作者校稿语言支持 您所在的位置:网站首页 pubmed怎么看作者单位 作者校稿语言支持


2024-07-02 09:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 制作过程



2. 作者校稿

制作部门会将完成首次排版的稿件发送给作者进行校对,并提供必要的更正或调整意见。作者需要回复校对文件中所有的问题,并在 3 日内将校对后的稿件上传至Production Forum (邮件中会标注Production Forum链接)。

2.1. 校样下载

当稿件完成首次排版时,我们将向您发送一份校稿通知邮件,并附上 Production Forum 链接。请务必通过登录 Loop 账户访问 Production Forum,点击名为“View Files”的条目打开文件列表,便可以找到完成首次排版的校样。点击旁边的 PDF 图标即可下载。

(或者可以从 Production Forum 的右上角点击下载)

2.2. 校对操作说明 2.2a. 编辑校样

您可使用Adobe Reader注释和注解工具(便笺、删除线等)对校样进行更正,如下例所示。请勿对PDF进行直接编辑,以免我们无法识别您所做的更改,从而导致出错。

您也可以将更改意见在 Production Forum 的 “Proof Discussion” 中作为评论列出,或汇总于一个文档并上传至 Production Forum。请注意:所有更改意见请注明行号或位置。即使没有更改意见,也请您将列于校样开始部分名为 “Author Queries” 的问题全部回答。

2.2b. 无法在校样中插入评论或备注

如果您无法直接在校样文件中插入您的回复和更改建议,请先在 Production Forum 中 approve 校样文件 ,然后在 “Proof Discussion” 中直接回复问题或者标注您的更改意见。

2.3. 校样提交

将您的更正文件上传至 Production Forum:点击左侧导航栏上的 “Upload Files” 按钮进入“文件上传”页面,然后填写以下截图所示的文件信息。

点击 “Upload” 按钮上传文件。完成后,点击 “Submit” 并选择 “Approve” 核准校样或 “Request” 请求新校样。

请注意,选择 “Approve author’s proof”,即表明您同意 Frontiers 在完成所有更正后出版您的文章。如果请求二次审核校样,制作过程将大大延长。只有当您对公式、图片或表进行重大更改后,我们才建议您选择二次校样。

2.4. 额外文件/补充材料的提交

如果希望提交其他材料,例如更新后的图片或补充材料,您也可以通过在 “File Upload” 页面中选择内容类型 “Supplementary Material” 来完成。请注意,我们不为补充材料提供排版,提供时的状态即为出版状态,因此您提交上来的补充材料应没有行号、跟踪修订等痕迹。

2.5. 隶属关系格式指南


2.5a. 隶属关系和作者排序

作者顺序:根据我们的格式准则,隶属关系的顺序将始终由作者的顺序决定。换言之,隶属关系必须根据每位作者在作者名单中的位置按顺序列出。因此,如果更改隶属关系顺序会改变作者的顺序,则更改隶属关系的请求将不会得到满足,除非作者提供了 “Authorship Change Form”(作者身份变更表)(见下文)


作者 A1,2,作者 B3,作者C1,3,4,作者D5,6,作者E1,5 1机构1,2机构2,3机构3, 4机构4,5机构5,6机构6

请注意,这些机构是根据每位作者的位置而列出。机构1可以链接到第三作者(C),是因为它已经链接到了第一作者(A)。第二作者(B)可以链接到机构3,因为机构1和2已经因作者A而显示。 没有“Authorship Change Form”(坐着身份变更表)便无法请求更改隶属关系的顺序,例如要将机构4列在机构3之前,便需要作者B与作者C互换位置。

2.6. 作者身份

2.6a. 定义 对文章工作做出如下贡献的人员,才满足作者的要求:

对稿件内容构思或设计的实质性贡献;或数据的采集、分析或解释 起草稿件或对稿件的重要知识内容进行批判性修改 待发布版本的最终核准 同意对稿件的所有方面负责,确保与稿件任何部分的准确性或完整性相关的问题得到适当调查和解决

First Author(第一作者):第一作者的位置通常是作者名单中最突出的位置,用于对文章贡献最大的作者。 Last Author(最后作者):最后作者通常是导师或首席研究员。 Corresponding Author(通讯作者):通讯作者是与文章相关的任何查询问题的主要联系人。 Authorship contributions(作者贡献声明):除指定第一作者、最后作者和通讯作者外,适用时还可以包含以下内容:

Equal(相同) 作者们对此作品所作贡献相同 First(第一) 作者们共享第一作者身份 Senior(资深) 作者们共享资深作者身份 Last(最后) 作者们共享最后作者身份 Equal & First(相同与第一) 作者们对此作品所作贡献相同并共享第一作者身份 Equal & Senior(相同与资深) 作者们对此作品所作贡献相同并共享资深作者身份 Equal & Last(相同与最后) 作者们对此作品所作贡献相同并共享最后作者身份 2.6b. Authorship Change Form(作者身份变更表)



上传表格时,请将填写完整的表格作为 “Related Article” 上传到  Production Forum。

2.6c 对通讯作者的更改

如果您想更改通讯作者,无论是所列姓名还是出现的顺序,需请所有现有通讯作者和新作者发送电子邮件给制作办公室予以确认。不需要提供 Authorship Change Form(作者身份变更表)。

2.7. 图形和表格 2.7a. 图形





图表的图例字体必须与正文相同(12 pt普通Times New Roman,单行距)。

2.7b. 表格





每个图形的分辨率必须至少为300 DPI。 单个图形的长度不应超过一页,宽度应对应于1列(85 mm)或2列(180 mm)。 图形应采用以下任何格式提供:TIF/TIFF(.tif/.tiff)、JPEG(.jpg)和EPS(.eps;仅在录用时)。 2.8. 校稿问题的翻译对照表 2.8a


