高中英语:情景交际及习惯表达专项复习及答案 您所在的位置:网站首页 reel是什么意思啊 高中英语:情景交际及习惯表达专项复习及答案


2023-04-29 09:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.—Reading is the best way t kill time n the train.—________ I never g traveling with a bk.A.Yu are jking.B.I dn't think s.C.That's true.D.Dn't mentin it.2.—Sir, culd I turn in my hmewrk assignment a bit late? —________, since yu haven't been well these days.A.Yu can't be seriusB.Oh, all rightC.I'm afraid ntD.Gd idea3.— Have yu heard that Jay Chu is singing his latest sng in the cncert? — _________ Aren't yu jking with me?A.That sunds great!B.Yes. I suppse it must be.C.Really?D.That's a gd idea.4.— Srry t have hurt yu. — ________. Yu didn't mean t, did yu?A.Dn't wrryB.Take it easyC.Dn't say sD.Frget it5.—I've been prmted t the directr f HR and I'm wndering whether I can ask fr a big pay rise. —________. After all, the ecnmy is struggling these days.A.Yu can make it.B.Gd fr yuC.Yu've gne t farD.It's up t yu6.—Lk, sme bys are ding hip pp. —________! The perfrmance is great.A.ClB.Nt at allC.AbslutelyD.Definitely7.—________, and every man his hur. —But mine seems a very lng time cming.A.a cat has nine livesB.Rats desert a sinking shipC.Every dg has his dayD.Fine feathers make fine birds8.—Dn't be nervus when yu have a CT picture taken, OK? —________ A.Well, I wn' tB.That's trueC.Yes, I'd lve tD.OK, I will9.— Hi, d yu knw radside fd stalls are back? — _________?They were banned t keep the cities clean.A.Wh caresB.What ifC.Hw cmeD.Why bther10.Lisa cmplained it was _______, having t g upstairs t make the cffee every time. A.as clear as dayB.a sht in the darkC.a pain in the neckD.as easy as pie11.—Dad, I feel like quitting Chinese; it's s hard. —Never give up halfway. ____________, yu knw.A.All that ends well is wellB.A man cannt spin and reel at the same timeC.A man becmes learned by asking questinsD.All things are difficult befre they are easy12.—D yu mean that we have lst ur way? —_____, my dear. We'd better ask smene fr help.A.ExactlyB.EntirelyC.N prblemD.All right13.— Yu didn't lse the ticket, did yu? — ________. I knw it's nt easy t get anther ne nw.A.I'm afraid ntB.I think sC.I hpe ntD.I hpe s14.— It's been raining fr a whle week. I think it'll get fine sn. — ________. We are getting int the rainy seasn nw.A.Yes, it willB.Of curse ntC.It's pssibleD.It's hard t say15.—Hney, what's wrng? Yu lk anxius. —Pr me! I didn't read the cntract fully befre I signed it but I'm _______ nw.A.cunting the cstB.hitting the ceilingC.beating my brains utD.beating arund the bush16.—Lk, I'm terribly srry, but I can explain... —_______. Yu knw what? I've had enugh f yur lame excuses.A.Cut it ut.B.Frget it.C.I beg t differ.D.Dn't mentin it.17.—If yu place a larger rder, we will increase the discunt t 10%. —That wuld be nice!_______.A.It's my treatB.That's all rightC.Yu gt me thereD.Let's call it a deal18.At first, Eve was excited t inherit the farm, but it sn prved t be _______ she culdn't affrd, which wuld exhaust her frtune in hand. A.a black sheepB.a dark hrseC.a white elephantD.a cld fish19.