《原神》英文剧情文本水平如何?(原神英文对照) 您所在的位置:网站首页 portrays翻译 《原神》英文剧情文本水平如何?(原神英文对照)


2023-03-24 16:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2,大部分梗是通用的,但据我大概估计,九成的梗都没法被外网人理解(b站梗跟膜梗这谁懂啊,米哈游一句一梗真的厉害)3,琴自夸琴那段算是中文专属梗,外文中琴说youthful glow4,中文人名全部用拼音,地名全部拼音加名词(山/坡/村),中文的意境全失。



图文无关,镇楼专用Some details from playing the game in Japanese\[Preface\] (you can skip this part)Im not trying to say the translators did a bad job or they couldve done better, its a great translation, but as with all translations, some meanings are lost. Like, you know how we all call Japan "Japan" and not "The country where the sun originates" as its Japanese name would suggest? Its stuff like that.

~~Chinese and Japanese names tend to have meanings behind them unlike English names like "Daniel" or "Bob."~~ As Chinese and Japanese use common words in names (to a point where someone can simply look at the name and tell its intended meaning in addition to how it sounds), Its impossible to actually get that meaning across without sounding extremely weird or cringey if you actually use the meaning for the translation instead of the sound ("Hey Bonfire, can you ask Windstorm to go grab the coke next to Sword Mountain Top?"), so only the sound is used, but the meaning is still there, just... lost in another language.

EDIT: Some of these have been contributed by commenters below :D\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

Im AR 25 right now and I played the first half of that in English with Japanese voice, then the rest in Japanese with Japanese text, **heres a few interesting details I noticed on the Japanese version of Genshin Impact:**

\- Paimon doesnt refer to herself in the third person, but rather, uses the オイラ \[oira\] version of the first person. Its normally only used by males (and not in remotely recent era). She also talks using a more masculine voice, ending sentences with "-ze, -zo." Dont worry, plenty of fictional female characters talk using male speech, especially "oira" to sound cute. Shes not a trap.

(JP Paimon shares a voice with Shinomiya Kaguya from Kaguya-sama, Love is War)\- Mondstadt is just called モンド \[Mondo\]. Mondstadt = Moon City in German (the theme Mondstadt is modeled after).

\- Knights of Favonous in the Japanese version is written as 西風騎士団 (Knights of the West Wind) but pronounced ゼピュロス騎士団, "Zephyrus Knights." Zephyrus is the god of the west wind, while Favonius is the Roman counterpart (similar to how Greeks Zeus is Romans Jupiter).

\- Female MC Lumine is 蛍 \[Hotaru\] "Firefly." Or in the case of Chinese, \[Ying\] "to glow."\- Male MC Aether is 空 \[Sora\], "sky."

(Both Hotaru and Sora are pretty normal names in Japanese in modern day, not so much in Chinese though, leading me to believe its meant to be Japanese. Ive seen people say the kanji for Sora can also mean "emptiness," this is true but it would have a different reading. Sora means specifically, "sky.")

\- Kaeya is ガイア pronounced \[Gaia\] (Mother Earth), with the voiced velar stop, not the voiceless one.

\- Klee is クレー \[kuree\] or "Clay." Could also just be the German pronunciation for Klee (sounds like "clay") for names such as Paul Klee but I like to think her character has to do with claymore bombs :3.

Klee (pronounced as youd expect "kleeeee" to sound like) is also German for "clover," hence the German theme character and the four leaf clover on her clothes.

(in the websites description, Klees English version says she invented her bombs while in "solitary confinement" whereas the Japanese version uses 反省室 and Chinese use 关禁闭, both meaning a "reflection room" or "timeout room" that are for *officers, not criminals*, to reflect on their way of managing their duties. Again, Klee is NOT a criminal, just a very carefree and crazy bomb knight :D)

\- Razor is written as レザー "leather." In the Chinese version its written as 雷泽 \[leize\] meaning "lightning swamp," likely a reference to his powers and the marsh he was raised in.

