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2024-07-02 04:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2022-2023人教版(PEP)五年级英语上学期期末备考-真题汇编卷-阅读理解二学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读选择阅读短文并选出正确答案。(2021·浙江衢州)Hello! I'm David. I'm an English boy. I'm twelve years old. I'm a student in the school. I can play football and sing Chinese songs. We have classes from Monday to Friday. My favourite class is Chinese. We have Chinese classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ms Zhang is our Chinese teacher. She's from China. She's very kind, but sometimes she's strict. I live in a small beautiful village in the UK. There is a big lake near my house. Over the lake, there is a bridge, and the water is clean. You can see many fish in it. Sometimes I can go boating, and sometimes I can go swimming. My family will go to Beijing over the winter holiday next Friday. I live in a beautiful room. See you then.1.David is ______ years old. ( )A.11 B.12 C.202.David's favourite class is ______. ( )A.English B.PE C.Chinese3.David's house is ______. ( )A.over the lake B.near the lake C.near the bridge4.Sometimes David can ______ on the lake. ( )A.go boating B.go fishing C.play a game5.Which one of the following is NOT right ( )A.David has five Chinese classes a week.B.Ms Zhang is very kind but sometimes she is strict.C.David's family will go to China over the winter holiday next Friday.二、阅读判断阅读短文并判断正(T)误(F)。(2020·浙江·淳安县)This is Willow Primary School in the UK. David is a student in the school. He’s very clever and hard-working. He’s funny, too. His favourite class is English. Ms Brown is David’s English teacher. She’s young and pretty. Mr Smith is his PE teacher. He’s tall and strong. He can play football very well. David likes him the most.They have different food for lunch at school. Today is Monday. They have potatoes, beef and sandwiches. They have milk and bananas, too. David’s favourite food is chicken. On Tuesdays, they have chicken, hamburgers and salad. So do you know, what’s David’s favourite day 6.The passage (短文) is about (关于) David’s school life (生活). ( )7.They have milk and hamburgers for lunch on Mondays. ( )8.David’s PE teacher is Ms Smith. ( )9.It is Tuesday tomorrow. ( )10.David’s favourite day is Tuesday. ( )(2021·浙江杭州)How's their diet (饮食) Healthy or not I am Bill. Hamburgers are my favourite food. So I always go to McDonald's and eat hamburgers with my friends. Sometimes I have some French fries. They are yummy. But I never (从不) eat vegetables. I don't like them at all. I am Sally. I love vegetables and fruits very much. They are healthy. So I always eat tomatoes. Sometimes I have some apples. They are my favourite food. But I don't like meat, I never eat it. I am afraid of fat.Food is very important. It makes us strong and healthy. We should keep a healthy diet! We should eat less sweet food. We should eat less chicken, fish and cheese. We should eat more apples, oranges and carrots. We should eat more bread, rice and noodles.11.French fries are delicious for Bill. ( )12.Tomatoes and apples are Sally's favourite food. ( )13.Bill's diet is not healthy, but Sally's is very healthy. ( )14.Sweet food is yummy, we should eat more. ( )15.From the passage, we know we should eat more vegetables and fruits than bread, rice and noodles. ( )(2021·浙江宁波)Hi! I'm Wang Sen. I'm from Willow School. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, English and computer classes. My computer teacher is Mr Black. His class has a lot of fun. He is strong, too. He can play basketball well. I like him very much. We have lunch at school. I don't like tomatoes. But potatoes are my favourite food. I have a good friend. His name is David. He is a clever boy. He can speak English and Chinese. He helps me a lot. We often study and play together.16.Wang Sen has computer classes on Thursdays. ( )17.Mr Black is strong and funny. ( )18.Wang Sen can play basketball very well. ( )19.Wang Sen likes potatoes very much. ( )20.David can speak Chinese. ( )(2021·浙江丽水)Mark goes to school from Monday to Friday. This is his schedule.Mark's scheduleMon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri.Morning English maths English Chinese Chinesemaths science Chinese art scienceChinese computer class science music PELunch chicken, rice beef hamburger salad, bread beef noodles dumplingsAfternoon kung fu class ping-pong class basketball class kung fu class football class21.Mark can play sports every afternoon. ( )22.Mark can have beef hamburgers on Thursdays. ( )23.Mark has four Chinese classes and two science classes in a week. ( )(2021·浙江丽水)Mark loves Lishui very much. This is his email.Mark's emailTo: mary&john@From: [email protected] Dear grandparents, How are you We just moved into Lishui. It's not so big but very beautiful. The sky is blue and the water is clean. There is a big lake in the city. It's Nanning Lake. Beside the lake, there are some beautiful parks. I often do sports there. Zjin Bridge is over the lake. It looks great. The food here is yummy. The teachers and friends are nice, too. Mrs Zhu is my Chinese teacher. She is young and helpful. I learn Chinese kung fu in PE class. It's so cool. I love Lishui. Would you like to come Mark24.There are some parks near the Nanming Lake. ( )25.Mark often reads books in the park. ( )26.Mark likes the food in Lishui. ( )27.Mrs Zhu is cool and helpful. ( )28.Mark learns Chinese kung fu from Mrs Zhu. ( )29.This email is from Mark to his grandparents. ( )(2021·浙江宁波)Dick: Excuse me, can I interview(采访) you Lisa: Of course.Dick: What's your favourite food Lisa: Fish and vegetables.Dick: Can you cook at home Lisa: Yes, I can.Dick: You are so helpful. And what do you often do on the weekend Lisa: I often play ping-pong with my father and play the piano in my study.Dick: Wow! Can you play football Lisa: Sorry, I can't. But I can play basketball.Dick: Who's your PE teacher Lisa: Mr Ma. He's very strong. Sometimes he is very strict, but he is so kind.Dick: Thank you so much.30.Fish and vegetables are Dick's favourite food. ( )31.Lisa is very helpful at home. ( )32.There is a piano in Lisa's home. ( )33.Lisa can play basketball and football. ( )34.Lisa's PE teacher is strong, and he is kind. ( )三、任务型阅读(2020·浙江·淳安县)Chen Jie: I like the village. There is a bridge over the river. There are many colourful flowers near the river. There are some ducks on the river and many fish in the river. My home is near the river.John: Look! This is my village. There are many mountains in my village. There is a bridge over the river. There is a boat on the river. Near the river, there is a big tree.Amy: In my village, there is a forest behind the hills. My home is between two big trees. There is a lake near my home. There are many fish in the lake. I often go boating on the lake.35.