名称 问题原文 译文 示例 QA1 Your article has been copyedited to ensure that we publish the highest quality of work possible. Check it carefully to ensure that it is correct and that no meaning was lost in the process. 为尽可能确保作品的出版质量,我们对您的文章进行了编辑。请仔细核对,以保证其正确无误且处理过程中未出现意义缺失的情况。 您的文章已经过编辑,语法和拼写错误均得到了纠正;请核对其是否正确。 QA2 The citation and surnames of all of the authors have been highlighted. Check that they are correct and consistent with your previous publications, and correct them if needed. Please note that this may affect the indexing of your article in repositories such as PubMed. If adding/removing authors, or changing the order of this list, please provide us with a signed Authorship Change form, which should be uploaded as a “Related Article” file type with your Author’s Proof Corrections. 所有作者的引用和姓氏均突出显示。请核对其是否正确,与您以前的出版物是否一致,必要时请予以更正。请注意,这些信息可能会影响 PubMed 等存储库中对文章的索引。如果添加/删除作者,或更改此列表的顺序,请向我们提供签名的作者身份更改表(Authorship Change form),该表应作为“Related Article”文件类型上传,并附上您的作者证明更正。 请核对文章中所有位置上的作者姓名以及首字母缩写是否正确。有关文章索引的详细信息,请参阅第3.2节 QA3 We noticed a discrepancy between the author list in the submission system and the accepted manuscript (for authors xxx, yyy, zzz). If adding/removing authors, or changing the order of this list, please provide us with a signed Authorship Change form. You must complete and sign this form, then upload the file as a “Related Article” file type with your Author’s Proof Corrections. 我们注意到提交系统中的作者名单与录用稿件之间存在差异(针对作者xxx、yyy、zzz)。添加或删除作者需要提供 “Authorship Change Form”(作者身份变更表),该表可通过此链接获取。您必须填写此表格并在其上签字,然后以 “Related Article” 文件类型上传,同时附上“您校对完成的稿件”。 所添加的作者必须对文章的写作有直接贡献,添加作者或更改作者名单中的顺序时需要提交一份表格。 QA4 Confirm whether the article title is correct. 确认文章标题是否正确。 文章标题是否正确? QA5 Check that the amendments made to the title are satisfactory. 核对标题的修改是否令人满意。 标题已经过编辑;是否正确? QA6 If the following authors would like their LOOP profile to be linked to the final published version, ensure that they register with Frontiers at the provided link, and provide us with the URLs to their profile(s). If just an email address is provided, the profile link will not be added to the article. Non-registered authors and authors with profiles set to “Private” will have the default profile image displayed. Note that we will not be able to add profile links after publication. 如果以下作者希望将他们的 LOOP 配置文件链接到最终发布的版本,请确保他们在提供的链接上注册 Frontiers,并向我们提供他们配置文件的 URL。如果仅提供电子邮件地址,则不会将个人资料链接添加到文章中。未注册的作者和个人资料设置为“私人”的作者将显示默认的个人资料图像。请注意,我们将无法在发布后添加个人资料链接。 对于未完成此操作的作者,如果希望将网页上的姓名链接到其Frontiers简介,请创建一个Loop账户。 QA7 Confirm that all author affiliations are correctly listed. Per our style guidelines, affiliations are listed sequentially and follow author order. Requests for non-sequential affiliation listing will not be fulfilled. Note that affiliations should reflect those at the time during which the work was undertaken. 确认所有作者的隶属关系已正确列出。根据我们的格式指南,隶属关系将按顺序列出,并与作者顺序相符。不按顺序列出隶属关系列表的请求将不会得到满足。请注意,隶属关系应反映工作开展过程中的情况。 隶属机构应按最小单位到最大单位的顺序列出(“实验室/科室/部门/学校/机构/城市/国家”),机构要求以特定顺序列出时除外。我们按照作者名单中的出现顺序列出了隶属关系。对隶属关系重新排序可能需要对作者名单重新排序,需要提供一份“作者身份变更表”。 QA8 Provide the department details for Affiliation [1, 2, 3,]. 提供隶属关系[1、2、3]的部门详细信息。 隶属关系1、2、3未包含部门名称;如果可以,请提供此信息。 QA9 Confirm if the edit made to the affiliation section is correct. 确认对隶属关系部分所做的编辑正确无误。 我们对隶属关系进行了编辑;请确认这些更改是否正确无误。 QA10 Provide the affiliation for author XXX in the author list.

Provide the details for affiliation “X” in the author list.



一位作者的隶属关系缺失;请提供。 QA11 Clarify which author should be linked to affiliation “X.” 澄清哪位作者应与隶属关系“X”进行关联。 有一个隶属关系未分配给任何作者;该隶属关系应该与谁进行关联?请澄清。 QA12 Let us know if [insert consortium name] should:

(1) be credited with authorship or (2) not be credited with authorship.

The consortium will appear in the author list in both cases.

If (1) is chosen, and all consortium members meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship and are credited with authorship under a single name, the consortium name will appear in the author list as “and (…),” in the citation, and in the copyright. The group authors will be listed at the end of the article if this information has been provided.

If (2) is chosen, the consortium will not be credited with authorship and will only appear in the author list as “for/on behalf of (…),” indicating that the listed authors wrote the article on behalf of the consortium.


(1)应被视为作者或者 (2)不应被视为作者。




QA13 Confirm that the email address in your correspondence section is accurate. Any changes to corresponding authors requires individual confirmation from all original and added/removed corresponding authors. 确认您通讯部分的电子邮件地址准确无误。对通讯作者的任何更改均需要所有原作者和添加/删除的通讯作者进行单独确认。 请核对通讯部分的电子邮件是否准确。 QA14 Confirm that the keywords are correct, and keep them to a maximum of eight and a minimum of five. (Note: a keyword can be made up of one or more words.) 确认关键词正确无误,数量保持在最多八个,最少五个。(注意:一个关键词可以由一个或多个单词组成。) 每篇文章的摘要下面有五到八个关键词,每个关键词可以由多个单词组成。请确认其正确无误。 QA15 Reduce the number of keywords to a maximum of eight and a minimum of five.(Note: a keyword can be made up of one or more words.) 将关键词的数量减少到最多八个,最少五个。(注意:一个关键词可以由一个或多个单词组成。) 您的文章关键词过多,请予减量。应该在五到八个之间。

示例:peripheral photon dose, second cancer, radiation risk, peripheral dose, out-of-field dose, analytical model

