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2024-02-26 18:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

冒险笔记 Adventure Log


=== 主剧情挑战 Main Quests (21/23) ===全主线23个

1* 讨伐加侬多夫 Destroy Ganondorf

2* 寻找塞尔达 Find Princess Zelda

3  紧闭之门 The Closed Door

4  前往海拉鲁大地 To the Kingdom of Hyrule

5  调查四地区的异变 Regional Phenomena

6  寻找第五位贤者 Find the Fifth Sage

7  海拉鲁城堡的异变 Crisis at Hyrule Castle

8  大师之剑的线索 Trail of the Master Sword

9  丢失的勇者之剑 Recovering the Hero's Sword

10 利特村的丘栗 Tulin of Rito Village

11 鼓隆城的阿沅 Yunobo of Goron City

12 被淤泥埋没的石像 The Sludge-Covered Statue

13 断裂的石碑 The Broken Slate

14 修复卓拉铠甲 Restoring the Zora Armor

15 前往天空的线索 Clues to the Sky

16 卓拉领地的希多 Sidon of the Zora

17 格鲁德小镇的露珠 Riju of Gerudo Town

18 环卡遗迹的秘密 Secret of the Ring Ruins

19 来自太古的指引 Guidance From Ages Past

20 给地底人拍照 Camera Work in The Depths

21 沉睡于地底神殿的谜团 A Mystery in the Depths

22 英帕与地上图画 Impa and the Geoglyphs

23 龙之泪 The Dragon's Tears

=== 情节挑战 Side Adventure (60/60) ===全情节挑战60个

1 哈特诺村的研究所 Hateno Village Research Lab

2 自己专属的海拉鲁图鉴 Filling Out the Compendium

3 重大发明!传送标记器!Presenting: The Travel Medallion!

4 重大发明!足迹模式!Presenting: Hero's Path Mode!

5 重大发明!图鉴感应器!Presenting: Sensor +!

6 微达的独立 Mattison's Independence

7 托可优的重要信件 A Letter to Koyin

8 用新名产振兴村子!A New Signature Food

9 科沙尤西的秘密 Reede's Secret

10 萨格诺的秘密 Cece's Secret

11 你是萨格诺派?还是科沙尤西派?Team Cece or Team Reede?

12 村长选举开始!The Mayoral Election 

13 横暴之徒盘踞的村子 Ruffian-Infested Village

14 沃托里村重建计划 Lurelin Village Restoration Project

15 调查真相!传言中的塞尔达公主!!Potential Princess Sightings!

16 递出邀请的女性 The Beckoning Woman

17 未抵达的美食家 Gourmets Gone Missing

18 乘在妖兽上的公主 The Beast and the Princess

19 塞尔达所爱的金色的马 Zelda's Golden Horse

20 受难的迷途白山羊 White Goats Gone Missing

21 我亲爱的公主 For Our Princess!

22 遵从咕咕鸡大人的指示 The All-Clucking Cucco

23 消失的农具 The Missing Farm Tools

24 塞尔达公主绑架事件!?Princess Zelda Kidnapped?!

25 诡异之声 An Eerie Voice

26 被封住的井 The Blocked Well

27 吹笛少年寻找之物 The Flute Player's Plan

28 传递!甜蜜节奏!!Honey, Bee Mine

29 圆号乐手的脱逃剧 The Hornist's Dramatic Escape

30 献给大妖精的小夜曲 Serenade to a Great Fairy

31 献给西莎的小夜曲 Serenade to Kaysa

32 献给可秋拉的小夜曲 Serenade to Cotera

33 献给弥佳的小夜曲 Serenade to Mija

34 为海拉鲁平原带来和平!Bring Peace to Hyrule Field!

35 为哈特尔带来和平!Bring Peace to Necluda!

36 为奥尔汀带来和平!Bring Peace to Eldin!

37 为阿卡莱带来和平!Bring Peace to Akkala!

38 为费罗尼带来和平!Bring Peace to Faron!

39 为海布拉带来和平!Bring Peace to Hebra!

40 伯库林的烦恼 Hestu's Concerns

41 寻找!魔犹伊的遗失物 The Hunt for Bubbul Gems!