—Alice, remember t return the bk tmrrw. —_______, I've already finished it.A.Take itB.Hit itC.Gt itD.Frget it20.—I feel terrible. I didn't d well in the math test. —_______. Yu're already making prgress and will surely learn it well.A.Dn't dream away yur timeB.Dn't take things fr grantedC.Dn't put the cart befre the hrseD.Dn't take it t hard21.—Hw abut Amanda's fresh year in cllege? —Very great! Yu knw, she is and she gt high grades in every subject.A.a black sheepB.an early birdC.a wet blanketD.a green hand22.Having failed in the driving test again, she's feeling a bit ______ and needs cheering up. A.nce in a blue mnB.dwn in the dumpsC.as cl as a cucumberD.n tp f the wrld23.—Yu dn't seem t be n gd terms with yur partner, Jack. —______. I'm nt quite myself these days and dn't want t talk, that's all.A.Nt exactlyB.Nt at allC.Never mindD.Nt a little24.—Even if we have had advanced technlgy, we can't bring dinsaurs back t life. —______. They died ut lng ag and their DNA was already destryed.A.That's itB.That's all rightC.It dependsD.It's up t yu25.—I have just made great prgress in learning t drive. —______!A.Hw luckyB.Yu betC.Cheer upD.Keep it up26.— ? —I gt tw tickets fr the evening shw, but they're nt in the same rw.A.What can I d fr yuB.May I have yur nameC.What's yur pintD.Any luck at the bking ffice27.—The mvie we saw last night was ridiculus. —Well, . I wuld prbably see it again.A.I culdn't agree mreB.I can't believe it is trueC.I thught it was pretty gdD.I shuld have left early28.—I can't remember his name clearly. Is it Brain Jhnsn? —Yes, ____________. A.yu name itB.that's the pintC.that's itD.yu deserve it29.—D yu allw yur twelve-year-ld sn t travel alne at night? —________. I wn't expse him t a slight pssibility f danger.A.Frget it.B.G aheadC.Abslutely ntD.By all means30.Mr Smith is ________. He always devtes his spare time t helping thse in need. A.a black sheepB.a gd SamaritanC.a dark hrseD.a green hand31.—Ken, can I get yu anything t drink? —______.A.Yu are welcmeB.N prblemC.I wuldn't mind a cffeeD.Desn't matter32.—I really had a wnderful time at the party last night. —______.A.Oh, that's very nice f yuB.CngratulatinsC.It's a pleasureD.Oh, I'm glad t hear that33.—I think yu'd better clean yur rm. —_________It's clean enugh.A.What fr?B.S what?C.Yu said it.D.Yu made it.34.Sme teenagers have independent tastes, but mst tend t______. A.lse their headsB.spill the beansC.swim with the tideD.mend their ways:35.—Srry, I'm having a headache tday and ... —_______; I knw yu just dn't want t accmpany me t the ball. A.Dn't give me thatB.Dn't mentin itC.Dn't take it fr grantedD.Dn't get me wrng36.After ver tw mnths f lckdwn, taxi drivers in Wuhan say they are _____ even when caught in traffic jams. A.ver the mnB.under a cludC.white as a sheetD.green with envy37.—Culd Martha affrd the mney t g n a trip abrad with us? —I'm afraid nt. She is ________ at the mment.A.physically challengedB.between jbsC.nt all thereD.all ears38.—I think there may be anther way t handle the husing prblem. —________. The flating cities are perhaps an innvative slutin.A.I beg t differB.I think therwiseC.Yu have me thereD.Yu have a pint there39.