java调用ansys接口,ansys 您所在的位置:网站首页 python和ansys联合仿真 java调用ansys接口,ansys


2023-07-31 02:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

作者:Alex Kaszynski

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This python module provides minimum support for connecting to an ANSYS APDL server using Python. While it is designed to be used as a support module to support pyansys, it can be used individually to send text commands to an APDL instance, but with none of the syntax checking or error handling pyansys uses. In short, if you find yourself here, install pyansys _ unless you really want a quick and dirty solution to driving ANSYS APDL from Python.

This module relies on documentation provided by ANSYS APDL and uses compiled libraries using both source file from omniORB . See the shell files on the GitHub repository for Linux build instructions. Building for Windows was a nightmare.


Pre-compiled binary files are available for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6 for Linux and Windows. Open an issue _ if you need another version. Python 3.7 is unavailable as the source isn't compiling. Wait until 4.2.3 or greater is released. Contact the maintainer at omniORB_.

Installation is simply:

.. code::

pip install ansys_corba


Once again, you really should be using pyansys. It handles figuring out where the mapdl_broadcasts.txt file is and when to open a connection with the server. If you'd rather live on the wild side, here's how you'd open ANSYS, connect to a CORBA server, and send over a few commands:

.. code:: python

import sys

import time

import os

from ansys_corba import CORBA

import subprocess

# edit this to match your ansys exe

ansys_loc = 'C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v170\\ansys\\bin\winx64\\ANSYS170.exe'

# ansys apdl logging here:

logfile = 'mapdl_broadcasts.txt'

if os.path.isfile(logfile):


# make temporary input file to stop ansys from prompting the user

with open('tmp.inp', 'w') as f:


# start ANSYS

command = '"%s" -aas -i tmp.inp -o out.txt -b' % ansys_loc

subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# monitor log file and wait for connection

print('Starting ANSYS...')

while True:


if os.path.isfile(logfile):

with open(logfile, 'r') as f:

text =

if 'visited:collaborativecosolverunitior' in text:

print('ANSYS started')



except KeyboardInterrupt:


with open('./aaS_MapdlId.txt') as f:

key =

# create server

orb = CORBA.ORB_init()

mapdl = orb.string_to_object(key)

# run simple commands to demonstrate this works


out = mapdl.executeCommandToString('cylind, 2, , , 2, 0, 90')

print(out.replace('\\n', '\n'))


mapdl.terminate() # could use exit, but it returns an error

There's several things that could break here, for example, your path to ANSYS, or finding the mapdl_broadcasts.txt file. If this python script isn't running in the same directory as ANSYS, it will hang until you kill the process or exit it with a keyboard interrupt.

Further Documentation

Once you've opened a connection to ANSYS, there's really only three commands that you need to use. This documentation was shamelessly taken from sharcnet _.


Issues a command to the connected Mechanical APDL session. Output from the command is not returned.


Issues a command to the connected Mechanical APDL session and returns the output as a string.


Terminates the connected Mechanical APDL as a Server session.

See the sharcnet_ documentation for more details


Installing from source is not possible using PyPi as the shared libraries need to be compiled outside of Python. I've included and which can be used to build the source code for Linux. Building for Windows is more complicated and requires following the readme within the omniorb source along with some trial and error.

License and Acknowledgments

This code is licensed under the MIT license.

This module, ansys_corba makes no commercial claim over ANSYS whatsoever. This tool extends the functionality of ANSYS by adding a python interface in both file interface as well as interactive scripting without changing the core behavior or license of the original software. The use of the interactive APDL control of ansys_corba requires a legally licensed local copy of ANSYS.

Also, this module wouldn't be possible without omniORB_ as most of the source code is directly take from omniORBpy with only minor modifications to the file structure and the addition of documentation specific to ANSYS.

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