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主要翻译英语中文 pie n (food: savory pastry) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 馅饼 xiàn bǐng  I would like pie, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.  请给我来一份馅饼,一份土豆泥,再加一些蔬菜。 pie n (food: sweet-filled pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 果馅派 guǒ xiàn pài TCTraditional Chinese (甜)餡派  Would you like ice cream with your apple pie?  您要不要把你那份果馅派和冰淇淋搭配着吃?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 pie n (printing: jumble of type)SCSimplified Chinese 乱码 luàn mǎ   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 apple pie n (pastry dessert)SCSimplified Chinese 苹果派 píng guǒ pài TCTraditional Chinese 蘋果派  They served apple pie with ice cream for dessert.  他们将苹果派和冰淇淋作为点心。 apple-pie adj US, figurative (traditional American values)SCSimplified Chinese 传统美国价值观的   SCSimplified Chinese 美国传统的 banoffee pie n (toffee and banana dessert) (太妃糖和香蕉)SCSimplified Chinese 香蕉太妃 cherry pie n (sweet pastry containing cherries) (一种馅饼)SCSimplified Chinese 樱桃派 yīng táo pài  My mother prefers to use morello cherries in her cherry pies. cottage pie n UK (minced meat topped with mashed potato)SCSimplified Chinese 肉馅土豆泥饼   SCSimplified Chinese 肉馅薯饼 cow pie, cow patty, cow flop, cow chip (US), cowpat (UK) n informal (bovine feces)SCSimplified Chinese 牛粪 niú fèn   SCSimplified Chinese 一坨牛屎  When Beverly walked across the cow pasture, she stepped in a huge cow pie! cream pie n US (dessert: custard pie)SCSimplified Chinese 奶油馅饼 nǎi yóu xiàn bǐng custard pie n (food: sweet pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 蛋奶冻派 dàn nǎi dòng pài TCTraditional Chinese 蛋奶凍派 custard pie n (comedy prop) (喜剧片中增加喜剧效果的一种道具)SCSimplified Chinese 蛋奶冻派, 奶油馅饼  Most custard pies used for comic effect are actually filled with shaving foam.  喜剧中用到的多数奶油馅饼里其实加的都是剃须泡沫。 cutie pie n informal (affectionate term) (非正式)SCSimplified Chinese 甜心 tián xīn cutie pie n informal (sweet or adorable creature) (非正式)SCSimplified Chinese 甜心,小可爱 tián xīn  You are such a cutie pie, I could eat you all up. easy as pie, as easy as pie adj informal (very easy)SCSimplified Chinese 简单得很,再简单不过 jiǎn dān de hěn,zài jiǎn dān bú guò   (比喻性说法)SCSimplified Chinese 小菜一碟,不在话下 xiǎo cài yì dié,bú zài huà xià  When you've done it a few times, it's easy as pie. eat humble pie v expr figurative (be forced to admit error) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 被迫赔罪   SCSimplified Chinese 被迫低头谢罪  Well I was wrong, so I guess I'll just have to eat humble pie. The team are making their detractors eat humble pie with a series of impressive wins. have a finger in every pie v expr figurative (be involved in others' affairs)SCSimplified Chinese 多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì   SCSimplified Chinese 到处插手 humble pie n figurative (forced humiliation)SCSimplified Chinese 屈辱 qū rǔ  Well, after that defeat, I guess humble pie will be on the menu for quite some time. kidney pie n (savoury pastry containing kidney)SCSimplified Chinese 菜豆派 cài dòu pài TCTraditional Chinese 菜豆餡   SCSimplified Chinese 菜豆糕点 cài dòu pài,cài dòu gāo diǎn meat pie n (pastry containing meat)SCSimplified Chinese 肉饼 ròu bǐng   SCSimplified Chinese 肉馅饼 ròu bǐng,ròu xiàn bǐng TCTraditional Chinese 肉餡餅  I will use the leftovers from the meal to make a meat pie. mince pie n (spiced fruit pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 肉馅饼 ròu xiàn bǐng TCTraditional Chinese 肉餡餅  Mince pies are traditionally eaten around Christmas. mud pie n US (Mississippi mud pie: chocolate dessert) (一种巧克力甜点)SCSimplified Chinese 泥馅饼 ní xiàn bǐng TCTraditional Chinese 泥餡餅  My daughter likes eating mud pie. mud pie n informal, literal (mud that is played with by a child)SCSimplified Chinese 小泥饼,泥团 xiǎo ní bǐng,ní tuán  Nina decorated her mud pie with lilac flowers and rose petals. nice as pie, as nice as pie adj (person: pleasant, kind)SCSimplified Chinese 招人喜欢的 zhāo rén xǐ huān de   SCSimplified Chinese 讨喜的 pecan pie n (sweet pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 山核桃派 pie chart, pie graph n (circular graph divided into segments)SCSimplified Chinese 饼状图  Pie charts are an easy way to visualize expenses. Pie graphs help you present your data effectively.  