—I used t make my father angry but nw we're getting alng very well. —S I bet yu were ________ when yung. A.a black sheepB.a real weedC.a man in the streetD.a real little devil40.—I'm srry I made a mistake! — , Nbdy is perfect.A.Take yur timeB.Yu're rightC.Whatever yu sayD.Take it easy41.—Yu culdn't have chsen any present better fr me. —______.A.Oh, dn't cmplain abut a gift.B.I'll give yu a better ne next time.C.I'm glad yu like it s muchD.Oh, nthing much.42.—I just heard frm Miss Li that I passed the exam.—Oh, ________!A.cheer upB.cngratulatinsC.have funD.exactly 43.— Yu knw hw much I am missing the days befre the utbreak f the crnavirus. — Schl, mvies, gatherings, _______. We'll sn be back n track.A.n kiddingB.cme nC.yu name itD.g fr it44.—What's wrng? It seems that yu are lsing cntrl f the situatin. —___________Dn't stick yur nse int my business.A.I have n idea.B.Let me alne! C.Are yu kidding?D.Take yur time!45.—Maggie, I really lve yur handwriting. —________.A.I practice every dayB.Thank yu very muchC.N,I dn't think sD.Well, t's nt gd enugh46.T ur surprise, Mr. Jhnsn says he is ready t help us _______. A.n a shestringB.in the darkC.at the drp f a hatD.ver the mn47.The past cuple f mnths have been difficult fr me but I knw they have been even mre difficult fr peple just trying t _______. A.make ends meetB.tighten their beltC.call it a dayD.pull their leg48.—Have yu decided where t g fr the cming summer hliday? —I hpe s, but ur trip is still very much _______.A.up in the airB.dwn in the dumpsC.ver the mnD.between the lines49.—Lk, I'm terribly srry that I brke yur cup. —_______. I have plenty f them. A.It's a dealB.Nt a chanceC.Hang in thereD.N wrries50.—It's said that advertisers will spend mre n Internet advertising. —I'm afraid it is _______ fr print advertising. A.a sacred cwB.the heel f AchillesC.a cnfidential surceD.the writing n the wall答案解析部分1.B2.B3.C4.D5.C6.A7.C8.A9.C10.C11.D12.A13.C14.D15.A16.A17.D18.C19.C20.D21.B22.B23.A24.A25.D26.D27.C28.C29.C30.B31.C32.D33.A34.C35.A36.A37.B38.D39.D40.D41.C42.B43.C44.B45.B46.C47.A48.A49.D50.D高中英语:情景交际及习惯表达第一部分:1-50 专项练习 第二部分:51-100全面解析1.—Reading is the best way t kill time n the train.—________ I never g traveling with a bk.A.Yu are jking.B.I dn't think s.C.That's true.D.Dn't mentin it.全面分析:——阅读是在火车上消磨时间的最好方式。——我不这么认为。我去旅行从来不带书。A. Yu are jking.“别开玩笑了”。B. I dn't think s.“我不这么认为”。C. That's true.“这是真的”。D. Dn't mentin it.“别客气”。根据“I never g traveling withut a bk.”可知,后者不赞同前者的观点。故选B。2.—Sir, culd I turn in my hmewrk assignment a bit late? —________, since yu haven't been well these days.A.Yu can't be seriusB.Oh, all rightC.I'm afraid ntD.Gd idea全面分析:——老师,我可以晚一点交作业吗?——哦,好吧,既然你这几天身体不太好。A. Yu can't be serius“你不是认真的吧”。B. Oh, all right“哦,好吧”。C. I'm afraid nt“恐怕不能”。D. Gd idea“好主意”。根据空后since yu haven't been well these days.可知,老师同意了学生的请求。故选B。3.— Have yu heard that Jay Chu is singing his latest sng in the cncert? — _________ Aren't yu jking with me?A.That sunds great!B.Yes. I suppse it must be.C.Really?D.That's a gd idea.