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1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。

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1.— I heard the Chinese women soccer team got their ________ ninth Asian championship.

— Exactly, they are praised as”Steel Roses”.

A.a B.an C.the D.不填

2.Some teachers have to give lessons ________ the Internet because of COVID-19.

A.at B.on C.in D.for

3.—Why do Chinese people like red?

—Because the colour red is the ________ of good luck in China.

A.cause B.example C.symbol D.dream

4.Congratulations, boys and girls! ________ of you have made progress in the English test.

A.All B.Both C.Neither D.None

5.Don’t jump to conclusions, ________ you may make a mistake.

A.and B.so C.but D.or

6.—How was your May Day holiday?

—Wonderful! We drove to a place of natural beauty, ________ a tent and having a picnic.

A.putting up B.staying up C.taking up D.picking up

7.We could ________ control our feeling of pride when we heard the 19th Asian Games would be held in Hangzhou, China.

A.really B.clearly C.nearly D.hardly

8.—When I watched the film Kanaa《印度女孩》, I couldn’t stop crying.

—________ moving film it is! I really want to watch it again!

A.What B.How C.What a D.What an

9.So far, it’s said that about 93% of schools ________ after-school art and sports classes because of the “double reduction policy”.

A.offered B.have offered C.will offer D.offer

10.You ________ pay too much attention to your pronunciation, as it is so important in oral test.

A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.needn’t

11.—Hi, Jim. Have you received my present?

—Yes. Thank you! I was ________ that you still remembered my birthday!

A.stressed B.scared C.surprised D.relaxed

12.—Would you please help me hand out the exercise books, Li Lei?


A.With pleasure B.My pleasure C.Never mind D.You’re welcome

13.Which of the following words is formed like “earthly”?

A.really B.usually C.mainly D.friendly

14.— Some people get hurt when they follow Will Liu’s way to exercise.

— Well, exercising is very important. However, ________.

A.one tree can’t make a forest B.every coin has two sides

C.actions speak louder than words D.a good beginning is half done

15.—Could you tell me ________?

—It’s said they went there to find a missing plane.

A.how Sun Chunlong’s team went to Cangshan Mountain

B.why did Sun Chunlong’s team go to Cangshan Mountain

C.what Sun Chunlong’s team went to Cangshan Mountain for

D.when would Sun Chunlong’s team go to Cangshan Mountain



This summer, when I walked into my grandparents’ house with my little brother Frank, I tried not to look at Grandpa’s chair anyway. It still looked the same. His blue ____16____ was there, as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs. My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if  ____17____ had happened. “Let’s go to catch fish!” Jack ____18____ the fish net from the corner, Grandpa’s net.

Last summer, I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me ____19____ I could help him teach Frank how to play chess. I said no because I wanted to catch fish. Grandpa had been the one who’d taught us how to catch fish, but then the ____20____ made him stay behind.

I ____21____ saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.

When we reached the stream, we began to catch fish. Suddenly, Jack shouted, “Frank is shaking.” We hadn’t brought anything to keep ____22____ so I had to send him home.

Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and ____23____ put Grandpa’s blue blanket around him. As I went to the stream again to meet Jack, I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to ____24____ me at that moment. Everything was just like before, but Grandpa was gone.

I walked to Frank. “Did Grandpa teach you to play chess last summer?” I asked. “No, Grandpa was too sick then.” he said, “I miss him.”

“Me, too.” When I said it, I knew Grandpa was never gone. What _____25_____ us was still there. It could be the fish net. It could be the chess. It could be the blue blanket.

16.A.sweater B.blanket C.scarf D.tie

17.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

18.A.put out B.carried out C.pulled out D.handed out

19.A.whether B.when C.why D.how

20.A.schoolwork B.business C.housework D.illness

21.A.avoided B.imagined C.regretted D.considered

22.A.cool B.warm C.sleepy D.awake

23.A.peacefully B.politely C.quietly D.quickly

24.A.hit B.fit C.follow D.beat

25.A.stopped B.surprised C.controlled D.connected


阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。


If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub (矮树)in the valley.

