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生力用英语怎么说 生力的英语翻译

2023-03-24 21:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: 生力用英语翻译为"  Miguel",生力用英语怎么说 生力的英语翻译,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到27个与生力相关的释义和例句。

生力用英语翻译为"  Miguel",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到27个与生力相关的释义和例句。


1.   Miguel

生力翻译为   Miguel。

示例:小型企业是经济的生力军。Small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy.



1. idiosthenia(自生力)

2. regeneratine capacity(再生力)

3. fresh troops(生力军)

4. induced moment(感生力矩)

5. morphogenetic force(地貌发生力)


play a key role fresh force ( 生力军 )

San Miguel Corporation ( 生力集团 )

New force The Invid Invasion png ( 新生力量 )

San Miguel And San Miguel Beer San Miguel Beermen Monchshof ( 生力啤酒 )

Effectives effective strength livingforces ( 有生力量 )

productivity ( 生生力 )

productive forces productive powers forces of production productive forces productive powers forces( 生产力 )



1. But these days, it looks like a new force of nature is taking shape on the Upper East Side.

译文:但近些天 看来有股新生力量 席卷了上东区 势如破竹。

2. This time, a force of heavily ed Japanese transports to reinforce with fresh troops, their starved, sick, doomed garrison as off Tafaronga Point.

译文:一只强大的护航队 满载生力军,准备增援此刻 正在塔萨法隆加滩头垂死挣扎的日军。

3. Your top priority is to capture this secret Russian weapon.


4. i will supply the necessary fresh, powerful forces.


5. Meanwhile, Stalin grimly positions a million and a half fresh troops with mes of tanks and artillery north and south of the embattled city.

译文:此时,却聚集起了 一百五十万之众的生力军 和大量的坦克重炮 从南北两面逼近了这被包围的城市。

6. i'd like you to join me in welcoming the new addition to the teaching staff, Sister Mary...

译文:我要大家欢迎新来的 圣芳济学校的生力军 修女玛莉。

7. My research focuses on what many scientists believe is the most regenerative stage of sleep: deep sleep.

译文:我的研究重点放在 被许多科学家视为 最有再生力的睡眠阶段: 深度睡眠期。

8. We need a Hail Mary p. We need raw power!

译文:我们需要生力军 我们需要..。

9. Captain, check on the replacements. We'll need every man we've got.

译文:上尉 看看我们还有多少生力军。

10. Hey, hey. Look here, you guys. i'd say we got a new recruit.

译文:哎 你们大家快看 有生力军加入了。

11. This time, i'll use rat's movement to release power


12. Aidless came off, and with a sudden re-enforcement struck Corioles like a planet.

译文:然后他又单身脱围而出 带着一队生力军 像一颗彗星似的向科利奥里突击。

13. The boats brought troops and the ammunition to relieve the exaustos men that they were in trenches.

译文:这些船带回生力军和 来替换下战壕里憔悴的战士。

14. They come back, we need every able body we've got.

译文:他们要来了 我们需要所有有生力量。

15. He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan.

译文:他会是我们对抗罗南战争中的生力军 He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan.。

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