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2023-10-13 14:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、It is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room.父母把新生儿放在分隔的房间并非不常见。

2、The police wanted to separate them into smaller groups.警察想把他们分成更小的组。

3、Nothing can separate us from the love of God.无论什么都不能叫我们与上帝的爱隔绝(罗马书8:38 - 39)。

4、Study on the extraction of separate protein of bee larva蜂幼虫分离蛋白提取研究

5、Bath time - polished marble with separate soak bath and rain shower.享受入浴时光—抛光大理石浴室,带浴盆和淋浴。

6、As in Figure 4 separate supply and reference traces should be used to maintain a noiseless supply.正如在图4单独供应和参考痕迹,应该是用来维持一个无声的供应。

7、The Pyrenees separate France and Spain.比利牛斯将法国和西班牙分开。

8、Many separate buildings were needed on a plantation.在庄园里有很多其它的必须的建筑。

9、Via this scheme, we can generalize maximally entangled states of multiple separate field modes.并将这个方案推广到多个分离腔场纠缠的情况。

10、Tito era to do so, obviously is to "Yugoslav" identity and identity separate from Serbia.铁托时代这样做,明显是要把“南斯拉夫”认同与塞尔维亚认同分开。

11、What is a possible anagram of the phrase THE EYES? Hint: Two separate words.提示:两个分开的单词。

12、Today's Cleavers spend their evenings in front of their separate TV screens.今天的克立弗一家晚上各自守着自己的电视机。

13、Separate forms should be used for each franking machine.每张表格只适用于一部印花机。

14、Ms Rodin decided that the separate fiefs had to go.罗丹女士决定采取分散封地的办法。

15、The Lord afflicted the king with leprosy until the day he died, and he lived in a separate house.耶和华降灾与王,使他长 * 疯,直到死日,他就住在别的宫里。

16、The action of heat will separate the chemical into a substance and oxygen.热的作用会把这化学药品分解成氧气和另一种物质。

17、We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a copy of the latest catalogue.现另行空邮寄去最新产品目录一份。

18、Some of the firm’s operations have been hived off into a separate company.公司的一些业务已分离出来,成立了一家独立公司。

19、What the argument attempts to show is that this mind must be something separate from my body.这个论证试图表明的是,这个心灵一定是与我的身体分离的。

20、A thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type铅条一条使铅字的行隔开的细金属条

21、In order to matting image, that is to separate the foreground and background.实现图像的抠图功能,即把前景和背景分开。

22、Sue was 27 when she and her husband decided to go their separate ways.27岁时苏与丈夫决定分道扬镳。

23、The information you requested is being forwarded to you under separate cover.现另函寄上所要资料。

24、To divide or separate into a number of parts.将…分成或分离成几个部分

25、Each multiplexer instance is deployed as a separate process.每个多路复用器实例都被部署为单独的进程。

26、The master bedroom is situated on the westerly end, forming a separate entity.主卧室位于西部,形成一个单独的体量。

27、To separate or form into tufts.丛生分成或形成丛族

28、This examination is intended to separate the sheep from the goats.这次考试就是想区分一下水平高低。

29、IBM has licensed chip technology to a separate local partner.IBM则把芯片技术授权给了当地另外一个合作伙伴。

30、An Ensuite Bath with Tub and Shower separate vanity and Two sinks.一个浴室套间,有浴缸和淋浴、单独梳妆台和两个洗手池。

separate翻译n. 独立件, 抽印本a. 分开的, 各别的, 单独的, 分隔的vi. 分开, 隔开, 分居vt. 使分离, 使分开, 区分, 使分居【经】 各别的, 独立的; 分离相关词组: separate i 详情






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