Guide to ensure you have the correct react-native dependencies and build procedure If you encounter issues linking the updated dependencies with your iOS build it is recommended to clear your react-native cache and follow the Installation Guide starting from step (1)

Clearing your react-native cache may be specific to your development environment but can typically be done with:

watchman watch-del-all rm -rf node_modules npx react-native start --reset-cache






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