全面分析:——你听说周杰伦在演唱会上唱他的新歌了吗?——真的吗?你不是在跟我开玩笑吧?A. That sunds great!“听起来真棒!”。B. Yes, I suppse it must be. “是的,我想一定是这样。”。C. Really?“真的吗?”。D. That's a gd idea.“好主意。”。根据下文“Aren't yu jking with me?”可知对方不相信周杰伦在演唱会唱他的新歌这件事,故选C。4.— Srry t have hurt yu. — ________. Yu didn't mean t, did yu?A.Dn't wrryB.Take it easyC.Dn't say sD.Frget it全面分析:——很抱歉伤害到了你。——不必在意,你不是故意的,是吗?A. Dn't wrry “不要担心”。B. Take it easy“ 放轻松”。C. Dn't say s“ 不要这样说”。D. Frget it “不必在意”。根据Yu didn't mean t, did yu?可知,表示的是不必在意。故选D。5.—I've been prmted t the directr f HR and I'm wndering whether I can ask fr a big pay rise. —________. After all, the ecnmy is struggling these days.A.Yu can make it.B.Gd fr yuC.Yu've gne t farD.It's up t yu全面分析:——我已经升任为人事主管,我在想我是否可以要求一次大幅度的提薪。——你太过分啦。毕竟,最近一段时间经济正困顿交加。A. Yu can make it.“你可以的”。B. Gd fr yu“真棒,真为你高兴”。C. Yu've gne t far“你太过分了”。D. It's up t yu“由你来定,取决于你”。根据此处情景,在(企业)经济困难时期要求一个大幅度加薪,显然是天方夜谭,只能说这是个有些过分的要求,故选C。6.—Lk, sme bys are ding hip pp. —________! The perfrmance is great.A.ClB.Nt at allC.AbslutelyD.Definitely全面分析:——看,有些男孩在玩嘻哈。——很酷!表演很精彩。A. Cl“酷的,出色的”。B. Nt at all“一点也不,根本不”。C. Abslutely“完全第,当然是,绝对是”。D. Definitely“清楚地,肯定地,明确地”。根据The perfrmance is great.可知此处表示男孩玩嘻哈是很酷的。故选A。7.—________, and every man his hur. —But mine seems a very lng time cming.A.a cat has nine livesB.Rats desert a sinking shipC.Every dg has his dayD.Fine feathers make fine birds全面分析:——人人皆有得意时。——但我的好像还要很久才来。A. a cat has nine lives“猫有九条命,寓意吉人自有天相”。B. Rats desert a sinking ship“船沉鼠先逃”,指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。C. Every dg has his day“人人都有得意的日子”。D. Fine feathers make fine birds“人靠衣装”。结合后半句 and every man his hur. 可知此处为习惯表达“Every dg has his day, and every man his hur.”表示“人人皆有得意时”。故选C。8.—Dn't be nervus when yu have a CT picture taken, OK? —________ A.Well, I wn' tB.That's trueC.Yes, I'd lve tD.OK, I will全面分析:——拍CT照片时不要紧张。好吗?——嗯,我不会的。A. Well, I wn' t“好,我不会的”。B. That's true“当然”。C. Yes, I'd lve t“是的,我愿意”。D. OK, I will“好,我会的”。上文中对方说拍CT照时不要紧张,应当回答“好,我不会(紧张)的”,故选A。9.— Hi, d yu knw radside fd stalls are back? — _________?They were banned t keep the cities clean.A.Wh caresB.What ifC.Hw cmeD.Why bther全面分析:——嗨,你知道路边小吃摊又回来了吗?——怎么会呢? 为了保持城市清洁,他们被禁止出摊。A. Wh cares“谁在乎呢?”; B. What if“如果将会怎么样?”。C. Hw cme “怎么会?”。D. Why bther“何苦呢? 何必呢? 为何那么麻烦呢” 。故选C。10.Lisa cmplained it was _______, having t g upstairs t make the cffee every time. A.as clear as dayB.a sht in the darkC.a pain in the neckD.as easy as pie全面分析:Lisa 抱怨说,每次都要上楼去煮咖啡,真是让人心烦。A. as clear as day“晴朗如昼”。B. a sht in the dark“瞎猜”。C. a pain in the neck“烦心事,讨厌鬼”。D. as easy as pie“小事一桩”。根据having t g upstairs t make the cffee every time可知,每次都要上楼去煮咖啡,真是让人心烦。故选C。11.—Dad, I feel like quitting Chinese; it's s hard. —Never give up halfway. ____________, yu knw.A.All that ends well is wellB.A man cannt spin and reel at the same timeC.A man becmes learned by asking questinsD.All things are difficult befre they are easy全面分析:——爸爸,我想放弃中文;它是如此困难。——决不要半途而废。你知道,凡事必先难后易。A. All that ends well is well“善始善终”。B. A man cannt spin and reel at the same time“一心不能二用”。C. A man becmes learned by asking questins“不耻下问才能有学问”。