阅读短文,将三位人物与其匹配的描述图连线。36.阅读短文,选择正确的选项或回答问题。(1) The passages (短文) are about (关于) ________. ( )A.parks B.villages C.schools(2) Where is Chen Jie’ s home ______________________________________________(3) Are there any mountains in John’s village ______________________________________________(4) Does Amy often go boating on the lake ______________________________________________(5) Do you like living in the village or in the city Why (至少写出两种理由)______________________________________________(2022·浙江嘉兴)My Dream (梦想) RoomTina, Leo, Kate are visiting Tom’s new room.Tina: Tom, your new room is very beautiful.Leo: I think your room is cool. Is this your dream room, Tom Tom: Dream room I want one. If I can have a dream room, I want a voice-control room. When I get up, I say “Open the window”. Then the window opens. When I sleep, I say” Turn off the light.” The light is off.Kate: Wow! Cool! If I can have a dream room, I want a fruit room. The bed is a banana. There are two strawberry end tables near the bed. There is a peach lamp on it. The desk is a big watermelon. The cherry computer is on the desk. My fruit room is fresh and sweet. How about you, Tina Tina: My dream room is a letter room. H is my bed. A is my window. E is myshelf. O is my air conditioner. Y is my trash bin. What’s your dream room like, Leo Leo: My dream room is my own room. There is a big bookshelf in my room.There are many books on it. I can listen to music and read books inmy room.37.根据短文内容,给梦想中的房间找主人,把序号填入图片下面的括号里。A.Tom B.Kate C.Tina D, Leo( )( )( )( )38.判断,与短文内容相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(1) Tom’s new room is his dream room. ( )(2) In the voice-control room, I say “Close the door” and the door closes. ( )(3) Tina’s dream room is fresh and sweet. ( )(4) Leo can listen to music and watch TV in his room. ( )39.写写你的Dream Room.先把开头补好再描述,至少两句话,不能照文本抄。My dream room is _________ room. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________40.(2021·浙江衢州)Chen Jie邀请David参加学校的新年联欢会,阅读邮件,完成联欢会的菜单和节目单,将序号填在横线上。To: david@From: chenjie@Dear David, We'll have a New Year's Party next Friday. I hope you can come. There are lots of delicious food and drinks at the party. You'll eat Chinese special food Jiaozi and Kung Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁). What can we do for the party Amy can sing an English song Do Re Mi. Sarah can dance, John can do some Chinese kung fu for us. I can play the pipa Spring Snow. After that, we'll play some games. At last, we'll sing the song Happy New Year together. The party will begin at 6:00 p.m, next Friday in our classroom. I'm looking forward to your coming. Chen JieA.Sarah B.Chen Jie C.kung fu show D.English song: Do Re Mi E. Kung Pao Chicken Menu(菜单) Food: hamburgers, pizza, noodles, beef, Jiaozi and 1. _______ Drink: Coke, juice and milk Dessert: cupcakes and ice cream(2021·浙江·题库部门申请账号(业务勿扰)五年级期末)Name: Miss Lin Name: Mr SunSubject: English Subject: musicAge:38 Age: 55Character: clever Character: strictAbility: dance Ability: draw cartoonsFavourite food: hamburger, ice cream Favourite food: fish, noodles41.