QA16 Confirm if the inclusion of the heading “Introduction” is acceptable here. 确认您是否接受在此处加入标题“引言”。 章节标题“引言”的位置是否正确? QA17 If you decide to use previously published and/or copyrighted figures in your article, please keep in mind that it is your responsibility as the author to obtain the appropriate permissions and licenses to reproduce them, and to follow any citation instructions requested by third-party rights holders. If obtaining the reproduction rights involves the payment of a fee, these charges are to be paid by the authors. 如果您决定在文章中使用以前出版的和/或受版权保护的图片,请切记,作为作者,您有责任获得使用这些图片的权限和许可,并遵守第三方权利持有人关于任何引用的要求。如果获得版权需要支付费用,该费用应由作者支付。 对于您文章中的任何受版权保护的图片或示意图,请确保您已获得许可并妥善引用。我方不负责支付第三方版权费。 QA18 Check if the section headers (i.e., section leveling) have been correctly captured. 核对章节标题是否正确(即章节分级)。 文章中的章节标题是否准确? QA19 Frontiers Editorials have a specific typesetting format: a link to the Research Topic webpage has been added at the beginning of the Editorial, and any references to Frontiers Research Topic articles have been hyperlinked instead of appearing in the reference list at the end. “Frontiers Editorials(社论)”有特定的排版格式:在社论的开头添加 “Research Topic”网页的链接,并且链接到专刊刊所有文章,而不是最后出现在参考列表中。 我们已将 Research Topic 的超链接添加到您的文章中。 QA20 Check that any ORCID IDs included in the article are linked correctly. 核对文章中包含的所有 ORCID ID 的链接是否正确。 如果您希望添加 ORCID ID,请确保链接正确。 QA21 If applicable, check your taxonomy and/or nomenclature carefully to avoid any errors that may invalidate it. 如果适用,请对分类法和/或命名法进行仔细核对,以避免发生任何可能使其无效的错误。 请确保使用或提及的所有分类法/命名法准确、最新且无错误。 QA22 Ensure that all the figures, tables, and captions are correct, and that all figures are of the highest quality/resolution. If necessary, you may upload improved figures to the Production Forum. Please note that figures and tables must be cited sequentially, per section 2.2 of the author guidelines. 确保所有图、表和标题正确无误,并且所有图形都具有最高质量/分辨率。如有必要,您可以将改进后的图形上传到制作论坛。请注意,根据作者指南第2.2节的规定,图表必须按顺序引用。 请核对您的图、表、示意图和标题/图例,确保其正确无误且具有最高分辨率。图、表和示意图必须根据其在文章中的引用位置按顺序引用。 QA23 Check that all equations and special characters are displayed correctly. 核对所有方程式和特殊字符的显示是否正确。 核对所有方程式、特殊字符和代码是否存在错误。 QA24 Provide five to eight keywords. (Note: a keyword can be made up of one or more words.) 提供五到八个关键词。(注意:一个关键词可以由一个或多个单词组成。) 关键词最少五个,最多八个。请确保关键字数量在此限定范围内。关键词可以由多个单词和连字符单词组成。除技术术语外,所有关键词均取消大写。 QA25 The caption of Figure/s [XX] /Table/s [XX] / Box [XX] / Appendix [XX] / Algorithm [XX] is/are missing and must be provided. 图[XX]/表[XX]/框[XX]/附录[XX]/算法[XX]的标题缺失,此为必须提供的信息。 图/表/框/附录的标题/图例缺失。请提供说明文字/图例。 QA26 Provide the meaning of the bold values provided in Tables 2, 3. 提供表2、3中粗体值的含义。 解释相关表格中粗体值的含义。该信息将用作表格的脚注。 QA27 We have replaced “Alaid et al., 2013” with “Alaid and Kornhuber, 2013” inside the text, as per the reference list. Confirm this is correct. 根据参考文献列表,我们已将文本中的“Alaid et al., 2013”替换为“Alaiand Kornhuber,2013”。请确认其正确无误。 为与您的参考书目保持一致,我们对参考文献的文内引用做了更改。请确认是否正确。 QA28 Cite the reference “Darcan-Nicolaisen et al., 2009” inside the text. 在文本中引用参考文献“Darcan-Nicolaisen et al., 2009”。 请提供相关参考文献的文内引用。 QA29 Provide the meaning of the symbol * provided in Tables 2, 3. 提供表2、3中符号*的含义。 解释相关表格中符号*的含义。该信息将用作表格的脚注。 QA30 The image used in Figure 1 does not have any part labels; however, “Figures 1a, b” are cited in the article. Provide revised figure files containing these part labels or remove the part labels from the in-text citations. 图1中使用的图片没有任何子图标签;然而,文章中引用了“图1a、b”。请澄清。必要时提供修订文件。 您在文章中引用了一个子图标签(例如,图1a和1b),但该图不包含“a”或“b”,需要加到哪里?请澄清。 QA31 There is only one part label (A) in Figure 3. Therefore, we have removed part label “A” from the image corresponding to Figure 3. Please confirm that this is correct. 图3中只有一个子图标签(A),因此,我们已经从对应于图3的图片中将部件标签“A”删除。请确认此操作正确无误。 由于只有一个子图标签,我们已经将图中的标签删除,请确认您是否认可此更改。 QA32 There is only one part label (A) in Supplementary Figure S5. Therefore, remove the part label “A” from Supplementary Figure S5 (Image 5_v1.TIF) and upload a revised file. 补充图S5中只有一个子图标签(A),因此,我们已从补充图S5(图片5_v1.TIF)中将部件标签“A” 删除,并上传了一份修订后的文件。 补充图S5中不需要标签“A”,请将其删除。 QA33 Check if the edit made in line 1062 is fine. 核对第1,062行中的编辑是否正确。 核对第1,062行中的编辑。 QA34 QA35 Confirm that the Data Availability statement is accurate. Note that we have used the statement provided at Submission. If this is not the latest version, please let us know. 确认“数据可用性声明”正确无误。请注意,我们使用了文章提交时提供的声明。如果这不是最新版本,请告知。 核对“数据可用性声明”是否正确。 QA36 QA37 Confirm that your data is publicly available by providing a valid accession number/link, as your article cannot be published before then. 提供有效的登录号/链接,以此确认您的数据公开可用,在数据公开之前文章不能发表。 提供人人可用的登录号/链接。如果数据尚未发布,请提供未来发布日期。 QA38 If your article requires an Ethics statement, please confirm that the statement in this proof is correct. If this is not the latest version, please provide a revised Ethics statement. 如果您的文章需要“道德声明”,请确认此校样中的声明正确无误。如果其非最新版本,请提供经修订后的“道德声明”。 核对您的“道德声明”是否正确。 QA39 Confirm that the details in the “Author Contributions” section are correct. We have added the sentence “All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.” 确认“作者贡献”部分中的详细信息正确无误。我们在此添加了一句话:“所有作者均对文章有所贡献,并对提交版本予以了核准。” 核对“作者贡献”部分的内容。我们在此添加了一个必需的语句。 QA40 Confirm if the edit made in the “Author Contributions” section is correct. 确认“作者贡献”部分中的改动是否正确。 确认“作者贡献”部分中的改动正确无误。 QA41 The author “XYZ” appears in the “Author Contributions” section, but not in the author list. If you would like to add the author to the author list, please upload a signed Authorship Change form as a “Related Article” file type with your proof corrections. If they are not an author, please remove them from the “Author Contributions” section; if you wish, you can mention them in the Acknowledgements section instead. 作者“XYZ”出现在“Author Contributions”部分,但不在作者列表中。如果您想将作者添加到作者列表中,请上传签名的作者身份更改表格(Authorship Change form)作为“Related Article”文件类型,并附上您的证明更正。如果他们不是作者,请将他们从“Author Contributions”部分中删除;如果您愿意,您可以在致谢部分提及它们。 “作者贡献”部分提到的一位作者不在作者名单中。如果其是作者,请提供一份“作者变更表”。如果其不是作者,但对您的文章有所贡献,请在“致谢”部分提及。 QA42 “Michael Rebsamen” and “Mauricio Reyes” have the same initials (MR). Please confirm if “MR” corresponds to “Michael Rebsamen” or “Mauricio Reyes” in lines 1242, 1244, 1245 “Michael Rebsamen”和“Mauricio Reyes”首字母缩写(MR)相同。请确认第1242、1244、1245行中的“MR”是对应于“Michael Rebsamen”还是“Mauricio Reyes”。 两位作者首字母缩写相同。确认“MR”属于“作者贡献”部分中的“Michael Rebsamen”还是“Mauricio Reyes”。请加上两位作者名字当中的另一个字母,使首字母缩写有所区别。 QA43 The author contribution section is mandatory and a standard statement has been inserted. Please edit as needed to accurately reflect the contribution. “作者贡献”为必要内容,我们已将标准表述插入。请根据需要进行编辑,以准确反映贡献情况。 “作者贡献”为必要内容。请核对表述并确认其正确无误。 QA44 The author contribution section is mandatory and a standard statement has been inserted. Please edit as needed to accurately reflect the contribution of each author. “作者贡献”为必要内容,我们已将标准表述插入。请根据需要进行编辑,以准确反映每位作者的贡献情况。 “作者贡献”部分(多作者默认表述) QA45 We have replaced the section heading “Acknowledgments” with “Funding.” to match our house style as the text appears to discuss funders of the work. Please confirm that this is correct. 根据我们的出版要求,我们已将章节标题“致谢”替换为“基金”,因为此段内容似乎在讨论资助者。