42 柯尔天的下落 The Search for Koltin

43 只属于我的怪物收藏品 A Monstrous Collection I

44 只属于我的怪物收藏品2 A Monstrous Collection II

45 只属于我的怪物收藏品3 A Monstrous Collection III

46 只属于我的怪物收藏品4 A Monstrous Collection IV

47 只属于我的怪物收藏品5 A Monstrous Collection V

48 调查德依布朗遗迹吧 Investigate the Thyphlo Ruins

49 被众龙守望的枭 The Owl Protected by Dragons

50 两龙之间的夹缝 The Corridor between Two Dragons

51 六龙御前 The Six Dragons

52 身体纤长的守护龙 The Long Dragon

53 初始空岛的渊源 Legend of the Great Sky Island (空岛时光神殿顶)

54 来自古代的信息 Messages from an Ancient Era

55 与恶魔的契约 A Deal With the Statue

56 寻找声音的主人 Who Goes There?

57 来自地底的呼唤 A Call from the Depths

58 潜入依盖队 Infiltrating the Yiga Clan

59 依盖队的干部考试 The Yiga Clan Exam

60 依盖队队长——可盖大人的阴谋!Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan (地底中央大废矿)

=== 神庙挑战 Shrine Quests (31/31) ===全神庙挑战31个

1 萨托利山的神庙与水晶 The Satori Mountain Crystal

2 白鸟所指引的洞窟 The White Bird's Guidance

3 沉睡于吉萨的环形山的水晶 The Gisa Crater Crystal

4 海布拉山北方的神庙与水晶 The North Hebra Mountains Crystal

5 沉睡于海布拉山西北的洞窟中的水晶 The Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal

6 漂亮的石头与金苹果 A Pretty Stone and Five Golden Apples

7 前方禁止进入? None Shall Pass?

8 玛卡玛喀的珍藏地点 Maca's Special Place

9 死亡破火山口的神庙与水晶 The Death Caldera Crystal

10 沉睡于幽芬湖的洞窟中的水晶 The Lake Intenoch Cave Crystal

11 卖了这块石头 Rock for Sale

12 染作漆黑 Dyeing to Find It

13 高天之泉与光环的传说 The High Spring and the Light Rings

14 拉聂尔参道的神庙与水晶 The Lanayru Road Crystal

15 沉睡于拉尔斯水脉的神庙于水晶 The Ralis Channel Crystal

16 由水而生的钥匙 Keys Born of Water

17 沉睡于拉纳湖的洞窟中的水晶 The Oakle's Navel Cave Crystal

18 带来巨大的马匹 Ride the Giant Horse

19 海利亚湖的神庙与水晶 The Lake Hylia Crystal

20 投枪的传说 Legend of the Soaring Spear

21 格鲁德峡谷的神庙与水晶 The Gerudo Canyon Crystal

22 北海拉鲁天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The North Hyrule Sky Crystal

23 南海拉鲁天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The South Hyrule Sky Crystal

24 塔邦挞天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The Tabantha Sky Crystal

25 东海布拉天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The East Hebra Sky Crystal

26 采石之岛的神庙与水晶 The Sky Mine Crystal

27 南阿卡莱天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The Sokkala Sky Crystal

28 南拉聂尔天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The South Lanayru Sky Crystal

29 北哈特尔天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The North Necluda Sky Crystal

30 西哈特尔天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The West Necluda Sky Crystal