根据表格信息填空。Miss Lin is an English teacher. She is 38 years old. She is _____. She can_____. Mr Sun is _____ teacher. He is 55 years old. He is strict. He can _____ _____.42.根据表格信息选择。(1) ________ is Mr Sun. ( )A. B.(2) Miss Lin likes ________. ( )A. B.(2021·浙江绍兴)Jean writes an email to her mum.Dear Mum, How are you in the UK I'm fine in China. I live at Chen Jie's home. Her parents are very friendly to me. They can cook delicious Chinese food. My favourite food is Beijing duck. I have a nice bedroom. There is a big bed near the wall. Near the bed there is a big teddy bear. And there is a red sofa near the table. I often read books on the sofa. I go to school from Monday to Friday. My favourite day is Monday. I have music. I can learn Peking Opera(京剧) and Chinese songs. And we'll go to a nice nature park on Sunday. We'll do many fun things. I can't wait! Jean43.Read and number.阅读,标号。44.Read and tick or cross.阅读,判断对(T)错(F)。(1) Jean's parents are in China. ( )(2) Jean likes Beijing duck. It's Chinese food. ( )(3) Jean often reads books in the study. ( )(4) Jean can learn Peking Opera in music class. ( )45.Look and write. 看Jean的卧室图,完成描述。注意:①描述位置要像第1句一样具体。②第3句要描述“时钟”。(1) There is a big picture ________ the bed.(2) There is a nice plant ________.(3) ________________________(2021·浙江绍兴)Chen Jie writes an email to her pen pal(笔友), Dora.Dear Dora, How are you in Canada It's sunny today in Beijing. I go to the nature park with Jean. There is a nice lake. We go boating and eat delicious food. We are very happy there. Jean is visiting my school. She is from the UK. She is tall and pretty. She is friendly and talented. She can sing and dance. She can play the piano. Jean lives at my home. She likes Chinese food. She can use chopsticks now. On the weekend, we often play together and help each other. I help her play the pip a and learn Chinese songs. And Jean helps me speak English and learn English songs. How is your weekend Please tell me! Chen Jie46.Read and choose.阅读,选答案。(1) Where is Dora from ( )A.China. B.The UK. C.Canada.(2) —What do they do in the nature park ( )—They ______.A.cook food B.go boating C.go fishing(3) 文章中画线单词“talented”的意思是_______. ( )A.多才多艺的 B.外向的 C.可爱的(4) Which one is right(正确的) ( )A.Jean wants to learn to play the pipa. B.Jean can't use chopsticks now. C.Jean can't sing English songs.47.假设Bill和Ann来你们学校交流,请根据所给信息,模仿邮件的第1段,介绍其中一人。要求:包含所有信息,书写规范整洁。Name 国籍 外貌 个性 能力Bill(Boy) the USA 高个的、强壮的 滑稽的、有礼貌的 踢足球、游泳Ann(Girl) the UK 高个的、瘦的 友好的、聪明的 弹琵琶、唱中文歌___________ is visiting my school. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2021·浙江湖州)Hello, my name is Anna. I'm a girl. I'm twelve years old. My favourite day is Thursday. Because we have English, music and art on Thursdays. I like English very much. Miss Wang is my English teacher. She is hard-working and strict. My favourite food is salad. It's fresh. We'll have an English party next Friday. I can play the pipa and do kung fu for the party.I live in a small village with my grandparents. There are many mountains in the village. My house is near two big trees. I often read books under the trees. Near the house, there is a river. And there is a bridge over it. There