考虑到其中的内容,“致谢”部分已被重命名为“基金”。请确认您是否认可此更改。 QA46 Ensure all grant numbers and funding information are included and accurate (after publication it is not possible to change this information). All funders should be credited and all grant numbers should be correctly included in this section. 确保所有项目基金编号和基金信息均包含在内且准确无误(文章一经出版,此信息将无法更改)。应将所有出资人列出,并在本节中正确填写所有项目基金编号。 确保所有出资人已列出,相关项目基金编号均包含在内。文章一经出版,基金信息将无法更改。 QA47 Ensure that any supplementary material is correctly published at this link:


If the link does not work, you can check the file(s) directly in the production forum; the published supplementary files appear in green. Please make sure all Supplementary files are cited. Please also provide captions for these files, if relevant.

If you have any corrections, please provide new files and republish them in the forum.

Frontiers will deposit ALL supplementary files to FigShare and they will receive a DOI.

Notify us of any previously deposited material.

If the Supplementary Material files contain identifiable or copyright images, please keep in mind that it is your responsibility, as the author, to ensure you have permission to use the images in the article. Please check this link for information on author responsibilities and the publication images.








确保所有补充材料均已在此链接上正确发布: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2020.00106/full#supplementary-material





QA48 Your article has no Supplementary Material; however, there are citations for “Appendix 1,” “Figures S1-Sxx,” and “Figures Sxxx-Sxxx”. Could you clarify if you have supplementary material to include, and if so, upload it to the forum? 您的文章没有补充材料,却引用了“附录1”、“图S1-Sxx”和“图Sxxx-Sxxx”。是否有补充材料需要添加,如果有,能否上传到论坛上?请澄清。 您没有提供任何补充材料,但文本中有对补充材料的引用。


QA49 Provide the complete details for reference “Pamer, 2016”. 提供有关参考文献“Pamer,2016” 的全部详细信息。 提供有关参考文献的全部详细信息。 QA50 Provide the volume number and page range for the following reference, if applicable.

“Daur et al., 2015.”



如适用,提供有关以下参考文献的卷号和页码范围 QA51 We have included the volume number and page range for the reference

“Mkhinini et al., 2014.” Please confirm if this is fine

我们为参考文献“Mkhinini等人,2014”添加了卷号和页码范围。请确认是否可以。 我们为参考文献“Mkhinini等人,2014”添加了卷号和页码范围。请确认此更改。 QA52 Provide the location and publisher name for “AVISO, 2016.” 提供“AVISO,2016”的位置和出版商名称。 请为所提及的参考文献提供位置和出版商名称。 QA53 Provide the DOI for “Tian et al., 2007″, if applicable. If no DOI exists, please leave this query blank. 如适用,请提供“Tian等人,2007”的DOI。如不存在DOI,请将此查询问题留空。 提供参考文献的DOI(如有)。 QA54 Confirm if the text included in the Conflict of Interest statement is correct.Please do not suggest edits to the wording of the final sentence, as this is standard for Frontiers’ journal style per our guidelines. 确认“利益冲突声明”中的文本是否正确。最后一句的措辞属于Frontiers期刊的标准风格,无需编辑。 请确认“利益冲突声明”正确无误,详情参见第2.9.3节。 QA55 Check your Appendix and confirm that it is correct. 核对您的附录并确认其正确无误。 请核对文章附录中包含的材料/文件是否正确。 QA56 The title has been modified to conform to Frontiers’ requirements.Please confirm that this is fine. 已根据Frontiers的要求对标题做了修改。请确认是否可以。 我们根据我们出版社的风格对标题做了修改,请确认新标题准确无误。 QA57 The image used in Figure X has part labels; however, the part labels are missing in the caption. Please either provide a revised figure or modify the caption, as necessary. 图X中使用的图片具有部件标签;但是,说明文字中缺少部件标签。请根据需要提供修订后的图形或修改说明文字。 图X有部件标签,但说明文字中缺少部件标签。请提供修订后的图形或对图形的说明文字进行编辑。 QA58 We received the Supplementary Material / Appendix inside the manuscript. Please provide this as a separate supplementary file. 我们收到了手稿中的补充材料/附录。请将此作为单独的补充文件提供。 因您的补充材料/附录较长,我们无法将其添加到您的文章中,请将其单独上传到论坛。 QA59 Frontiers’ guidelines require listing the first 6 authors + et al. for articles with more than 6 authors. Please provide the names of the other X authors. 根据Frontiers指南的要求,作者人数超过6位的文章须列出前6位作者+等人。请提供其他X位作者的姓名。 对于参考文献,我们要求列出参考文献前6位作者的姓名,请提供。 QA60 Please update the publication status of reference X. 请更新参考文献X的出版状态。 请更新参考文献的出版状态。 QA61 We have moved the abbreviations list to the end of the article and renamed the section as “Glossary” due to its length. Confirm if this is fine. 考虑到缩略语列表的长度,我们将它移到了文章末尾,并将该部分重命名为“词汇表”。确认这样是否可以。 由于缩略语列表的长度超过了一页的1/3,我们将它移到了文章末尾,并将该部分重命名为“词汇表”。 QA62 There are two references for “Klevens et al. 2002”. Please check if the citation should be differentiated to “Klevens et al. 2002a” and “Klevens et al. 2002b”.