(Razor calls Lisa 師匠 shishou "master." In the English version this is written as "Lisa" so it doesnt reveal the relationship between the two).

\- Beidou 北斗 \[Hokuto\], is Big Dipper (the stars).\- Xiangling 香菱 \[Shanrin\], Xiang means to smell nice, or fragrance, ling is a type of water chestnut. Its also a character in 红楼梦 Dream of the Red Chamber, one of the books considered the Chinese "Four Masterpieces," alongside The Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Water Margin/Tale of the Marsh.

\- Xingqiu 行秋 Pronounced ユクアキ Yukuaki in Japanese literally means "to go in autumn." His name is one of the only ones of the Chinese characters in the game (along with Qiqi) that dont use the Chinese pronunciation in Japanese (onyomi) and instead use the Japanese one (kunyomi) .

\- Qiqi 七七 Nana in Japanese, lit. seven seven. Chinese and Japanese names tend to repeat sounds for cuteness. For example, Wolfhook is "Gou-gou guo" (hook hook fruit), and Valberry is "Luo-luo mei" (fall fall plum) in the Chinese translations.

(July, the 7th month, is also referred to as 鬼月 gui yue, the month of ghosts. A phrase 七月鬼门开 also exists meaning "the doors to hell opens in July." While at the same time July 7th 7/7 is the Chinese Valentines day "Qixi." Qiqi/Nanas name may have a big reference to these facts.")

\- Chongyun 重雲 Chou-un, means "stacked clouds"\- Keqing 刻晴 Kokusei, pretty much translates to “engraving the clear skies" Makes sense for her to be thunder. Could also be a reference to a similar sounding character in Dream of the Red Chamber 秦可卿 Qin Keqing (though with different tones).

(Also please stop pronouncing her name like a cash register, its 2 characters, stress both sounds please)

\- Ningguang 凝光 Gyoukou, means "concentrated light" or "solidified light"\- Liyue is written as 璃月 "Glass Moon" or "Crystal Moon."

\- Liyue Qixing is 璃月七星, the merchants governing Liyue, is literally "Liyues Seven Stars." In Chinese, "Seven Stars" refers to the Big Dipper.

\- Ningguangs title is "Tianquan" (天权) or "Heavenly Balance." Its also the Chinese name of the Megrez star, the star right in the middle of the Big Dipper, quite befitting of her role. Keqings title is "Yuheng" (玉衡) or "Jade Balance" is the Chinese name for the Alioth star thats right to the left of Megrez.

\- Geoculus and Anemoculus is called 失われた岩神/風神の瞳 (Lost Earth/Wind gods Pupil). No information is lost for Latin speakers or linguists who know "oculus"="eye" and Greek speakers who know Geo = Earth and Anemo = wind, (yes its a word with both Latin and Greek, some linguistic elitist would freak out over this).

\- Vision is 神の目 Eye of a God.\- Gnosis, the chess piece the lady took from Venti is 神の心 Heart of a God.

\- The people who possesses Visions and have the potential to become gods, Allogenes, are called 原神, Genshin, (Original God, Origin of Gods) what the game is named after.

\- Pinecones are instead ナッツ \[nuts\].\- Berries are instead ラズベリー \[rasberry\]\- Adeptus Temptation is 仙跳牆 \[senchoushou\] is a reference to the Chinese dish 佛跳墙 fo tiao qiang, lit. Buddha Jumps the Wall, for how good it is that even a devote Buddhist monk would jump his neighbors wall to eat it. Instead in this case its not Buddha or a Buddhist monk but an "Adeptus."

\- Adeptus is Latin for "Adept," meaning someone who has "obtained" (unparalleled knowledge, especially in alchemy). In Japanese its 仙人 \[sennin\]. In Chinese culture these are either people born in "heaven" or are people who are so wise they became one and resides in "heaven." Theyre basically the angels of Chinese mythology.

\- Celestia is just called 天空の島 Island in the Sky. (Could be wrong about this as it was only mentioned in the beginning when I was playing with English subs).