are many beautiful flowers near the river. There are some ducks on the river. The water is clean. I can swim in the river.48.Anna lives in a small ______ with her ______.49.Anna's favourite food is ______. It's ______.50.Anna can ______ and ______ for the English party.51.What's Anna's English teacher like ______________________52.Are there any ducks on the river ______________________(2021·浙江杭州)Hello! My name is Tina. I'm 11 years old. I like Fridays. We have art, music and PE that day. I like music very much. Miss Jiang is our music teacher. She is kind and beautiful. I can sing and play the pipa in music class. I have lunch at school. My favourite food is fish, chicken, vegetables and sandwiches. I'm very hard-working and helpful. I often do homework and wash my clothes on the weekend. I like playing sports. So I play football on the weekend, too. What do you often do on the weekend My house is in front of some high mountains. There is a big forest near my house. You can see many birds, tall trees and colourful flowers e and visit my house!53.What's Miss Jiang like ( )A.She's kind. B.She is helpful. C.She is hard-working.54.What's Tina's favourite food ( )A.She has lunch at school.B.Fish, chicken, sandwiches and vegetables.C.Her favourite food is fish, chicken, hamburgers and carrots.55.Are there any birds in the forest ( )A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren't. C.Yes, they are.56.What can Tina do in music class ______________________________57.Is there a forest in front of Tina's house ______________________________(2021·浙江宁波)Hello, everyone. I am Robin the Robot. I have a big head and two big eyes. I am very friendly and funny. I am a clever robot. I can speak English and Chinese. I can sing and dance. I can do some kung fu, too. But I can't play the pipa. I can't swim, either. I don't eat any food, and I don't go to school, either.I have a nice room. Look, this is a picture of my bedroom. There is a nice clock on the wall. Near the clock, there is a photo of me, I am reading books. There is a computer and some books on my desk. I often send emails to my friends. On the weekend, I make Wu Binbin finish his homework. I am strict. But I am very helpful, I can cook for him.Do you want to be my friend Please send me an email at [email protected].阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(1) Robin is a ________. ( )A.boy B.girl C.robot(2) Robin can't ________ or ________. ( )A.swim; play the pipa B.speak Chinese; swim C.do any kung fu; play the pipa(3) What's Robin's room like ( )A.It's big. B.It's nice. C.It's small.59.Simon the Robot wants to be Robin's friend. 结合短文完成以下对话。中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台参考答案:1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A【分析】该短文主要讲述了大卫的学校生活和家附近的环境。1. 句意:大卫____岁了。根据句子 I'm twelve years old. 我十二岁了。可知B选项与短文相符,故选B。2.句意:大卫最喜欢的课是_____。A英语,B体育,C中文,根据句子My favourite class is Chinese.我最喜欢的课是语中文。可知C选项与题干相符,故选C。3.句意:大卫的房子在_____。A湖那边,B湖边,C在桥附近,根据句子There is a big lake near my house.我家附近有一个大湖。可知B选项与短文相符,故选B。4.句意:有时候大卫可以在湖上______。A去划船,B去钓鱼,C玩游戏,根据句子 Sometimes I can go boating, and sometimes I can go swimming.有时我可以划船,有时我可以游泳。可知A选项与题干相符,故选A。5.句意:下列哪一项是不对的?A大卫每周上五节中文课。B张女士很善良,但有时她很严格。C大卫的家人下周五将去中国过寒假。根据句子We have Chinese classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.