If yes, please also provide the in-text citation for the remaining, uncited reference.





QA63 Please check if this should be cited as “Zhang H, et al., 2017” or “Zhang P, et al., 2017”.

Please check if reference citation “Volkow et al., 2012” should be cited as Ref. “484” or Ref. “486”.

请核对是否应将其引用为“Zhang H等人,2017”或“Zhang P 等人,2017”。

请核对参考文献“Volkow等人,2012”是否应被引用为参考文献“484”或参考文献 “486”。

您的引文不够清晰,请具体说明您引用的是哪一份参考文献。 QA64 Please provide the affiliation details for Author XXX. 请提供作者XXX的隶属关系详情。 此作者的隶属关系缺失,请提供。 QA65 Reference citation “Villafane 2013” was changed to “Villafane et al., 2013” to match the entry in the reference list. Please check if this is correct.

“Croxtall et al., 2009” was changed to “Croxtall and Keam, 2009” to match the entry in the reference list. Please check if this is correct.

参考文献“Villafane 2013”已更改为“Villafane等人,2013”,以匹配参考文献列表中的条目。请核对此操作是否正确。

“Croxtall等人,2009”已改为“Croxtall和 Keam,2009”,以匹配参考列表中的条目。请核对此操作是否正确。

我们根据您文章中的引文修改了参考文献列表,请确认此操作是否正确。 QA66 Transfer the reference/figure/table citation(s) to the main text, as citations are not allowed in section headers. 章节标题中不允许出现引文,故将参考文献/图/表引文移至正文中。 章节标题中不允许出现引文,请将引文移至正文中。 QA67 Transfer the reference/figure/table citation(s) to the main text, as citations are not allowed in the Abstract. 摘要中不允许出现引文,故将参考文献/图/表引文移至正文中。 摘要中不允许出现引文,请将引文删除或移至正文中。 QA68 In accordance with Frontiers’ style, we have changed the Abstract text into a single paragraph. 我们已根据Frontiers的风格将摘要文本改为一个单独的段落。 我们已将摘要修改为一个单独的段落。 QA69 Note that the abstract was deleted since it should not be included, per Frontiers guidelines for Opinion articles. 请注意,根据Frontiers指南的规定,观点类型文章中不应包含摘要,故已将其删除。 此类型文章中不应包含摘要,故已将其删除。 QA70 The supplementary captions/citations provided in the manuscript do not match those in the files published. Please clarify. 手稿中提供的补充说明/引文与发布的文件不符。请澄清。 您的补充引文/说明文字与上传的文件不符。请予以调整。 QA71 Note that Tables 1 and 2 were interchanged since their citations need to be listed in sequential order, per our style. If they need to be switched back, please move the citations into sequential order. 请注意,表1和表2已互换,因为根据我们的风格,其引文需要按顺序列出。如需将其调回原处,请将引文按顺序排列。 表1和表2已互换,因为根据我们的风格,其引文需要按顺序列出。如需将其调回原处,请将引文按顺序排列。 QA72 Figure/s X and XX are of low quality. Therefore, please provide higher resolution images.If your figure is mainly text and lines, you can upload a vector file for the best quality (EPS or PDF, which can be uploaded as Related Article 1). 图X和XX的质量较差。因此,请提供更高分辨率的图片。如果您的图形主要是文本和线条,可以上传一个质量最好的矢量文件(EPS或PDF,可作为相关文章1上传)。 您的某些图形质量很差。请提供更高分辨率的图片。


QA73 There is a discrepancy between the styling of the author names in the submission system and the manuscript. We have used [XXXX] instead of [XXXXX]. Please confirm that it is correct. 提交系统中作者姓名的样式与手稿之间存在差异。我们使用了[XXXX]而不是[XXXXX]。请确认其是否正确。 提交系统中作者姓名的样式与手稿中不同。我们使用了[XXXX]而不是[XXXX]。是否正确? QA74 Table/Figure XXX has not been mentioned in the article, please add a citation within the text. Note that Figures and Tables must appear in sequence. 文章中未提及表/图XXX,请在文本中添加引文。请注意,图和表必须按顺序显示。 文章中包含一个表/图,但文本中未提及。请在文本中添加引文,注意图和表必须按顺序显示。 QA75 Please confirm if this should move to the Funding/Acknowledgments section. 请确认此内容是否应移至“资助/致谢”部分。 请确认此内容是否应移至“资助/致谢”部分。 QA76 As previously reported, you have listed a commercial affiliation(s) and/or commercial funding. Before we can proceed to publication, please disclose the relevant information according to the templates below.

If your article has commercial affiliations:

Author XXXXXXX was employed by the company XXXXXXX. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

If your article has commercial funding:

The authors declare that this study received funding from XXXXXXX. The funder had the following involvement in the study: XXXXXXX.


The authors declare that this study received funding from XXXXXXX. The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article, or the decision to submit it for publication.





XXXXXXX. 作者声明,本研究获得了XXXXXXX的资助。出资人参与了以下研究:XXXXXXX。



如果您涉及商业隶属关系和/或商业资助关系,请在“利益冲突声明”中说明。请参见下文第2.9.3节。 QA78 “Table 1_v1.DOCX” contains tracked changes/highlights. We require a version of the file without tracked changes and/or as it should appear when published. Upload a clean version of the file. “表1_v1.DOCX”包含跟踪修订/高亮显示内容。出版时我们需要一个不存在跟踪修订和/或高亮显示的版本。请上传洁净版文件。 表格包含跟踪修订/高亮显示内容。请上传洁净版文件。 QA79 Your article includes identifiable human images. We have blurred this image. Check this link for further information about author responsibilities for the publication of identifiable images.