D. All things are difficult befre they are easy“凡事先难后易”。因为难学想放弃,根据Never give up halfway可知,爸爸在开导他,要让他知道凡事"先难后易"。故选D。12.—D yu mean that we have lst ur way? —_____, my dear. We'd better ask smene fr help.A.ExactlyB.EntirelyC.N prblemD.All right全面分析:——你是指我们迷路了?——的确如此。亲爱的,我们最好向别人求助吧!A: Exactly“的确如此”;B: Entirely“完全的”;C: N prblem“没有问题”;D: All right“好的”。故选A。13.— Yu didn't lse the ticket, did yu? — ________. I knw it's nt easy t get anther ne nw.A.I'm afraid ntB.I think sC.I hpe ntD.I hpe s全面分析:—— 你没把票弄丢吧?——我希望不是这样。我知道现在再找一个不容易。答语提到现在再得到一张火车票不容易,由此可知答话人不希望这样。"I hpe nt"表示“我希望不是这样”。故选C。14.— It's been raining fr a whle week. I think it'll get fine sn. — ________. We are getting int the rainy seasn nw.A.Yes, it willB.Of curse ntC.It's pssibleD.It's hard t say全面分析:—雨下了整整一星期,我觉得天气很快就会好了。—难说,现在我们这里进入雨季了。B两项回答一般疑问句,与情景不符;C项是同意前者的观点,与答语中第二句矛盾。故选D。15.—Hney, what's wrng? Yu lk anxius. —Pr me! I didn't read the cntract fully befre I signed it but I'm _______ nw.A.cunting the cstB.hitting the ceilingC.beating my brains utD.beating arund the bush全面分析:——亲爱的,有什么心事吗?你看起来有点不安。——我没有细阅合同就签了名,现在尝到了苦头。cunt the cst“开始吃苦头”;hit the ceiling“暴跳如雷”;beat ne's brains ut“绞尽脑汁”;beat arund the bush“拐弯抹角”。故选A。16.—Lk, I'm terribly srry, but I can explain... —_______. Yu knw what? I've had enugh f yur lame excuses.A.Cut it ut.B.Frget it.C.I beg t differ.D.Dn't mentin it.全面分析:非常抱歉,但是你听我解释……——打住。你知道吗?你那些蹩脚的借口我都听够了。Cut it ut“停,打住,住口”;Frget it“休想,不可能,没关系,不必在意”;I beg t differ“恕我不敢苟同”;Dn't mentin it“不客气,不用谢”。故选A。17.—If yu place a larger rder, we will increase the discunt t 10%. —That wuld be nice!_______.A.It's my treatB.That's all rightC.Yu gt me thereD.Let's call it a deal全面分析:——如果你下的订单更大的话,我们愿意将折扣增加到10%。——那就太好了!我们就这样定了。it's my treat“我请客”;that's all right“没关系”;yu gt me there“你难住我了”;let's call it a deal“我们就这样定了”。故选D。18.At first, Eve was excited t inherit the farm, but it sn prved t be _______ she culdn't affrd, which wuld exhaust her frtune in hand. A.a black sheepB.a dark hrseC.a white elephantD.a cld fish全面分析:起先,Eve很高兴能继承这个农场,但很快这个农场证明是一个她无法承担得起的大而无用的东西,这会耗尽她手头所有的财力。a black sheep“害群之马”;a dark hrse“黑马(出人意料的获胜者)”;a white elephant“大而无用的东西”;a cld fish“一个冷漠的人”。故选C。19.—Alice, remember t return the bk tmrrw. —_______, I've already finished it.A.Take itB.Hit itC.Gt itD.Frget it全面分析:——爱丽丝,记住明天还了这本书。——知道了,书我已经看完了。Take it“拿去”;Hit it“猜中/说对了,猜对”;Gt it“明白了,知道了”;Frget it“休想!(算了!)”。根据题干already finished,得知此题回答的是“知道了”。故选C。20.—I feel terrible. I didn't d well in the math test. —_______. Yu're already making prgress and will surely learn it well.A.Dn't dream away yur timeB.Dn't take things fr grantedC.Dn't put the cart befre the hrseD.Dn't take it t hard全面分析:——我感觉很糟糕。我这次数学考试做得不好。——不要难过,你已经取得进步了,而且肯定会学好的。Dn't dream away yur time“不要虚度光阴”;Dn't take things fr granted“不要想当然”;Dn't put the cart befre the hrse“不要本末倒置”; Dn't take it t hard“不要难过”。故选D。21.—Hw abut Amanda's fresh year in cllege? —Very great! Yu knw, she is and she gt high grades in every subject.A.a black sheepB.an early birdC.a wet blanketD.a green hand全面分析:——Amanda的大一生活怎么样?——非常好!你知道,她是个勤奋的人,每门课都考得很好。A. a black sheep“害群之马”。