31 哈特尔天空诸岛的神庙与水晶 The West Necluda Sky Crystal

32 神庙解谜与烹饪指南 The Necluda Sky Crystal

=== 迷你挑战 Side Quests (139/139) ===全迷你挑战139个

1 马儿去向何方 Spotting Spot

2 遭遇海盗袭击的村庄 Village Attacked by Pirates

3 今天的菜单 Today's Menu

4 未建成的马厩 The Incomplete Stable

5 岩石巨人WANTED WANTED: Stone Talus

6 莫尔德拉吉克WANTED WANTED: Molduga

7 西诺克斯WANTED WANTED: Hinox

8 未知的天空巨人 Unknown Sky Giant

9 未知的三首之怪物 Unknown Three-Headed Monster

10 未知的巨大之影 Unknown Huge Silhouette

11 看马人的愿望 The Horse Guard's Request

12 装点平原外围的驿站的画作 A Picture for Outskirt Stable

13 捕捉咕咕鸡大作战 Feathered Fugitives

14 装点河畔驿站的画作 A Picture for Riverside Stable

15 向往的搬运马车 Horse-Drawn Dreams

16 装点新玛丽塔驿站的画作 A Picture for New Serenne Stable

17 庚珂亲手做的料理 Genli's Home Cooking

18 沉睡于山中秘泉的秘宝 Treasure of the Secret Springs

19 制箭师桃虹的探求 Molli the Fletcher's Quest

20 利特族的传统“大鹫弓” Legacy of the Rito 

21 利特族的以物换物 Fish for Fletching

22 利特的吊桥 The Rito Rope Bridge 

23 装点塔邦挞大桥驿站的画作 A Picture for Tabantha Bridge Stable

24 装点雪原驿站的画作 A Picture for Snowfield Stable

25 跨越冰冷的水 Crossing the Cold Pool

26 打开门 Open the Door 

27 被盯上的物资 Supply-Eyeing Fliers

28 被堵塞的洞窟 The Blocked Cave

29 消失于雪山的女王 The Duchess Who Disappeared

30 利特族的新式飞行训练 Kaneli's Flight Training

31 照亮洞窟的蘑菇 Cave Mushrooms that Glow

32 被夺走的帐篷 The Captured Tent

33 谁能找到圣地 Who Finds the Haven?

34 巨大的骨碌碌 Whirly Swirly Things

35 德库树长老是秘密基地?The Secret Room

36 纳末敏的寻宝游戏!Walton's Treasure Hunt

37 收购琥珀 Amber Dealer

38 古代都市鼓隆提亚!The Ancient City Gorondia!

39 发现古代都市鼓隆提亚!? The Ancient City Gorondia?

40 鼓隆族之魂“碎岩巨剑” Soul of the Gorons

41 鼓隆们的赏月 Moon-Gazing Gorons

42 蜥蜴池中沉睡的秘宝 The Hidden Treasure at Lizard Lakes

43 隐秘温泉 岩熔温泉 Simmerstone Springs

44 一石千金!?完全成熟打火石!Cash In on Ripened Flint

45 以肉还肉! Meat for Meat

46 果然还是要里脊岩鼓咯 Rock Roast or Dust

47 开园!矿车乐园!Mine-Cart Land: Open for Business!

48 速射矿车游戏!Mine-Cart Land: Quickshot Course

49 超高难度的死亡之山赛道!Mine-Cart Land: Death Mountain

50 装点森林驿站的画作 A Picture for Woodland Stable

51 装点山麓驿站的画作 A Picture for Foothill Stable

52 坠入井中 Fell into a Well!

53 滞留的作业员 The Abandoned Laborer

54 我们的宝物 The Treasure Hunters

55 寻找拉姆达的宝物 Misko's Cave of Chests

56 拉姆达的财宝 鬼神装备 Misko's Treasure: The Fierce Deity

57 拉姆达的财宝 双子的古代文献 Misko's Treasure: Twins Manuscript

58 拉姆达的财宝 海盗的古代文献 Misko's Treasure: Pirate Manuscript

59 拉姆达的财宝 英雄的古代文献 Misko's Treasure: Heroines Manuscript

60 拉姆达的财宝 织梦之勇者服1 Misko's Treasure of Awakening I

61 拉姆达的财宝 织梦之勇者服2 Misko's Treasure of Awakening II

62 拉姆达的财宝 织梦之勇者服3 Misko's Treasure of Awakening III

63 征服一始拉力赛 The Tarrey Town Race Is On!

64 这里面是什么?Secrets Within

65 熟练驾驭左纳乌装置吧 Master of the Vehicle Prototype

66 建造私人住宅吧 Home on Arrange

67 最强的武器!?Strongest in the World

68 聚集的海盗 The Gathering Pirates

69 装点东阿卡莱驿站的画作 A Picture for East Akkala Stable

70 奥尔汀大化石 Eldin's Colossal Fossil

71 海布拉大化石 Hebra's Colossal Fossil

72 格鲁德大化石 Gerudo's Colossal Fossil

73 一击入魂 One-Hit Wonder!

74 装点南阿卡莱驿站的画作 A Picture for South Akkala Stable

75 宝~贵的宝物 True Treasure

76 沉睡于大鱼之下的秘宝 Secret Treasure under the Great Fish

77 永无止境的说教 The Never-Ending Lecture

78 伫立月下的卓拉公主 The Moonlit Princess

79 攻略加卜台地的堡垒 The Fort at Ja'Abu Ridge

80 卓拉族的荣誉“光鳞之枪” Glory of the Zora

81 不来交易螃蟹吗……? A Crabulous Deal!