饼状图是可视化开销的最简单的方式。饼状图能帮助你更有效地展示数据。 pie crust, piecrust n (pastry topping) (指覆盖整个馅饼的)SCSimplified Chinese 馅饼皮 pie crust, piecrust n US (pastry lining) (指绕馅饼的边皮)SCSimplified Chinese 馅饼皮  I have trouble making pie crust from scratch, so I usually buy ready-made pastry. pie filling n ([sth] cooked inside a pie)SCSimplified Chinese 饼馅 bǐng xiàn  This pie filling's a bit wet, Joan – did you forget to drain the fruit? pie in the sky n figurative (wishful thinking, idealism) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 空中楼阁,不太可能实现的愿望 kōng zhōng lóu gé,bú tài kě néng shí xiàn de yuàn wàng TCTraditional Chinese 空中樓閣  She thinks her book will be a best-seller, but that's just pie in the sky. pie plate n (dish for cooking pie)SCSimplified Chinese 馅饼烤模 pie-eyed adj figurative, informal (drunk)SCSimplified Chinese 烂醉如泥的,酩酊大醉的 làn zuì rú ní de,mǐng dǐng dà zuì de pizza pie n US (pizza)SCSimplified Chinese 比萨饼 bǐ sà bǐng TCTraditional Chinese 比薩餅 pork pie n (food: pig meat in pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 猪肉馅饼 pork pie, porkpie n abbreviation (pork pie hat)SCSimplified Chinese 平顶帽 pot pie n US (pie baked in dish)SCSimplified Chinese 罐烘馅饼  Kathy is baking a pot pie. pot pie n US (stew with dumplings)SCSimplified Chinese 炖菜带面饺  This is a great recipe for pot pie. pumpkin pie n (sweet pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 南瓜派 nán guā pài  We will have pumpkin pie for dessert for our traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  我们传统的感恩节晚餐会准备南瓜派作为甜点。 shepherd's pie n (minced lamb topped with potato)SCSimplified Chinese 土豆泥肉馅饼 tǔ dòu ní ròu xiàn bǐng  The shepherd's pie was served in a warm bowl. steak and kidney pie n (meat pastry)SCSimplified Chinese 牛肉腰子馅饼,牛肉腰子派 sweetie pie n slang (endearing person)SCSimplified Chinese 心爱的人 xīn ài de rén TCTraditional Chinese 心愛的人   SCSimplified Chinese 宝贝 xīn ài de rén,bǎo bèi TCTraditional Chinese 寶貝   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: pie [paɪ] n [c/u] 派 pài [个 gè] 在这些条目还发现'pie': 在英文解释里: apple crumble - charlotte - cobbler - cream pie - crumble - crust - flute - mud pie - pastry base - pasty - pie filling - pie plate - piroshki - pork pie - pot pie - quiche - shortcrust pastry - tamale - tart - tartlet 中文: 馅饼 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Desserts, Baking, 更多……同义词: tart, apple pie, steak and kidney pie, pastry, crumble, 更多……习惯性搭配: [steak, rabbit, meat, vegetable, apple, pumpkin, cherry] pie, pie [crust, fillings, pastry], UK: [steak and kidney, pork] pie, 更多……

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Pie chart, bar chart pie crust ...mind having a piece of pie myself. - English Only forum 'pie' - English Only forum A golden-domed apple pie - English Only forum a kind of reverence the custard-pie brigade... - English Only forum a lot of the pie has disappeared - English Only forum a pie - English Only forum a pie that had a finger in it - English Only forum a pie/ the pie - English Only forum american pie - English Only forum American pie - English Only forum American pie - English Only forum apple and strawberry pie or pies - English Only forum "apple pie" - English Only forum apples/apple in a pie. - English Only forum as American as apple pie - English Only forum as easy as pie ... - English Only forum as easy: as easy as pie? - English Only forum As much a part of this country as Mom and apple pie - English Only forum As Pie - English Only forum aye tae a pie - English Only forum baked apple pie - English Only forum beef and kidney pie? Not if he wanted those 50 destroyers - English Only forum bigger piece of the pie - English Only forum cake , pie - English Only forum cherry on the pie - English Only forum choose cake or pie - English Only forum Cook/bake/make a pie - English Only forum cooking or making a limon pie? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'pie'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "pie" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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