B. an early bird“早起的人,勤奋的人”。C. a wet blanket“扫兴的人或物”。D. a green hand“新手”。根据“she gt high grades in every subject”可知Amanda很勤奋,所以每门课都考得很好。故选B。22.Having failed in the driving test again, she's feeling a bit ______ and needs cheering up. A.nce in a blue mnB.dwn in the dumpsC.as cl as a cucumberD.n tp f the wrld全面分析:她驾驶证考试又没过,感到非常伤心,急需他人的鼓励。A: nce in a blue mn“千载难逢”;B: dwn in the dumps“心情沮丧 ”;C: as cl as a cucumber“ 镇定自若 ”;D: n tp f the wrld “幸福到极点,欣喜若狂,世界最高点”。故选B。23.—Yu dn't seem t be n gd terms with yur partner, Jack. —______. I'm nt quite myself these days and dn't want t talk, that's all.A.Nt exactlyB.Nt at allC.Never mindD.Nt a little全面分析:—杰克,你看上去与你的搭档关系不怎么好哇?—其实不是。我只是最近几天心情不太好不想说话,仅此而已。A: Nt exactly“不完全是,不完全同意”;B: Nt at all“一点也不,别客气 ”;C: Never mind“不要紧”;D: Nt a little“许多,大量,非常”。故选A。24.—Even if we have had advanced technlgy, we can't bring dinsaurs back t life. —______. They died ut lng ag and their DNA was already destryed.A.That's itB.That's all rightC.It dependsD.It's up t yu全面分析:——即使我们有了先进的技术,我们也无法让恐龙复活。——就是这样!它们很久以前就灭绝了,它们的DNA已经被破坏了。A. That's it.“就是这样”。B. That's all right.“没关系”。C. It depends.“视情况而定”。D. It's up t yu.“由你来定”。根据下文可知,恐龙无法复活了,因此推断同意前文说的,认为就那样了。故选A。

25.—I have just made great prgress in learning t drive. —______!A.Hw luckyB.Yu betC.Cheer upD.Keep it up全面分析:——我在学习驾驶方面取得了很大的进步。——继续保持下去!A. Hw lucky“多么幸运、”。B. Yu bet“当然”。C. Cheer up“高兴起来”。D. Keep it up“保持优秀成绩,继续下去”。上文说“在学习驾驶方面取得了很大的进步”,应回答“继续保持这种进步(Keep it up)”,故选D。26.— ? —I gt tw tickets fr the evening shw, but they're nt in the same rw.A.What can I d fr yuB.May I have yur nameC.What's yur pintD.Any luck at the bking ffice全面分析:——在售票处运气怎么样?——我买了两张今晚演出的票,但它们不在同一排。A. What can I d fr yu“我能为您做些什么?”。B. May I have yur name“你的名字?”。C. What's yur pint“你是什么意思?”。D. Any luck at the bking ffice“在售票处运气怎么样”。根据“I gt tw tickets fr the evening shw, but they're nt in the same rw.”可知,此处用“在售票处运气怎么样”符合语境,故选D。

27.—The mvie we saw last night was ridiculus. —Well, . I wuld prbably see it again.A.I culdn't agree mreB.I can't believe it is trueC.I thught it was pretty gdD.I shuld have left early全面分析:——我们昨晚看的电影太可笑了。——我觉得很不错,我可能会再看一遍。A: I culdn't agree mre“非常同意”;B: I can't believe it is true“我相信不是真的”;C: I thught it was pretty gd“我觉得不错”;D: I shuld have left early“我本应该早点离开”。故选C。28.—I can't remember his name clearly. Is it Brain Jhnsn? —Yes, ____________. A.yu name itB.that's the pintC.that's itD.yu deserve it全面分析:——我记不清他的名字了。是叫Brain Jhnsn吗?——是的,那就是他的名字。A. yu name it“你说了算”。B. that's the pint“那才是重点”。C. that's it“没错,就是这样”。D. yu deserve it“你应得的”。分析句子可知,答语表示的是对另一个说话者的肯定,要用that's it表示“就是这样”。故选C。

29.—D yu allw yur twelve-year-ld sn t travel alne at night? —________. I wn't expse him t a slight pssibility f danger.A.Frget it.B.G aheadC.Abslutely ntD.By all means全面分析:——你允许你12岁的儿子晚上独自外出吗?——当然不允许。我不会让他有一丁点危险的。frget it “算了吧”;g ahead“继续”;abslutely nt “当然不”;by all means“当然”。故选C。30.Mr Smith is ________. He always devtes his spare time t helping thse in need. A.a black sheepB.a gd SamaritanC.a dark hrseD.a green hand全面分析:史密斯先生是个善良的人。他总是把空闲时间用来助人。a black sheep“害群之马”;a gd Samaritan“好人”;a dark hrse“黑马”;a green hand“新手”。