PlayStation 网络登录失败?试试这 13 个修复 您所在的位置:网站首页 ps4如何登入playstation PlayStation 网络登录失败?试试这 13 个修复

PlayStation 网络登录失败?试试这 13 个修复

2024-07-08 17:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

尝试在PS4(PS4)或PS5上登录PlayStation 网络(PlayStation Network)时,您是否一直收到“网络(Network)登录失败”错误?以下是有关如何解决和解决问题的一些提示。

出于多种原因,您的 PlayStation 可能无法让您登录PlayStation 网络。(PlayStation Network)例如,这可能是由于服务器中断或网络设置配置不正确造成的。


1. 检查 PlayStation 服务器状态

要检查您的PS5/PS4PSN服务器问题引起的,请访问Playstation 网络的服务状态页面(Playstation Network’s Service Status page)并选择您所在的地区。



注销并重新登录您的本地玩家资料可以快速解决阻止您的 PlayStation 5 或PlayStation 4连接到您的PSN帐户的意外问题。

为此,请在主屏幕(Home Screen)上选择您的个人资料图片,然后选择注销(Log Out)选项。然后,再次登录您的个人资料。


如果问题仍然存在,请尝试重新启动您的PS5/PS4。按下(Press)PS 按钮,选择电源(Power)图标,然后选择Restart PS5/PS4。


较小的路由器端问题是阻止 PS5/PS4 与 PS 网络通信的另一个原因。尝试重新启动它。如果这没有帮助,请软重置您的路由器(soft-reset your router)。

5.删除(Delete)并重新添加注册网络(Re-add Registered Network)


1. 选择主屏幕(Home Screen)顶部的设置。

2. 选择网络。

3. 选择设置(Settings)>设置 Internet 连接(Set Up Internet Connection)。


5. 从找到的网络(Networks)列表中选择网络并重新设置。

6. 切换到以太网(Ethernet)或不同的无线网络(Different Wireless Network)

如果您使用 Wi-Fi,请切换到以太网(Ethernet)并检查是否有所不同。如果这不可行,请尝试连接到其他 Wi-Fi 网络。例如,您可以随时在 Android(wireless hotspot on your Android)或iPhone上设置无线热点。

PS5/PS4上连接到新的有线或 Wi-Fi 连接,请在主屏幕(Home Screen)上选择设置(Settings),然后转到Network > Settings>设置 Internet 连接(Set Up Internet Connection)。


将您的 PS5/PS4 设置为在启动时自动登录您的个人资料也可能会解决“网络登录失败”的问题。要做到这一点:

1. 打开设置(Settings)屏幕并选择用户(User)和帐户(Accounts)。

2. 选择登录设置。

3. 激活自动登录(Log)PS5/PS4 Automatically旁边的开关。


放弃 ISP 的DNS(域名系统)服务器(DNS (Domain Name System) servers)以支持流行的 DNS 服务(popular DNS service)可以改善在线连接。以下是设置PS5/PS4以使用Google DNS的方法。

1. 访问PS5/PS4设置 Internet 连接(Set Up Internet Connection)屏幕。

2. 选择您的互联网连接并按选项(Options)按钮。在显示的菜单上,选择高级设置(Advanced Settings)选项。

3.选择 DNS Settings(Select DNS Settings)并将其设置为Manual。

4. 添加以下内容作为主 DNS(Primary DNS)和辅助 DNS(Secondary DNS):

5. 选择确定以保存您的更改。

6. 返回上一画面,选择Connection Status > Test Internet Connection,检查网络登录错误是否再次出现。


解决PlayStation控制台上的登录问题的另一种方法是对 Internet 连接的(PlayStation)MTU(最大传输单位(Maximum Transmission Unit))设置 进行以下更改。

1. 访问设置 Internet 连接(Set Up Internet Connection)屏幕。

2. 选择您的互联网连接并按选项(Options)按钮。然后,选择高级设置(Advanced Settings)。

3.选择 MTU(Select MTU)并将其设置为Manual。

4. 将默认MTU值从 1500 更改为 1473 或 1475。

5. 选择确定以保存您的更改。

10.进行额外的网络更改(Make Additional Network Changes)