If you confirm you have obtained permission to use these images, the following sentence will be added to your Ethics Statement:

Written informed consent was obtained from the individual(s) for the publication of any identifiable images or data included in this article.







QA80 “Case Report:” was added in front of your title as per our style requirement. 根据我们的风格要求,在您的标题前面添加了“用例报告:”字样。 根据我们的风格要求,在您的标题中添加了“用例报告:”字样。 QA81 Your article includes identifiable human images. Check this link for further information about author responsibilities for publication of identifiable images: 您的文章包含可识别的人像。查看此链接,详细了解作者发布可识别图片时须承担的责任: 您的文章包含可识别的人像。请查看此链接,详细了解作者发布可识别图片时须承担的责任; QA82 1) Use the following template to provide a revised data statement, and include the link/name of the repository and accession numbers for data: “The data presented in the study are deposited in the XXX repository, accession number XXX.” for more information regarding our data policies, refer to our guidelines.

2) Release data or provide confirmation of deposition. Note that your article cannot be published before we receive confirmation of data deposition. For more information regarding our data policies, refer to our guidelines.


2) 发布数据或提供存放确认。请注意,我们收到数据存放确认后您的文章才能出版。有关我们的数据政策的更多信息,请参阅我们的指南。


2) 发布数据或提供存放确认。请注意,我们收到存放确认后您的文章才能发表。

QA83 The Data Availability Statement was deleted since it should not be included as per Frontiers’ guidelines for this Article Type. 根据Frontiers指南的规定,此类型文章中不应包含“数据可用性声明”,故已将其删除。 此类型文章中不应包含“数据可用性声明”,故已将其删除。 QA84 Provide the Clinical Trial Registration/Systematic Review Registration details (Unique Identifier and URL of the publicly accessible website), if applicable. 如适用,请提供临床试验注册/系统审查注册详细信息(唯一标识符和公共访问网站的URL)。 如适用,请提供临床试验注册/系统审查注册详细信息(公共访问网站的URL和唯一标识符)。 QA85 Please provide the city name for affiliation XX. 请提供隶属关系XX的城市名称。 请提供相关隶属关系的城市名称。 QA86 The provided links do not appear to be working. Please check and provide updated links. 提供的链接似乎无效。请核对并提供最新链接。 您提供的链接无效,请核对并提供有效的最新链接。 QA87 The references have been renumbered sequentially to conform to Frontiers’ requirements. Please check that the renumbering of the citations and references is correct. 为符合Frontiers的要求,参考文献已按顺序重新编号。请检查引用和参考文献的重新编号是否正确。 为符合Frontiers的要求,参考文献已按顺序重新编号。 QA88 Upload a new supplementary file including the reference list for all references appearing in it. 上传一个新的补充文件,包含其中出现的所有参考文献的参考文献列表。 提供最新补充文件,其中包含仅在补充材料中引用的任何参考文献的清单。 QA89 You have indicated first/last authorship for these authors “xxx”, but they do not appear first/last in the author list, please amend as necessary. 您已为这些作者“xxx”指定了第一/最后作者身份,但在作者名单中未以第一/最后的顺序显示,请根据需要进行修改。 您已为这些作者指定了第一/最后作者身份,但未按此顺序显示。请根据需要修改作者顺序。 QA90 This correction requested “xxx” was not applied as it does not match our style. 因与我们的风格不符,故未应用所要求的“xxx” 更正。 因与我们的风格不符,故未按您的要求予以更正。 QA91 Please expand the term “XXXX” if applicable. 如适用,请扩展术语“XXXX”。 如可能,请列出首字母缩写的完整版本(例如,NJU应扩展为南京大学) QA92 Please note that we cannot modify any embedded part-labels in figures. If you wish to have part-labels modfied, please provide us with new files. 请注意,我们不能修改图中的任何嵌入部件标签。如果您希望修改部件标签,请向我们提供新文件。 请注意,我们不能编辑图中的嵌入部件标签。如果您希望所有图中的部件标签保持一致,请向我们提供新的图形文件。 QA93 A commercial affiliation is listed in your article, and mentioned in the COI as per the guidelines. Check that the amendments to the COI are fine. 您的文章中列有一个商业隶属关系,并根据指南在COI中提及。核对COI的修改是否正确。 您列出了一个商业隶属关系,我们已将其纳入“利益冲突声明”中。请参见下文第2.9.3节。 QA94 Please let us know if the original article contains taxonomy and/or nomenclature where updating the article would prevent validation. If it does, we will not update the original article upon publication of the corrigendum. 请告诉我们原文是否包含在更新文章时会阻止验证的分类法和/或命名法。如果是,我们将不会在发布勘误表后更新原文。 更新您的文章是否会改变分类法和/或命名法? QA95 Your article contains an invalid Data Availability Statement. See our Materials and Data Policies here, and provide a suitable data statement based on the data type in your manuscript. Authors are required to make certain types of data available to readers at the time of publication in specific, stable, community-supported repositories. If your article contains mandatory data, the revised Data Availability Statement should include the accession number(s) and a direct link/URL to this data. 您的文章包含一份无效的“数据可用性声明”。请参阅此处的“材料和数据政策”,并根据您手稿中的数据类型提供一份适当的数据声明。文章出版时,作者需要在特定、稳定、社区支持的存储库中向读者提供特定类型的数据。如果您的文章包含强制性数据,则修订后的“数据可用性声明”应包括登录号以及指向该数据的直接链接/URL。 您的文章包含一份无效的“数据可用性声明”。 QA96 The Ethics Statement was deleted since it should not be included as per Frontiers’ guidelines for this Article Type. 根据Frontiers的指南,此类型文章中不应包含“道德声明”,故已将其删除。 此类型文章不需要“道德声明”,故已将其删除。 QA97 Your article includes identifiable human image/s. Please check this link for author’s responsibility for the publication of identifiable images. If permissions have been obtained, please confirm and we will add the following to your Ethics statement:

Written informed consent was obtained from the individual(s) for the publication of any identifiable images or data included in this article.

If the image/s was/were reproduced from an existing publication, please confirm and ensure this is reflected in the respective figure caption.

If a valid statement/citation within the figure caption is not provided, we will blur the image.