我们在周二和周四上中文课。故A选项与短文不符,故选A。【点睛】6.T 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.T【分析】本文介绍了大卫的老师及学校的食物。6.句意:这篇短文是关于大卫的学校生活的。根据全文可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。7.句意:他们星期一午餐喝牛奶,吃汉堡包。根据Today is Monday. They have potatoes, beef and sandwiches. They have milk and bananas, too.,可知他们星期一吃土豆,牛肉,三明治,香蕉,喝牛奶,故答案为F。8.句意:大卫的体育老师是史密斯小姐。根据Mr Smith is his PE teacher.,可知大卫的体育老师是史密斯先生,故答案为F。9.句意:明天是星期二。根据Today is Monday.,可知今天是星期一,明天是星期二,故答案为T。10.句意:大卫最喜欢的一天是星期二。根据David’s favourite food is chicken. On Tuesdays, they have chicken, hamburgers and salad.,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。【点睛】11.T 12.T 13.F 14.F 15.F【分析】本文介绍了比尔和莎莉的饮食。11.句意:炸薯条对比尔来说很美味。根据短文中的 Sometimes I have some French fries. They are yummy. 可知炸薯条对比尔来说很美味,该句与短文相符,故答案为T。12.句意:西红柿和苹果是莎莉最喜欢的食物。根据短文中的So I always eat tomatoes. Sometimes I have some apples. They are my favourite food.可知西红柿和苹果是莎莉最喜欢的食物,该句与短文相符,故答案为T。13.句意:比尔的饮食不健康,但是莎莉的非常健康。根据短文中的I am Bill. Hamburgers are my favourite food. But I never (从不) eat vegetables. I am Sally. I love vegetables and fruits very much.But I don't like meat, I never eat it. 可知健康的饮食是多吃蔬菜水果,少吃肉,不是不吃,该句与短文不相符,故答案为F。14.句意:甜食很好吃,我们应该多吃。根据短文中的We should eat less sweet food.可知我们应该少吃甜食,该句与短文不相符,故答案为F。15.句意:从这篇文章中,我们知道我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果而不是面包,米饭和面条。根据短文中的We should eat more apples, oranges and carrots.We should eat more bread, rice and noodles.可知我们也吃更多的面包,米饭和面条,该句与短文不相符,故答案为F。【点睛】16.F 17.T 18.F 19.T 20.T【分析】短文主要介绍了王森、布莱克先生和大卫的个人情况。16.句意:王森星期四上计算机课。根据句子Today is Tuesday. We have maths, English and computer classes.今天是星期二。我们有数学、英语和计算机课。可知题干与短文不符,故答案为F。17.句意:布莱克先生强壮而有趣。根据句子His class has a lot of fun. He is strong, too.他的课很有趣。他也很强壮。可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。18.句意:王森篮球打得很好。根据句子He can play basketball well.他篮球打得很好。可知是指布莱克先生篮球打得好,故题干与短文不符,故答案为F。19.句意:王森非常喜欢土豆。根据句子But potatoes are my favourite food.但是土豆是我最喜欢的食物。可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。20.句意:大卫会说中文。根据句子 He can speak English and Chinese.他会说英语和汉语。可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。【点睛】21.T 22.F 23.F【分析】本文讲的是马克的时间表。21.句意:马克每天下午都做运动。根据表格可知马克每天下午都做运动,故答案为T。22.句意:马克可以在周四吃牛肉汉堡。根据表格可知马克可以在周二吃牛肉汉堡,故答案为F。23.句意:马克一周有四节语文课和两节科学课。根据表格可知马克一周有四节语文课和三节科学课,故答案为F。【点睛】24.T 25.F 26.T 27.F 28.F 29.T【分析】本文介绍了丽水。24.句意:南明湖附近有一些公园。根据It's Nanning Lake. Beside the lake, there are some beautiful parks.,可知南明湖附近有一些公园,故答案为T。25.句意:马克经常在公园里读书。根据Beside the lake, there are some beautiful parks. I often do sports there.,可知马克经常在公园里做运动,故答案为F。26.句意:马克喜欢丽水的食物。根据The food here is yummy.,可知马克喜欢丽水的食物,故答案为T。27.句意:朱夫人很酷,很有帮助。根据Mrs Zhu is my Chinese teacher. She is young and helpful.,可知朱夫人很年轻,很有帮助,故答案为F。28.句意:马克向朱夫人学习中国功夫。根据Mrs Zhu is my Chinese teacher. She is young and helpful. I learn Chinese kung fu in PE class.,可知马克在体育课上学习中国功夫,故答案为F。29.句意:这封邮件是马克写给他祖父母的。根据开头和结尾,可知这封邮件是马克写给他祖父母的,故答案为T。【点睛】30.F 31.T 32.T 33.F 34.T【分析】本文是迪克采访丽萨,问丽萨喜欢的食物、会做的事情及学校的老师。30.句意:鱼和蔬菜是迪克最喜欢的食物。根据Lisa: Fish and vegetables.,可知鱼和蔬菜是丽萨最喜欢的食物,故答案为F。31.句意:丽萨在家很有帮助。根据Dick: Can you cook at home Lisa: Yes, I can. Dick: You are so helpful.,可知丽萨在家很有帮助,故答案为T。32.句意:丽萨家有一架钢琴。根据I often play ping-pong with my father and play the piano in my study.,可知丽萨家有一架钢琴,故答案为T。33.句意:丽萨会打篮球,会踢足球。