But be the best little scrub by the side of the river;

Be a bush if you can’t be a tree,

If you can’t be a bush, be a grass. And make some highway happier;

We can’t all be captains (船长), then just be sailors,

But there’s something to do for all of us here. There’s big work to do.

And there’s a small thing to do,

And the task you must do is the near.

If you can’t be a highway, then just be a footpath, If you can’t be the sun, be ________;

It isn’t by size that you win or you fail. Be the best of whatever you are!

26.In the poem, the size of “pine” and “scrub” may be________.

A.small B.huge C.similar D.opposite

27.Which of the following is the best to fill in ________.

A.the rain B.the wind C.a star D.a ball

28.What’s the topic of the poem?

A.Never lose heart when in trouble. B.Try to be as good as you can.

C.Thinking in a good way is important. D.Failure is the mother of success.


In order to push students to study at home as efficiently (有效地) as they do in the classroom, one school in Shijiazhuang has required that students should attend their online courses in their school uniforms and that teachers should also, give their lessons while wearing formal clothing. As soon as this rule was announced, it caused a heated argument .

On the one hand, wearing proper clothing can help improve students’ sense of formality (仪式感) in their online classes, so making them more attentive. If all of them were dressed in their pyjamas (睡衣) at their schools, the quality of the lessons will perhaps decline (下降) as teenagers might easily become absent-minded and even feel sleepy. Therefore, the act of putting on one’s uniform while attending online classes can perhaps be quite effective as subconscious (潜意识的) reminder that they are students.

    The other viewpoint is that students’ learning is their own business: Sooner or later they should be tasked with the responsibility of their own self-control. Therefore, taking online courses at home is the best chance for them to develop their ability of learning by themselves and good learning habits. The effect depends on their own self-discipline (自律), so the argument about what kind of clothes they are dressed in shouldn’t really be relevant.

To sum up, when we are studying at home on computers, it is both our sense of self-control and formality that can improve our studies. So it’s a matter of personal preference—You can wear a school uniform if it is of use to your own sense of learning and discipline, otherwise, you shouldn’t be required to show unwilling respect for your teachers and school by being forced to wear a uniform.

29.Which is the reason why people support wearing school uniforms while attending online courses ?

A.Students don’t have formal clothing except school uniforms.

B.Online classes will make students absent-minded and even feel sleepy.

C.School uniforms can subconsciously remind students to study effectively.

D.If students wear informal clothes in class, teachers can’t ensure the quality of lessons.

30.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.The importance of self-discipline.

B.The comparison between school uniforms and informal clothes.

C.The argument about what kind of clothes students should wear.

D.The reason why students don’t have to wear school uniforms at home.

31.What can we infer about the author from the passage?

A.The author insists on forcing students to wear uniforms.

B.The author thinks it up to students whether to wear school uniforms at home.

C.The author thinks it unnecessary for students to wear school uniforms at home.

D.The author supports students to wear school uniforms while attending online courses.


Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died. There was nothing I could do to cheer him or even console(安慰) him. He would sit for hours in his room, or go off on long walks all on his own. He seemed to shut away inside himself, so distant. Try as I did, I could not reach him.

①Then one day I was in the kitchen here, when I saw him hurrying down the hill, waving his stick and shouting for me. “I’ve got it,” he cried. as he came in, “I’ve got it at last.” He showed me the end of his stick. It was white. “See that, Millie?” “Chalk! It’s chalk underneath, isn’t it?”

“So?” I said.

“You know the famous White Horse on the hillside at Uffington, the one they carved out of the chalk a thousand years ago? That horse never died, did it? It’s still alive, isn’t it? Well, that’s what we’re going to do, so he will never be forgotten. We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside—he’ll be there forever, and he’ll be white forever too.”