故选B。31.—Ken, can I get yu anything t drink? —______.A.Yu are welcmeB.N prblemC.I wuldn't mind a cffeeD.Desn't matter全面分析:——Bill我给你拿点喝的可以吗?——请给我来杯咖啡。A项是表示感谢的回答语,B项是请求对方帮助的回答语,D项是道歉的回答语,都不符合题意。C项表示“cffee please”,与本题情景相符。故选C。32.—I really had a wnderful time at the party last night. —______.A.Oh, that's very nice f yuB.CngratulatinsC.It's a pleasureD.Oh, I'm glad t hear that全面分析:——昨晚的聚会我玩得很开心。——我很高兴听你这么说。A:你真好,是对别人提供帮助时的回答语。B:祝贺。是在别人取得的成功或成绩时的答语。C:不客气。都不适合用在此语境中。D:我很高兴听到你这么说。故选D。33.—I think yu'd better clean yur rm. —_________It's clean enugh.A.What fr?B.S what?C.Yu said it.D.Yu made it.全面分析:——我想你最好打扫一下你的房间。——为啥呀?已经够干净了。A: What fr?“为什么?”B: S what?“那又怎样呢?”;C: Yu said it.“一点不错!可不是!”;D: Yu made it.“你成了!”故选A。34.Sme teenagers have independent tastes, but mst tend t______. A.lse their headsB.spill the beansC.swim with the tideD.mend their ways:全面分析:一些青少年拥有个人独特的爱好,但他们中间大多数倾向随大流。lse their head“失去理智”;spill the beans“泄露秘密”;swim with the tide“随波逐流”;mend ne's ways“改邪归正”。故选C。35.—Srry, I'm having a headache tday and ... —_______; I knw yu just dn't want t accmpany me t the ball. A.Dn't give me thatB.Dn't mentin itC.Dn't take it fr grantedD.Dn't get me wrng全面分析:——对不起,我今天有点头痛...——别跟我胡扯。我知道你只是不想陪我去舞会。A: Dn't give me that“少来这套,别跟我耍花招”;B: Dn't mentin it“别客气,不用谢”;C: Dn't take it fr granted“不要想当然”;D: Dn't get me wrng “不要误解我,别误会我”。故选A。36.After ver tw mnths f lckdwn, taxi drivers in Wuhan say they are _____ even when caught in traffic jams. A.ver the mnB.under a cludC.white as a sheetD.green with envy全面分析:在被关了两个多月之后,武汉的出租车司机说,即使遇到交通堵塞,他们也会欣喜若狂。A: ver the mn“欣喜若狂”;B: under a clud“失宠,不高兴”;C: white as a sheet“苍白如纸”;D: green with envy “十分嫉妒”。故选A。37.—Culd Martha affrd the mney t g n a trip abrad with us? —I'm afraid nt. She is ________ at the mment.A.physically challengedB.between jbsC.nt all thereD.all ears全面分析:——玛莎能负担得起和我们一起出国旅行的费用吗?——恐怕不行,她现在暂时没有工作。A: physically challenged“有生理缺陷的”;B: between jbs“暂时没有工作”;C: nt all there“有点儿愚蠢,缺心眼”;D: all ears “全神贯注地听”。故选B。38.—I think there may be anther way t handle the husing prblem. —________. The flating cities are perhaps an innvative slutin.A.I beg t differB.I think therwiseC.Yu have me thereD.Yu have a pint there全面分析:——我想也许还有别的办法来解决住房问题。——你说的有道理。浮动城市也许是一个创新的解决方案。A: I beg t differ“恕我不敢苟同”;B: I think therwise“我不这么认为”;C: Yu have me there“我被你难住了”;D: Yu have a pint there “你说的有道理”。故选D。39.—I used t make my father angry but nw we're getting alng very well. —S I bet yu were ________ when yung. A.a black sheepB.a real weedC.a man in the streetD.a real little devil全面分析:—— 我过去常惹我父亲生气,但现在我们相处得很好。——所以我打赌你年轻的时候一定是个小恶魔。A: a black sheep“害群之马”;B: a real weed“真正的杂草”;C: a man in the street“普通人, 常人”;D: a real little devil “一个真正的小恶魔”。故选D。40.—I'm srry I made a mistake! — , Nbdy is perfect.A.Take yur timeB.Yu're rightC.Whatever yu sayD.Take it easy全面分析:——对不起我犯了个错误。——没事。人无完人。A. Take yur time.“ 慢慢来,不着急(指时间上)”。B. Yu’re right.“ 你是对的”。C. Whatever yu say. “无论你说什么”。D. Take it easy. “不着急,不紧张,放轻松”。故选D。41.—Yu culdn't have chsen any present better fr me. —______.A.Oh, dn't cmplain abut a gift.B.I'll give yu a better ne next time.C.I'm glad yu like it s muchD.Oh, nthing much.