根据Dick: Wow! Can you play football Lisa: Sorry, I can't. But I can play basketball.,可知丽萨会打篮球,不会踢足球,故答案为F。34.句意:丽萨的体育老师很强壮,很善良。根据He's very strong. Sometimes he is very strict, but he is so kind.,可知丽萨的体育老师很强壮,很善良,故答案为T。【点睛】35. 36. B Her home is near the river. Yes, there are. Yes, she does. 如:I like living in the village. Because the air is fresh in the village and I can go boating in the river.【分析】本文主要介绍了村庄。35.陈洁:我喜欢这个村庄。河上有一座桥。河边有许多五颜六色的花。河上有一些鸭子,河里有许多鱼。我家在河边。约翰:看!这是我的村庄。我的村子里有许多山。河上有一座桥。河上有一艘船。河边有一棵大树。艾米:在我的村子里,山后有一片森林。我家在两棵大树之间。我家附近有一个湖。湖里有许多鱼。我经常在湖上划船。根据汉语意思,可得答案,故答案为。36.(1)句意:这篇短文是关于______的。A公园,B村庄,C学校,根据全文可知这篇短文是关于村庄的,故选B。(2)句意:陈洁家在哪?根据My home is near the river.,可知陈洁家在河旁边,故答案为Her home is near the river.(3)句意:约翰的村庄有山吗?根据There are many mountains in my village.,可知约翰的村庄有山,答语为肯定回答,故答案为Yes, there are.(4)句意:艾米经常在湖上划船吗?根据I often go boating on the lake.,可知艾米经常在湖上划船,答语为肯定回答,does引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答是Yes, 主语+does. 故答案为Yes, she does.(5)句意:你喜欢住在乡村还是城市?为什么?本题答案不唯一,合理即可。可回答:我喜欢住在村庄。因为村子里的空气很新鲜,我可以在河里划船。故答案为I like living in the village. Because the air is fresh in the village and I can go boating in the river.【点睛】37. D C A B 38. F T F F 39.My dream room is a sugar room.I want a sugar room. There are lots of sugars in my room. They are colourful.【分析】37.根据文章内容可知汤姆想要个声控房间,凯特想要个水果房间,缇娜想要个字母房间,利欧想要个有大书架的房间,故答案为D;C;A;B。38.(1)句意:汤姆的新房间是他的梦中房间。根据文章I want one. If I can have a dream room, I want a voice-control room. 得知汤姆的房间不是他的梦中房间,他想要个声控房间,句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为F。(2)句意:在声控房间里,我说“关门”,门就会关上。根据文章When I get up, I say “Open the window”. Then the window opens. When I sleep, I say” Turn off the light.” The light is off.得知,我发什么口令,然后按照口令,就会去做。句意与原文意思相符合,故答案为T。(3)句意:缇娜的梦中房间是新鲜和甜美的。根据文章Tina: My dream room is a letter room. H is my bed. A is my window. E is myself. O is my air conditioner. Y is my trash bin. 得知缇娜的房间是字母房间。句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为F。(4)句意:利欧在他的房间里可以听音乐和看电视。根据文章 I can listen to music and read books in my room.得知利欧可以在他的房间里听音乐和看电视。故答案为T。39.1. 题目解读:这是个发挥想象的作文,叫写自己梦想的房间。用一般现在时。2. 参考单词及句型:参考单词:sugar糖果,colourful颜色艳丽的参考句型:I want...; There be...;They are....【点睛】40.EBDAC【分析】本文介绍了Chen Jie邀请David参加学校的新年联欢会,邮件中陈杰介绍了新年联欢会的活动。【详解】1.根据短文中的You'll eat Chinese special food Jiaozi and Kung Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁).可知菜单食物里有宫保鸡丁,E选项宫保鸡丁,符合题意,故选E。2.根据短文中的I can play the pipa Spring Snow. 可知琵琶的表演者是陈杰,B选项陈杰,符合题意,故选B。3.根据短文中的Amy can sing an English song Do Re Mi. 可知艾米唱英文歌曲Do Re Mi,D选项英文歌曲:Do Re Mi,符合题意,故选D。4.根据短文中的Sarah can dance, John can do some Chinese kung fu for us. 可知萨拉会跳舞,A选项萨拉,符合题意,故选A。5.根据短文中的Sarah can dance, John can do some Chinese kung fu for us. 可知约翰会练中国功夫,C选项功夫秀,符合题意,故选C。故答案为E;B;D;A;C。【点睛】41. clever dance music draw cartoons 42. B A【分析】该表格信息主要是林小姐和孙先生的个人情况。41.(1)句意:她是_____。根据表格信息可知她很聪明clever,故答案为clever。(2)句意:她会_____。根据表格信息可知她会跳舞dance,故答案为dance。(3)句意:孙先生是____老师。根据表格信息可知是音乐老师,音乐music,故答案为music。(4)句意:他会______。根据表格信息可知他会画漫画,画draw,故答案为draw。(5)句意:他会______。根据表格信息可知他会画漫画,漫画cartoons,故答案为cartoons。42.(1)句意:____是孙先生。A图示是一位健身的人,B图示是一位教师,根据表格信息可知孙先生是一位老师,故选B。(2)句意:林小姐喜欢_____。A图示汉堡和冰淇淋,B面条和鱼,根据表格信息可知林小姐最喜欢的食物是汉堡和冰淇淋,故选A。【点睛】43. 44. F T F T 45. beside on the table There is a clock on the wall.【分析】本文讲了珍在中国的生活。43.文章先提到了陈洁的父母,又提到了珍喜欢的食物,接着描述了珍住的卧室,然后提到了珍最喜欢的一天,最后说星期天要去自然公园。