\- Childish Jiang is just called 小姜 (Xiao Jiang) like many with similar names in Liyue.\- The vendor in Liyue for a quest called Shitou 石头 literally means "rock"

\- Stormterror is 風魔龍 Demonic Wind Dragon.\- Stormterrors Lair 風龍廃墟 Wind Dragon Ruins\- Guili Plains 帰離原 Plain of Return and Leaving (though this has no actual meaning since the place is named after the names of the "gods").

\- Yaoguuang Shaol 瑶光の浜 Yao Guang is a star in the Big Dipper, also a name for a lot of fiction goddess/goddess races in Chinese mythical fiction stories.

\- Nantianmen 南天门 lit. the South Sky Gate. In Chinese mythology, its the front door of "heaven."\- Guoba 锅巴, Xianglings fire bears name is a type of Chinese food "scorched rice." Its what happens when you try to make fried rice before learning how to flip a wok and the rice ends up sticking into a pancake at the bottom of the wok, though in itself this is also a food item people pay to eat.

\- In the AR 29 main quest when talking to Childe, Paimon notes a fearsome "murderous intent" from him 殺気 (sakki) while the English version has Paimon simply say he isnt happy with us.

\- Ambers Baron Bunny is actually a "Count," ウサギ伯爵 \[usagi hakushaku\], (as in Count Dracula) in other words, "Count Bunny," in this sense being a "baron" in English demoted her bunny.

\- Constellations are also easier to read when theyre not in Latin/Greek lol (still rough translations): Aether/Lumine \[Traveler\], Amber \[Bunny\], Kaeya \[Peacock Feather\], Lisa \[Hourglass\], Barbara \[Golden Cup\], Noelle \[Heart Protection\], Xiangling \[Ladle\], Fischl \[Illusion Crow\], Ningguang \[Armillary Sphere (ancient Chinese Astronomy device)\], Klee \[Four Leaf Clover\], Diluc \[Night Owl\], Qiqi \[Mystic Bell\], Sucrose \[Flask\], Xingqiu \[Brocade (Chinese silk fabric with colored patterns)\], Bennett \[Road of Danger\], Dionna \[Kitten\], Beidou \[Sea, Sky, and Mountain of the South\], Chongyun \[Universe Blade\], Mona \[Heavens Projection/Reflection\]

\- Personally, Paimon was a lot more annoying in the English version because her lines made her sound bitchy, whiny, and critical. Whereas the Japanese version portrays a spunky energetic girl.

Ex:The Holy Lyre scene in Dilucs bar with Jean when you first powerup the lyre. They talk about this "youthful glow" the lyre gives off, while the Japanese version had it as "wow did Jean get younger with it :o?" the English was "wow... really? Praising yourself Jean?" (note this joke interaction is a more Chinese specific thing because Jean and Lyre uses the same word in Chineses)

Ex2: When you first meet VentiENG: "are you two meant to be close or something? Paimon thinks this guy has a screw loose."

JP: "are you two close? This dude is super sus!"\- An important line from recent 1.1 story mistranslated.



)\- Some other lines doesnt make sense/lost some meanings in English in the 1.1 finale:ENG - Ningguang: "I have another idea" Ganyu: "what do you mean, Lady Ningguang?" Ningguang: "Ill sacrifice the Jade Chamber." Crane Adeptus "wHaT iS thE mEAnInG oF tHis?" Xiao: "I understand..."

JP - Ningguang: "I... do have a plan." Ganyu: "Lady Ningguang... you dont mean..." Ningguang: "Ill abandon the Jade Palace." Crane Adeptus "whats your plan?" Xiao: "I understand..."

In the JP version, Ganyu displays a lot more closeness and experience with Ningguang by being able to read her mind. The "what is the meaning of this" line made zero sense, its supposed to be "aight, Im down, whats the plan?" After Ningguang moves her Palace over the Overlord, Xiao claims "I understand (your plan)."

\_\_\_\_\_\_Hope someone somewhere found this a little interesting! Ill add more when I find more. If you personally know some please comment and Ill be glad to add to the list!