全面分析:—你为我挑选的礼物真是再好不过了。A. Oh, dn't cmplain abut a gift“哦,不要抱怨一个礼物”。B. I'll give yu a better ne next time.“下次我送你更好的”。C. I'm glad yu like it s much“很高兴你这么喜欢”。D. Oh, nthing much“没有什么要紧的”。根据句意可知,nt表示否定和比较级连用时表示最高级,nt…better...,“……再好不过了”,故只有C项符合题意。故选C。42.—I just heard frm Miss Li that I passed the exam.—Oh, ________!A.cheer upB.cngratulatinsC.have funD.exactly 全面分析:——我刚听李老师说我通过了考试。——祝贺你!A: cheer up“振作起来”;B: cngratulatins“祝贺你”;C: have fun“玩得高兴”;D: exactly“精确地,确切地”。故选B。43.— Yu knw hw much I am missing the days befre the utbreak f the crnavirus. — Schl, mvies, gatherings, _______. We'll sn be back n track.A.n kiddingB.cme nC.yu name itD.g fr it全面分析:—你知道我多想念疫情爆发前的日子吗。—是啊。学校、电影、聚会,只要能想到的活动在这期间都不能进行。但好在我们的生活马上要回归正轨了。A: n kidding“你不是开玩笑吧”;B: cme n“得了吧,加油”;C: yu name it“应有尽有,凡你能说得出的也都一一尽数”;D: g fr it“努力争取,加油”。故选C。44.—What's wrng? It seems that yu are lsing cntrl f the situatin. —___________Dn't stick yur nse int my business.A.I have n idea.B.Let me alne! C.Are yu kidding?D.Take yur time!全面分析:—出什么问题了?看上去你似乎无法控制现在的局面了。—让我静静!不要多管闲事,对我的工作指指点点。A: I have n idea.“我不知道”;B: Let me alne! “让我一个人静静” ;C: Are yu kidding?“你认真的吗?”;D: Take yur time!“慢慢来”。故选B。45.—Maggie, I really lve yur handwriting. —________.A.I practice every dayB.Thank yu very muchC.N,I dn't think sD.Well, t's nt gd enugh全面分析:句意:——Maggie,我真地喜欢你的书法。——谢谢您。I practice every day“我每天练习”;Thank yu very much“非常感谢”;N, I dn't think s“不,我认为不是这样”;Well, it's nt gd enugh“哦,还不够好”。英语中当别人夸奖你的才能、东西等时应表示感谢,故选B。46.T ur surprise, Mr. Jhnsn says he is ready t help us _______. A.n a shestringB.in the darkC.at the drp f a hatD.ver the mn全面分析:令我们吃惊的是,约翰逊先生说他随时准备帮助我们。n a shestring“用很少的钱”;in the dark“茫然不知”;at the drp f a hat“一有机会就”;ver the mn“非常高兴,乐翻了天,狂喜”。故选C。47.The past cuple f mnths have been difficult fr me but I knw they have been even mre difficult fr peple just trying t _______. A.make ends meetB.tighten their beltC.call it a dayD.pull their leg全面分析:过去的几个月我过得很艰难,但是我知道,对于那些试图勉强维持生计的人来说更难。make ends meet“量入为出,勉强维持生计”;tighten their belt“勒紧腰带,减少开支”;call it a day“到此为止”;pull their leg“开某人玩笑”。故选A。48.—Have yu decided where t g fr the cming summer hliday? —I hpe s, but ur trip is still very much _______.A.up in the airB.dwn in the dumpsC.ver the mnD.between the lines全面分析:——接下来的暑假要去哪里玩,你们决定好了吗?——希望如此,可我们的旅行一点都没定下来。up in the air“悬而未决”;dwn in the dumps“情绪低落,不高兴”;ver the mn“欣喜若狂”;between the lines“字里行间,言外之意”。故选A。49.—Lk, I'm terribly srry that I brke yur cup. —_______. I have plenty f them. A.It's a dealB.Nt a chanceC.Hang in thereD.N wrries全面分析:“很抱歉把你杯子打碎了”“没关系,我多的是。It's a deal“一言为定”;Nt a chance“不可能”;Hang in there“坚持住”;N wrries“没关系,不用担心”。故选D。50.—It's said that advertisers will spend mre n Internet advertising. —I'm afraid it is _______ fr print advertising. A.a sacred cwB.the heel f AchillesC.a cnfidential surceD.the writing n the wall全面分析:——据说广告商将投资更多的费用在网络广告上。——恐怕对印刷媒体广告这是不祥之兆。a sacred cw“圣牛,不可批评的人或思想、组织、事物”;the heel f Achilles“致命要害,唯一弱点”;a cnfidential surce“线人”;the writing n the wall“不祥之兆”。故选D。


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