82 跃然空中的妻子 A Wife Wafted Away

83 友好之证 A Token of Friendship

84 装点湿地驿站的画作 A Picture for Wetland Stable

85 不速之客 An Uninvited Guest

86 蓝色石材 The Blue Stone

87 究极料理……? The Ultimate Dish?

88 淤泥缠身 Mired in Muck

89 一去不返的旅店老板 Out of the Inn

90 咕咕鸡的路标 Follow the Cuccos

91 远古史诗巡礼 A Trip through History

92 攻守两难…… Codger's Quarrel

93 病由瘴气生 Gloom-Borne Illness

94 新的英杰服 A New Champion's Tunic

95 老师,教教我吧! Teach Me a Lesson I

96 老师,教教我吧!2 Teach Me a Lesson II

97 讲究的男人多当茨 Dantz's Prize Cows

98 真正的哈特诺名产 Homegrown in Hateno

99 拍摄丘丘样本 Photographing a Chuchu

100 在乌梅的田里种什么? Uma's Garden

101 万作所求之物 Manny's Beloved

102 沃托里度假胜地计划 Lurelin Resort Project

103 爸爸的蓝色衬衫 Dad's Blue Shirt

104 漂走的买卖用具 A Way to Trade, Washed Away

105 烦恼的萝莱尔 Rattled Ralera

106 装点双子驿站的画作 A Picture for Dueling Peaks Stable

107 求救信 A Bottled Cry for Help

108 寻找!海盗的基地 Seeking the Pirate Hideout

109 洞窟里的巨人三兄弟 Ousting the Giants

110 装点湖畔驿站的画作 A Picture for Lakeside Stable

111 装点高原驿站的画作 A Picture for Highland Stable

112 英雄们的秘密 The Heroines' Secret

113 沉睡于格鲁德沙漠的秘宝 Treasure of the Gerudo Desert

114 格鲁德族的骄傲“七宝武具” Pride of the Gerudo

115 和缇克尔比试!Dalia's Game

116 第八位英雄 The Mysterious Eighth

117 下落不明的老板 The Missing Owner

118 请带我前往遗迹 To the Ruins!

119 热情装饰 Decorate with Passion

120 迷路的商队队员 Lost in the Dunes

121 装点封闭驿站的画作1 A Picture for the Closed Stable I

122 装点封闭驿站的画作2 A Picture for the Closed Stable II

123 受困的皮阿斐 Piaffe, Packed Away

124 古栗欧克的肝脏 Gleeok Guts

125 格鲁德峡谷的遇险者 Disaster in Gerudo Canyon

126 风滚草大扫除 The Great Tumbleweed Purge

127 火热非凡!忍耐力大比拼!Heat-Endurance Contest!

128 很冷哦!忍耐力大比拼!Cold-Endurance Contest!

129 没有冰的冰屋 The Iceless Icehouse

130 目标是成为水井迷 Where Are the Wells?

131 于地底发现的“古代之刃” Ancient Blades Below

132 北洛美的预言 The North Lomei Prophecy

133 洛美岛的预言 The Lomei Labyrinth Island Prophecy

134 南洛美的预言 The South Lomei Prophecy

135 智慧之泉的女神像 Goddess Statue of Wisdom

136 力量之泉的女神像 Goddess Statue of Power

137 勇气之泉的女神像 Goddess Statue of Courage

138 母亲女神像 The Mother Goddess Statue

139 寻遍所有神庙之人 The Shrine Explorer

=== 冒险记忆 Memory (18/18) ===全回忆18个

1 大师之剑的力量 The Master Sword's Power

2 苏醒 The Awakening

3 此为何处 Where Am I?

4 未知的世界 An Unfamiliar World

5 米涅鲁的建议 Mineru's Counsel

6 格鲁德族的猛攻 The Gerudo Assault

7 虚伪的臣服 A Show of Fealty

8 塞尔达与索尼娅 Zelda and Sonia

9 索尼娅的悲剧 Sonia Is Caught By Treachery

10 魔王诞生 Birth of the Demon King 

11 魔王的军团 The Demon King's Army

12 贤者的誓言 The Sages' Vow

13 国王的义务 A King's Duty

14 封印战争 The Imprisoning War

15 穿越时间的大师之剑 A Master Sword in Time

16 各自的决心 Critical Decisions

17 龙之泪 Tears of the Dragon

18 塞尔达的夙愿 Zelda's Wish







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