Room房间,Food食物,Sunday星期天,Favourite day最喜欢的一天,Chen's parents陈的父母,故答案为。44.(1)句意:珍的父母在中国。根据How are you in the UK ,可知珍的父母在英国,故答案为F。(2)句意:珍喜欢北京烤鸭。它是中国食物。根据They can cook delicious Chinese food. My favourite food is Beijing duck.,可知珍喜欢北京烤鸭,它是中国食物,故答案为T。(3)句意:珍经常在书房里看书。根据I often read books on the sofa.,可知珍经常在卧室里看书,故答案为F。(4)句意:珍可以在音乐课上学习京剧。根据I have music. I can learn Peking Opera(京剧) and Chinese songs.,可知珍可以在音乐课上学习京剧,故答案为T。45.(1)句意:床_____有一副大的图画。根据图片可知床旁边有一副大的图画,beside在……旁边,故答案为beside。(2)句意:______有一棵漂亮的植物。根据图片可知桌子上有一棵漂亮的植物,桌子上on the table,故答案为on the table。(3)该句要描述时钟,根据图片可知句意可为:墙上有一个时钟。故答案为There is a clock on the wall.【点睛】46. C B A A 47.范文:Bill is visiting my school. He is from the USA. He is tall and strong. He is funny and strong. He can play football. He can swim.【分析】本文讲了陈洁和珍去自然公园及陈洁和珍会做的事情。46.(1)句意:多拉来自哪里?A中国。B英国。C加拿大。根据How are you in Canada ,可知多拉来自加拿大,故选C。(2)句意:—她们在自然公园里做什么?—她们______。A做饭,B划船,C钓鱼,根据We go boating and eat delicious food.,可知她们在自然公园里划船,故选B。(3)句意:画线单词talented的意思是______。根据文章语境,可知talented意思是多才多艺的 ,故选A。(4)句意:哪一项是正确的?A珍想学弹琵琶。B珍现在不会用筷子。C珍不会唱英文歌。根据I help her play the pip a and learn Chinese songs.,可知珍想学弹琵琶,故选A。47.1. 题干解读:该题目要求模仿邮件的第1段,介绍其中一人。然后再阐述国籍、外貌、个性、能力。注意文章为一般现在时态。2. 参考词汇与句型:参考单词:the USA美国,strong强壮的,funny有趣的,play football踢足球,swim游泳参考句型:He is …; He can …;【点睛】48. village grandparents 49. salad fresh 50. play the pipa do kung fu 51.She is hard-working and strict. 52.Yes, there are.【分析】本文介绍了安娜的个人信息,安娜的学校生活及安娜家。48.句意:安娜和她的______住在一个小______。根据I live in a small village with my grandparents.,可知安娜和她的祖父母住在一个小村庄,故答案为village,grandparents。49.句意:安娜最喜欢的食物是______。它很______。根据My favourite food is salad. It's fresh.,可知安娜最喜欢的食物是沙拉,它很新鲜,故答案为salad,fresh。50.句意:安娜能为英语派对______和______。根据I can play the pipa and do kung fu for the party.,可知安娜能为英语派对弹琵琶和练功夫,故答案为play the pipa,do kung fu。51.句意:安娜的英语老师什么样?根据Miss Wang is my English teacher. She is hard-working and strict.,可知安娜的英语老师勤奋,严厉,故答案为She is hard-working and strict.52.句意:河上有鸭子吗?根据There are some ducks on the river.,可知河上有鸭子,答语为肯定回答,故答案为Yes, there are.【点睛】53.A 54.B 55.A 56.She can sing and play the pipa. 57.No, there isn’t.【分析】本文介绍了蒂娜的学校生活,周末生活及蒂娜家。53.句意:江小姐什么样?A她很友善。B她很有帮助。C她很勤奋。根据Miss Jiang is our music teacher. She is kind and beautiful.,可知江小姐很友善,故选A。54.句意:蒂娜最喜欢的食物是什么?A她在学校吃午饭。B鱼,鸡肉,三明治和蔬菜。C她最喜欢的食物是鱼,鸡肉,汉堡和胡萝卜。根据My favourite food is fish, chicken, vegetables and sandwiches.,可知蒂娜最喜欢的食物是鱼,鸡肉,蔬菜和三明治,故选B。55.句意:森林里有鸟吗?根据You can see many birds, tall trees and colourful flowers there.,可知森林里有鸟,答语为肯定回答,故选A。56.句意:蒂娜在音乐课可以做什么?根据I can sing and play the pipa in music class.,可知蒂娜可以在音乐课唱歌和弹琵琶,故答案为She can sing and play the pipa.57.句意:蒂娜的房子前面有森林吗?根据There is a big forest near my house.,可知蒂娜的房子前面没有森林,答语为否定回答,there is的一般疑问句,否定回答是No, there isn’t.,故答案为No, there isn’t.【点睛】58. C A B 59.What can you do Yes, I can.Yes, there are.【分析】本文介绍了机器人罗宾及罗宾的房间。58.(1)句意:罗宾是一个______。A男孩,B女孩,C机器人,根据I am Robin the Robot.,可知罗宾是一个机器人,故选C。(2)句意:罗宾不会______或_______。A游泳;弹琵琶,B说中文;游泳,C练功夫;弹琵琶,根据But I can't play the pipa. I can't swim, either.,可知罗宾不会游泳和弹琵琶,故选A。(3)句意:罗宾的房间怎么样?A很大。B很漂亮。C很小。根据I have a nice room.,可知罗宾的房间很漂亮,故选B。59.下句说:我会唱歌。可知这句问会做什么,What can you do 你会做什么;上句问你会唱歌吗,答语可做肯定回答,can引导的一般疑问句,主语是you你,肯定回答是Yes, I can.;上句是there are的一般疑问句,可做肯定回答Yes, there are.【点睛








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