如何在 Windows 11/10 中将键盘设置重置为默认值 您所在的位置:网站首页 rkr87键盘怎么恢复出厂设置 如何在 Windows 11/10 中将键盘设置重置为默认值

如何在 Windows 11/10 中将键盘设置重置为默认值

2024-07-05 15:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

有时,您可能有一些软件会改变键盘的功能。或者,也许您添加了一些自定义键盘快捷键或热键,现在想要将键盘(Keyboard)设置重置为原始默认值。如果您的笔记本电脑键盘按键没有按应有的方式工作,那么也许是时候将键盘按键重置为默认设置了。这是您可以在Windows 11/10/8/7中尝试的方法,看看是否有帮助。

在继续之前,您可能需要先确认它不是由于物理问题或硬件问题。因此,请确保将设备驱动程序更新到其最新可用版本,清洁键盘,运行键盘疑难解答(Keyboard Troubleshooter)程序,检查电线和物理连接,甚至可以尝试使用不同的键盘(如果是台式计算机),看看是否可以解决问题。另外,检查您是否在 Windows 中启用了粘滞键(Sticky Keys in Windows)。

(Reset)Windows 11/10重置键盘设置

您可以通过控制面板(Control Panel)和设置(Settings)将键盘重置为默认值。



打开Control Panel > Language。选择您的默认语言。如果您启用了多种语言,请将另一种语言移至列表顶部,使其成为主要语言(primary language)- 然后再次将您现有的首选语言移回列表顶部。这将重置键盘。

如果您只有一种语言,请添加另一种语言。将新语言 移至列表顶部,将其设为主要(Primary)语言。完成此操作后,现在将旧语言移回列表顶部,使其再次成为主要语言。这会将键盘布局重置为默认值。

让我们举个例子来说明清楚。我只安装了英语(English)(印度(India)),它是我的主要语言。如果我想将我的键盘重置为默认设置,我将不得不添加另一种语言——比如英语(English)(美国(United) )并使用“上(States)移”(Move up)链接将其移动到列表顶部。这将改变我的键盘布局。

接下来,我将不得不将英语(English)(印度(India))移回顶部。这将更改我的键盘布局以匹配此语言设置。然后我可以删除英语(English)(美国(United) )(States)。


我们已经在上面解释了通过控制面板(Control Panel)重置键盘的过程。您可能会发现控制面板(Control Panel)中缺少语言选项。如果是这样,您可以通过“设置”(Settings)应用重置Windows 11/10键盘。我们将在此处列出适用于Windows 11和Windows 10计算机的步骤。

通过 Windows 11 设置

将键盘重置为默认 Windows 11

按照以下说明将您的键盘设置重置为Windows 11中的默认设置:

按Win + I键启动设置应用程序。从左侧选择时间和语言。(Time & Language)在时间(Time)和语言(Language)设置页面上,单击语言和区域(Language & Region)选项卡。您将在“语言”部分看到所有添加的语言(Language)。要使用首选语言重置键盘,请将其移至第一个位置。为此,单击三个水平点并选择上移(Move up)。或者,将光标放在语言前面的一对三个垂直点上,然后将其移动到第一个位置。

如果您的首选语言已经位于顶部位置,请先将其向下移动,然后再向上移动。这会将您的键盘设置重置为Windows 11中的默认设置。

通过 Windows 10 设置

将键盘重置为默认 Windows 10

Windows 10 用户必须按照下面列出的说明将其键盘设置重置为默认值。

右键单击开始(Start)菜单并选择设置。在设置应用程序中,单击时间和语言(Time & Language)。现在,从左侧窗格中选择语言。(Language)(Scroll)在页面右侧向下滚动,然后在首选语言部分下选择您的语言(Preferred languages)。如果您的首选语言不存在,您可以通过单击添加语言(Add a language)按钮来添加它。选择语言后,单击向上(Up)箭头并将其移动到语言列表中的第一个位置。

如果您的首选语言已经在顶部,请先将其向下移动,然后再将其移动到顶部。这将在Windows 10(Windows 10)中重置您的键盘。

如何更改Windows 11中的键盘设置?

要更改Windows 11中的键盘设置,请转到“Settings > Time & Language”。在这里,您可以更改键盘布局或为首选输入语言添加多个键盘布局,将键盘设置重置为默认设置等。

覆盖默认输入法 Windows 11

高级(Advanced)键盘设置允许您覆盖默认输入(override for the default input method)法。如果您在此设置中选择一种语言,该语言将成为您当前用户帐户的默认输入法。如果在此字段中未选择任何语言,Windows将从您的语言列表中为当前用户帐户选择默认输入法。以下步骤将帮助您:

在Windows 11 设置(Settings)应用程序中,转到“Time & Language > Typing”。现在,单击高级键盘设置(Advanced keyboard settings)选项卡。单击(Click)下拉菜单并从列表中选择您的首选语言。如果您的首选语言不存在,则必须在系统上安装它。 你如何修复键盘输入错误的字符?

