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see 英[si:] 美[si]

see的基本意思是“看见;查看;理解;领会;参观”,作动词用。第三人称单数:sees 现在分词:seeing 过去式:saw 过去分词:seen



You can't see colours at night. 晚上看不见颜色。

I saw a man making his way towards me. 我看到一名男子向我走来。

She can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. 她有视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。

As he neared the farm, he saw that a police car was parked outside it. 他走近农场时,看到一辆警车停在外面。

Did you see what happened? 你看到发生什么事了吗?


I saw him yesterday. 我昨天见到他了。

Mick wants to see you in his office right away. 米克要你马上去他的办公室见他。

You need to see a doctor. 你需要去看医生。


He had been to see a Semi-Final of the FA Cup. 他看过一场足总杯半决赛。

It was one of the most amazing films I've ever seen. 这是我看过的最精彩的电影之一。

I've got nothing to do this evening. I think I'll see a film. 今晚没事儿,我想去看电影。


I could see she was lonely. 我能看出她很寂寞。

You see young people going to school inadequately dressed for the weather. 你看到年轻人在这种天气里衣衫单薄地去上学。

My taste has changed a bit over the years as you can see. 就像你看到的,这些年来我的品味有些改变。

You've just been cleaning it, I see. 我看得出你刚才一直在打扫。

The army must be seen to be taking firm action. 军队必须采取坚决行动。


Oh, I see what you're saying. 哦,我明白你在说什么。

I don't see why you're complaining. 我不明白你有什么可抱怨的。

I really don't see any reason for changing it. 我真的不明白为什么要改变它。

Now I see that I was wrong. 现在我知道我错了。

6、认为; 视为

She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn't make a living. 她认为他是个梦想家,但她的父亲却认为他没有谋生的能力。

They have a normal body weight but see themselves as being fat. 他们体重正常,但自认为偏胖。

Others saw it as a betrayal. 其他人都视它为一种背叛。

I don't see it as my duty to take sides. 我认为我没必要非得向着一方

As I see it, Llewelyn has three choices open to him. 我认为,史蒂夫有3种选择。

7、看中; 欣赏

Frankly, I don't know what Paul sees in her. 坦白地说,我不知道保罗看中她什么了。

Young and old saw in him an implacable opponent of apartheid. 无论老少都看出他是种族隔离制度的坚决反对者

8、想像; 预测

A good idea, but can you see Taylor trying it? 主意很好,但是你能想像泰勒试着做吗?

We can see a day where all people live side by side. 我们可以想象有那么一天所有人都和睦地生活在一起。

9、历经; 目睹

Yesterday saw the resignation of the chief financial officer. 昨天,首席财政长官辞职了。

He had worked with the general for three years and was sorry to see him go. 他与将军一起共事3年,看他离去很难过。


See that you take care of him. 你一定要好好照顾他。

Shake him gently to see if he responds. 轻轻摇晃他看他是否有反应。

11、指答应努力帮助别人。例如,如果你说“我看看我能不能做到('I'll see if I can do it)”,你的意思是你会尝试去做相关的事情。

I'll see if I can call her for you. 我会尽力帮你把她叫来。

We'll see what we can do, miss. 我们会尽量想办法,小姐。


See that you take care of him.一定要照顾好他。

Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter. 凯瑟琳确保这条消息直接传达给了沃尔特。


He didn't offer to see her to her car. 他没有表示要送她上她的汽车。

'Goodnight.'—'I'll see you out.' “晚安”-“我会送你出去的。”


We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn. 我们过去经常见到他的妻子卡罗琳。

We didn't see much of each other after that because he was touring. 从那之后我们没怎么见过面,因为他去旅行了。

15、与…交往; 与…有恋情

My husband was still seeing her and he was having an affair with her. 当时我丈夫仍与她交往,并跟她有暧昧关系


We saw in Chapter 16 how annual cash budgets are produced. 在第16章我们了解了年度现金预算是怎样制订的。

Using the figures given above, it can be seen that machine A pays back the initial investment in two years. 从以上的数字我们可以看出,机器A在两年后就收回了最初的投资。

As we have seen in previous chapters, visualization methods are varied. 我们在前几章已经了解到,可视化方法是多种多样的。


See Chapter 7 below for further comments on the textile industry. 有关纺织业的更多评论请参看下面第7章。


seeing as/that 鉴于, 既然;

Seeing as they can't come, well cancel the meeting. 既然他们不能来, 那我们就取消会议吧。

Seeing that you're the leader, I'd appreciate you saying something. 既然你是我们的领袖,我希望你能说点什么。

I see 我知道,我明白了,我清楚了 (强调很了解,语气稍微有些强硬,带有不谦虚的意味)

'He came home in my car.'—'I see.' “他坐我的车回家了。”——“我明白了。”

I'll/we'll see

We'll see. It's a possibility. 再说吧,可能会的。

We'll see what we can do, miss. 我们会尽量想办法,小姐。

let me/let's see 让我想想;拭目以待

Now let me see, who's the man we want? 现在让我看一看,谁是我们要找的人?

Let's see the show, let's see if you can scare me. 让我们来看看表演,让我们看看你能吓到我吗。

to see sense

He tried again to get her to see reason. 他再次试图让她明白自己错了。

you see 你瞧,要知道,你是知道的;

You see where I'm coming from? 你明白我的意思了吗?

see you 再见

I'll see you tomorrow, all right?我明天见你,好吗?

see you next time!下次见。 see you tomorrow!明天见。 see you later 则要用于事先预约好的场合。

see sb. home送某人回家

see about sth.负责处理……

I’ll see about the tickets for the concert.

see…for oneself自己看;体验一下

see into…了解;调查

see much/a lot/nothing/little of…常/很少/从不见到

see sb. off送行

see through…看穿;识破

see sb. through支持某人到底

see to sth.处理;料理

There was much to see to. He has to see to the luggage.

see to it that…注意做到;务必要

See to it that you do not fall when skating.

as far as I can see踞我所知

see sb. out送某人出门

see that因为,从……一点来看






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