您的文章包含可识别的人物图像。您有责任征得图像中人物的同意才能发布它们。请确认您已收到此同意书,否则我们将对图像进行模糊处理。 QA98 The abstract should ideally be structured according to the IMRaD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). Provide a structured abstract if possible. 理想情况下,摘要应根据 IMRaD 格式(Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion)进行结构化。如果可能,请提供结构化摘要。 理想情况下,您的文章摘要应按以下格式构建:Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion。如果可能,请修改您的文章摘要以匹配此摘要。 QA99 Please note that the reference citation “XXX et al. 2000” has been changed to “XXX et al. 2000a,b” to match the reference list. Confirm that this is fine 请注意参考引用“XXX et al. 2000”已更改为“XXX et al. 2000a,b”以匹配参考列表。请您确认。 命名引文的参考文献已更改,因为同一作者和年份有多个引文,但有多个参考文献。 QA100 Note that the reference citation “XXX et al. 2000” in lines [XXX and YYY] have been changed to “XXX et al. 2000a” and “XXX et al. 2000b”, respectively to match the reference list. Confirm that this is fine. 请注意,参考引用“XXX et al. 2000” [XXX 和 YYY] 行中的“2000”已更改为““XXX et al. 2000a”和“XXX et al. 2000b”,分别匹配参考列表。请您确认。 命名引文的参考文献已更改,因为同一作者和年份有多个引文,但有多个参考文献。 QA101 Please note that the reference citation “XXX et al. 2000” throughout has been changed to “XXX et al. 2000a,b” to match the reference list. Confirm that this is fine. 请注意参考引用“XXX et al. 2000”通篇已更改为“XXX et al. 2000a,b”以匹配参考列表。请您确认。 命名引文的参考文献已更改,因为同一作者和年份有多个引文,但有多个参考文献。 QA102 Table/Figure XXX has been cited within the text. Confirm that the placement of the citation is correct 表/图 XXX 已在文中引用。请确认引用的位置是正确的 由于引用信息的丢失,我们已添加到表/图的文本中,因为它丢失了。请确认放置正确。 QA103 Note that the city name for affiliation XXX has been inserted. Confirm that the city is correct. 请注意,已插入隶属关系 XXX 的城市名称。请确认城市是正确的。 您所属的城市信息缺失,我们已将其插入,请确认城市是否准确。 QA104 Please confirm that you have received consent from the participant(s) to publish this case report. If you confirm that permissions have been obtained, and a consent for publication statement is not already included in the Ethic statement, we will add the following to the Ethics statement: “Written informed consent was obtained from the participant/patient(s) for the publication of this case report” 请确认您已获得参与者的同意发布此Case Report(病例报告)。如果您确认已获得许可,并且 Ethic 声明中尚未包含发布同意声明,我​​们将在 Ethics 声明中添加以下内容: “已获得参与者/患者的书面知情同意书以发表本病例报告” 您的文章类型属于Case Report(案例报告)。请确认您的研究是否得到了报告参与者的许可和同意? 2.8b