“It’ll take a bit of time, won’t it?” I said.

“We’ve got plenty, haven’t we?” he replied, with the same smile he had smiled at me when he was a ten-year-old boy asking me if he could come back and mend my kite for me.

② Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth. It was hard, back-breaking work, but it was a labour of love. We did it, Bertie and I, we did it together-paws, claws, tail, mane, until he was complete and perfect in every detail.

③It was just after we’d finished that the butterflies first came. We noticed that when the sun comes out after the rain, in the summer, the butterflies-Adonis Blues, they are, I looked them up-come out to drink on the chalk face. Then The White Prince becomes a butterfly lion, and breathes again like a living creature.

④So now you know how Bertie’s white lion became The White Prince and how The White Prince became our butterfly lion.

(Adapted from The Butterfly Lion)

32.The sentence “It took the next twenty years to do it. ” should be put at the beginning of one paragraph. Where should we put it?

A.① B.② C.③ D.④

33.The underlined word “he” in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代) ________.

A.Bertie B.butterfly C.the white lion D.the White Horse

34.The correct time order of the events about the story is ________

a.    The lion died and Bertie was sad.

b.    Butterflies flew to the chalk face.

c.    Bertie decided to carve the lion on the hillside.

d.    Bertie and Millie spent all the spare time carving.

A.a-c-d-b B.a-d-b-c C.d-a-b-c D.c-b-a-d

35.Millie told the story to express ________.

A.how Bertie carved the lion

B.how Bertie cheered up

C.how much Bertie loved the lion

D.how Bertie found the White Horse




36.The main ________ [ˈvæljuː] of UNICEF is to serve children without parents.

37.Many parents worry that too much screen time will harm their ________(child) health.

38.We should learn to communicate with good manners to improve ________ (we).

39.Compared with ________ (book) a hotel, house-sharing can make travelling cost less.

40.Yang Zhenning, who is ________ (know) as an outstanding scientist, won 2021 Annual People Award in China.


41.Chinese government is working hard to create a _____ (健康的) fan culture and cleaner Internet environment.

42.________(近期), a finding by Chinese scientists says that usable water could be found on Mars.

43.On Wednesday, thirteen members of a Chinese team reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, which is at a ________(高度) of 8, 848.86 meters.

44.________ (千) of foreign students are learning traditional Chinese culture in order to know more about China.

45.—The year 2022 ________(标志) a milestone in the history of the Communist Youth League of China.

—Yes, CYLC celebrated its 100th birthday on May 5, 2022.



To many young Chinese people, Premier Zhou Enlai is known as a key founder of the New China. But f____46____ people know he once wrote a martial arts novel called Jin Guo Ying Xiong.

Recently, a Sina Weibo user m____47____ this novel written by Zhou more than a century ago. Many young people showed a strong i____48____ in it and their admiration for the early pioneers of China. Another user posted the first page of the novel which Zhou wrote at the a____49____ of 16. It was published under Zhou’s pseudonym(笔名) “Fei Fei” in a magazine beginning in October, 1914. However, the novel was never completed, but it can be found a____50____. The Early Works of Zhou Enlai were published by the Central Party Literature Press in 1998.

A____51____ many young people expressed the regret that Zhou did not go on with the novel, they said he played a more important role in China’s history. One wrote “The novel was stopped but Premier Zhou went on to s____52____ the Chinese nation out of danger!” Another added, “He gave up a novel, but he wrote a history of m____53____ China.” A 29-year-old computer engineer said, “The pioneers of China are spiritual leaders for me. Remembering them helped me build up the r____54____ values. When I face problems in life, I am always reminded not to f____55____ the lives of those pioneers. The difficulties I face now are nothing compared with what they experienced.”



People use colour expressions to show their feelings and describe the world. Many colour-related phrases are common in our speech. Let’s see where they came from.

