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#BBC Learning English| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一位姓刘的听众想知道副词 “so、thus、therefore” 和 “hence” 的区别。它们的汉语意思都是 “因此,所以”,“therefore” 和 “hence” 为正式用词,而 “so” 和 “thus” 在日常口语和写作中使用的频率更高。听节目,学习它们的用法。

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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目。I'm Jiaying.

SamAnd I'm Sam. Welcome!


Question你好。“So、thus、therefore” 和 “hence” 的区别我不是很明白,可以讲解一下么?

SamLet's start with what these words have in common. 'So', 'thus', 'therefore' and 'hence' are all adverbs and are all used to give the reason for something happening or the result of something.

Jiaying这四个词翻译成汉语都是 “所以,因此”,用来连接事情的原因和结果,但用法不同。第一个区别是正式程度不同:“so” 的正式程度居中,可用在任何语境中,使用频率最高。相比之下,“therefore” 稍微正式一点,但还是很常用。“Thus” 和 “hence” 是四个词中最正式的,使用频率没有其它两个词那么高。

SamNow let's take a closer look at how each of them is used, starting with 'so'. Remember that 'so' can have different meanings, but in this programme we are only talking about when it gives a reason for something happening.

JiayingYes! “So” 在用来说明事情发生的原因时,意思是 “所以,因此”,在句子中用来连接事情发生的因果。

SamLet's hear some examples now. As you listen, try to notice the position of 'so' in the sentences.

ExamplesWe were hungry, so we got a snack.(我们饿了,所以吃了零食。)

His knee started hurting during the tennis match, so he stopped playing.(在网球比赛期间,他的膝盖开始疼,因此他停止了比赛。)

I was worried about my sister, so I called her.(我当时很担心我妹妹,所以我给她打了电话。)

Jiaying注意,在上面的例句中,“so” 位于句中,用来连接事情的因果。

SamLet's look at 'thus' now. 'Thus' can replace 'so' in many sentences, but remember the difference in formality. Because it's more formal, 'thus' is used more in writing and would be considered strange in a casual conversation.

Jiaying没错,“thus” 的意思是 “因而,从而”,它比 “so” 更正式。Sam,“thus” 应该放在句子中的什么位置呢?

SamGood question! Again, like 'so', we use 'thus' to introduce the result. It can come after 'and' or simply after a comma.

Jiaying原来 “thus” 和 “so” 一样,也可以放在起到承上启下作用的单词 “and” 后面,或者前半句话的逗号后面,引出事情的结果。听三个例句,你可能会在报刊文章或学术论文中看到这样的句子。

ExamplesThe company has announced that it plans to improve sales and thus to increase profits in the coming year.(该公司已宣布计划改善其销售状况,从而在来年增加利润。)

There is evidence that a shorter working week means people are better rested and thus more productive.(有证据表明,缩短工作周意味着人们能休息得更好,从而提高工作效率。)

The artist used mostly dark colours, thus reflecting the country's difficult history.(这位艺术家在画作中大多使用了深色,从而反映了这个国家艰难的历史。)

Jiaying接着,来说一说 “therefore”,它的意思也是 “因此,所以”。

SamWith 'therefore', we have more flexibility about where it can go in a sentence. Here are some examples to show this.

ExamplesHe's scared of flying. Therefore he doesn't travel much by plane.He's scared of flying, and therefore doesn't travel much by plane.He's scared of flying. He therefore doesn't travel much by plane.He's scared of flying. He doesn't, therefore, travel much by plane.(他害怕坐飞机,因此他不常乘飞机旅行。)

Jiaying这四个例句的含义完全相同,我们只是改变了 “therefore” 在句中的位置和一些标点符号。可以看出,“therefore” 在句中的位置相对灵活。

SamExactly! Let's look at 'hence' next. Like the other words we've looked at, 'hence' is used when giving a reason or explanation for something, but it has a more fixed position in a sentence.

Jiaying在节目开始我们说到,副词 “hence” 很正式。它的意思是 “因此,由此”,用来解释说明一件事情发生的原因。它在句子中的位置更加固定,放在句中前半句话结尾的逗号或破折号后,“hence” 后面接名词或名词短语。听三个例句。

ExamplesHis father is Spanish, hence his name – Juan.(他的父亲是西班牙人,所以他叫胡安。)

Many celebrities are attending the festival – hence the extra security.(有很多名人都要参加这场节庆活动,所以才会有额外的安保措施。)

It was her birthday last week, hence the new shoes.(上周是她的生日,所以买了双新鞋。)

Jiaying好了,希望我们的讲解帮助大家加深了对副词 “so、thus、therefore” 和 “hence” 的理解。在使用这些词的时候,区别它们的一个方法是记清楚每个词的正式程度,以及该词在句中的位置。

SamAnd remember if you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us too! Our email address is: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博向我们提问。我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。谢谢收听 “你问我答” 节目。我是佳莹。再会!

SamUntil next time, bye-bye.






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