If you can read Chinese or Japanese, even if youre bilingual but read English faster and better than the other language like me, I still highly recommend playing the game in Chinese or Japanese, theres just a lot of cool stuff to see :)

(not to mention "localization" sometimes makes things just more confusing lol)日语游戏的一些细节 \ [前言\](您可以跳过此部分)

我并不是要说翻译者做得不好,或者他们可以做得更好,这是很棒的翻译,但是与所有翻译一样,有些意思也丢失了 就像,您知道我们大家如何称呼日本为“日本”,而不是像日本名字那样将其称为“太阳起源国”吗? 这样的东西。

~~中文和日语名称在其背后往往具有含义,与诸如“ Daniel”或“ Bob”之类的英语名称不同~~由于中文和日语在名称中使用了常用词(因此,人们可以简单地看一下名称并告诉它 预期的意思以及听起来的含义),如果您实际上使用翻译的意思而不是声音的话,那么在听起来非常怪异或刺耳的情况下,要想真正地理解这个意思是不可能的(“嗨,篝火,您能要求Windstorm抓住它吗? 可乐在Sword Mountain Top旁边吗?”),所以只使用声音,但含义仍然存在,只是...用另一种语言迷失了。

编辑:其中一些是由以下评论者提供的:D \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _____________________________ 我现在是AR 25,我用日语发音播放了英语的前半部分,然后用日语显示了日语的其余部分,**这是我在日语版的《 Genshin Impact》中注意到的一些有趣的细节:**

\-Paimon不是以第三人称称呼自己,而是使用第一人称的オイラ\ [oira \]版本 它通常仅由男性使用(而不是在近代时代使用) 她还使用更阳刚的声音讲话,并以“ -ze,-zo”结尾句子 不用担心,大量虚构的女性角色会使用男性语音讲话,尤其​​是“ oira”听起来很可爱。

她不是陷阱 (JP Paimon与Kaguya-sama的Shinomiya Kaguya分享声音,《 Love is War》) \-蒙德施塔特(Mondstadt)刚被称为蒙丹\ [Mondo \]。

Mondstadt =德语中的月亮城(仿照Mondstadt主题) \-日文版的Favonous骑士写成西风骑士団(West Wind Knights),但发音为ゼピュロス骑士団,“ Zephyrus Knights”。

Zephyrus是西风之神,而Favonius是罗马的对应物(类似于希腊的Zeus是罗马的木星) \-女MC Lumine是蛍\ [Hotaru \]“萤火虫” 或者在中文的情况下,\ [Ying \]“发光”。

\-男MC Aether是空\ [Sora \],“天空” (Hotaru和Sora在现代的日语中都是非常普通的名字,尽管在中文中不是那么多,这使我相信这是日语我见过人们说Sora的汉字也可以表示“空虚”,这是 是正确的,但读数会有所不同。

Sora的意思是“天空”) \-Kaeya的发音是ガイア\ [Gaia \](大地母亲),带有发声的绒毛,而不是没有声音的发声 \-Klee是kuレー\ [kuree \]或“粘土” 也可以是Klee的德语发音(听起来像“黏土”),例如Paul Klee的名字,但我想她的角色与克莱莫尔炸弹有关:3。

克莱(Klee)(发音为“ kleeeee”,听起来很像)也是德语中的“三叶草”,因此具有德国主题人物和四叶草在她的衣服上 (在网站的说明中,克利的英文版说她是在“单独监禁”时发明炸弹的,而日文版则使用反省室,而中文版则使用了禁禁闭,两者的意思是“反射室”或“超时室”,用于*军官 ,而不是罪犯*,来反思他们的职责管理方式。

同样,克里不是罪犯,只是一个无忧无虑而疯狂的炸弹骑士:D) \-剃刀写为レザー“皮革” 在中文版本中,雷泽\ [leize \]的意思是“闪电沼泽”,可能是指他的力量和被抚养的沼泽 (Razor称Lisa师匠shishou为“主人”。