•The Blues

The phrase is a short form of “the blue devils”, which also stands for sad feelings. This expression is also used to describe a type of jazz music that became popular in the south of America in the 1940s.

•Black Sheep of the Family

The phrase refers to a member of a family or a group who is unacceptable. In the old days, the black sheep were sold at a lower price than the white ones at the market, because their fleece(羊毛) could not be coloured. This made the black sheep an unwelcome member of the group.

•A Red-letter Day

A Red-letter Day is a day when something really exciting and memorable(难忘的) happens. It came from the practice of marking special western days, holidays, or other festivals in red on the calendar. Today, some calendars still use red numbers for special holidays, even weekends.

•Green with Envy

Writers such as Shakespeare in the 16th century used the colour green to stand for envy, but it was the Greeks who connected it with sickness caused by envy. When a person was full of envy, his or her body produced too much bile(胆汁), giving his or her skin a greenish colour. That is green with envy.


People use colours to express their feelings and describe the world. Many colour-related phrases are often ____56____ in our speech. For example, the Blues not only represents ____57____ but also refers to a type of popular jazz music. The expression Black Sheep of the Family means an unwelcome member of a family or a group. In the past, it was impossible to colour the fleece of the black sheep, so the black sheep were ____58____ less money than the white ones at the market. A Red-letter Day came from the practice of marking a special day in red on the calendar when that day ____59____ remembering. Green with Envy appeared because the Greeks believed that the colour green had ____60____ to do with sickness caused by envy. Later writers began to use green for envy.


You may have heard the saying “The Yangtze River is China’s mother river.” The main route of the Yangtze is almost 6,400 km long. As the world’s third-longest river, it covers one-fifth of China’s land area. The Yangtze River Economic Zone (长江经济带)  covers 11 provinces and cities, making up about two-fifths of China’s total population and GDP.

On December 26, China passed the Yangtze River Protection Law, which took effect on March 1, 2021. It is the first law to protect a waterway in China.

The “mother river” is in great need of protection because something is wrong with it. For example, because of overfishing and water pollution, the river’s Chinese paddlefish (白鲟) has died out after surviving for 150 million years. There’re also desertified  (荒漠化的) land and soil pollution near the upstream part of the river in Qinghai province.

The Yangtze River Protection Law includes bans (禁止) on activity that could damage the river. It also includes heavier punishments for those who don’t follow the law.

According to the law, fishing will be banned in all of the Yangtze’s natural waterways. Those who are caught fishing will be fined 50,000 to 500,000 yuan.

Sand mining (采沙) will be strictly limited in the river valley. Many companies are mining sand along the river, as sand is a rare resource. However, the water levels on this river have dropped because of this, which has made the river’s water quality  become worse.

Companies operating along the river will need to focus on green development. Companies that produce dangerous chemicals will be moved to other places, the law says.


Protect the Yangtze River

Reasons for protecting the river

● The Yangtze River is important.

◇ It’s China’s mother river and the world’s third-longest river.

◇ It’s Economic Zone makes up about 40 ___61___ of China’s total population and GDP.

● The present ___62___ of the Yangtze is not good.

◇ Paddlefish in it has disappeared because of overfishing and water pollution.

◇ The land becomes desertified and the soil is ___63___ near the upstream part.

◇ Sand mining has led to ___64___ water levels than before and influenced its water quality.

Contents of the Law

● Activities like fishing and sand mining are banned or limited.

● People who ___65___ the law will receive heavier punishment.