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名称 问题原文 译文 注释 OAQ1 Thank you for providing your corrections. Please note that we do not accept revised manuscripts/edited PDF proofs; instead use the commenting tools (sticky notes, strike-through, etc.) in your preferred PDF program to annotate the Author’s proof and upload it to the Production Forum. 感谢您提供的修改意见。请注意,我们不接受修订版手稿/编辑版PDF校样;请改用您首选PDF程序中的注释工具(便签、划线等)来注释作者的校样,并将其上传到 Production Forum。 请使用注释工具在PDF中进行校样,我们不接受修改后的手稿/编辑过的校样。如果您直接对文本进行编辑,我们将无法找到修改记录,也无法为您进行这些更改。 OAQ2 Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately, we did not receive your corrections. Could you please try to upload them again? Please make sure to submit them after uploading them. For more information please consult our FAQs page: https://zendesk.frontiersin.org/hc/en-us/articles/115001892765-How-do-I-submit-my-proof-corrections- 感谢您的评论。但遗憾的是,我们并没有收到您的修改意见。您是否可以重新上传一次?请确保上传成功后予以提交。 如需了解更多信息,请查阅我们的常见问题页面: https://zendesk.frontiersin.org/hc/en-us/articles/115001892765-How-do-I-submit-my-proof-corrections- 我们未收到您的修改内容,请重新上传。请确保您在执行此操作时点击“Submit”按钮,否则我们将不会收到它们。 OAQ3 Thank you for your approval. However, for us to proceed, we need you to reply to the Author Queries on the first pages of the Author’s proof. If you tried to upload corrections, kindly note that we did not receive them. Could you try to upload them again? Please make sure to submit them after uploading them. For more information please consult our FAQs page: https://zendesk.frontiersin.org/hc/en-us/articles/115001892765-How-do-I-submit-my-proof-corrections- 感谢您对我们工作的支持。为使我们的工作继续顺利开展,我们需要您回复作者校稿第一页上的“作者问题”一栏中的问题。 如果您已尝试上传修改意见,请注意我们并没有收到这些修改意见。您是否可以重新上传一次?请确保上传陈工后再提交。 如需了解更多信息,请查阅我们的常见问题页面:https://zendesk.frontiersin.org/hc/en-us/articles/115001892765-How-do-I-submit-my-proof-corrections- 请回复第一页上“作者问题”一栏中的问题,并上传您的修改意见。在我们继续出版流程前,我们需要您回答所有问题。 OAQ4 You have requested a change in authorship order (for authors xxx, yyy, zzz). For any authorship changes, Frontiers requires that all authors complete and sign the ‘Authorship Change’ form which is available at this link : https://www.frontiersin.org/files/pdf/Authorship_change_form.pdf Upload the file as a “Related Article” file type together with your Author’s Proof Corrections. (针对作者xxx、yy、zz)您要求变更作者顺序。如果要对作者身份进行任何变更,Frontiers 要求所有作者填写并签署“作者身份变更”表格,该表格可通过以下网址获得:https://www.frontiersin.org/files/pdf/Authorship_change_form.pdf 该文件按“相关文章(Related Article)”文件类型随您的作者校稿修改意见一起上传。 您已变更作者顺序。请填写作者身份变更表。 OAQ5 For any authorship changes, Frontiers requires that all authors complete and sign the ‘Authorship Change’ form which is available at this link: http://www.frontiersin.org/files/pdf/Authorship_change_form.pdf. Upload the file as a “Related Article” file type for production to proceed. 如果需对作者身份进行任何变更,Frontiers 要求所有作者填写并签署“作者身份变更”表格,该表格可通过以下网址获得:http://www.frontiersin.org/files/pdf/Authorship_change_form.pdf。为方便出版,该文件按“相关文章(Related Article)”文件类型上传。 如果需要变更作者身份,请填写作者身份变更表,并上传至 Production Forum。 OAQ6 You indicated that you would like to include a more recent address for Dr. XX. Could you kindly specify if Dr. XX was affiliated to this organisation/university at the time of the study? 您表示希望添加 Dr. XX 的最新地址,能否请您说明 Dr. XX 在研究期间是否隶属于该组织/大学? 您已要求更改作者的隶属关系。请确认作者是否隶属于研究时提供的最新地址。 OAQ7 The link provided in Data Availability Statement does not seem to be working. Please provide an alternative link. 数据可用性声明(Data Availability Statement)中提供的链接似乎失效。请提供替代链接。 请提供更新后的链接,此链接将会在数据可用性声明中出现。 OAQ8 Thank you for providing your corrections. Please note that we do not accept handwritten corrections; instead use the commenting tools (sticky notes, strike-through, etc.) in your preferred PDF program to annotate the Author’s proof and upload it to the Production Forum. 感谢您提供的修改意见。请注意,我们不接受手写的修改意见;请改用您PDF 程序中的注释工具(便签、划线等)来注释作者的校稿,并将其上传到 Production Forum。 请在PDF上以注释的形式提供您的修改意见。 OAQ9 The name/surname of one of the authors in the Authorship Change form is XXXX, whereas this author’s name in the authors list is XXXX. Please note that the final spelling and presentation of author names will be as provided in the manuscript/proof. 请注意,如果“作者身份变更”表格中某位作者的姓名与原作者名单中的姓名不一致,作者姓名的最终拼写和表述将以手稿/校样中提供的为准。 作者身份变更表中的作者姓名与手稿不同。我们将采用手稿中的拼写和表述。 OAQ10 Thank you for your corrections. However, for us to proceed, we need you to reply to the Author Queries on the first pages of the Author’s proof. 感谢您提供的修改意见。为使我们的工作继续顺利开展,我们需要您回复作者校稿第一页上的“作者问题”一栏中的问题。 请回复作者校样第一页上“作者问题”一栏中的问题。 OAQ11 Please provide the full reference details for the following references: 请提供以下参考文献的完整引用细节。 请提供这些参考文献的完整引用细节。 OAQ12 Please specify whether the reference REFERENCE on line XX should be captured as REFERENCEa or REFERENCEb. If these are both the same reference, please also mention MISSING REFERENCE within the main text. 请说明第XX行的参考文献的“引用 (Reference)”是按照“引用a”还是按照“引用b”的形式来进行的。如果这两个都用于同一参考文献,也请在正文中注明“Missing Reference”。 您在提到的行中包含的参考不够精确,请澄清哪个是正确的。如果它们是相同的参考文献,请在正文中同时提及。 OAQ13 Provide an updated XXX with the changes you mentioned and make sure to select the same Supplementary file name from the dropdown as the file you are replacing. 提供更新后的内容,包括您所提及的变更,并确保从下拉菜单中选择与您要替换文件相同的补充文件名。 提供更新后的内容,包括相关变更。确保文件类型和补充文件名称匹配。 OAQ14 Please mention the following references within the main text: 请在正文中提及以下参考文献: 请在文中引用提到的参考文献: OAQ15 Please note that, since we don’t accept revised manuscripts as corrections, we will only be using your Author Query responses in order to find and implement your corrections. Therefore, if there are any corrections in the revised manuscript which are NOT mentioned in the Author Query responses, please inform us as soon as possible by posting a comment. 请注意,由于我们不接受修订版手稿形式的修改意见,我们将仅采用“作者问题(Author Query)”一栏中的回复,以便找到并按您的修改意见进行修正。因此,如果“作者问题”一栏中的回复未提及对修订版手稿的任何修正意见,请尽快通知我们。 我们只采用您对“作者问题(Author Query)”一栏中的回复来按照您的修正意见进行修正,不接受修订版手稿。如果“作者问题”一栏中的回复未提及对修订版手稿的任何修正意见,请通知我们。 OAQ16 We have noticed that there is an empty highlighted correction on line XX. Please clarify if there should be a comment here, otherwise we will proceed with production. 我们注意到,在第XX行有一个未填内容的、高亮显示的修改意见。请明确此处是否需要加注评论,否则我们将继续执行出版流程。 有一个空缺并高亮显示的修改意见。请确认是否应该有评论,并在需要时提供缺少的评论。 OAQ17 Please note that Queries XX remain unanswered. In this case we will assume an affirmative answer and proceed with production. If this is not the case, please clarify ASAP. 请注意,问题XX仍未得到答复。此种情况下,我们将假定为肯定回答,并继续进行出版流程。如果上述理解有误,请尽快澄清。 由于您未回答指定的问题,我们将其视为肯定的回答,我们将继续出版流程。如果不是这种情况,请您及时澄清。 OAQ18 Thank you for your corrections. Please provide your corrections in English and directly in the Production Forum, using the link, as we won’t implement changes in other languages. 感谢您提供的修改意见。请用英文填写修改意见,并直接上传到 Production Forum(请使用此链接)上,因为我们不会用其他语言来实施这些变更。 我们只能处理用英语编写的修正意见。请提供用英语填写的修改意见。 OAQ19 The change you requested on line XX is not in line with our journal guidelines. We will proceed without implementing this change. 您在 XX 行要求的更改不符合我们的期刊规范。我们将在不实施此更改的情况下继续。 我们无法进行您要求的更改,因为它不符合我们的期刊出版规范。我们将继续发布您的文章而不进行此更改。 2.9. 声明 2.9a. 数据可用性声明


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2.9b. 道德声明






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声明模板(动物研究):本研究已经过 [委员会名称,批准号]审查和批准。



2.9c. 利益冲突声明





作者和编辑/审稿人以前曾交往/合作/有共同的隶属机构 开展研究时与某企业存在隶属关系,即存在商业隶属关系 研究获得了某企业的资助,即存在商业资助关系 作者知悉任何其他可能代表利益冲突的信息,例如:最近与某企业建立隶属关系、与可能被认为会影响作者工作或可能影响作者工作的实体存在任何财务关系、可能被读者认为已经影响或可能影响作者工作的任何其他关系或活动。




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2.10. 常见问题解答


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