重新访问您的 PlayStation 5 或PlayStation 4(PlayStation 4)上的互联网连接设置屏幕,并确保您的注册网络的以下设置设置如下:

IP地址:自动 DHCP 主机名:不指定 代理服务器:不要使用 11. 更新系统软件

更新 PS5/PS4 的系统软件是解决任何与系统相关的错误或故障导致您无法登录 PlayStation 帐户的最佳方法。要做到这一点:

1. 打开设置并选择系统(System)。

2. 选择系统软件更新(System Software Update)和设置(Settings)选项

3. 选择更新系统软件。

4. 选择使用 Internet 更新。

5. 选择立即更新(Update)以安装所有挂起的更新

如果您的主机无法通过 Internet 更新,您可以改为通过USB更新它。(USB)要做到这一点:

1.通过 PC 或 Mac 将闪存驱动器格式化为 FAT32 格式。(Format a flash drive in the FAT32 format)

2. 在驱动器的根目录中创建一个标记为PS5或PS4的文件夹,然后在其中创建一个标记为Update的子文件夹。

3.下载最新的PS5(Download the latest PS5)或PS4更新文件(PS4 update file)。

4. 将更新文件复制到USB闪存驱动器 上的更新(Update)子文件夹。

5. 将闪存驱动器连接到您的PS/PS4。

6. 重复上述步骤,但选择从USB 设备(USB Device)更新(Update)选项。

12. 重建 PS5/PS4 数据库

如果问题仍然存在,请PS5/PS4 console in Safe Mode上重建数据库。要做到这一点:

1. 关闭你的 PS5/PS4。

2.通过充电线 将DualSense/DualShock

3. 重新启动您的 PlayStation,但按住电源(Power)按钮,直到您听到控制台第二次发出哔哔声。


5. 选择清除缓存(Cache)并重建数据库(Rebuild Database)选项。

13. 恢复出厂设置 PS5 设置

您还可以尝试在安全模式下将您的 PlayStation 5 或(Safe Mode)PlayStation 4恢复为出厂默认设置。这应该重置“网络(Network)登录失败错误”背后的任何冲突网络或其他设置。您的游戏和保存数据将保持不变。

1. 将您的控制台启动到安全模式(Mode)。

2. 选择恢复默认设置(Restore Default Settings)。

3. 正常重启你的控制台。然后,从头开始设置您的互联网连接,并尝试使用您的PSN登录凭据登录您的控制台。

联系 PS5 支持

如果上述修复都不能帮助修复PlayStation Network登录失败错误,请使用Sony 的修复和连接工具(Sony’s Fix & Connect tool)来诊断和解决您的控制台的连接问题。如果这也不起作用,请联系 PlayStation 支持(contact PlayStation Support)。

PlayStation Network Sign-In Failed? Try These 13 Fixes

Do you keep recеiving a “Network sign-in failed” error while attеmpting to log into the PlayStation Network on your PS4 or PS5? Here are some tips on how tо troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Your PlayStation can fail to log you into the PlayStation Network for several reasons. For example, that could be due to a server outage or an incorrectly configured network setup.

If you see a “Network sign-in failed” error on your PS5 or PS4, work through the fixes that follow, and you should be able to resolve it.

1. Check PlayStation Server Status

To check if the “Network sign-in failed” error on your PS5/PS4 is due to issues with the PSN servers, visit the Playstation Network’s Service Status page and pick your region.

If there appears to be server maintenance or another issue (specifically with the Account management category), you must wait until Sony finishes dealing with it. Move on to the next fix if all PSN services are up and running.

2. Log Out/Log Back In

Logging out and back into your local gamer profile can quickly resolve unexpected issues preventing your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 from connecting to your PSN account.

To do that, select your profile picture on the Home Screen and pick the Log Out option. Then, log in to your profile again.

3. Reboot PS5/PS4

If the issue persists, try restarting your PS5/PS4. Press the PS button, select the Power icon, and choose Restart PS5/PS4.

4. Restart Router or Modem

Minor router-side issues are another reason that stops your PS5/PS4 from communicating with the PS network. Try restarting it. If that doesn’t help, soft-reset your router.