某英文网站正在开展以“Learning from Failure (失败)”为主题的征文活动。请用英文写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你的故事。内容包括:你的失败经历,你的态度,以及你的收获。


1. 必须包括导图里的所有要点,并适当拓展;

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

3. 词数100字左右(文章开头不计入)。

Learning from Failure

Life is beautiful, but not always sweet. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




考查冠词辨析。a 一个;an 一个;the 这个;/ 不填。ninth”第九”,序数词,因空前有their修饰,故不再加冠词。故选D。



考查介词。at在,一般指小地点;on在……上,指在物体表面前;in在……里面;for为了。根据“the Internet”可知用on,表示“在互联网上”。故选B。



考查名词辨析。cause原因;example例子;symbol象征;dream梦想。根据“good luck in China”可知,红色在中国是好运的象征。故选C。



考查不定代词。All(三者或三者以上)都;Both两者都;Neither两者都不;None(三者及以上)都不。根据“Congratulations, boys and girls!”可知孩子们在英语考试中取得了进步,All符合题意。故选A。



考查连词辨析。and和,表示并列或顺承;so所以,表示因果;but但是,表示转折;or否则。根据“Don’t jump to conclusions, … you may make a mistake.”可知,此句是“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”,前文是后文的否定条件,用“or”表示“否则”。故选D。



考查动词短语。put up 搭建;stay up 熬夜;take up 占据;pick up 捡起。根据空格后的“a tent”可知搭建帐篷。故选A。



考查副词辨析。really真正地;clearly清晰地;nearly几乎;hardly几乎不。根据“when we heard the 19th Asian Games would be held in Hangzhou, China”可知,我们听说第19届亚运会将在中国杭州举行,心情应该是无比自豪骄傲的,而此处指我们几乎无法控制自己的自豪感。故选D。



考查感叹句。根据“... moving film it is!”可知,film为名词单数,moving为形容词,且以辅音音素开头,故推知结构为:What+a+形容词+名词单数+主语+谓语!,故选C。



考查时态辨析。offered 一般过去时;have offered 现在完成时;will offer 一般将来时;offer 一般现在时。so far“到目前为止”为现在完成时标志词, 现在完成时结构为:have/has+过去分词。故选B。



考查情态动词。shouldn’t不应该;mustn’t不允许;can’t不能;needn’t不必。can’t…too much“再怎么样也不为过”,固定搭配,根据“as it is so important in oral test”可知,因为口试中发音很重要,所以再怎么注意也不为过。故选C。



考查形容词辨析。stressed 焦虑不安;scared 害怕的;surprised 惊讶的;relaxed 轻松的。根据you still remembered my birthday ”你还记得我的生日”,可知,应该是”惊讶的”。故选C。



考查情景交际。With pleasure乐意效劳(别人请求帮助的回答);My pleasure我的荣幸(别人表示感谢的回答);Never mind没关系;You’re welcome不客气。根据“Would you please help me hand out the exercise books, Li Lei?”可知此处是请求帮助。故选A。






考查俗语辨析。one tree can’t make a forest 独木不成林;every coin has two sides凡事有利弊;actions speak louder than words 行动胜过语言;a good beginning is half done 好的开始是成功的一半。根据句意,此处表示锻炼很重要,但是锻炼不当也会受伤,此处在描述锻炼的利弊。故选B。



考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,即“疑问词+主语+谓语”,排除B和D,由“It’s said they went there to find a missing plane”可知,此处指问的是原因,排除A,故选C。


16.B    17.A    18.C    19.A    20.D    21.C    22.B    23.D    24.A    25.D




sweater毛衣;blanket毯子;scarf围巾;tie领带。根据“as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs”和后文“with that old blanket”可知,是毯子,故选B。


nothing无事;everything每件事;something某事;anything任何事。根据“My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if...had happened.”可知,好像无事发生,故选A。


put out扑灭;carried out执行;pulled out拉出;handed out分发。根据“Jack...the fish net from the corner”可知,从墙角把渔网拉了出来,故选C。


whether是否;when何时;why为什么;how如何。根据“I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me...I could help him teach Frank how to play chess”可知,此处是宾语从句,表示“是否能帮他教弗兰克下国际象棋”,用whether引导宾语从句,故选A。


schoolwork学校作业;business商业;housework家务;illness疾病。根据“Grandpa was too sick then”可知,爷爷生病了,故选D。