在大多数情况下,如果您在默认输入法(override for default input method)部分的覆盖中选择了错误的键盘布局或另一种语言,则键盘会键入错误的字符。(keyboard types wrong characters)除了这些原因,过时或损坏的键盘驱动程序也会导致此问题。您应该运行键盘疑难解答来解决此问题。

您可能还想看看这些帖子:(You may want to have a look at these posts too:)

(Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator)适用于 Windows 的Microsoft 键盘布局创建器如何禁用您选择的键盘键(How to disable a Keyboard Key of your choice)使用SharpKeys 重新(SharpKeys)映射键盘键。

How to reset Keyboard settings to default in Windows 11/10

At times, you may have some software changing the way your keyboard funсtions. Or maуbe you added some custom keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, and now want to reset Keуboard settingѕ to origіnal defaults. Іf your laptop keyboard keys are not working the way they should be, then maybe it is time you reset your keyboard kеys to defaυlt sеttings. This is what you could try in Windows 11/10/8/7 and see if it helрs.

Before you proceed, you may want first to confirm that it is not due to a physical problem or a hardware issue. So ensure that you update your device driver to its latest available version, clean the keyboard, run the Keyboard Troubleshooter, check the wires, and physical connection and maybe even try a different keyboard, in case of a desktop computer, and see if it resolves the problem. Also, check if you have enabled Sticky Keys in Windows.

Reset keyboard settings in Windows 11/10

You can reset your keyboard to default via the Control Panel and Settings.

Via Control Panel

Reset keyboard settings

Open Control Panel > Language. Select your default language. If you have multiple languages enabled, move another language to the top of the list, to make it the primary language – and then again move your existing preferred language back to the top of the list. This will reset the keyboard.

If you have a single language, add another language. Make the new language, the Primary language by moving it to the top of the list. Once you have done this, now move the old language back to the top of the list to make it the primary language again. This will reset the keyboard layout to default.

Let’s take an example to make it clear. I have only English (India) installed, and it is my primary language. If I want to reset my keyboard to default settings, I will have to add another language – say English (United States) and move it to the top of the list, using the Move up link. This will change my keyboard layout.

Next, I will have to move English (India) back to the top. This will change my keyboard layout to match this language setting. I can then delete English (United States).

This will reset the keyboard keys to default settings.

We have, above, explained the procedure to reset your keyboard via Control Panel. You may find the language option missing in the Control Panel. If so, you can reset your Windows 11/10 keyboard via the Settings app. We will list here the steps to do that for both Windows 11 and Windows 10 computers.

Via Windows 11 Settings

Reset keyboard to default Windows 11

Follow the below instructions to reset your keyboard settings to default in Windows 11:

Press Win + I keys to launch the Settings app.Select Time & Language from the left side.On the Time & Language settings page, click on the Language & Region tab.You will see all your added languages in the Language section. To reset your keyboard with your preferred language, move it to the first position. For this, click on the three horizontal dots and select Move up. Alternatively, place your cursor over the pair of three vertical dots just before the language and move it to the first position.

If your preferred language is already at the top position, first, move it down and then move it up. This will reset your keyboard settings to default in Windows 11.

Via Windows 10 Settings

Reset keyboard to default Windows 10

Windows 10 users have to follow the instructions listed below to reset their keyboard settings to default.

Right-click on the Start menu and select Settings.In the Settings app, click Time & Language.Now, select Language from the left pane.Scroll down on the right side of the page and select your language under the Preferred languages section. If your preferred language is not there, you can add it by clicking on the Add a language button. After selecting your language, click on the Up arrow and move it to the first position in the list of languages.

If your preferred language is already on the top, first move it down and then move it to the top. This will reset your keyboard in Windows 10.

How do I change keyboard settings in Windows 11?

To change your keyboard settings in Windows 11, go to “Settings > Time & Language.” Here, you can change your keyboard layouts or add multiple ones for your preferred input languages, reset your keyboard settings to default, etc.

Override default input method Windows 11

The Advanced keyboard settings let you override for the default input method. If you select a language in this setting, that language will become your default input method for the current user account. If none of the languages is selected in this field, Windows will select the default input method from your language list for the current user account. The following steps will help you with that:

In the Windows 11 Settings app, go to “Time & Language > Typing.”Now, click on the Advanced keyboard settings tab.Click on the drop-down menu and select your preferred language from the list. If your preferred language is not there, you have to install it on your system. How do you fix keyboard typing wrong characters?

In most cases, a keyboard types wrong characters if you have selected either a wrong keyboard layout or another language in the override for default input method section. Apart from these causes, outdated or corrupted keyboard drivers also cause this issue. You should run a keyboard troubleshooter to fix this issue.

You may want to have a look at these posts too:

Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator for WindowsHow to disable a Keyboard Key of your choiceRemap Keyboard Keys with SharpKeys.






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