5. Delete and Re-add Registered Network

Deleting your registered network connection from your PS5/PS4 and re-adding it can also fix persistent connectivity issues. To do that:

1. Select Settings on the top of the Home Screen.

2. Select Network.

3. Select Settings > Set Up Internet Connection.

4. Highlight your internet connection and press the Options button. Then, select Forget.

5. Pick the network from the Networks found list and set it up again.

6. Switch to Ethernet or a Different Wireless Network

If you use Wi-Fi, switch to Ethernet and check if that makes a difference. If that’s not possible, try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network. For example, you can always set up a wireless hotspot on your Android or iPhone.

To connect to a new wired or Wi-Fi connection on your PS5/PS4, select Settings on the Home Screen and go to Network > Settings > Set Up Internet Connection.

7. Set Up Automatic Login

Setting your PS5/PS4 to log you into your profile automatically at startup might also resolve the “Network sign-in failed” issue. To do that:

1. Open the Settings screen and select User and Accounts.

2. Select Login Settings.

3. Activate the switch next to Log In to PS5/PS4 Automatically.

8. Change to Google DNS

Ditching your ISP’s DNS (Domain Name System) servers in favor of a popular DNS service improves online connectivity. Here’s how to set up your PS5/PS4 to use Google DNS.

1. Visit the Set Up Internet Connection screen on your PS5/PS4.

2. Select your internet connection and press the Options button. On the menu that shows, pick the Advanced Settings option.

3. Select DNS Settings and set it to Manual.

4. Add the following as the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS:

5. Select OK to save your changes.

6. Go back to the previous screen, select Connection Status > Test Internet Connection, and check if the network sign-in error recurs.

9. Modify the MTU Setting

Another way to fix sign-in issues on PlayStation consoles is to make the following change to your internet connection’s MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) setting.

1. Visit the Set Up Internet Connection screen.

2. Select your internet connection and press the Options button. Then, select Advanced Settings.

3. Select MTU and set it to Manual.

4. Change the default MTU value from 1500 to 1473 or 1475.

5. Select OK to save your changes.

10. Make Additional Network Changes

Revisit the internet connection setup screen on your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 and make sure the following settings for your registered network are set as follows:

IP Address: Automatic DHCP Host Name: Do Not Specify Proxy Server: Don’t Use 11. Update System Software

Updating your PS5/PS4’s system software is the best way to resolve any system-related bugs or glitches preventing you from signing into your PlayStation account. To do that:

1. Open Settings and select System.

2. Select the System Software Update and Settings option

3. Select Update System Software.

4. Select Update Using Internet.

5. Select Update Now to install all pending updates

If your console fails to update over the internet, you can update it via USB instead. To do that:

1. Format a flash drive in the FAT32 format via a PC or Mac.

2. Create a folder labeled PS5 or PS4 within the root of the drive, and then a sub-folder inside it labeled Update.

3. Download the latest PS5 or PS4 update file.

4. Copy the update file to the Update subfolder on the USB flash drive.

5. Connect the flash drive to your PS/PS4.

6. Repeat the steps above but select the Update from USB Device option.

12. Rebuild the PS5/PS4 Database

Clear the system cache and rebuild the database on your PS5/PS4 console in Safe Mode if the issue persists. To do that:

1. Turn off your PS5/PS4.

2. Connect your DualSense/DualShock controller to the console via its charging cable.

3. Boot your PlayStation back up but hold down the Power button until you hear the console beep for the second time.

4. Wait until the console boots into Safe Mode.

5. Select the Clear Cache and Rebuild Database option.

13. Factory Reset PS5 Settings

You can also try restoring your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 to factory default settings in Safe Mode. That should reset any conflicting network or other settings behind the “Network sign-in failed error.” Your games and save data will remain intact.

1. Boot your console into Safe Mode.

2. Select Restore Default Settings.

3. Restart your console normally. Then, set up your internet connection from scratch and try signing into your console with your PSN login credentials.

Contact PS5 Support

If none of the fixes above help fix the PlayStation Network sign-in failed error, use Sony’s Fix & Connect tool to diagnose and troubleshoot connectivity issues with your console. If that fails to work as well, contact PlayStation Support.






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