avoided避免;imagined想象;regretted遗憾;considered考虑。根据“I...saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.”可知后悔拒绝了爷爷,现在没有机会了,故选C。


cool凉爽的;warm温暖的;sleepy困倦的;awake醒着的。根据“Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank”可知,弗兰克湿了,所以要帮他保暖,故选B。


peacefully和平地;politely礼貌地;quietly安静地;quickly迅速地。根据“Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and...ut Grandpa’s blue blanket around him.”可知,是迅速用毯子裹住弗兰克,故选D。


hit撞;fit适合;follow跟随;beat打败。根据“I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to...me at that moment.”可知,看到旧物,好像被什么东西击中了。故选A。


stopped停止;surprised使惊讶;controlled控制;connected连接。根据“I knew Grandpa was never gone. What...us was still there.”可知,二人的联系还在,故选D。

26.D    27.C    28.B



26.推理判断题。根据“If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the valley.”可知,山顶与山谷一高一矮相对应,由此推出pine与scrub可能是截然不同的。故选D。

27.推理判断题。根据“If you can’t be the sun, be...”可知,“the sun”指太阳,此处应填另一个天体作对比,用a star符合语境。故选C。

28.主旨大意题。结合“Be the best of whatever you are!”及整篇诗歌可推出诗歌的主题是尽你所能做到最好。故选B。

29.C    30.A    31.B



29.细节理解题。根据“Therefore, the act of putting on one’s uniform while attending online classes can perhaps be quite effective as subconscious (潜意识的) reminder that they are students.”可知校服可以在潜意识里提醒学生有效学习。故选C。

30.段落大意题。根据“The effect depends on their own self-discipline (自律), so the argument about what kind of clothes they are dressed in shouldn’t really be relevant.”可知第三段说的是自律的重要性,故选A。

31.推理判断题。根据“So it’s a matter of personal preference—You can wear a school uniform if it is of use to your own sense of learning and discipline, otherwise, you shouldn’t be required to show unwilling respect for your teachers and school by being forced to wear a uniform.”(因此,这是个人偏好的问题。如果校服对你自己的学习和纪律感有用,你可以穿校服,否则,你不应该被迫穿校服来表达对老师和学校的不情愿的尊重。)可知作者对学生在家是否穿校服提出了自己的看法。故选B。

32.B    33.C    34.A    35.C



32.推理判断题。根据“It’ll take a bit of time, won’t it?”(这需要一点时间,不是吗)、“We’ve got plenty, haven’t we?”(我们有很多,不是吗)结合“Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth.”(我们每有一个空余时间,就在上面用铲子铲土,我们有水桶来运走泥土。)可知他们雕刻The White Prince用了很长时间,“It took the next twenty years to do it”和此处联系紧密,故选B。

33.词句猜测题。根据“We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside--he’ll be there forever, and he’ll be white forever too”(我们将把白马王子刻在山坡上——他永远在那里,他也永远是白色的)可知他计划根据白马的形象雕刻白狮子,he指代的是“白狮子”。故选C。

34.细节理解题。根据故事内容:先是“Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died”(狮子死后几个月,伯蒂伤心了好几个星期);然后决定雕刻白狮子“We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside—he’ll be there foreve”(我们将把白马王子刻在山坡上——他永远在那里);这项工作用了近20年的时间“It took the next twenty years to do it. Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth.”(我们每有一个空余时间,就在上面用铲子铲土,我们有水桶来运走泥土);他们刚做完,蝴蝶就来了“the butterflies...come out to drink on the chalk face”(蝴蝶出来在粉笔脸上喝水)。可知a-c-d-b顺序正确,故选A。

35.推理判断题。通读全文尤其根据第一段“Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died. There was nothing I could do to cheer him or even console(安慰) him. He would sit for hours in his room, or go off on long walks all on his own.”以及倒数第二段“We noticed that when the sun comes out after the rain, in the summer, the butterflies-Adonis Blues, they are, I looked them up-come out to drink on the chalk face. Then The White Prince becomes a butterfly lion, and breathes again like a living creature.”可知伯蒂十分喜爱这头白狮子,故选C。