在英文版中,其写为​​“ Lisa”,因此没有揭示两者之间的关系) \-北斗北斗\ [Hokuto \],是北斗七星(星星) \-Xiangling香菱\ [Shanrin \],Xian意味着闻起来很香,或散发着香气,ling是water的一种。

它也是《红楼梦的红楼梦》中的角色,其中一本被认为是中国的“四大杰作”,与《西游记》,《三国演义》和《水Mar传/沼泽的故事》并列 \-Xingqiu行秋日文发音yukuアキYukuaki的字面意思是“秋天去”。

他的名字是游戏中唯一的中文字符(连同Qiqi)之一,不使用日语的中文发音(onyomi),而是使用日语的中文(kunyomi) \-Qiqi七七日文的娜娜(Nana),上火 七点七点 中文和日文名称往往会重复听起来很可爱。

例如,在中文翻译中,Wolfhook是“钩钩果”(钩钩果),V​​alberry是“ Luo-luo mei”(坠落李子) (7月7日,也称为“鬼月gui yue”,即“鬼月”也存在“七月鬼门开”的意思是“。

地狱之门在7月打开”与此同时,7月7日7 / 7是七夕情人节“七夕”齐齐/娜娜的名字可能与这些事实有很大关系”) \-重云重云Chou-un,意为“叠云” \-Keqing刻晴Kokusei,几乎可以翻译为“雕刻晴朗的天空”,这对她来说是雷声大作,也可以参考“秦可卿秦可卿”中类似的发音人物(虽然音色不同) 。

(也请别再像收银机一样念出她的名字了,这是2个字符,请同时发音) \-宁光凝光Gyoukou,表示“集中光”或“合并光” \-李月写为璃月“ Glass Moon”或“ Crystal Moon” \-李月七星是里月七星,统治李月的商人实际上是“李月的七颗星”。

在中文中,“七星”是指北斗七星 宁光的标题是“天权”或“天平” 它也是Megrez星的中文名称,这颗星就位于北斗七星的中间,非常适合她的角色 Keqing的头衔是“玉衡”(Yuheng)或“玉秤”(Jade Balance),是Megrez左边右边的Alioth星的中文名称。

\-Geoculus和Anemoculus被称为失落岩神/风神の瞳(Lost Earth / Wind Gods Pupil) 对于知道“ oculus” =“ eye”的拉丁语或语言学家以及知道Geo = Earth和Anemo = wind的希腊语者,不会丢失任何信息,(是的,拉丁语和希腊语都是这样,一些语言精英会对此感到恐惧 )。

\-视觉是神の目 \-侏儒,那位女士从文蒂身上拿来的棋子是神の心 \-具有异象并有潜力成为众神的人,异教徒,被称为原始神,Genshin,(原始神,众神之源),游戏的名称 \-松果是areッツ\ [nuts \]。

\-浆果改为ラズベリー\ [rasberry \] \-Adeptus的诱惑是仙跳墙\ [senchoushou \]是对中国菜佛跳墙fo tiao qiang的引用,被点燃 佛陀跳墙,即使是一个虔诚的和尚也跳跳邻居的墙吃它是多么的好。

相反,在这种情况下,它不是佛陀或和尚,而是“ Adeptus” \-Adeptus在拉丁语中是“ Adept”的意思,表示“获得”(无与伦比的知识,尤其是炼金术方面的知识)的人 在日语中是仙人\ [sennin \]。

在中国文化中,这些人要么是在“天堂”中出生的人,要么是那么聪明的人,他们成为了“天堂”中的一员 他们基本上是中国神话中的天使 \-Celestia只是被称为“天空の岛” (这可能是错误的,因为它只是在我玩英语潜艇时才提到的)。

\-幼稚的姜就像许多在荔月有类似名字的人一样被称为小姜(小姜) \-利月的一位卖方寻求一项名为“石头”的任务,字面意思是“石头” \-Stormterror是风魔龙恶魔风龙 \-雷暴恐怖巢穴风龙廃晖风龙遗迹