【详解】句意:我们应该学会礼貌的沟通来提高自己。根据“We should learn to communicate with good manners to improve...”可知,我们学习礼貌沟通的目的是为了提高我们自己;由提示词“we”可知,反身代词用ourselves,表示“我们自己”,故填ourselves。




【详解】句意:杰出科学家杨振宁赢得了2021年度感动中国年度人物奖。know动词,“知道” 。be known as “以……而著名”,形容词短语。故填known。






【详解】句意:周三,13名中国队员登上海拔8848.86米的珠穆朗玛峰。根据汉语提示可知,高度:height,名词,at a height of表示“在……的高度”。故填height。


【详解】句意:为了更多地了解中国,成千上万的外国学生正在学习中国传统文化。根据句意和中文提示可知,“千”的英文表达为thousand;又根据空后“of”可知,此处考查thousands of“数千的、成千上万的”,是固定短语,且单词位于句首,首字母应大写。故填Thousands。


【详解】句意:——2022年是中国共产主义青年团发展史上具有里程碑意义的一年。——是的,共青团于 2022 年 5 月 5 日庆祝了其 100 岁生日。根据汉语提示可知,mark意为“标志”,动词。主语是“The year 2022”,句子是一般现在时态,因此谓语动词用第三人称单数形式“marks”。故填marks。


46.(f)ew    47.(m)entioned    48.(i)nterest    49.(a)ge    50.(a)mong    51.(A)lthough    52.(s)ave    53.(m)odern    54.(r)ight##(r)eal    55.(f)orget



46.句意:但很少有人知道他曾经写过一部武侠小说《金国英雄》。根据“To many young Chinese people, Premier Zhou Enlai is known as a key founder of the New China”以及“but”对比可知,此处指的是few“几乎没有”,故填(f)ew。

47.句意:最近,一位新浪微博用户提到了周恩来一个多世纪前写的这部小说。根据“a Sina Weibo user...this novel”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是mention“提到”,是动词,结合上下文可知,此处应用过去式,故填(m)entioned。

48.句意:许多年轻人对它表现出浓厚的兴趣,对中国早期的先驱者表示钦佩。根据“Many young people showed a strong...in it and their admiration for the early pioneers of China.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是interest“兴趣”,空前有a修饰,名词用单数形式,故填(i)nterest。

49.句意:另一位用户发布了周恩来16岁时写的小说的第一页。根据“at the...of 16”及首字母提示可知,此处是at the age of“在……岁时”,故填(a)ge。

50.句意:然而,小说从未完成,但却能在其中找到它。根据“ It was published under Zhou’s pseudonym(笔名) “Fei Fei” in a magazine beginning in October, 1914...the novel was never completed, but it can be found...The Early Works of Zhou Enlai published by the Central Party Literature Press in 1998.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“在之前发表的杂志中可以找到”,此处应用among“在……中”,故填(a)mong。

51.句意:尽管许多年轻人对周恩来未能继续创作这部小说表示遗憾,但他们表示,周恩来在中国历史上扮演着更重要的角色。根据“many young people expressed the regret that Zhou did not go on with the novel, they said he played a more important role in China’s history.”及首字母提示可知,此处应用although“虽然”引导让步状语从句,故填(A)lthough。

52.句意:有人写道:“小说被叫停了,但周总理继续把中华民族从危险中拯救出来!”根据“The novel was stopped but”及首字母提示可知,此处在说“周总理继续拯救中华民族”,故填(s)ave。

53.句意:另一个补充道:“他放弃了一部小说,但他写了一部中国近代史。”根据“wrote a history of...China.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“创造了一部中国近代史”,modern“现代的”,故填(m)odern。

54.句意:记住它们帮助我建立正确的价值观。根据首字母提示及“When I face problems in life, I am always reminded not to...the lives of those pioneers.”可知,此处指的是right/real“正确的/真的”价值观,故填(r)ight/(r)eal。

55.句意:当我面对生活中的问题时,我总是被提醒不要忘记那些开拓者的生活。根据“I am always reminded not to...the lives of those pioneers.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“不会忘记……”,forget“忘记”,故填(f)orget。

56.heard##used##found    57.sadness##unhappiness    58.worth    59.needed##required    60.something



56.根据“People use colour expressions to show their feelings and describe the world. Many colour-related phrases are common in our speech.”可知,人们用颜色表达他们的感情和描述世界,许多与颜色相关的短语在我们的口语中很常见。故填heard/used/found。

57.根据“The phrase is a short form of “the blue devils”, which also stands for sad feelings.”可知,“The blue devils”代表悲伤的感情。在动词后作宾语,用名词形式,故填sadness/unhappiness。

58.根据“In the old days, the black sheep were sold at a lower price than the white ones at the market”可知,过去,在市场上,黑羊比白羊卖得便宜。be worth...“价值……”,故填worth。

59.根据“A Red-letter Day is a day when something really exciting and memorable(难忘的) happens.”可知,“A Red-letter Day”是发生一些真正令人兴奋和难忘的事情的日子,所以是那些需要记得的日子,用于被动语态结构中。故填needed/required。

60.根据“Writers such as Shakespeare in the 16th century used the colour green to stand for envy, but it was the Greeks who connected it with sickness caused by envy.”可知,16世纪的莎士比亚等作家用绿色来代表嫉妒,但希腊人把它与嫉妒引起的疾病联系在一起。所以绿色与嫉妒引起的疾病有关,have something to do sth“与……有关”。故填something。

61.percent    62.situation    63.polluted    64.lower    65.against



61.根据“The Yangtze River Economic Zone covers 11 provinces and cities, making up about two-fifths of China’s total population and GDP.”可知长江经济带构成了中国总人口和GDP的2/5,即40%。故填percent。

62.根据“The ‘mother river’ is in great need of protection because something is wrong with it.”可知长江的现状不好,situation情况处境,符合语境。故填situation。

63.根据“There’re also desertified land and soil pollution near the upstream part of the river in Qinghai province.”可知上游的土壤被污染了,is后接过去分词polluted构成被动语态。故填polluted。

64.根据“However, the water levels on this river have dropped because of this, which has made the river’s water quality become worse.”可知水位下降了,比以前更低,low低的,根据“than before”可知用其比较级lower作定语。故填lower。

65.根据“It also includes heavier punishments for those who don’t follow the law.”可知违反法律要被重罚,against the law违反法律。故填against。

66.One possible version:

Learning from Failure

Life is beautiful, but not always sweet. We may experience failure in our life. When I was in Grade 8, I found it easy to learn physics. So I paid little attention to the teacher in class. As a result, I did badly in the first exam. When I saw the score, I couldn’t help crying. After class, I went to the teacher for help. My teacher had a long talk with me and helped me realize my problem. From then on, I listened carefully in class and corrected my mistakes in time. Through my efforts, I came first in the mid-term exam.

From the experience, I know we should treat our study seriously. What’s more, it’s important to be brave to ask for help whenever we have difficulty.

【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作。写作时注意一定要紧紧围绕“从失败中学习”这一主题展开叙述。内容要包括谈论自己经历了什么失败,是怎么处理的,从中有什么收获,即题目要求的内容都要写到。内容要积极向上,条理要清晰。

2. 写作指导:本文写作应该使用第一人称。时态应根据情境运用一般现在时和一般过去时。可以根据要求分三部分叙述。第一部分开门见山,引出失败这一话题;第二部分根据要求展开,分述失败的经历和怎么处理解决的,要具体;第三部分总结全文,表达感受,感情升华,阐述从这次经历中有什么收获。







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