\-桂里平原帰离原回归与离开的平原(尽管这没有实际意义,因为这个地方是以“神”的名字命名的) \-Yaoguguang Shaol瑶光の浜Yao Guang是北斗七星中的明星,也是中国神话小说故事中许多小说女神/女神种族的名字。

南天门南天门亮了 南天门 在中国神话中,它是“天堂”的前门 \-国巴锅巴,香陵的火熊的名字是一种中餐“大米” 当您在尝试如何将炒锅翻炒之前尝试制作炒饭时,会发生这种情况,而米饭最终会粘在炒锅底部的煎饼中,尽管它本身也是人们付钱购买的食品。

\-在AR 29与柴尔德(Childe)谈话时的主要任务中,佩蒙(Paimon)注意到他的杀人気(sakki)具有可怕的“谋杀意图”,而英文版本的佩蒙(Paimon)只是说他对我们不满意 \-Amber的Baron Bunny实际上是一个“伯爵”,ウサギ伯爵\ [usagi hakushaku \],(例如Dracula伯爵),换句话说,是“ Count Bunny”,在这种意义上是英语的“男爵”,降级了她的兔子。

\-不在拉丁语/希腊语中的星座也更容易阅读(仍然粗略翻译):Aether / Lumine \ [Traveler \],Amber \ [Bunny \],Kaeya \ [Peacock Feather \],Lisa \ [沙漏\],芭芭拉\ [金杯\],诺艾尔\ [心脏保护\],香玲\ [钢包\],菲施尔[幻影乌鸦],宁光\ [辅助球(中国古代天文学装置)\], Klee \ [四叶草\],Diluc \ [夜猫头鹰\],齐齐\ [Mystic Bell \],蔗糖\ [Flask \],星秋\ [Brocade(彩色中国丝织物)\],Bennett \ [ 危险之路\],狄安娜\ [小猫\],北斗\ [南方的海,天空和山\\],崇云\ [宇宙之刃\],莫娜\ [天堂的投影/倒影\]

\-就个人而言,Paimon的英文版本更加令人讨厌,因为她的台词使她听起来很刺耳,发牢骚和批评 而日文版则描绘了一个矮胖的朝气蓬勃的女孩 例如: 当您第一次为竖琴加电时,Diluc和Jean的酒吧里的The Lyre现场。

他们谈论的是七弦琴散发出的这种“青春的光芒”,而日语版则是“让吉恩变得更年轻的哇:哦?” 英语是“哇...真的吗?赞美吉恩?” (请注意,这种玩笑互动是针对中国人的,因为Jean和Lyre在中文中使用了相同的单词)。

例2:初次见面时 ENG:“你们两个是要靠近还是要走些?佩蒙认为这家伙的螺丝松动了” JP:“你们两个很近吗?这个家伙超级超级!” \-最近1.1故事中的一条重要路线被误译了 [https://www.。


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact / comments / jtrb1b / psa_extremely_important_mistranslation_on_one_of /)

\-在1.1结尾中,其他一些行没有意义/失去了英语的某些含义: ENG-宁光:“我有另一个主意”赣榆:“你是什么意思,宁光女士?” 宁光:“我会牺牲玉厅的” Crane Adeptus“这是他的计划?” 肖:“我明白...”。

JP-宁光:“我……有个计划” 赣榆:“宁光夫人……你不是故意的……”宁光:“我会放弃玉宫” Crane Adeptus“您的计划是什么?” 肖:“我明白...” 在JP版本中,Ganyu通过能够读懂她的思想,表现出与Ningguang的更多亲密和经验。

“这是什么意思”这一行是零意义的,应该是“好的,我很沮丧,有什么计划?” 在宁光将她的宫殿移交给霸王之后,肖声称“我理解(您的计划)” \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _ \ _ \ __ 希望某人发现这有点有趣! 我会在发现更多内容时添加更多内容。

如果您本人认识一些,请发表评论,我们很高兴将其添加到列表中! 如果您会读中文或日文,即使您会说双语,但会比我这样的其他语言更快,更好地阅读英语,但我仍然强烈建议您使用中文或日文玩游戏,这里有很多很棒的东西可供您看:)







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